How Did I Become a Great Prophet chapter 40

40 - Business Trip to Jeju Island

40 – Business Trip to Jeju Island

A fox with nine tails? Nine tailed fox?

“…Why is the gumiho in Jeju? Why is it sealed in Mt. Halla??”

“Well, it happened when my father was correcting it, so I’m not sure… Once upon a time, there was a guru who was so good that he could even reach the sky. It is said that it was sealed in Jeju Island’s Mt. Halla, which is far from the mainland because it is a mountain with strong energy and the center of the island, wary of strength and talent.”

“Uh…So you’re saying you don’t know, right?”

“hahahahaha! I’m the second-generation mountain soldier of Mt. Halla…Don’t you know the old story before the days when a one-eyed guy named Gungye called himself Maitreya?”

“That’s so vague…”

By the way, I heard that it was a mountain god, and it lived a very long time, right?

If Gungye was still alive… Didn’t that mean he was alive at least from the time of the Later Three Kingdoms? How long have you been living then?

“Hmm, anyway, I want a solution to the name of the nine-tailed fox, sir. Of course, if you accept the request as well, I will pay for it regardless of whether it succeeds or not.”

“…It’s not like fortune-telling, it would be difficult if you handed over such a dangerous request…”

After blurring my words, I stared at the confessional’s face.

If you think your eyesight won’t work just because you can’t see properly, you’re mistaken.

In other words, I indirectly foresee my future through the contemplation of the confession.

It won’t be as accurate as looking out using a mirror or Arin, but you can still get a rough idea of everything.

‘Hmm… Hmm…’

And after sneakily checking Baekrok’s face, I was able to make a decision.

“But I understand, let’s accept the special request this time.”

“Oh, really! Thank you very much sir!”

‘If you accept it, you will only benefit… Should I accept this?’

If you say that there will be no particular big risk and you will only benefit, shouldn’t you accept it?

“Then, I’ll give you the price for this quest first.”

Baekrok took something out of his sleeve and put it on the table.

The thing that was revealed was…A sharp stake…Like an object.

What is this? There’s even a string…A peg-shaped necklace?

“Ugh…What is this?”

“This is an item called ‘Baeka’. In the past, my father had a fight with an eagle owl over the mountain army position in Halla Mountain, and it was made by processing a piece of broken horn! My father, who was a powerful mountain god, It is a dagger made by processing the powerful horn with the aura of the mountain and the lava of Mt. Halla, and it is truly a great treasure.”

Hmm, I fully understand that it’s an unusual item.

“By the way, what kind of ability does this thing have? I can’t tell just by looking at it.”

I think I can find out if I tell fortunes… But I think I can find out if I don’t, but I don’t really want to do that.

“The true value of this item is that it is a dagger, but it does not hurt others, it heals! Just by holding it, the owner can feel the greatness and warmth of the mountain, the freshness of spring and the beauty and fierceness of winter. By endowing it and stabbing it with a white blade, it can heal quite a few illnesses or wounds at once. Truly, it is a precious Noble Phantasm that is worthy of being called.”


If you poke it with a blade, it actually heals you.

…But what is the hugeness and coziness of the mountains, and what effect are the freshness of spring and the beauty and harshness of winter?

As if he had read my slightly questionable expression, the confessional smirked and leaned his head toward me, covered his mouth with his hand, and began to speak in whispers.

“The above effect is simply put… It means that it makes a person more attractive. For example, it has the effect of improving stamina or smoothing out angular spots. Hmm, for example, it solves hair loss. Or?”

“That’s a really great effect…!!”

Even the best potion can’t cure it, even the elixir makes you frustrated, and you can cure it that even a superman can’t overcome unless you’re a superman in the healing world, that is to say, a top-level superman called the 4 Heavenly Healers…!! I have a feeling it’s a really great thing.

Here’s even a boost? It’s something that will make a lot of people roll their eyes…

“By the way, if there are people nearby who are very fond of the owner, it subconsciously makes the owner more attractive.”

The confessional glanced around and said with a sinister smile.

“That’s a really cool thing, isn’t it?!”

Anyway, since he was the commissioner of the request, I took the white agar given by the confession and hung it roughly around his neck. It seems to be able to adjust the length of the line. Also, look at the answer…

“Then, when all the friends who will go to Jeju together gather, we will depart.”

Ricone told her to watch over the house while she was gone, and this time she intends to go only with Ri Soo-yeon, Akame, and Dark Mystery.

