Elves Have Migrated to My Planter chapter 189

Elves Have Migrated to My Planter 189

189 – Colossal Power (19)

Chapter 189 – Colossal Power (19)

“In the tales of the Age of Myth, which have been forgotten too much or changed a lot in the process of being handed down, you can see that the Demons of the Demon Realm were also people who once lived together in this world. In fact, in those days, there was a real enemy that everyone fought together.”

“What is that?”


When Serenian and Kara rushed into the dungeon. Kara looked at the scenery in front of her and muttered quietly in disbelief.

“Queen, don’t you know? When our ancestors settled in their hometowns. The enemies who fought fiercely with our ancestors.”

“I know. Evil monsters who were aiming for the World Tree.”

“How is the darkness that appears in the tale different from that monster?”

At Serenian’s blank reply, Kara raised her hand and pointed at the fly lord floating in the air. The one who destroyed Pia’s barrier at once was already ready to attack.

The guy gliding straight to the ground cut and pierced the soldiers who were trying to stop him in an instant with the weapons he had in both hands.

Serenian overlapped that with the many heroes he had faced.

It was a strong opponent that was different from the overwhelming power created by the struggle of a huge monster, familiar yet more terrifying because of that.

“Stand back everyone! It’s dog death!”

Kara shouted as I ran in front of her. Serenian also started to run along without realizing it, and at the same time, the final fierce battle between the monster flies and Eden’s forces began.

‘Have I underestimated the ordeal from heaven?’

Serenian, who summoned the spirit of lightning, held his breath as he hurled arrows at the enemy with Kara wrapped in cold.

Actually, their guess was not wrong. The monsters that appear in the pots are the same beings as the disasters that appeared in the past, when they called the Age of Mythology.

Those who are in charge of trials and crises, calamities and catastrophes in the project to rebuild the world. Enduring and winning the competition with them was the basic condition given to those who wanted to live in the world.

Because those who couldn’t even abide by the basic conditions were already weeded out and disappeared before competing with others.


Realizing this, Serenian gritted his teeth. It means nothing if you can’t overcome this ordeal in a position where you have to challenge the world.

Things that must be done anyway. You must win.

From Noble mtl dot com


“What a perverted system.”

As I watched their fight, I couldn’t help but sigh and complain.

Since the purpose of the system does not stop at simply cultivating and creating the world, model gardens belonging to the system cannot survive without enduring these trials.

From the point of view of the condition that in order for the world tree of Eden, which can be said to be the backbone of the system, to grow, it must absorb the dungeon core that opens there, this was an unavoidable fate no matter what I did.

‘I don’t know how much stronger there may be, but will I be able to deal with it today?’

For now, I only focused on the battle that was taking place. A completely different type of powerful enemy has appeared from the monsters that have appeared so far, but fortunately, Serenian is not alone this time.

In the meantime, I, she. The result of their hard running was right next to them.

Some elves were firmly guarding the battle line with the squares they learned from the dwarves while wearing heavy armor, and the dwarves, who became gunners to take full advantage of their small number, filled gunpowder at the swarming enemies without a break. Fired cannons


While the armies on both sides faced each other like that.

Beside Serenaan, who ran wildly and fought enemies wielding four swords with quick mobility, there were other heroes, Pia and Kara. Even Ren stepped in to help.

While the tree roots summoned by Pia blocked the enemy’s path, a powerful cold storm struck him, freezing his wings.

If the movement is restricted, the powerful blow that Serenian poured all his energy into is feeding it as it is.

Intense fight even when viewed only through a drone screen. Still, the monster that overwhelmed Eden’s forces at the time of its appearance was slowly crumbling, probably because of the pincer attack.

‘I got it.’

Aiming at the guy who had lost his ability to fly due to half of his wings torn off due to a steady attack, Serenian, who burned and killed all the monster flies trying to stop him, pulled out a club from his waist and called out a huge lightning sword.

And then an immediate blow. The enemy who tried to raise his strength, perhaps trying to hold on, was burned to death by lightning so strong that even his shape could not be recognized.

