Elves Have Migrated to My Planter chapter 73

Elves Have Migrated to My Planter 73

Chapter 73 – Authenticity (3)

Chapter 73 – Authenticity (3)

“Are we finally running a proper operation? It’s a bit late.”

“You might like it, but we have to make sacrifices inevitably from our point of view, so it’s not that good. It is inevitable now.”

“Is it because we are afraid of sacrifice? It is to kill the enemy, Chief. And those who dared to attack and harm our allies.”

“Yes, I guess.”

Rhodos, the branch manager of the Exchange and Cooperation Branch, dispatched from the Kingdom of Delos to the Great Forest. He let out a sigh as he wiped his shiny hair.

He was just an administrator. Recognized for his ability, he rose quickly during the Great War, but it was difficult for him to control the troops, who had become rough during the war because he had no special power.

“Anyway, it has already been decided, so there is nothing we can do about it. Captain Rousseau, lead your troops and conduct a subjugation operation. We have no choice but to be the main axis this time.”

Rhodos ordered the operation commanded by Ersilla to the corps commander, who oversees hundreds of troops.

It was to find and subjugate the ‘impurity elements’ that were certain to be inside.

‘Did you leave it to us on purpose? But.’

Looking at the troops leaving, Rhodes thought that Ersilla had deliberately ordered them to subdue them, who were of a different race.

The enemies inside are presumed to be elves with a high probability. It is still premature for the elves to wage war against their own kind.

‘Scary woman.’

He broke into a cold sweat when he thought of Ersilla. Of course, to him, who had a prejudice against elves, Ersilla was an irregular in itself.

It was all the more so because that prejudice changed to certainty when I came to the great forest and saw other elves.

Other elven heroes have also changed in many ways through the Great War and Expedition, but she is the only one who has the desire to go one step further and change the foolish people who still do not see the reality. In addition, her drive to work without being afraid of blood and fight was enormous.

Since Rhodes himself was a human of a different race than the elves, he thought Ersilla was right and supported her actions, but even in the eyes of humans, who had the most free-spirited mindset among the races, her actions were relentless.

“It’s been a while, Miss Pia.”

“Yes, hello. But what’s your furry name?”

And here’s one person.

There was one more elven hero who underwent changes during the Great War.

“Keuheum, this is Russo, who is in charge of the Deneb branch corps commander.”

Rousseau joined her in the process of leading her men into battle. A silver-haired girl, wearing her traveling cape, came looking for them with her own butler.

Her dark green eyes twitched her long pointed ears with her oversized wand, Rousseau involuntarily fiddled with his shaggy beard.

“Ercilla asked me to help you. We have to catch our enemies.”

“Yes, yes. That would be of great help.”

Russo, who had the experience of leading a unit on an expedition and personally killed a double-digit number of enemies, was at a loss for this little girl.

It was him who saw her strength right next to her, so it’s natural for her. He looks like a kid who doesn’t know anything, and in reality, without Ersilla’s instructions, he would be a child himself, but Pia’s power had destructive power worthy of the title of hero.

“They appear to be hiding somewhere in the woods. They are evil bastards who harm our allies and kidnap villagers.”

“They are in the great forest, so we just have to find them, right? Wizards, assist me from now on.”

She is usually an indolent elf who likes to hang out while doing what she wants to do, but she has already experienced countless wars with humans.

Pia skillfully commanded the wizards. Taking a step back from her, Rousseau gave a small sigh as she saw her mages launching her magic circle in support of the mana she raised.

‘I never thought I’d see this again.’

A gust of wind blew all the nearby forest.

The roar of this forest is a kind of authority that she possesses as she was born with the blood of her shaman.

“I found it. Those who have a lot of things.”

She opened her mouth soon after, her green eyes twinkling. If there were forests and trees, it was more accurate and faster than any search magic.


“I think it’s time to withdraw. We’ve reached our goal, so let’s go.”

“I guess I should. Let’s go back to Eden, fix it, and come back. In the meantime, the enemies will also take action.”

