Elite Instructor at a Third-Rate Academy chapter 3

Elite Instructor at a Third-Rate Academy 3

3 – Who’s the Kid?☆

When Ochia left the principal’s office and returned to the dormitory, it was already past 8 o’clock.

“A note?”

She was practically the top student standing alone. When she opened the communication box, it was a message from Amy.

“Ochia, when Genoa finishes his work, come to the back of the gymnasium together. I’ll be there first, see you later!”

Such an impatient message wasn’t pleasant to Ora. Luckily, Genoa was harsh with his words but fair.

“I guess I should go.”

She changed out of her uniform and into casual clothes. Ochia skillfully lowered her bangs and walked out with a weary expression. Throughout the entire way to the gymnasium, there was only one question floating in her mind.

“Why did they reveal my identity?”

She would find out in a few days anyway, and her classmates in the same class were preparing for a fight with the next instructor. There was no need to mention it, and it wasn’t her preferred way to expose her identity.

“Because I’m good-looking?”

She questioned herself.

“No, it wasn’t because of that.”

She answered herself and became certain. If she had opened her heart because of her appearance, she would have dated someone as soon as she came to Railand. Even Amy was dating, so she could have easily switched boyfriends. That’s why she was deeply troubled. The depths of her consciousness were drowning in a murky sensation like a hidden underwater rock.

“Somehow, it felt trustworthy, didn’t it?

The Temulic Stind I met for the first time today was completely different from the previous homeroom teacher, Ivon Dikio. I can’t explain it. However, because she had been discriminated against throughout her life for being of mixed race, she could instinctively feel it. Generally, the truths Ochia knows cannot be expressed in words.

“Hey, why are you so late?”

Upon arrival, Amyki was already enjoying her honeyed night. Despite her forehead being wrinkled, her giggling seemed to represent the plight of the common people. It left a bitter taste in my mouth, making me feel like buying some candy and rolling it around in my mouth.

“I’m sorry, it took longer than expected… But I came as soon as I saw you.”

“Are you afraid I’ll be angry or something?”

Genoa laughed lightly. A playful smile. Glancing at Amy, it seemed she had made a mistake in her errand.

“Oh, this?”

“Ohchia, I bought the wrong thing.”


Regardless of the truth, there was no way Genoa Van Cliff, the daughter of a powerful viscount, could be wrong. Ochia, while dragging out his words, tried to inquire about the matter without letting the accent of the mixed race show.

“I heard a new instructor came today instead of Ivon Dikio?”

“Yeah… I only saw him briefly during the day. I don’t know much, but if you’re curious, I’ll tell you whatever I can.”

“Tell me what kind of person he is. Depending on your words, I’ll decide how much trouble to give him.”

Senet’s revenge must be carried out, and Genoa agreed with Ochia’s words that the same thing shouldn’t happen again.

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“He seemed like a good person.”

“Really? Hey, Amy, your friend seems to like the instructor?”

“Not just like, but according to Ochia, he’s really handsome! I only heard the story, but he’s apparently very good-looking!”

“Fools, don’t you know that last time the bastard who wasn’t good-looking did something like that?”

In response to the sarcastic comment that you can’t judge both appearance and character, Ochia expressed his feelings, hoping that all of this would pass soon. In the end, he added something that seemed to be hidden. It might have been unnecessary, but it was already said.

“Is that so?”

Genoa chuckled. When she gestured for them to leave, Amy apologized with a humble expression.


“Alright, you write it.”

When Genoa handed her a silver coin, Amy took it happily and giggled like a child. Leaving the gym, when Ochia asked if there was any errand, Amy showed her sanitary napkin.

“Did you happen to buy tampons as usual?”

Tittering together, the two women, both from commoner backgrounds, laughed.

“Ochia, can you walk with me for a moment?”

“For about an hour… I have to go back and study.”

The moon was tinged with color. Ochia, listening to Amy’s incessant chatter, suddenly stopped in his tracks. The news he heard was so shocking that he wondered if he had misheard, even after hearing it himself.

“It’s been two months, right?”


Surprised by her blunt response, he asked who she had slept with.


“What did he say?”

─ He’s one of the Viscount’s three sons. Even if it wasn’t you, he’s a man who has been with many women!

“He said he’ll take responsibility for everything. Thanks to that, I felt completely at ease.”

Looking at Amy, who was giggling, Ochia simply congratulated her. Only later did she regret and blame herself for staying silent that day due to fatigue.

[#03 – First Meeting]

Today was the first encounter with the students.

From this day forward, Lieutenant Kennis Lada would become the homeroom teacher for Class C-8 at Rallinland Academy. He straightened his crumpled clothes. If it was about grooming, he had been doing it himself for a long time. Even though it could have been handled by a duty soldier, he always pursued perfection in whatever he did.

─ This should be enough.

He strapped his friend’s sword to his waist and headed towards the office.

“It looks good.”

Hailon’s remark was all he said. He saluted and headed towards the annex.

Class C used the old school building. The new teachers had exclusive use of Class A, and Class B used the new dormitories, so it was practically the same as being neglected. There was no particular reason to feel sentimental, but being in the position of teaching ordinary students who only focused on learning gave him a different feeling.

─ What kind of students do I have?

He didn’t really know. Kennis always focused only on perfectly completing the tasks in front of him. It was not clear whether the teachers liked him, respected him, or were afraid of him. However, some believed in him, some pretended to believe in him, and some openly opposed him but ultimately denied it.

