Childhood Friend of the Youngest Daughter of a Conglomerate Family chapter 52

52 - The Feeling of Defeat

52 – The Feeling of Defeat

[Author: Graduate school is a synonym for suicide]

[Title: Most pretty girls have good personalities.]

It was the title of a post posted on Eta during the midterm exam at Hankuk University.

The contents were as follows.

[Content: Not all of them are like that, but first of all, there is a correlation between a woman’s appearance and her personality.

I thought there would be no pretty girls until I came to college, but it was the opposite.

There are a few real b*tches I’ve seen in my college life and they all f*cking grind lol

Rather pretty, he really looks like a fox, right? There was a kid who wanted to be among my classmates, but he is really genuine.

He has a very kind voice and always laughs whenever he sees him. I can’t imagine who he’s fighting with.

Oh, yes. The b*tches I told you about in the beginning. Only those years gossip about him.

I’m not saying this every time I have a kid, but among the people in my department, pretty people all have good personalities.

Among the ugly women, there were some people with personality, but if they are pretty, they have a good personality.]


[LOL] That’s the same for men, right? Once you look at what the author says, you can also see the author’s appearance.]

[↑ This woman’s bones are right? It seems like you can see it once.]

[The author made a conclusion based only on his own experience, but I generally agree.

Pretty kids are always pretty. Everyone treats them kindly while hearing that they are pretty.

Usually, if the other person treats you kindly, it’s human psychology to be kind, so in the end, it seems like you have no choice but to develop that tendency.

On the contrary, most of the ugly kids have lived without being treated that way by people, so there are many kids who tend to do that too.]

[Once you’re pretty, your self-esteem goes up and you develop narcissism.

Isn’t that why your personality can be relaxed?]

[Pretty kids are also pretty kids, but kids who live well have really good personalities.

As in movies and dramas, rich people are f*cking arrogant and unkind.

These guys are so damn nice that they have room in their hearts as much as they have room in their money hahahaha]

A lot of comments were posted, probably because everyone was in the mood to focus more on nonsense than usual because it was the exam period.

Among them, one comment with a fairly high number of likes was located quite a bit below.

[First of all, a pretty woman never curses at a pretty woman ㅇㅇ

I’ve never seen pretty kids fight in my life.]

[↑ This is ㅇㅇ. Pretty kids usually get along well with each other.

Pretty kids are bound to develop feelings for each other from the first meeting.]

[↑ It’s natural because our lives are similar ㅇㅇ]

And further down that, there was a comment that received quite a few downvotes.

[But there are times when pretty kids fight really badly.

In the past, because of a boy in our department, the two prettiest girls in our department engaged in a revealing battle, divided factions, and said all sorts of things.

And in the end, that boy got caught straddling his legs and went to hell lol]

As for the large comments, there were posts saying Chewduk’s disgusting delusion and writing, if you’re going to write a main article, write it at least for fun.

Still, the author of the comment wasn’t hurt much.

Of course. It’s because he’s just a delusion written in tens of seconds.


As if proving the crappy writing of Eta at Korea University, Yooara, who is pretty and the daughter of a wealthy family, was truly gentle.

Ara is kind to everyone, including

And people, as well as the school cleaners, teaching assistants, and people who recognize Ara and talk to her first.

There was an obsession to create such an image, but the good genes of her mother, Han Seung-ah, and her father, Yoo Jae-jun, influenced the formation of her personality in the first place.

It was such an ara, but now he rests his chin on her hand and stares at her with an arrogant attitude.

After taking a piece of rice cake from the tteokbokki that Soyi had given her, Ara shook her head as if it were not a spirit, and put the half-remaining rice cake back down.

“Isn’t it different from what I ate last time? At that time, the taste was very deep… Something is not right today.”

“The recipe is the same. And if you’re looking for something richer, why not go to a top-notch hotel chef and try it? It’s not this cheap neighborhood snack bar… From what I hear, it sounds like you have a lot of money.”

“Um~ The recipe is the same, but the taste is different… ah! Come to think of it, the creators are different, different! You don’t usually do much kitchen work, do you?”

“… I did more than people who have never washed dishes in their lives in a rich house.”

Kim So-yi, who is not the daughter of a wealthy family, but a pretty woman, now openly frowns at her self-mocking remarks.

In this life, Soi’s family was ruined and he became a lump of inferiority, but this one’s innate nature itself was also mild.

If you are bullied, you will get it, but it was a reason that you rarely get into a fight or get angry with someone first.

It was such an incendiary thing, but now she expresses her disgust for the woman in front of her with her whole body.

