Countess Cianella’s Male Slave chapter 123

123. Battle of the Siege (4)

123. Battle of the Siege (4)

A man whose talent has reached the sky can use mana to strengthen his body, but through mana he can bring miracles to the world. Casting work.

It is an absolute and immutable law that has spread throughout the world that magic cannot be manipulated.

But today, that rule collapsed beautifully.

It is a pitiful sight to be on top of the walls covered with blood and flesh.

Not only are corpses scattered about casually, but this place is also full of monsters that scatter powerful killing blows that will terrify the viewer.

Just be quiet in a horrendous landscape where even brave women would shake their heads.

A man pulling a bowstring in silence and composure.

He was defying the laws of the world.


A strong turbulent current begins to swirl over the castle wall.

The cold winter wind gathers and gathers to dwell in a man’s arrow.

Then, at some point, a spark came out.

Fireworks rise beautifully in the passionate wind.

“Magic… ….”

Ravi Crunell was stunned.

Shione’s exclusive attendant, Ray. I knew he had something to hide, but I never thought deeply that he could wield magic.

Seeing that shrill howl of wind, I had to admit it. Perhaps that wind was the magic that shook the inside of that orc.


Ravi swallowed her dry saliva. She was fascinated by the magic that Ray manifested before she knew it.

It wasn’t just Ravi.

Those who felt this turbulence on the castle wall turned their eyes to Ray at least once. The stolen gaze showed no sign of returning.


The moment an arrow was dropped in the protest, even though everyone had different views, the result came down to one thing.

The Countess had been hiding a monstrous man until now.

* *

It was a proper attack that took more than 70% of my mana.

Certainly, it wasn’t enough to increase its power, so I put a little effort into feeding the damn monsters surrounding the devil with a single blow.

And the results weren’t bad. No, it was rather great.

The arrowhead touched the demon’s skin. The moment the essence of the condensed and condensed typhoon touched the enemy, it burst out fiercely.

A wind of knives tearing flesh and severing bone slashed everywhere.


A huge explosion is heard.

Following the sharp wind, the firearm I shot exploded. As long as they were swept away by that explosion, quite a few things would die on the spot.

The flame of the pure spirit that burns monsters and demons spreads in the breeze even after the explosion, burning the enemies.

Mushroom field. The whole area around the place where the demon stood was beautifully devastated.

The devil, who showed himself to me for no reason, disappeared from his upper body. If it’s really futile, it’s a futile death. But it was also an inevitable death.

A low-level demon. Even though they are good at handling monsters that are no different from their own limbs. Ilshin’s power isn’t that great.

It’s probably quite difficult to kill in one hit like this when you’re at an intermediate level.

“Whoa… ….”

I sighed.

To inhale the coldest air to cool the rapidly beating heart.

Possibly because the mountain of corpses right in front of me was blazing, only hot air filled my lungs, let alone cold air.


I clicked my tongue.

I felt a pretty big sense of exhaustion, perhaps because I had 70% of mana poured into it at once. I drank another mana potion and came down the ledge of the castle wall.

Umm… No matter how much I do, it’s a little burdensome if you stare at me like this.

As expected, everyone on the wall was looking at me.

They couldn’t hide their feelings. The emotions expressed by all of them are astonishment and admiration.

This was no different for Ainel. I was quite surprised to see that he was stronger than he probably imagined.

There is only one person here who has not harbored a feeling close to astonishment at the sight of the arrow I have just launched into the world.

Sione Cianella, there was only one of her.

Instead of admiring my skill, she looked at me with a worried expression.

As expected, it’s probably because I’ve been supported or carried on my back a lot when I’m suffering from mana exhaustion. Shione knows my mana better than anyone else.

It seems that Shione thought of my safety first rather than the secrets of my realm.

After giving her a small smile in the sense that it was okay, I headed towards Ainel.

“That was… ….”

Even if you knew you could handle elemental magic, you wouldn’t have dreamed that I could handle it to this extent.

I also confirmed that there was a little disbelief in her voice that she hinted at.

So I got down on one knee and lowered my posture in front of her as if I were a knight.

Since there are dozens or even hundreds of eyes, I was thinking of taking care of the show like other nobles.

Then, I bow her head slightly to show her respect for her superior, and at the same time, I give her my credit for her. To erase her disbelief, who can’t easily believe what she saw with her own two eyes.

“Ray, an attendant belonging to Countess Cianella. You have succeeded in subduing the demon.”

Ainel, no, everyone here should thank me.

Who the hell can catch a demon from such a distance? If it wasn’t for me, countless priests and soldiers would have had to be sacrificed to defeat that demon.

I went beyond my part and made a wonderful decision to Sione’s part. You can get some rest now.

No, since you’ve dealt with one demon, taking a break is a fair reward.

“From now on, I plan to stay in the rear until my mana recovers… Could you please allow me?”

So, I’ll take a break under the castle wall, so you guys can take care of the aftermath.

* *

The aftermath of the death of a lesser demon was not small.

The monsters on the frontlines that he seemed to be involved in lost their anger.

Apparently, the demonic energy that the beast was scattering has faded, so he seems to have finally come to his senses.

As the survival instinct returned to the minds of those who forgot everything except the intent to kill, the fortress wall breathed a little faster.

I don’t know much about the remaining monsters in the rear, but for now, the enemies in the forefront have been defeated once for all. They have stopped the suicidal terror by rushing into the castle wall with reckless recklessness.

