Grow With In-App Purchases chapter 20

20. The saintess knocks on the door of the general store (3)

20. The saintess knocks on the door of the general store (3)

“It must have been quite a shock.”

I pout my lips and look at the floor.

As I wriggled my hands, I repeated the old man’s words in my mind.

‘The shock must have been quite big.’


I can’t say he has a nice accent, but I couldn’t help but notice that the man was worried about him.

‘Do you really want to make me your wife?’

I’m not the kind of person who would suggest that to just anyone.

Besides, isn’t he the kind of person who would sell a ‘holy relic’ to gain himself?

‘I’m not a person worth exchanging for the holy relic…’

Maybe it’s the uncle who is looking at himself with the highest value in the world right now.

No, uncle is the only one.

“I wanted to ask my sister. Why did she propagate while doing such…? I saw things I didn’t know.”

“You must have thought a lot.”

“When other people cursed at the church, I went around saying it was not like that. But I don’t think I can anymore. It’s so sad.”

Why do you do that to make people hate the Church?

People hate it and feel uncomfortable about it because it is a pseudo-church.

I think we should show it to people who look at us with such suspicion.

We are never pseudos.

They say that our church is a place where there are good people who work hard for people’s happiness.

“But I don’t know why he’s ruining the church’s image by doing such a thing. I thought he was a good person…! The sisters don’t know how much of an impact such selfish actions have on the church. I guess I have to let you know too, right?”

I hated being bitter.

However, for the correct future of the church, it was necessary to fix the wrong things.

“I don’t think it will change what you say.”

The uncle showed a negative opinion, perhaps because he was worried about her suffering.

But she clenched her fists in both hands and said.

“I have to persuade them well! In my view, if you do well in missionary work, you will receive a reward for doing well. I think that is why things are so twisted. I will correct this.”

I felt like I would gain strength if my uncle cheered me on.

“If you convince the sisters not to do that again, people will clear up the misunderstanding.”

Inevitably, missionary activities will have to be suspended for the time being.

Unfortunately, it’s more important to fix the mess inside now.

Since the overheated competition for missionary work caused such a disaster, it seems necessary to convey the situation to the top of the church.

I hope not, but I thought that if this happened here, it wouldn’t be different because it was somewhere else.

“Can I convince the sisters well?”

“I don’t know.”

The old man was still in a sullen attitude.

It was the attitude that when he gets angry, he doesn’t care about me anymore.

I felt a bit sad, but I decided to take comfort in the fact that I didn’t say no.

“I’m going to change the Order right.”

If that happens, other sisters will also have a different view of themselves.

The fact that I was being ostracized by the sisters for unknown reasons was sad and difficult at times.

But I couldn’t muster up the courage to ask why.

‘It’s wrong to neglect this problem without courage. I have to be brave for the church.’

Fran did not doubt that his actions were for the sake of the Church.

Unfortunately, it didn’t take long for that trust to be broken.

⁂ ⁂ ⁂

Fran was well aware that the contents were not suitable for persuasion in a crowded place.

So Fran secretly called the sister to the counseling room and talked about it.

“What’s going on? You have something to say to me?”

“Sister, by any chance, how are you doing propagation?”

Embarrassment appears on the sister’s face as if there is something stung by Fran’s words.

“…why do you ask that?”

“I know that your sister’s propagation activity score is very high. Of course, if you have excellent ability and do well in propagation activities, I would have been happy to accept it. But I think there is another reason why your activity score was so high.”

“What are you talking about? There’s another reason. It’s unpleasant, but are you suspicious of me?”

If, by any chance, you are doing propagation while selling your body, that is not right, the church will not like it if they know about it, such propagation will give others a bad image, and so on.

Fran made a persuasion statement that he had been thinking hard about.

Hearing this, I hoped that the sister would come to her senses.

“Are you teasing me for calling me a body-selling whore?! What the f*ck are you so clean about?!”


Unfortunately, her wish did not come true.

After hearing her persuasion, the sister became rather angry and showed hostility to Fran.

Most people feel ashamed when they are pointed out for doing something wrong.

So I understood Sister Frando’s blushing anger after hearing her advice.

