He Is a Master Who Can’t Handle a Slave Properly chapter 18

18 - Anomalies (2)

18 – Anomalies (2)

A lot of yellow lights were flashing in the dark.

They didn’t simply fill the dungeon’s corridors according to their desires.

One of the captains leading them revealed his size in the dark.

Goblin King.

The leader who leads the small green dwarves.

But it wasn’t just one.

Two more such giants appeared out of the darkness and were strolling through the corridors.

Ears with sharp tips like an elf, but a shape that can’t be called beautiful at all.

Make sure to read from noble mtl dot com

Rather than having a nose, the guys with it, which looked like a human nose had been cut off and only a hole left, inhaled and exhaled the body odor that permeated the air.

“Crab… crab… ha…”

Growling his throat, he recalls the goal engraved in his head.

[Three intruders. All remain in the dungeon until the set deadline has passed. eliminate.]

“Gah, ah! Perez-Tur!”

Spitting out an unknown language, he gave instructions to the goblin horde beneath his feet.

Then, in terror and awe, they hurriedly move their dainty legs.

Make sure to read from noble mtl dot com

Rolling huge yellow eyes and pricking ears, they soon noticed that their spy was slowly disappearing.


But they soon decided to turn their attention to that fact.

A rabbit beast and a weak human. They were still fresh.

The dungeon didn’t target them.

Make sure to read from noble mtl dot com

Rather, the intruders were hiding somewhere deep here.

Although the body odor was clearly strong, it was strangely difficult to find.

They were annoyed by that fact, but they had no choice but to keep moving.

Because the command of the dungeon is absolute, and instead of being bound by a contract, they are promised perpetuity.

Only they and the warriors of old will remember that the name Goblins cannot describe them.

An old age of darkness that ruled the world with glorious armor and black steel…

Compared to him, these green monsters who claimed to be their descendants were insignificant and weak.

However, I liked the fact that they were descendants and respected and loyal to their ancestors.

So even though it’s a short time, they’re talking to them eagerly and urging them.

Before the intruders could escape the hierarchy, they had to be caught and killed.

The only thing that has meaning in eternity is the blood and loot of the enemies.


“The Goblin King…!”

After killing the goblins and examining their weapons, she opened her eyes and muttered something.

“The Goblin King, Mr. Ellie?”

“These guys are the Goblin King’s subordinates… The elite monsters on the 3rd floor must have been the Goblin King.”

“How do you know that? In the first place… is it dangerous?”

She looked at something for a while, then put something in my hand.

“First… take care of these. These are quite expensive items. This could be called luck among misfortunes.”


Something round, flat, but light was held in my hand.

I received them and put them into my bosom, and soon I was able to receive a sword.

However, something felt strange.

I could clearly see that the length was vaguely short, but the weight seemed to be slightly heavier than the warpic.

Considering the rusty sword wasn’t that heavy, I wondered if the goblins could lift it.

“It’s pretty heavy…”

“Yes. It’s because they say they use old steel swords. They use pretty rare weapons. These guys can also be money, but… I’m worried.”

“What about it?”

“If we ran into that… and considering the number of goblins, it wouldn’t be one. We’re in trouble.”

“You mean they created the goblins?”

“Rather than making it up, it’s a format where the dungeon attaches an escort. The story is long. First of all, here somehow… Whoa…”

With a thump, she fell to her knees.

He let out a heavy breath and seemed to have closed his eyes, so he could no longer see her red eyes.

“Huh, uhh… Whouk, uhhh…”

hear her moans. Are you hurt?

“Ellie, are you okay?”

“Wait… Wait… Not here… It’s not safe yet… It’s okay…”

I tried to find her, fumbling through the air following the sound of something muttering.

Carefully keeping the knife on the floor, he slowly wiggled his arm to check her condition.

Tak, soft hair brushed his hand.

Are these her ears?

“Hey, Ellie, are you okay?”

Just like that, he brushed her ears, stroked her hair, and carefully knelt down in front of her.


It was at that moment that her red eyes opened.

“Ah, Mr. Ellie. Here you are – Huh?!”

