Childhood Friend of the Youngest Daughter of a Conglomerate Family chapter 94

94 - If I tease you, will you do it too?

94 – If I tease you, will you do it too?

“Hey, ah… “No, how did you meet Yoo Ara?”

In a dark room, Soyi, who was lying down next to me, asked me.

She was the one who said I could do as much or as little as I wanted today, but when her fourth relationship ended, she declared surrender and moaned, saying she didn’t even have the strength to lift her head.

“But if you don’t call me Arara, do you really have to change it and call me like that?”

“… It would be a bit strange to just say Arara. “I’m not really friends with him.”

Isn’t it weirder to consciously change your name like that? Before I knew it, I was starting to call him that.

I wonder if that happened…

I told Soi the story of meeting Ara.

From the story of my past life when I was abused by Lee Yoon-ah to the story of being saved by Ara in this life.

After I finished speaking, Soyi cried slightly and stroked my cheek.

“You must have had a hard time.”

“But you were there, Soi. “I was happy in my past life because I had you.”

“And in this life, Yuara was there?”

“… Yes, she was saved by Ara. And Soi, I met you again.”

I thought Ara’s story would be uncomfortable, but surprisingly, Soyi looked comfortable.

“Tell me more. What happened after that? … How have you been living?”

Soyi asked me all night long.

The story of how I lived at Ara’s house after that.

How did Ara and I grow up? How did they become uncomfortable with each other and how did they get to where they are now?

I was worried that she might be displeased with my relationship with Ara… I spoke honestly to avoid any misunderstandings again.

… Of course, except for the kissing story.

After finishing the story, Soyi sighed deeply and patted my shoulder.

“… “It must have been hard, you guys.”

“It’s over now. I don’t feel any hatred toward Ara anymore. “That child probably had no choice but to do that.”

“It’s not over.”


“… No. Good night.”

After saying her meaningful words, Soyi turned over her blanket.

I didn’t know at the time what she was thinking.


The next day, we woke up early, took a shower, changed clothes, and got ready to go out.

Because today is a weekday, Soi had to get ready for the store and I had to get ready for school.

When we both finished getting ready and came out of the studio, Soyi smiled brightly and said to me.

“Sol, let’s break up.”

“… What?”

I thought I heard wrong.

That’s right, it’s like “Fighting today!” Because he says something like that with a bright face and voice that could be said to be.

I asked again with a blank face.

“Soi, what are you saying now…” “

“Let’s break up.”

This time, Soyi smiled brightly and said.

“Why? Still not possible? I go back to the past… “Because I ruined your family?”

“Absolutely not.”

I thought that was the only reason Soyi would say something like this. But she flatly denied it.

“Then why…” “

“Sol, please understand this first. I don’t blame you because you lived differently from your previous life or because your mother met my father. I don’t know what it was like in your past life, but in the end, my parents didn’t love each other. And… “I was also abandoned by those people.”

“That’s… “

“… My family was fake after all. Neither my father nor my mother said they would live with me. Neither of them have come to see me since.”

Soyi laughed bitterly.

When I think about it, I may have been comparing Soi from my past life to Soi in front of me.

In her past life, Soyi had no problems with her parents, at least in my opinion, but now, Soyi’s parents divorced and she was abandoned. They both cheated on her and didn’t even give her enough child support and didn’t even think about meeting her.

As if the incendiary is a hindrance…

For Soi, the existence of parents may have a different meaning than I thought.

But then why…

“Then…” Unless that’s the reason… “Why are you breaking up?”

Then I don’t understand it even more.

From Noble mtl dot com

Unless Soyi blames me for that, there should be no reason for her to break up with me.

“Sol, do you like me?”

Soyi, who was just looking at the floor, asked me.

It was a statement that there was no need to ask or worry about.

“I like it… love you… “You are so precious that words cannot express it all.”

Because she means more to me than love.

“… Only me?”

“Uh… ?”

“Am I the only one in your heart? “Is there anyone else?”

“Other, person… “

Soi raised her head and looked straight at me.

Eyes as clean as a smooth mirror reflect me. Illuminates my heart

“I…” “

There is no answer.

The answer to catching Soyi… It doesn’t come out.

I couldn’t lie to her any more.

“Look at that.”

“…… “

“Sol, I love you. But… I wasn’t as good as him. If it were me, I wouldn’t have been able to hope for your happiness even though I was sick. “I wouldn’t have given up on you for you.”

Soyi laughed bitterly. And her feet move. To get away from me.

“Wait a minute… “

Her arms were stretched out and pointed in front of her. But it doesn’t wait. Soyi leaves.

“Go to Ara, Sol. “Be loved more by someone who loves you more.”


“How did you know my number?”

“Sol looked at his phone and saved it. He sets the pattern so clearly. Oh, don’t you know?”

“… “Did you call me to start a fight?”

Ara squinted at Soyi, who was talking nonsense.

Suddenly he called me and called me to the park and said something like that.

She gave up on Hansol at best, but now she’s showing off that Jiji is her girlfriend…

“If you’re going to say that, I’ll just leave?”

On the bench next to Soi, Ara pretended to pack her bag.

“Oh, let’s go. “I also called you just to say one thing.”

“Hey, if you’re just calling me to say a word, just call me…” “

“I kicked Sol. “We broke up.”

“What… ?”

What did I hear just now?

Ara was dumbfounded. She had a dumbfounded look on her face. Her face was so funny that Soyi covered her mouth with her hand and laughed.

“… “Kim So-yi, what did you say just now?”

“Foot… “It’s funny to see a girl like you make that kind of face.”

“Ta, stop saying anything else and explain that bullsh*t! Why Sol Yi again! I asked you to do that, but why… !”

Ara put her hands on Soyi’s shoulders and shook them.