“But… Why don’t you know Sally? I work at this store. There’s a kid like that who doesn’t fit in his own way at his shop, but you don’t even know his name?”

“Sol-i, Sol-ira… You’re not talking about Lee Han-sol, are you? I don’t think it’s possible for someone who isn’t a snoring kid or a girlfriend to call you by that nickname… Aren’t you such a shameless person?”

“Even if you’re not a child or a girlfriend, you can still call me that. If it’s that special relationship.”

“… I’m not sure. Do we think of each other that way? Or are you the only one who thinks so?”

“… Talking excitedly alone without knowing anything.”

The last words were said while turning away from each other as if they were talking to themselves.

Of course, in a loud voice so that the other person can hear it.

‘By the way… After all, this woman and Lee Han-sol aren’t just old friends.’

She said that because she was in a fight, but Soyi felt a dark, gooey feeling deep inside her.

Facing the past of the person you like is something everyone hates.

Nevertheless, it is also something I really want to know.

Soyi wanted to know the meaning of Hansol’s sorrowful eyes looking at Ara.

“… What is your relationship with Hansol Lee?”

“… We’ve been together most of our lives.”

“I heard she just said she used to be friends?”

“On the surface. It’s a secret that Sol-yi lived in our house.”

Soyi remembered the story he had heard from Hansol.

She met nice people and lived in that house. They said they were real family to him.

Family. A woman who is like family.

But… Could Hansol’s face be the face she would give to her family?

The look in his eyes as he looked at Ara was like…

From noble mtl dot com

To So-yi, who seemed shocked and stiff, Ara threw her question this time.

“Then what about that side? How did she and Sol meet? Why does Sol-i work here?”

“… Why? What’s wrong with Lee Han-sol working here?”

“It’s not a problem, but it’s a little strange. He’s a kid with a lot of other things he can do… Working at a snack bar.”

“…… “

Soyi had nothing to say.

Because he didn’t even know why.

Soyi picks up Hansol’s wallet, and in return, Hansol proposes a night friend, and as they get closer, he works at his own shop while earning only the minimum wage… She didn’t even know why she did that.

I fell in love with Soyi at first sight, so it seems most reasonable to make various excuses to get closer… He has a conscience. How could a man like Lee Han-sol fall in love with him at first sight?

As Soi, who fell into self-deprecation again, looked at her dark face, she thought that Ara might be.

“No way… Did Sol catch a weakness or something?”

“You say that now!?”

“… Then why can’t you answer me?”

“Let me tell you, it was Hansol Lee who approached me first.”

Soyi, furious at Ara’s misunderstanding, told her everything.

After he picked up her wallet, she said that he wanted to be friends with her for the night, that he offered to take her every night, and that she would get a part-time job as long as she could get the minimum wage.

Ara’s face crumpled. She couldn’t admit it.

She couldn’t believe that Han Sol was so obsessed with this woman she was.

“… She and Sol have she met before?”

“No. She really first met her when she picked up her purse.”

“… She didn’t even come out of Millennium High? Did she ever live in Building XX?”

“Not all of them.”

“…… “

I couldn’t find anything that could be called a point of contact with Hansol.

What the hell is this woman? Did Hansol really fall in love with her at first sight?

Ara, wearing the face of a loser, stood up without a word.

Putting her cash on her table, she walked out of her store.

But she didn’t feel like winning on Soyi’s part either.

“You didn’t tell me on purpose. Talking about that guy… “

Soi hardly ever heard her story about Ara from Hansol.

She deliberately hid it from herself.

Could it be that she was considerate of Soi, who is doing well with herself now, or… Is it because Hansol’s heart leans more toward Ara?

While giving her heart to her, she was even bothered by Hansol’s attitude as if she was keeping the line. Soi, like Ara, felt a bit lost.


“Here, look for a woman named So Kim.”

“Ah… yes miss!”

Ara’s exclusive driver, Jin Sang-cheol, answered while sweating profusely.

He was originally a subordinate of King Yucheol, but he had already been captured by Ara for a long time.

“How is your family relationship? How old were you and where did you live? … And I have to investigate in detail to see if there are any men I have met.”

“Oh, I see.”

Although he is a man with an unreliable corner, it was comfortable that he followed his orders faithfully.

It’s an order like this, so I’ll do well since it’s just a matter of requesting it to a detective agency.

This is not a background investigation of public figures or conglomerates, but an investigation of an ordinary 20-year-old woman.


Ara’s phone vibrated once.

It was a text message from Ah-hyeon, her half-sister.

After confirming the contents of the text, Ara let out a sigh.

“… It was my birthday soon.”

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