Something warm and fluffy – her lips… the back of her hand the other day…


Something hot and soft hit it.

The hot saliva mixed in for a long time, then reached the limit and tapped her arm in succession before I could barely breathe in the fresh air.

“hahahaha, hee, hee, hee-“

Swallowing someone else’s saliva was a rather strange feeling than I thought.

Something warm and lukewarm seemed to flow down my throat and gently land on my stomach.

At first glance, it seemed that something sweet smelled from her.

Of course, for a while, I had to face her shining eyes once more.

“Ha ha, ha, ha…”

White breath emitted from her mouth, glowing red in the light of her eyes.

The red smoke rising slowly but surely in front of me seemed to represent her deep desire.

In other words, it looked like it would attack me at any moment.

If I lifted even one finger here, I felt like I would be stripped of my clothes and turned into tatters.

That much, her eyes were staring at me, shining more brightly and intensely than ever before.

“…Promise me, please.”

She whispered softly to me while holding my arms.


“If you get out of here alive, let me violate you.”

I was able to keep my composure, although a third party who had heard it would certainly have looked at the situation in amazement or contempt.

“…not surprising.”

All of the actions she’s shown so far have been… so-and-so.

“I’m serious.”

“That… the expression of committing…”

“Seriously. I won’t stop even if you cry and tell me to stop. If you push me away, I’ll drag you back in. I want you that much.”

Gulp, I hear the sound of saliva going down my throat.

To say that it only came from me… the sound was too loud, so she must be like that too.

“…it’s too blatant.”

“So promise me. I can violate you.”


What should I do?

is it really like this?

Granted, how are you going to handle the aftermath?

But when you look at her eyes… so desperate.

“What if I say no…?”


For a moment, her heavy breathing stopped.

“…No, Dani?”

“It’s literally.”


The sound of breathing became quiet.

“Well, then… it can’t be helped.”

“It’s really like that, right?”

“…At least if it’s your order, I can’t refuse it. It’s a contract.”




“I don’t think I can say for sure what will happen.”

The red light went off, then came back on.

Those eyes were a little calmer, but for some reason, they were much more sinister.

The round red circle was split in half.

Obviously, it is ‘glaring’ at me.

I began to genuinely wonder if she was really a rabbit or a wolf in rabbit’s clothing.

“…Promise, I will.”

“So… eh?”

“It’s okay to do as Mr. Elly said… instead.”

“yes yes?”

“What if the condition is that we survive safely together?”

If you say you don’t know her heart, that’s stupid.

If you pretend not to know, something big will happen someday.

Make sure to read from noble mtl dot com

Rather… I thought it would be nice if I could alleviate her runaway in this way.

I could barely see the outline of her right in front of me, but my ears must have been pounding as I heard the sound of the wind cutting continuously.

“Ah, ah… ah… how could it be like this…”

He said, and took her into her arms.

“I love you, I love you. I love you unbearably…!”

“Well, we haven’t escaped yet…! And – uh huh?!”

Once again, I was caught by her violent arms and forced to vomit.

However, it must be quite ironic that the arm she touched was covered in soft downy hair.


Meanwhile, the Goblin Kings gathered together, scratching their heads.

The smell was clearly pointing to this cavity.

But the target was nowhere to be seen.

“Gehh?! Grrr…”

Are they deceived? Are the dungeons playing with them?

…For a while, I had such doubts,

“Kreureu… Kwaaa!”

In the end, the warrior who couldn’t hold back his anger among the three hit the wall.

Cracked, cracked wall.

That surprised them.

Obviously, this is an indestructible structure.

But now the wall has cracked.

Even he himself, who had been beaten, couldn’t help but look at his club and the wall alternately for a while, and then he was able to figure out the situation after blowing his nose.

The target they were looking for was a fake wall.

…Not long after, so many goblins disappeared in a dark light.

It was at that moment when a man and a rabbit man made an appointment not far from the exit.

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  1. rrobz says:

    “Promise me, please … If we get out of here alive, let me violate you…” Absolutely epic quote.

  2. Eshya . Eshya . says:

    This girl is chad (female version)

  3. Wow says:

    She is… Wow.

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