Countess Cianella’s Male Slave chapter 125

125. Battle of the Fortress (6)

125. Battle of the Fortress (6)

As Ainel cut down the darkness, the night fell. With the crumbling darkness, the life-bearing sun begins to rise. An auspicious radiance descends on the soft moonlight that covered the world.

The demon’s time has come to an end as one of the intermediate demons’ head fell. With the twilight of dawn, the monsters’ lost instinct returns to the death of the demon who supplied the area with strong demonic energy.

Survival instinct rising to the surface again. Most of the monsters couldn’t easily rush to the castle wall anymore.

With the beautiful dawn, Ainel shook her sword. After catching the demon, it must be to deal with the remaining monsters. An elegant swordsman cut and slashed the enemy.

And at Ainel like that, Shione was staring blankly at him with an expression full of emotion.

Her gaze was fixed on her mother’s sword. She had an aura welling up from her sword that was incomparable to that of an expert.

“Master… ! Ray, it looks like your mother has become a Master!”

At this rate, he seems to forget his body shape and jump around and show off.

Okay. My family is not halfway there, but I heard that you became a sword master. Of course you will be happy

But now, my arm looks more like biting than that, so wouldn’t it be better to take care of that first.

Close range. I pushed and passed by Shione, drawing my sword at the same time.

The sword that Eunice Kalia gave me was more excellent than I thought. How many enemies have you taken flesh and pulverized bones with this sword? During the war, it was not properly managed a few times, but it still retains its anticipation.


Its sharpness is enough to easily cut off a monster that tried to bite off Shione’s arm.

It is a sword that is worth being called to her room and dancing hard with a wooden sword.


“For now, it would be better to focus on this situation. If you show a defenseless appearance like you did just now, it’s obvious that they will attack you right away.”

“… I’ll be careful.”

The battle continued. One didn’t last long.

They were heavily influenced by intermediate demons. As long as the demons are gone, difficulties will inevitably appear in the gears of accidents that were in charge of their overflowing murderous intentions.

Dealing with the downtrodden was easier than before—

“Hurry up and clear the road!”

“Secure the safety of the young lady and the head of the household!”

Including articles.

“We need to get rid of the demonic energy!”

“Gather all priests, including combat priests, who can afford it!”

Priests rushed in to clear out the demons that had sunk deep on the castle wall and quickly reduced the number of monsters.

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The chaos that gnawed over the walls quickly subsided, and during that time the sun rose higher and higher.

“Today ended like this. I am tired to death.”

“That’s it.”

Shione and I are finally able to breathe.

For a while, I was besieged here and grappled. Is it because everyone else knows that? No one looked at us strangely even when we took a break here as if we were sitting down.

Ainel came to us with limping steps.

“Sione, good job Ray.”

After saying that, Ainel smiled faintly at us.

Ainel’s appearance looked quite serious. She is the calf and the forearm. Not to mention that the iron plate that protected her body was punctured or dented. She was so covered in blood that she couldn’t tell if it was her own or someone else’s.

Sione looked at Ainel’s leg anxiously. He could clearly see at a glance that he was seriously injured.

“My mother’s legs… ….”

“It’s okay. There won’t be any problem with this.”

“It would be better to call the priest. Start with treatment soon—”

“No, there are still things to be done, so I will finish the treatment first before receiving it.”

Having said that, the child Nel raised the demon’s head in her left hand.

A face that takes the form of a human but still has a wildness close to that of a beast. An ominous black horn that has grown beyond compare to a lower level demon. The guy was dead with a shocked expression on his face.

“See you later.”

Ainel who said that made it easy for anyone to identify herself. She climbed to a high watchtower.

She presented the head of the demon she had killed. She made sure that no one could see the dead devil’s head.


Ainel used her mana to open her mouth. Her voice had a charm that drew people’s attention.

“War is brutal. The ephemeral life was extinguished, and we took over their will and continued to fight. Not only me, but everyone knows how fiercely both the living and the dead struggled and how brilliant the value was.”

Praise for the survivors and requiem for the dead resound throughout the castle walls and territory.

