Elves Have Migrated to My Planter chapter 187

Elves Have Migrated to My Planter 187

187 – Colossal Power (17)

Chapter 187 – Colossal Power (17)

“What is this?”

“It looks like the entrance to the Demonic Realm has been found. It’s also around here.”

This is a newly built city. But a place where thousands of elves already live together. That’s why they call it Navia, named after the village where their ancestors lived.

The atmosphere of the place, which had been leisurely as usual until just before that, had no problems, but in an instant, it became chaotic. It was because the entrance to the place they called the Demonic Realm had actually been discovered, and a spontaneous battle was taking place there.

Those who had been designated in advance had to hurriedly put an end to their daily lives and hurriedly ran to the assembly point, armed themselves, and prepared to mobilize.

“I guess I should go too.”

“Roam, are you also summoned?”

“Not me, but still, in case you need it.”

They, too, had no choice but to leave their seats in a hurry. Their identities are an elf who was selling tea at an outdoor seat and a dwarf who was drinking it.

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It’s the first time I’ve seen both of them today, and it hasn’t been that long since both of them moved to Eden. But we got used to each other.

That’s because it’s now common to see other races in this city of Navia.

Although the place where the most portals go through is the bonsai pot with the World Tree of Eden, the potted plant in the river area where this city is located is the largest and has the largest number of population thanks to it.

For that reason, it was also the place where the most goods were consumed, and the flow of goods naturally flowed around this place.

Especially, it was the most common transaction for the Dwarves to bring a load of supplies they made and give them to the Elves, and to provide them with food harvested by the Elves.

Now we’ve gone a step further, to the point of sharing more than just materials.

It was mutual exchange that inevitably appeared when various races lived next to each other.

‘A place where God’s miracles coexist.’

Watching the dwarves leave in a hurry with her short legs, she entered the store early in the increasingly chaotic atmosphere of the city. In fact, it was the dwarves who influenced the elves, for whom barter was the mainstream, to create a shop like this. Even in Eden, which did not go through the Great War, which was an opportunity for numerous races and forces to be mixed, there is of course only one fundamental cause for this unique form of development and change.

She saw a huge tower in the distance. A tower so huge that she couldn’t even imagine it because she had never been to Deneb, her central city.

It was one of the mysteries that symbolized the power of the gods, driving away countless monsters that once attacked the city with divine light.

“Ella, have you been summoned too?”

“I am not yet. But you never know when you will be called, so you have to be prepared.”

Another female elf I was living with opened her eyes wide and asked. She shook her head but her preparations did not stop.

She took her own weapon, her bow, and took out her armor beforehand.

Peaceful daily lives have always coexisted with crises here. She was an ordinary elf who sold cars in the middle of the city, but when the time comes, she will quickly turn into a warrior and go to the battlefield. And she won’t deny it.

That’s because it’s for herself and the god watching over this place.


“The preparations have already been made. If we don’t go into their lair and destroy the core, we can’t win, so we have to go now.”

“If we have to fight anyway, let’s do it. Let’s go!”

A fortress full of enemy corpses. Treatment and transport of the wounded were over, and the battle, which could be called a kind of search battle, was over, but the enthusiasm did not subside.

In the first place, their resolution for this fight is not simply to endure and protect, but the desire to become stronger by defeating and defeating the enemy.

Everyone agreed that no matter what happens outside, you can only endure it if you grow strong. Eden’s troops, regardless of race or clan, rushed out of the fortress and rushed toward the portal.

“I’ve gotten used to it a lot, but you know it’s still lacking, right? You will surely go to many battlefields in the future. Before that, train yourself as much as possible.”


Ren and Naria were also in the gap. Even after the first real battle, Ren, taught by Naria along with other dwarves, desperately trained to better handle the power of the spirits.

Today was an opportunity to demonstrate the results of that training through actual combat.

And that opportunity unexpectedly came before I even entered the portal.

“They are coming out. It’s the main body of the bastards!”

“Shoot them!”

An innumerable number of flies, incomparable to the previous attack, flew out all at once, flapping their wings.

In the end, Eden’s troops had to fight the enemy in the open, this time without a fort.

“Isn’t that something you’ve already taken the risk of? In order to destroy the Labyrinth’s core, you should have come out of the fort anyway! Aim for the wings!”

They shot arrows and shot the monster flies attacking from all sides.

Some unusual flies also caught my eye. Unlike the others, they were larger, armored variants that deflected arrow attacks and assaulted, abducting people and dragging them up into the air.

“Damn it! All of a sudden, those who flew from the beginning came out!”

Aaron, who was directing the Dwarf battery in direct combat, burst into anger. To show off the firepower that had been honed in the meantime, the magical beast flies that flew swiftly through the sky were not good opponents.

Even though the snowflakes shot cold arrows to cool the air and slow down the enemies, the firepower was insufficient.

“Let’s do that, Ren. Now is the time.”

“I will try.”

In that situation, several dwarves ran to Ren. It was to do something that had been planned in advance.

“Are you going to throw a lit bomb into the sky? What if it falls to the ground?”

[Do you think I can’t control that much?!]

Naria heard her plan and said what would happen to her if it failed, and she was horrified, but her spirit heard it and became furious.

Her plan is to create a kind of sky mine, in which the spirit of her magnetic field lifts and explodes a number of bombs set on fire.

The goal was to catch flying enemies with shrapnel and heat.

“We Dwarves can’t let go like this. Whatever you do is right.”

“It can’t be helped. If we keep going like this, we’ll lose power before we even get to their stronghold.”

Aaron and other commanders agreed to the plan. The dwarves immediately brought boxes full of bombs the size of human faces and took them out.

A weapon with a simple structure that burns a wick wrapped around a cylinder and explodes the gunpowder inside. It was a weapon that had already been used extensively in several battles, including against demonic spiders.

[Call them Vicky. And you focus If your mana is disturbed, the bombs will flow. Then the ally dies]

Soon, dozens of bombs were ignited all at once. And at the same time, the spirits of the magnetic field, which raised their strength, lifted them all at once as if they were launching them into the sky.

It was spectacular at first glance to see the heavy iron marbles on fire fall at even intervals and reverse gravity all at once, soaring up in the air where monsters were flying in a mess.

‘This is just a process.’

Ren, who was standing in the middle and his eyes were shining, gritted his teeth at the force that quickly escaped.


The bombs fixed in the air with great power were an unexpected obstacle to the magic beast flies, which quickly and agilely crossed the air and continued to attack the ground.

Some of them flew with all their might and collided with them to death, and eventually the bombs with burned wicks exploded all at once in the air.

“Ugh, ugh!”

“Keep down!”

By no means a small area of space was dominated by the impact of the bomb. The monster flies that unknowingly flew around, as well as those on the ground, had to hurriedly protect themselves with cloaks or shields.

The armor of the variant, which could withstand the arrows shot by the elves at a distance, could not withstand the bombs exploded at close range and was crushed and pierced.

[One more time?]

“I can, I can.”

[Should we go for throwing this time?]

Feeling dizzy, Ren stood on her wobbly legs and once again channeled her elemental power. However, it is impossible to use as much power at once as before.

That’s why, instead of the last attack by launching numerous bombs all at once, the spirit of the magnetic field, which freely moved the iron shells, began to throw the bombs on fire at the enemies like guided missiles.

“It works well.”

“The sky is breaking through.”

Her bombs exploded all at once, detonating several enemies each time, and Ren’s extraordinary powers, which found a way to use her own power, began to have a great effect. It was the moment when Ren came a little closer to the qualification of a hero to change the flow of the battlefield alone.

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