Childhood Friend of the Youngest Daughter of a Conglomerate Family chapter 90

90 - Love That Man (3)

90 – Love That Man (3)

“Honey, I think I got a call from you…” “

“Oh, how many times do I have to tell you to understand! “Don’t mind my phone!”

Yoona lost her temper by snatching her cell phone out of the hand of her housemate, her housemate.

It was such an inconsiderate gesture that the man smoothed his hand, which was slightly scratched by Yoona’s fingernails. However, she could not even properly protest to Yoona.

“f*ck… A bastard with no proper skills, he can’t even understand words… “

Yoona didn’t like this man who didn’t have much money and didn’t look good either.

But she couldn’t help it. Lee Yuna is already in her mid-40s. His skin became dull and wrinkles increased on his face.

Now I no longer have the ability to attract truly wealthy or attractive men. This was especially true in the case of someone with a personality breakdown like Yoona.


“Oh f*ck… “

After checking the phone number on the screen, Yoona pressed the power button once to turn off the vibration.

It was an unsaved number, but it was obvious that the debt collectors were calling from a number that Yoona didn’t know.

It’s already been several months since I’ve been avoiding debt collectors and living in the homes of one man and another. He didn’t know what would happen to him if he was caught because the person he borrowed from was a human being.

“f*ck, f*ck… There is nowhere to get money… Sibaal… !”

Yoona narrowed her eyes at her housemate, who was only looking at her.

If it were like the old days, this amount of debt would have been repaid right away… No, she would have quickly found a man who would not have to go into debt and lived a luxurious life.

Even though it was clearly her fault for being in debt, Yoona blamed the incompetent man.


Yoona’s cell phone vibrated again.

Seeing as it vibrated once, it was probably another threatening text.

Thinking that Yoona should turn off her phone completely, he turned on the screen.

“What is this? Really… ?”

However, the text that appeared on the standby screen was not a threat.

「Hello, Lee Yoona. This is Pine Tree Entertainment…… 」

It was an advertising model contract offer from Pine Entertainment.


‘… ‘Has anyone come yet?’

Yoona looked from afar at the entrance to her cafe, which was her meeting place.

When she called the number she sent the text message from, she confirmed that the person on the other end was indeed an official from Pine Tree Entertainment.

Of course, there was a good possibility that it was an elaborate act by debt collectors to lure Yoona.

It was also suspicious that he called Yoona to the cafe rather than to the company right away. Moreover, it was even more suspicious that he proposed it to Yoona, who had already retired from the entertainment industry for over 20 years.

But… It’s suspicious, but… Yoona had no choice but to refuse this offer. Because she needed the money right away.

Just in case, Yoona came out to her meeting place.

‘Wow, it’s here.’

I saw a man and woman walking in front of the cafe.

The woman among them was a face that even Yoona knew.

Park Min-ah is a very popular idol these days. In a phone call with her representative, she was told that they would be filming her commercial together.

“This was real… ?”

If a person who looked like a debt collector appeared, I planned to run away immediately, but the content of the text was real.

A real celebrity! An idol who is also doing well!

Wondering if they would leave if she were late, Yuna hurriedly took off her hat and mask that covered her face and walked in front of them.

“Oh, hello. Could it be that you two are in the pine tree…? “

“Ah, yes… “Is that you, Lee Yoon-ah?”

“Yes, yes, that’s right…” “

“Hmm… “

Unexpectedly, it was not the man who appeared to be the manager who was dealing with Yoona, but Minah.

She glanced at Yuna and made a subtle expression.

She asked Yoona with a puzzled look, wondering if there was something wrong.

“Hey, is there some problem?”

“… No. Let’s go in first. “If you wait a little longer, the advertiser will come too.”

Advertiser! A word that smells like money.

Yoona was excited and followed Minah into her cafe.

The doubts from earlier disappeared, and she wondered what kind of extravagant life she would live if she received money for advertising.

“But how did you know me and invite me? I am… “It’s been quite a while since I took a break from working in the entertainment industry.”

With her smiling face, Yoona asked a stupid question.

This woman, does she really think she’s about to return to the entertainment industry?

Minah was so dumbfounded that she barely held back her laughter that was about to burst out.

“The advertiser directly pointed to Yuna Lee. She said she had been keeping an eye on Lee Yoon-ah since long ago… “

“Really? She’s been around since long ago… “Are you really my fan?”

“… Well? “Why don’t you ask him directly?”


Minah’s finger pointed behind Yoona.

I followed her finger and looked behind her to see that standing there was a young woman who looked to be Minah’s age.

She is also a very pretty girl. She was smiling coldly, looking down at her Yuna.

“Uh… Are you really an advertiser? You are very young… “

“You sound like an advertiser. “Come to your senses, ma’am.”

“What? What are you saying now… “

Yuna, who was about to jump out of her seat due to her fever, flinched and stopped moving.

On both sides of the woman, a woman and a man who looked like bodyguards wearing suits were glaring at Yoona.

“W-what are you guys… “

“What? I’m in debt. “Isn’t that why she called me out like this because she didn’t pay me back?”