“However, the war situation is not good. Not only do we not know how long this situation will last, but the wall built by our ancestors is in a state of great damage that requires repair.”

The war situation was not good.

“Nevertheless, I promise you victory. Not you who survived and the head of the count family, Ainel Cianella. Master’s knight, Ainel, will shake the sword together—”

But that didn’t mean there was no hope.

“Unless a particular problem arises… ….”

Ainel looked over the crowd from the top of the watchtower. They all had their expectations behind them.

Until now, relying on their own words had been so heavy on their shoulders. Not now. I had enough to endure.

Ainel said her words with her face slightly relaxed.

“Within a few days, support from the royal family finally arrives at our county.”

A letter sent to the royal family.

Finally, the reply to the letter reached the count’s family.

“At the command of the current King, the kingdom’s best knights and wizards are coming here, and it’s not the only one. The royal family who have won the loyalty of the highest level wizards in the kingdom.”

Ainel smiled lightly.

“Since Her Highness Princess Adelheit Aicilia also said that she would send support to those who have sworn allegiance to her.”

For victory in the near future.

“Hold on. The best forces in the kingdom are being gathered here, so hold on somehow to protect your home and family.”

I have to somehow get through the long night.

* *

One of the barracks spread a little far from the castle wall.

Sione and I were taking a break in the barracks, which were definitely wider and nicer than regular soldiers.

And Shione was sitting on her cot, sighing deeply.

“Haa… ….”

A sound full of worries.

Moreover, the dark circles under her eyes expressed her hard work even better.

But even though Shione is like that, to relieve fatigue, let’s just ignore it and lie quietly on the cot for a while.

“Huh…… Whoa…….”

Because Shione’s sighs continued endlessly.

To see why she was sitting like that, I turned around and looked at her.


“Why is that?”

“… I want to eat something sweet after a long time.”

“… ….”

“… Why are you staring at me like that?”


Well, it’s been quite a while since I couldn’t take care of the cookies we ate together every day.

But now, I barely stayed up all night because of it. I never thought I’d miss cookies and put off my daytime sleep breaks.

If Shione is also great, I think she is really great.

After that, Shione and I had a short chat.

Of course, the topic was decided. How will the war situation go in the future? Or did Ainel Cianella feel what she felt through the battle with that demon and reached the level of a sword master?

Shione was interested in a story about her child Nell, her mother, of course.

I, like her, had one subject that she was interested in.

‘Adelheit’s wizards and knights.’

I was curious about those who gave their allegiance to a woman named Adelheit, not to the royal family.

Yes, because I saw it with my eyes.

The fact that her royal support was on the way, Ainel could only lighten the pensiveness that hung over her face. When she said that Adelheit’s support was coming, she was a child who even showed a faint smile.

Somehow, it was not mentioned all at once under the name of the royal family, but seeing that the name of the purple princess was mentioned separately. Those who pledged allegiance to Adelheit seem to be operating under a different division from the royal army.

It was obvious that there would be no point in thinking about it alone, so I asked Shione.

“Does Sione know about those who have sworn allegiance to Her Highness?”

“Dear Princess? Umm…….”

Shione narrowed her eyes.

After a moment of contemplation, she shrugged her shoulders.

“I don’t know. All I know is that they are the same concept as the knights who move as the limbs of Her Highness, rather than receiving orders from the royal family.”

“Okay. Do you know what their inaction is?”

“Ummm… That…….”

Shione blurted out the end of her words, as if she didn’t know that far.

Then, a familiar voice came from the entrance of the barracks.

“Two of the kingdom’s highest ranking mages and one knight master.”

Before I knew it, Siabelle entered the barracks.

“The monsters that could be called the kingdom’s main forces swore allegiance to Her Highness. More power than necessary was put under Her Highness’s command, but what? His Highness the King let His Highness the Princess manage them independently. You don’t seem to take it very seriously.”

She had taken off her armor and her hair, which had been tied up in a ponytail, was also loose and neatly arranged. It seemed that she, too, was taking a break and came to us.


“Sione, how are you?”

After answering my question, Sia Belle exchanged her greetings with Sione.

