Childhood Friend of the Youngest Daughter of a Conglomerate Family chapter 65

65 - That's my girlfriend

65 – That’s my girlfriend

“Hi… “I’m going to go to the bathroom for a moment.”

“Yes, come back.”

After watching the movie “Even Sunflowers Sometimes Hurt My Throat” With Hansol, Soyi ended up crying and went into the movie theater bathroom to wash away her tears.

Now I understand why Hansol sent her a text message about yesterday’s date and told her to wear waterproof makeup so she wouldn’t have any problems going to the swimming pool.

The movie itself suited Soyi’s taste very well, but I empathized with her so much that I couldn’t stop her from crying.

From Noble mtl dot com

Hansol didn’t even expect her to like this movie, but was she sure she would cry?

‘But did I seem like a person who cried that much… ?’

Soyi, who was fixing her face in the mirror of her bathroom sink, thought back on her date with Hansol today.

First of all, it was a good start. As soon as they met, Hansol complimented her on how pretty her clothes were today.

Not long ago, I had the pleasure of spending an entire day going from store to store with Kwak Joo-hee, choosing clothes.

The restaurant that Hansol took her to was delicious, and after eating, she enjoyed all the stores she stopped by while walking around the street with him.

Hansol understood and anticipated Soyi’s tastes very well. It made me wonder if she was really a fortune teller or if she knew the future.

‘I don’t even think I would like this unpopular movie…’ ‘Did you expect everything?’

Contrary to what she expected after seeing the title, there were not many people in the theater, so Soi was a little worried before the movie started.

At first, it was a movie with a calm and boring atmosphere, but as she gradually became more immersed in the sad love story of the male protagonist, the story eventually reached a tragic ending and Soyi cried.

It was a sad ending, but it was touching in its own way. Although I can see why this movie is not popular, Soi really liked this movie.

I felt even better because I thought that she and Hansol were a good match, even down to their minor movie hobby.

It was good, but… Still, she couldn’t ignore a dark worry that had been buried deep in her heart raising its head.

‘But Sol… Why does dating feel so familiar?

Didn’t she say she’s never had a girlfriend? But why does it feel like she’s used to playing with girls?

When I thought about that, everything about my date with him today started to become questionable. Why does she lead herself so skillfully?

If you think about it, Hansol said she never had a girlfriend, and she never said anything else either.

Not only dating but also kissing… And she did more than that…

“Ugh… stop!”

Soi hit both cheeks hard enough to make a loud sound and calmed down his mind.

Why do I have such negative thoughts on a good day?

Aren’t you the one who is doing well with Hansol right now?

Even if Hansol had a somewhat deep relationship with a woman in the past… It’s tacky to question something like that. It is meaningless to think about it in the first place.

She was the one who had already made that promise last night while lying in bed.

It is right to leave her useless worries behind and let her finish the rest of the date happily.

“Sniff… Ah, why is this movie so sad… “

“…… ?”

She was so lost in her thoughts that Soyi didn’t even realize that another woman was sitting next to her at the sink.

The woman with her hat tightly closed was Minah. When she watched the same movie as Soi, she burst into tears and her eyes were red.

Although her entire face could not be seen because of her hat, Soyi felt a sense of déjà vu about Minah.

‘She’s such a pretty girl, but where did I see this person? Uh something… I don’t remember having a conversation, but I feel like I saw her face.’

Maybe she was memorable just because she was the prettiest one among the guests. I kept looking at her to recall her memory, and Minah, who felt her gaze, also looked towards Soi.

Thinking that she might have been looking too closely, she hurriedly turned her head and instead, she came to talk to Soyi from Minah’s direction.

“Oh, hello. hahahaha… “I looked really ugly, didn’t I?”

“Yes? Oh, no. What is this ugly thing… “I cried a little too.”

“Um… ?”

Minah tilted her head when she saw Soyi awkwardly accepting her greeting.

She recognized herself and thought she looked at her like that, but wasn’t that right?

“Oh, maybe…” “Don’t you know me?”

“… Yes? Uh, I was wondering where I saw that too, but uh… Have you ever been a customer to our store?”

You really don’t know. Minah smiled bitterly at her embarrassment.

Well, even though there are quite a few female fans, most of them probably don’t know Minah.

Minah took off her hat, showed her face, and introduced herself.

“My name is Park Min-ah, and I am an idol. She’s sorry. I thought you were my fan so I said hello first… “

“Ah, ah… ! I’ve seen it before! Sorry… I don’t watch TV that much, so I didn’t recognize it right away. “I know, Min-ah!”

“Ah, you know… hahahaha… “

“hahahaha… “

The two women became embarrassed for each other.

Idols who are first introduced to ordinary people who do not recognize them. However, she is an ordinary person who belatedly makes excuses.

Minah was especially in trouble. She’s not even her fan, but she didn’t even offer to sign her autograph or take her picture.

In the end, it was Soi who had to make the first move. And fortunately, Soyi seemed to understand that.

“Well, Min-ah… “I’m sorry, but can you take just one picture with me?”

“Well, of course…” ! “I have to take a picture!”

The two women took a picture together with awkward faces. I was so anxious that I took a picture with Minah’s phone first, and then took another picture with Soyi’s phone.