“A debtor?”

What a debt collector. This is unbelievable.

Of course, it can be said that it is the work of debt collectors who deceive themselves in this way… If they are really those loan sharks, there is no way the idol Minah would be here.

‘More than that, this woman… I feel like I’ve seen it somewhere… uh?’

A woman appeared in Yoona’s head.

The woman I hated and was jealous of the most when I was young. Seungah Han.

This young woman in front of me has a face that reminds me of Han Seung-ah’s younger days.

“You, you really are a child… ?”

“… “Now you know.”

Tsk tsk Clicking her tongue, Ara held out her hand towards one of her cherries. Han Cherry passed some papers into her hand.

“Yes, why did you… “

“Why. I told you earlier. A debtor…. This.”

“What is this…?” Uh!?”

The document that Ara showed to Yoona. It was Yoona’s debt document.

Why is Ara like this…?

She was Yuna, who had a dumbfounded expression on her face, but Ara only shrugged her shoulders.

“You don’t have money to pay off your debt, right? “Follow me.”

“Ooh, don’t be ridiculous! Suddenly, I brought this piece of paper… Can this be real? And I know where you’re going and I follow you! I’m going back home now… “

Yuna quickly got up from her seat.

“… Mr. Cherry.”

“… Yes.”

Hancheri moved immediately following Ara’s instructions. Yuna, who was suppressed by her hand, could not move and just screamed.

“Sa, please save me! “These bastards want to kill me!!”

“Oh, it’s no big deal. “I’m filming. I’m filming.”

The manager and Jin Sang-cheol kindly explained to the people who were talking.

People believed her because Minah, a popular celebrity, was also there.

“Don’t just watch, you bastards, help!”

Lee Yun-ah shouted for the last time as she was dragged out of the cafe.

People held up their cell phones and took pictures as if they were amazed.


A small room with no windows. The only light was from a small stand.

“… So, so? “Lee Yoon-ah, when did you and Kim So-yi meet?”

Ara, standing in front of Yoona, with Han Cherry and Jin Sang-cheol next to her, lowered her eyes and asked.

Yuna was trembling as she sat on her backless wooden chair.

“Who, who?”

“I mean Kim So-yi. Kim Sang-su’s only daughter…. The daughter of the dead man you remarried. “Have we met before?”

“Huh? Well, how do you do that… ?”

“I don’t know anything about that. When, where, and how did you meet? “What did you say to her?”

“…… “

Yuna closed her mouth.

She met her Soyi at the hospital where Hansol was admitted. She also went to see Hansol to make him pay off her debt.

If she knew that she even mistook her So-yi for Ara and was thinking of making her somehow her water bearer, the Ara in front of her would not let her go.

“… “You’re not going to talk?”

When Yuna was silent, her Ara turned her head towards one of her cherries.

“Mr. Cherry, what happened to that?”

“… Yes, lady. “Currently, we have secured about 8 sales routes.”

“Buy, buy and sell… ?”

Yuna frowned, wondering what that meant. She answered him kindly.

“Okay, sale. It means selling.”

“Pandani… “What?”

Yoona felt something ominous.

“Well. She’s just a useless old lady who doesn’t even answer anything I say. “I shouldn’t receive money from a debtor who doesn’t even answer what I want to know.”

“W-what… ?”

Yoona’s face stiffened. Ara grinned and asked one of her cherries.

“Mr. Cherry, what kind of people did this person live with?”

“… It goes through several stages of distribution, but I heard that the final buyers are the pimps on the island. In terms of the money written on the debt document here… “I will live as a s*x slave on an island for about 12 years.”

“Oh my, you’re scared.”

“Ji, what are you saying…?” You guys, that’s illegal… “

Yoona’s body was shaking.

She says it’s illegal, but her opponents are people from Korea’s leading conglomerate group.

He wasn’t the type of person to whom such words could resonate.

Yuna kicked off her chair and got up and knelt down in front of her.

“Please save me. I’ll tell you everything. Please just… “

“… “I guess it depends on how honest Lee Yoon-ah is, right?”

Bent her body as much as possible, as if she was bowing, Yuna answered all of Ara’s questions.

Ara’s eyes grew colder as she listened to her words.

“… “You were trying to mistreat Sol until the very end. Are you?”

“S-sorry… “

From Noble mtl dot com

As Ara’s voice mixed with anger, Yuna, who bowed her head, broke into a cold sweat.

“I feel like I want to dispose of it as cruelly as possible, but… “That’s not my decision.”

“Yes… ?”

“Wake up. Because now I have somewhere to go. “You should go and say hello to the person who will be your master.”

“Oh no!!”

Yoona screamed like crazy and tried to run away, but she was immediately caught by Cherry.

Looking at her like that, Ara clicked her tongue as if she felt pathetic.

“What are you misunderstanding?” Well, that’s it.”

From what I said earlier, it’s definitely worth being scared, but… Don’t let her be scared until she goes.

Ara took her with her and headed to her soy snack. She brought the promised gift.

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