I didn’t understand. I explained it that way and cleared up all the misunderstandings.

I’m breaking up with Hansol again because I don’t like something.

“It hurts, so tell me in peace.”

“Kim So-i, do you really think that your parents divorced because of Sol-i? But even Sol could do nothing at that time… “

“Oh, that’s not it, so stop saying that. “I’m too lazy to say it twice.”

Ara and Soyi pouted her mouth, saying the same thing as Hansol.

It is enough to just tell Hansol that that is not the reason.

Ara asked with her face becoming more confused.

“Then why? “She has no reason to break up with Sol.”

“… “I introduced him to another woman.”

“Hey! Now what kind of crazy thing is that… “

Ara shouted with fever. She covered her mouth with her hand and Soyi continued her words.

“She’s a better woman than me. A person who loves Sol more than me. If she is happy, she is someone who knows how to give up her love. “If you’re that kind of person, it’s okay, right?”

“… What?”

Ara’s eyes opened wide. She immediately understood who Soyi was talking about.

Ara herself. Now Soyi is saying that she will give Hansol up to her.

“… I don’t deserve that. “I just kept hurting Sol.”

“I heard it yesterday too. A story about you two. But what is the big deal? How hard were you to get a job when you were young? “Isn’t that something like that, when you’re in a relationship for a while, you forget everything?”

“It’s funny to say that I love Sol-i more in the first place. Soi, how much do you remember Sol from her past life? “

“That’s not me? I don’t know why you two think of me like that Kim So-yi, but I’m a different person from that Kim So-yi. Her memories, experiences, and way of thinking are all different. “Just having memories of her past life is not a reason for me to be loved by her.”

“You… “Did you really say that to Sol?”

Ara let out a sharp voice.

Soyi’s memories were very precious to Hansol, who lived a miserable life in her past life. She couldn’t bear to talk about such things as if they were nothing.

Soyi chuckled as she saw Ara getting angry.

“Look. “You still worry about Sol.”

“…… “

“Don’t look at me like that. Because I didn’t do it. And I don’t think it’s anything at all. I feel good. “I was that kind of person.”

“… It wasn’t. Soi, you’re actually such a good person.”

“… “Thank you so much.”

The two were silent for a moment.

In the park, excited children were running and playing in the cool fall weather.

‘Ah, now that I think about it, here… ‘

“Do you want to know? “I heard you and Sol met here for the first time.”

Soyi, who noticed Ara’s expression, spoke.

“Sol tells her, you are someone I can never forget in my life. How can a kid who lived such a difficult life forget the woman who saved him? … “I can’t live with a man who likes another woman like that?”

“… That goes for you too, Soi. “Sol will never be able to forget you.”

“Have you been patient? “I have to endure that much.”

It was a joke. But it was a statement with a grain of salt.

No matter who he ends up with, the other person will remain heavy in Hansol’s heart for the rest of his life.

And the person who is connected to Hansol will have to live the rest of his life feeling the shadow of someone else.

“Then, if you are going to endure it, Soi, you will endure it. To begin with, you were Sol’s girlfriend in your past life, and you were his girlfriend this time too. I’ve never been Sol’s girlfriend. Someone who has done it before will do it better… ”

“What is that…?” Ah, do you feel inferior? A child like you?”

Soyi looked closer to Ara with a puzzled look on her face.

“… Why can’t I do that? Sol’s wife, you took away all the first experiences. “You took everything from me in my past life and this life.”

Ara questioned, her face slightly blushing.

Of course, if you really love someone, it would be better not to question their experience or not, but it meant a lot to Ara.

Hansol was Ara’s childhood friend who stayed by her side for her entire life.

It was something he didn’t want to think about, exposing a naked body that Ara had never seen in front of another woman, and touching her flesh.

Even if it is a cause that Ara herself admits… He didn’t want to think about physical relationships.

He says that other people do things that he is never allowed to do.

“It’s a bit of an expression to say that you are taking something, but… “It’s usually said that men steal women’s things.”

“… “It’s prejudice.”

“But Yuara, did you really have anything wrong with Sol? “After living together for so long?”

“What… ?”

Ara was slightly upset.

Soyi didn’t mean to say that, but it sounded a bit like she was asking what you were doing for so much time.

“… “We kissed when we were seniors in high school.”

It was a slightly grumpy voice.

“Really? That bastard, you didn’t say that to me yesterday… “

“Yeah, but I forced myself to do it. Sol didn’t want to do it… “

Ara hurriedly defended Hansol.

Soyi only said it as a joke, but Ara’s reaction was strong and she felt embarrassed.

“I don’t really care either. But Sol seems to be weak when it comes to pushing things around in secret. Even when he was with me, he did it because I pushed him to do it. Yesterday too… “

“… “You really did it with Sol yesterday too?”

“Ah… “

Ara squinted at Soyi’s words about her meeting with Hansol yesterday.

Of course she was Ara who helped Hansol and Soy get together, but it was unpleasant for her to keep hearing that the man she loved was with another woman.

“No, what… Yu-ara, didn’t you encourage me to do the same?”

“… Heh, that’s not a monkey, so why don’t you do that on the first day of reunion? “No culture.”

Ara’s pouting words made Soyi a little upset.

“Hey, how can you say something like that just because you know something about a lover’s relationship? Have you ever had a boyfriend? Have you ever had s*x?”

A woman who had dated only one man in her life was flattered.

“The person I love is dating another woman. What should I do? If you think about it, you have a big stake in what I couldn’t do! “I can’t stand a topic like that for even a day and Sol eats it up!”

Her maiden also cried out without giving up.

Soyi, frustrated and irritated by that, blurted out her words without thinking.

“Oh, if it’s that annoying, then why don’t you do it too?”

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