From noble mtl dot com

In the center, in the western part of the Great Forest, a bit far from Deneb.

As if the subjugation party had not been formed for nothing, those who had been roaming around the area recently prepared to withdraw.

They are soldiers of Eden who rode on fairy ants and toured the villages, killing the central troops and evacuating the villagers.

Already they have achieved all their goals. He won all battles and succeeded in persuading the villagers to send them.

Thanks to that, the number of them left now is around twenty. This is because whenever residents were relocated, part of the troops was sent as a guide and escort.

“You don’t know what lies ahead, so go first. I’ll do the post-processing quickly.”

“Then Shura, please.”

Gamin, who was in command of the troops, asked the last few remaining men to follow him and the rest of the troops withdrew. It is true that it is dangerous if the troops are divided, but it was a measure to hasten a little more.

It wasn’t such a grand arrangement anyway. Disposing of corpses, erasing traces of battle, and more. It was a measure they took because they knew that it would be beneficial to hide their identity as much as possible.

“Okay, let’s wrap up and let’s go back.”

Those who were given the mission at the end of the day hurriedly started working. The few remaining elves, led by a female elf called Shura, erased the traces and hid in the village where the fierce battle had been fought until just before.


It was at that time that Shura’s fairy ant raised its antennae and flinched while I was in the middle of my work.

Upon discovering the strange behavior of the fairy ant next to her, Shura looked around her with her puzzled face.


And it was at that time that she felt countless signs of fast approaching even in her senses, which she had been paying attention to.

“Hit, hit! Catch it!”


At the same time, humans rushing from the forest drew their weapons and rushed at them.

However, the expressions of the humans were spectacle. Although her body was running forward for the time being, she couldn’t hide her surprise when she saw Shura wearing her armor including her helmet and her fairy ant beside her.

“This, these bastards…!”

Of course there was a battle. There were dozens of enemies, and there were only five Eden elves left on the scene.

“Ugh, ugh!”

“What a monster!”

But the elves had fairy ants beside them. Guardian beasts that did not exist in this world until now.

Urgently pulling out an arrow, the fairy ant that stood in front of Shura swung her chin and forelegs to knock off the humans who were unknowingly attacking Shura and send them flying.


In the meantime, the arrows shot by the elves pierced and pierced some of them.

I couldn’t even make up my mind properly and ran into it once. Obviously, humans fell to the ground, suffering more than necessary losses, even though they were in a more advantageous position.

“Oh, Wizard! Wizard!”

But they weren’t vigilant until the end. When the knights couldn’t reach the elves who were shooting arrows over the ants, the wizards who rushed to them hurriedly began to attack the fairy ants by shooting blazing fireballs.

“Evacuate first. I’ll stop you here!”

When the fairy ant that had been protecting him couldn’t avoid it and was hit with a fireball and burned to death, Shura, who grieved at it, shouted to him to just run away before his colleagues got caught up in it.

I was quite far away from my comrades, and their ants haven’t been hurt yet.

“Eh, are you an elf?”

“Drop your weapon!”

Eventually, her other elves evacuated, leaving her behind.

The humans were too surprised to dare to pursue them. But beside her charred corpse, her fairy ant besieged her elusive Shura, thrusting her weapon at her and crushing her violently.

‘I was determined.’

She threw down her bow in a gesture of surrender and at the same time raised an arrow. I was prepared for something like this to happen someday.



But just before she stabbed her own throat with that arrow of her own.

Sensing her sense of it, one of her lightning-like human knights struck her in the stomach with her fist. It was obviously made of high-quality iron and borrowed the power of the Dwarves, but the mana-filled fist was strong enough to crush it in an instant.

She received the shock wave directly into her body, and she lost her mind and fell to the floor.

“The vice-captain.”

“Come on, tie it up. Take him in and interrogate him.”

Her knight, who scanned her body of her fallen Shura, ordered her watchful men to tie her up. Sensing that her voice was unusual, her men hurriedly seized her body.

“What is this?!”

But at that moment, a sharp girl’s voice burst from behind.

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