Soyi expressed her gratitude to her co-workers, saying that they had something to brag about.

“Okay, then I’ll just go first…” !”

Minah spoke first in the uncomfortable atmosphere.

She was reluctant to go out together, so Soyi waited in the bathroom for a while and then went out.

I felt sorry for Hansol for the slight delay, so I walked out quickly.

“Sol, I’m sorry! She waited a long time… uh?”

But Hansol, who was waiting in front of the bathroom, was not alone.


“… “Sol.”

Once again, Ara called her Hansol’s name.

If she had called out in surprise earlier, this time she naturally let out a hot and earnest voice at the thought of seeing the face of the person she had really wanted to see.

“… “Why are you here?”

On the other hand, Hansol’s voice was cold. His heart, like Ara’s, was pounding so hot it felt like it was going to burst, but he deliberately made a cold sound from his mouth.

Ara was dispirited by his seemingly frozen attitude. She responded with the sound of Ara crawling away.

“I’m going to meet Minah…” “

“Minah, is she here too? … “Is it the bathroom now?”

“… Huh.”

“…… “

Hansol’s heart ached again when he saw Ara’s sad face. She felt more sick than before as she looked at her dark face.

So she had no choice but to quickly turn around. Since it would be difficult for her to be seen with Ara, it seemed better to tell So-yi that she would wait outside the movie theater.

“Then I’m done…” “

“So, why are you here… ? “By any chance, who are you here with?”

Ara’s question caught Hansol as he was about to leave.

It was difficult for Hansol to answer that she came with Soyi.

I’m afraid Ara will make a sadder face.

Hansol only wanted to leave Ara, but he didn’t want her to get sick.

“I…” “

“Lee Han-sol?”

“… “Park Min-ah.”

Minah came out of the bathroom and looked surprised when she saw her two friends with her.

It had been quite a while since he had seen Mina when he was a senior in high school, so Hansol was happy to see her, but things were not going well right now.

“Sol, why are you here… No. It just worked out well. Let’s all talk together. It seems to me that you are in a very bad situation right now… “

“… Min, this is our problem. And the problem is already over.”

“I am your best friend. “Do I have no right to interfere even to this extent?”

“No matter how close a friend you are, there are some things you cannot interfere with.”

“Sol… “

Minah felt sorry for Hansol, who cut off her offer to mediate like a sword.

Still, I understood it. Because she was Minah, who watched him get hurt by Ara by her side during middle and high school.

However, even if she understood, Minah could not leave the two alone right now.

She couldn’t understand that this was the end of the two friends she had loved since childhood.

Minah hung on almost as if she was pleading.

“Sol, don’t do that… Sol, I know you were hurt a lot. Still, let’s listen to Ara’s story just once. Huh?”

“Min, there’s no way you would do something like this. And… “I’m already late.”

“Why? “What’s wrong with that?”

“That’s… “

The reason is, Hansol has now made up her mind.

Now she has someone to pay back to her in her past life.

So Hansol had to get away from Ara, who still occupied the depths of his heart.

“Sol, I’m sorry! I waited a long time… Uh?”

“… “Soya.”

Soyi came out of the bathroom a little later than Minah.

But what unfolded before her eyes was a scene where the woman she was most interested in, Yoo Ara, and Park Min Ah, the idol she had just met in the bathroom, were together with Han Sol.

The three were close, as if they shared something important.

I especially didn’t like the affectionate eyes of those two women as they looked at Hansol.

“…… “

Soyi didn’t immediately understand the situation in front of her, but she knew right away what she had to do.

Soi immediately returned to the seat next to Hansol and held Hansol’s hand tightly as if showing off to the two women in front of her.

Hansol suddenly grabbed her hand and held it tighter as he looked surprised. I wonder if he might let go of his hand.

“Sol, what’s going on? “What happened with these women?”

“… “These women?”

Minah wrinkled her face at Soyi’s gestures and tone, which seemed to be openly trying to keep them in check.

I was particularly disgusted by the situation where the woman I saw for the first time today dared to casually hold Hansol’s hand. She is not Ara and she is not herself. She’s not even Hansol’s childhood friend.

On the other hand, Ara, who had expected this situation since she saw Hansol in the movie theater, just lowered her head. She was expecting this girl to be Kim Soi.

But Minah was different as she suddenly became even more displeased at having her childhood friend stolen by a woman she had never met before.

Minah, dumbfounded, asked Hansol.

“… Sol, who is this woman? “What are you doing?”

“We… “


“…… !”

Soy held Hansol’s hesitant hand tighter.

Her anxiety was conveyed to Hansol through her clasped hands.

“…… “

Hansol recalled her promise not to make her anxious anymore.

He held Soyi’s hand gently and firmly.

It’ll be okay. I was going to confess today anyway.

After making her decision, Hansol opened her mouth.

“… “She’s my girlfriend.”

“Uh… ?”

In response to the unexpected answer, Soyi had no intention of kissing his lie and made a blank face.

“…… “

In the end, Ara listened to those words and couldn’t say anything.

Her eyes, deep and empty, were just looking towards the floor, like someone who had lost something.

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