“A smart person has a heavy burden.”

The academy he graduated from was not just one place. It was not a monthly school, but a monthly tutor. He went through a total of three places. They were all prestigious. They were so famous that there was no need to mention their names, but he didn’t feel any pride. The prestige of the Eivar and Lada families was enormous, and since his younger brother Rotellon, who was only two years younger, was also there, he didn’t feel particularly special. However, whenever others praised him, he got lost in such thoughts.

─ If I weren’t an enemy of the Lada family, and Rotellon wasn’t the eldest son of the Eivar family?

“It would have been impossible.”

That fact did not need to be verified, nor was it worth considering. When his contemplation ended, he found himself in front of the teacher’s office. Before entering, he looked through the window and saw the students. They were hidden by curtains, so he couldn’t confirm how many there were.


Just as he was about to open the sliding door, a foreign noise and a sensitive intuition awakened.

─ Some things never change over time.

It was a watering can installed on the doorframe. It happened in every academy he attended. If he got angry over such a trivial matter and punished them, it would have been an opportunity for others to tease him as a pedantic person, so it was practically a playful inauguration ceremony.

“We can go through the back door.”

As he said that, he tried to touch the back door, but it was locked. Smart──there was no sound even when trying to open the door. Seeing the shadows cast through the window, it was clear that the students were waiting inside while holding their breath. If they wanted it so badly, he couldn’t refuse. He just had to spill a bucket of water, laugh, and move on. When he was a student himself, the students followed such an instructor much better.


As the door swung open with force, drenching them upon entry, a bucket plummeted from above, just as anticipated.


Immersed in a vigorous baptism, every inch of their bodies soaked. Thinking the initiation was over, laughter erupted from within. Kennes chuckled lightly, about to dismiss it, when he noticed a lump hanging on his shoulder.

“What’s this?”

He inquired, addressing the students of Class C-8, a mere fourteen of them.

“We don’t know.”

Among the group, a towering figure with broad shoulders and an imposing stature responded. Kennes ran his hand through his damp hair and stood in front of the lectern. The stench lingered, a concoction of animal excrement and who knows what else.

“Seems a bit excessive for a welcome ceremony.”

Water dripped from his forehead to his chin. Some students shifted uncomfortably, while others wore peculiar expressions. Recognizing a familiar face, he raised an eyebrow, and she quickly averted her gaze.

“I am Temulic Stained, the homeroom officer for Class C-8, assigned to oversee you all.”

Let’s address the sins later.

Kennes wrote his name on the chalkboard. The slate was cheap; he decided to buy a better one next time. Without expressing any emotion, he surveyed the students, ignoring the nauseating odor that permeated the air.

“I served on the Northern Front for eight years, specializing in engineering, assassination, and strategy.”

No emotions surfaced, but the students looked perplexed. Kennes was a man of clear priorities. He was here to greet them now. Teach them. Once that was done, he would administer punishment. There were things to be postponed, regardless of his mood. He pushed aside the turmoil within and spoke.

“Nice to meet you.”

Splat───dung dripped from his shoulder. Kennes extended his hand, covered in feces.

“A gesture of camaraderie among priests; let’s shake hands.”

No one responded. Only Ochia, with a curious glance, briefly observed him before turning away.

“I will call the roll. As I call your name, come forward and greet your instructor.”

He unfolded the attendance list. There were twenty names, but only fourteen were present.


No response. Kennes called the name again, receiving a lackluster “yes.” Finally, Greznok, a young man with short hair, reluctantly emerged. He seemed to be the youngest son of a rural lordship, and if Kennes had his way, the Radha family could be eradicated with a mere whisper to his younger sister, Bissale. However,

“I’ll be a burden to Bissale.”


At Kennes’ command, Greznok turned around. With a shrug, he reluctantly extended his shoulder, waiting patiently according to military protocol. Kennes didn’t salute a subordinate first. Such courtesy was unheard of here. If this were an officer training school, he would be a captain, and they were nothing more than fledgling chicks.

“Shake it.”

Reluctantly, Greznok extended his hand. As Kennes reached for it, he deftly dodged, inflicting a subtle insult.

“Something smells bad.”

Whether it was disdain or a challenge, Kennis faced an expression that was difficult to gauge and dryly replied.

“It was just a misunderstanding.”

“Excuse me?”

“To refuse a greeting based on a smell is a misunderstanding.”


Someone muttered that the Lieutenant was angry, and Kennis immediately extended his hand. This was not a greeting. It was a gesture to proceed with punishment. As if he disliked Gresnock, Kennis tightly clenched the young boy’s hand in his rough palm.


Two consecutive noises rang out. As Kennis grabbed the student’s sleeve and pinned him to the ground, everyone felt a pang of anxiety. He roughly untied the tie stained with feces. Seeing Gresnock belatedly realizing his predicament and trying to get up, Kennis stomped on his necktie.


Unwilling to listen, he pressed down to the point of suffocation. Finally, the right hand was extended. Kennis smiled mockingly and said,

“Pleasure to meet you.”

Then, he twisted and crushed Gresnock’s fingers one by one, turning them in one direction. This was a light punishment. Kennis brushed off the head soiled with feces and looked at the students of Class C-8 as he spoke.

“Come to the attendance desk. We all need to shake hands.”

The students of Class C-8 were now challenging an instructor who was more capable than they could ever meet in their lifetime.

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  1. D1Grandmaster says:

    Niceeee, I like the Mc’s approach

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