Well, I thought it would be nice to have someone to play with and watch over the house. Even if you don’t have it, it doesn’t matter. I guess this is an excuse?

Anyway, I was watching from the side of Black Cat, and when Ri Soo-yeon and Akame called, they ran right away.

Lee Soo-yeon, who cares about her sister a lot, thought about it for a while, but since the Cheongsong bodyguards didn’t think the place was particularly dangerous, she went back upstairs and told Su-jin that she was going to buy a souvenir and came back. It’s extremely sincere.

Su-Jin Ri is also an A-class superhuman in her own way, but she seems to be still a weak younger sister to Su-Yeon.

…Tseu-eup, looking at a high-ranking superman with an A rank and saying that he is strong, it seems that the standards have become strange after meeting a lot of powerful people who claim to be S rank or mountain spirits on a fictional day.

“Then, since it looks like everyone has gathered, I think we can start. Oh, but how are we going to get there? By plane, too?”

“hahahaha! Sensei, you have a very ordinary mind compared to your abilities! Ah! Actually, there is such a thing as a private plane, right?”

As soon as the confession book, which burst into laughter as if it were interesting, drew a small circle with a finger, the space opened up and became connected to other spaces.

“If you look at it like this, it’s because it’s a mountain god! If you ride this, you’ll reach Jeju in no time! If you cross it, it’s Jeju! hahahahaha!”

“Hey, you’re as talented as a mountain god! By the way, will the old man go with you?”

“Now that I’ve introduced you, my role is over! I’ll go back to my house and sleep!”

“hahahaha! Thank you for today, senior! I’ll send it to you if I pick one up later!”

“Come on! Good job.”

Old Man Ho Seo, smiling and fiddling with his beard, left the room and quickly returned home.

“By the way, you seem to be quite close with the old man. Do you have a relationship?”

“Oh, it’s not a big deal, but my senior was born about 70 years earlier than me. Mountain spirits can talk and talk without having to visit them, so everyone has a close relationship, right? It’s not like every mountain has a mountain spirit.”

“Aha, I see?”

Hmm, is there some kind of community among mountain gods? That’s interesting.

“Anyway, shall we go soon?”

“Oh, that’s right.”

The hole that the confession book opened… So after I and the party passed through a portal, we arrived at Jeju right away.

How did you know right away that it was Jeju? A sign right next door said it was 8km to Jeju International Airport.

“Whoa…That’s a really handy ability.”

Anyway, just as I was admiring the fact that I had come to Jeju straight across the sea, I heard a disgruntled cry from behind me.

“Ah! Use space movement in a place where there are no people!!”

“Oh, sorry.”

“Eh! You’re dangerous on the street! That’s why superhumans these days… Tsk tsk!”

I scratched my head as I ate and stepped aside. Space movement, there is such a problem…

“hahahaha! I made a mistake. Sorry everyone. Anyway, welcome to Jeju everyone!”

By the way, it’s Jeju Island…Actually, I’ve been there once when I was young and haven’t been there since then, so it feels new.

And there seemed to be quite a few people like that besides me.

“Jeju Island…It’s the first time I’ve been here like this.”

“Senpai is like that too? So am I.”

“Have you ever been to a black cat?”

“Nyanya! I’ve been here a few times to steal!”

“Ah…I see.”

Did I just ask…?

Anyway, there are quite a few first-time visitors, so I think it would be okay to do some sightseeing while you’re here.

“Should I do something first?”

“When it’s all over, I’ll be the local guide!”

“Ah, thank you then.”

Jeju Island is famous as a famous tourist destination.

It is also famous around the world, but in fact, unlike in the past, it is now famous for a different reason than as a tourist destination.

To the safest land in Korea, the realm of the strongest superman in Korea.

He is an S rank superman and one of the world’s top 5 sea kings, whose home ground is the sea.

Wi Jin-taek, the Dragon King of the Four Seas. It’s the land where he is so famous that I know him well.

Ah, for reference, it is not related by blood to Dokma Wi Ji-young. It’s just like a castle.

But whatever you say, I don’t know if we’ll ever meet. If you’re lucky, you might even meet them while walking in Jeju.

Anyway, we rode the portal once more and arrived right in front of the seal at Hallasan Mountain.

“Okay! This is the seal sir! Then please!”

“Yes, well… I received the request fee in advance, so let’s try something.”

From noble mtl dot com

Hmm, anyway, since you said you were commissioning, you should start focusing on things, right?

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