Siabelle stroked Shione’s hair. Her hair, which was cut last year’s bob, was quite long, and Sione’s hair swayed at the touch of Sia Belle.

Shione closed her eyes and accepted Sia Belle’s hand. When she finished stroking Sia Belle, she opened her round eyes and looked up at her sister with her twinkling eyes.

“What are you doing here?”

“Why did you come? I came because I was worried that her brother was shooting an arrow at a dangerous wall. I heard you were surrounded by monsters tonight. Fortunately, no injuries appear.”

“Yes, Ray protected me.”


The eyes of Shione, who smiled, and Sia Bell, who was full of her interest and fun, were fixed on me.

Yes, she did protect me many times.

Even when her arm was almost bitten off, and when she seemed to run into a monster because she was momentarily slow.

Her mana pumped up to help her out in many ways, yet her immature blunders during her battles.

“Ray, you don’t look injured either. Thank god.”

After saying that, Siabelle came towards me.

“By the way, do our disciples know?”

Standing in front of her nose, she stroked my hair just like she did with Shione.

“As much as the news that my mother has reached the level of a Master, stories about our disciple’s magic are coming out all over the territory.”

I nodded.

“I was aware of it to some extent.”

I have no choice but to know.

After he coolly hit an arrow at a low-level demon, the eyes from around him were pricked up. Even if you’re not conscious of it, if everyone around you looks at you like that, you have no choice but to know.

If she was jealous, Shione had to stare coldly at the surroundings so that her eyes would fade.

Siabel then asked, slowly stroking my hair.

“There’s no way the person in question didn’t know. I heard from my mother Perhaps, even if the Count’s protection is with you, you will not be able to avoid getting into various rumors. Are you okay?”

“Doesn’t the Countess literally protect me? With Cianella behind me, I have nothing to fear.”


Sia Bell must have liked my answer, but she raised the corner of her mouth, albeit slightly.

After a brief conversation, Siabelle finally retrieved her hand from above my head.

Siabelle took one step away from me. A deeper interest overflows than the distance. Siabelle’s gaze came out with precision and returned to and fro the sword standing in the barracks.

“My disciple put magic into his arrows. Then, can I put so much magic into the sword?”

“I’m not very knowledgeable about swords, so I’m still immature, but….”

It is a characteristic of spirit magic.

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Why can’t those damn fairies take great pride in their ability, spirit magic? There are many reasons for their arrogance.

From simply inflicting overwhelming violence as magic, to enchanting objects. Because of its high versatility, it can of course be useful for using a sword.

“You can do as much as you can.”

“Hmm, that’s right.”

At my words, Siabelle smiled, looking more satisfied than ever.

“I think it would be fun to teach.”

After a leisurely smile, Sia Bell said goodbye to her as she slowly walked out to the entrance of the barracks.

It’s time for her staff to gather and have a meeting soon. Sione waved her hand to Siabelle when she said that she would be stuck there and had to go. Siabelle also skillfully received her sister’s greeting.

Siabelle left a request to go down the castle wall immediately if it was dangerous, and said that after this job, let’s play together to our heart’s content.

By the time she left the barracks, her steps had receded and she could no longer hear them.

Blame it!

Shione got up from her place and her dodo also ran towards me.

… Hey, why are you like that all of a sudden?

As I sat on her cot and looked up at Sione with her puzzled expression, she held out her hand.


Shione raised her hand above my head and started stroking her.

“What are you doing?”

“Mark the area as mine.”

Her hair was then stroked to make it a mess.

* *

“Are you all ready to sacrifice your life for the Great Reign?”

The muddy voice of a woman wearing a black robe that covers her entire body echoes through her audience.

Everyone who wears the same outfit as her bows her head and obeys.

They were ready to throw their lives away like straw.

“If you do, our martyrdom tonight will rectify the wrong plans.”

A level of takgi that is incomparable to that of Mine begins to flow from the woman.

The demonic energy that erodes the surroundings exceeds the concentration of demonic energy that humans can possess, and at the same time, contains chaos and madness below that of the demonic energy.

“We will break down the walls and gates of that damned county house.”

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