After that, it was a breeze.

Many times the magic of the battle wizards swept the battlefield. The terrain changes due to the concentrated fire, and the corpses filling the ground disappear.

Thousands of enemies disappeared without a moment, and eventually the wizards who stayed up all night were exhausted when the sun rose.

It was the end of the first night.

From noble mtl dot com

‘Even if I kill the lesser demons, the war isn’t over yet.’

The number of monsters I’ve killed in one night is tiring. The monsters still remain in abundance.

Even if you kill the demons, some of them will lose the same momentum as before, but the reason why the whole does not return to the demon realm is simple.

‘Because it’s impossible for a low-class demon to control this many monsters alone in the first place.’

To lead such a large army, one demon is not enough.

There are probably several demons left in that jewel-like sea of monsters, waiting for the walls to collapse.

It’s annoying to hide behind monsters, saying that I won’t be able to see you having a hard time, but I can’t help it. Originally, all the tribes of demons are like that.

Even low-level demons with unstable personalities and not very good intellect know how to think.

There must be only one pathetic guy I killed who just stepped forward and showed himself.

‘… How long will this war continue?’

I don’t know.

But if there is an end point, it will be when all the demon heads fall to the ground.

I just hope that the count family will not perish until all the devil’s heads are shaken off.

There were no raids during the day.

The time when the sun looks down on the world instead of the moon.

Because the devil hid his demons and hid underground where the sun did not shine. During the time when the demons were not active, the demonic erosion of the monsters was also weakened, so there were not many of them head-butting suicide into the castle walls.

Sometimes, without knowing the subject, those who howled in front of the wall were shot and killed by several archers, including Sione and me.

The second night arrived.

The classics like yesterday continued.

Many soldiers died or were injured, and despite the roar and efforts of the wizards and knights, the morale of the soldiers began to drop.

Dozens. Unable to overcome the tragedy that occurred on top of the castle wall, he committed suicide.

Someone threw himself under the castle wall, and someone gave up his life to be with his comrade who died first, and acted out revenge.

“This one…….”

Ainel’s eyes sank deeply when he saw a corpse.

A woman with one pupil empty. She was a ranger who was dispatched to the Beltrin Mountains the other day and informed her of an urgent message.

“… Crying out the name of the friend who went first, he rushed at the guys who climbed the wall. She killed a total of seven individuals and died heroically.”

Ainel meditated in front of her for a while.

“Tell the bereaved family the news and make sure that the body is well taken care of. The same goes for the other dead.”

“Yes, I will serve your order.”

The night has passed and the day has finally come again.

Reinforcements finally arrived in the midst of declining morale.

War mages and excellent knights. And the war material was newly replenished, and it was placed in the right place according to Ainel’s order.

It wasn’t just this.

Reinforcements have also arrived from churches in neighboring provinces. As well as Paladins and Battle Priests. Numerous priests entered the manor. Among them, there were several people who were quite famous in the kingdom.

Out of the worst situation, it was fortunate.

Night has come again.

The moonlight shone especially brightly.

The demons became more mad and finally another demon appeared.

Soldiers with low morale.

The negative emotions of those who pessimistically predicted the future of Yeongji and myself led the devil.

Eventually, a demon arrived over the castle wall.

“… sh*t.”

Not even a low class, but a f*cking middle class demon.

If I had a little distance, I would have been able to kill him by slowly drying up his blood while knocking him down with a bow. As long as the elemental summoning is blocked. It’s a little disappointing, with the current power, it’s burdensome to deal with him at close range.

And no luck.

This bastard appeared right in front of me and Sione, not in many places.

Those eyes looking down on the devil kid.

I feel really bad about it, so I want to shoot an arrow right now and make it back again.

If I had been alone, I would have somehow rolled on the ground, gave him a shot and fell off.

As much as Shione is by my side right now, I hurriedly called up the wind and said.


“… Huh.”

“Hold on tight. Never fall.”

The honorifics are omitted.

Anyway, I was allowed to speak in a short language, and the current situation is not the situation.

This is not the time to care about other people’s eyes.

I was thinking of running away right away because my skills weren’t so relaxed that I could deal with him while protecting Shione.

I wonder if he also noticed my intentions. He sneered while scattering the muddy magic.

“A human, even a male, used mana to kill my own kind. Males in this dimension are probably designed to build up karma and power instead of mana.”

Intermediate level demons have a more human-like appearance than lower level demons.

The guy with human vocal cords spoke human language.

“The devil said…… ?”

Shione’s eyes widened as if she was so shocked that the demon spoke the continental language.

He just stared at me as if he couldn’t even see Shione.

Instead of the animal’s paws, the demon lifted a human arm covered in hair. The index finger covered in that ominous black fur points at me, who is also creating a breeze.

“How on earth did you accumulate that much mana in your heart instead of the trajectory of life to deal with magic? Among us, the lowly and lowly ones certainly seem to have a hard time dealing with you.”

His index finger sagged.

“Well, if you don’t want to answer, you can kill it and investigate it yourself. It looks like it will be a bit of entertainment.”

The moment I started to see demonic energy rising from the body of the guy who said that.

“As expected of a devil—”


Ainel Cianella cut off the devil’s wrist without hesitation. Thick black blood begins to ooze from the cut surface.

“You roll that disgusting tongue well.”

Ainel quietly muttered his anger.

A night with strong moonlight.

Ainel’s silvery white hair was shining brighter than usual.

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