Because it was hard to hear bitter words.

“Sister, I understand that you are upset to hear these words suddenly. But I want you to know that I am saying this for you, because your body is precious.”

“You say my body is precious? What do you really know?”

“I’ve been so inattentive all this time. I’m sorry. But now that I know it, I want to fix what went wrong.”

Fran had no intention of giving up on her sister just because of this level of hostility.

Even if you push me away saying I don’t like it, I will continue to pay attention and work hard to convince you.

I don’t think this problem can be easily solved with a few words.

“Didn’t you say you could do anything for the Order?”

“yes that’s right.”

“Then why is it wrong to propagate with your body for the church? I’m just using my body for the church.”

“This is not for the Church.”

“The number of members of the church is increasing. The people I bring donate money for the church? The donations are used to provide food for the sisters and clothing, so why not? Are you going to buy me some clothes?”

The sister pressed Fran with eyes full of hostility, saying, “Let’s refute this.”

And, regrettably, the sister’s words made Fran’s right mouth shut.

Who will give donations for the church if we stop doing physical missionary work?

It was a realistic issue that Fran, who had never made money as he deserved, had nothing to refute.

“Look at that. You don’t have a way either. Do you want the church to collapse because of your not-so-good sense of morality?”

“If we propagate the church properly, donations will come in properly. It is meaningless for the church to continue like this.”

It was a stronger reaction than I thought.

Fran was unable to hide her embarrassment, but tried to persuade him with a just theory.

“Huh! If the other sisters don’t do it, then I won’t either. But if the other sisters continue? I’ll continue too. So don’t try to convince me and convince the other sisters, okay?”


First of all, I decided to take comfort in the fact that I was promised that I would not do it unless the other sisters did it.

I was convinced that if I persuaded each person one by one, I would be able to produce good results.

“What the hell are you doing these days?”

“Sister Miyu?”

Fran, who was contemplating whom to call into the counseling room and persuade her, widened her eyes at Sister Miyu’s words.

“What are you doing?”

“Uh… did you hear what I’m doing?”

“It’s crazy these days because of you.”

Fran wondered if Sister Miyu would be able to communicate.

Wasn’t he a kind and affectionate person who showed affection to himself and spared kindness to everyone?

“I’m sorry for bothering you.”

“How did you find out? How to propagate the sisters. No one would have taught you.”

“Sister Miyu knew it too!”

“Of course I know. I don’t know how.”

“Could Sister Miyu do it too?!”

I was shocked because Sister Miyu had the idea that it couldn’t be.

“Do you think I’m different from other people?”

“If it’s Sister Miyu, can’t we propagate instead of doing that?”

“Ha… I’m not going to talk about it here, so follow me.”

Sister Miyu took her to the counseling room after looking around.

After closing the counseling room door, Sister Miyu sighed deeply.

“I didn’t want to tell you.

“It’s not like that.”

Fran did not hide what had happened to Sister Miyu.

“I made a mistake and insulted the nobleman. He tried to take me away, so I said I was an academy student and barely escaped. But after that, people around me looked at me differently. And people who weren’t like that before You started making fun of me.”

“Those people misunderstood. They thought they were being treated by nobles.”

Sister Miyu touched her forehead with the palm of her hand.

“I’m thinking maybe it’s something like that.”

“Bastards. You must have been looking for a chance. It’s scary to touch you for the first time as an academy student, so you must have hoped someone would stop you from starting.”

Hard the first time, easy the second time.

Those who had been waiting for Fran to return after losing her virginity began to openly target her body.

“And they let me know. The sisters…”

It means that they are preaching in a bad way.

“So you’re telling your sisters not to do it? Because it’s not right?”

“Yes. It is not right to propagate the church in that way. And if we propagate in that way, other people will have no choice but to look at our church in a bad way.”

In order to confidently say no to those who point fingers that the denomination is bad, the sisters must first change.

It was the conclusion that Fran, who sincerely worried about and thought about the church, came to.

And I thought Sister Miyu would agree with her.

From noble mtl dot com

“don’t do it.”


But that thin, thin trust was so easily shattered.

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