In the first place, the monster flies weren’t that strong compared to allies who had come together except for the head who had just died, so after that, even if Serenian or Kara, who had lost all their strength, left the battlefield, they did not get pushed back and succeeded in occupying the entire dungeon.

[Clear Demon Beast Paris Dungeon]

As one of the soldiers stabbed the resisting monster fly with a spear and took out the core, the dungeon raid was over.

“Should I give it some time?”

I smiled bitterly and took my eyes off the drone.

The Witchbeast Paris Dungeon is a dungeon that was bound to occur in the process of connecting flower pots, that is, it is something I cannot control. However, I hesitated for a while as I was thinking of purchasing and opening a dungeon where cores could be obtained in the flowerpot of that fortress.

Today, I confirmed that the people in the pots, including Serenian, are getting stronger, but the monsters are also growing.

It would be a catastrophe if, by chance, monsters that the remaining people could not handle appeared when the dungeon was opened. The difficulty of the dungeons that can be purchased is divided into small, medium, and high, so you can adjust it to some extent, but right now, with a big war ahead in the Great Forest, it might be right to take a little break.

“I think there will be no problem.”

But that night, when I met Serenian at the herb pot. She shook her head, recalling the battle just before.

“But didn’t you tell yourself it was dangerous? More people get hurt or die, maybe even defeated.”

“You said it would be somewhat controlled, so I believe it. More than anything else, watching Ren’s performance today, my thoughts on this have become stronger. In the first place, I was just a kid before coming here.”

She pointed to herself and smiled. A rookie high elf who didn’t know anything. The time when he was banished to this place after being subdued by Ersilla at once, unable to resist even the slightest.

Obviously, Serenian was just an ordinary elf who couldn’t be called a hero. It is impossible to ignore the experiences she went through on her way to what made her who she is today.

“How many more heroes like Naria and Kara can we recruit? It obviously has its limits. The seed of a hero is not fixed, so it’s better to give a chance to those who can grow like me in the past.”

“To me, you are special.”

“I am so grateful that you, and no one else, said that to me.”

Serenian said there was no heroic seed, but I thought differently. Heroes stand out from the start. In real life and in the world of potted plants.

However, even after hearing my words, she just laughed it off and didn’t seem to have changed her mind.

“In the first place, I have no intention of dragging on the war that will take place in the great forest. I plan to fight against it with only the power of the Great Forest, without using Eden’s manpower.”

“Are you confident? This is the first large-scale war like this.”

“We are strong. Definitely win.”

Serenian was convinced. He was sincere with no wavering in those eyes.

Certainly, the power they showed in the dungeon just before was destructive even though it wasn’t full force.

Since it is certain that the elves of the Great Forest will also be armed with materials and skills from the potted world, it is not impossible to reenact the scene.

“Then… let’s have a system in place. Where there is a fortress, the dungeon will open again soon.”

She believes in herself, but I can’t help but believe in her. After she broke up with her, I touched the system while watching their preparation process.

‘Are you trying to turn the rotation?’

Everyone in Eden, including the elves, often served as soldiers. Except for the dwarves, it was also possible because little labor was required for production activities.

Using it, Serenian made it possible to maintain an army of more than 500 people at all times. Those who were convened went to the fortress and worked hard to clear the dungeon until they returned to their daily lives.

‘The World Tree has grown a bit.’

[Northern World Tree lv 5]

And the core obtained from the Demon Beast Paris Dungeon was used as food for other world trees this time. The World Tree, which was at the level of a seedling, grew at once and became a normal tree level.

Kara was thrilled to see if it was something that could happen easily, and everyone in the snowflakes were in awe.

‘I thought I’d bring more.’

I stood in front of the refrigerator and counted the number of snowflakes, watching the snowflakes using the non-woven fabric and wood blocks I cut and put in as flooring and other building materials.

Apparently, Serenian said that Kara wants to bring her other kindred here, who were scattered after the loss of her World Tree. I also wanted to see more people bring in because there were still a lot of places left in the pots for only a hundred or so people to live together.

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