How the Psionic Prince Overcomes Reversal and Obsession chapter 7

7 - If you want to marry me, save the world first (1)

7 – If you want to marry me, save the world first (1)

The ceremony to select escort knights began to be organized with that.

I said to the hesitant Peria.

“Let’s leave today and go to Geumhwa Palace tomorrow.”

“Yes? But… .”

“There must be a lot of things to handle because the place of work will change under my command, right? You should stop by and say hello to the friends of the Knights.”

“Okay… It is.”

Peria lowered her head with a shadowy face.

With the teardrops on her face and being unnecessarily beautiful, there was a more sorrowful atmosphere for some reason.

Then I suddenly wanted to ache.

‘this. I thought it was a shame.’

I told him to go round his friends and say hello… .

Unknowingly, Asa’s pain was dug out.

“I’m busy with work, so I’ll stop going.”

I patted Peria on the shoulder and hurriedly left.

In times like these, rather than trying to cover up with useless words, you should give yourself time alone.

If you carelessly put your hand on it, it could make the wounds in your heart worse.

‘Although it’s true that he’s actually busy.’

This afternoon, he is scheduled to attend a government meeting.

Originally, the princess and the princes, who do not have a special position, have no reason to attend the government meeting.

Actually, it’s not that I haven’t had a chance to take on a position several times, but I’ve rejected all of them.

Until now, playing and eating leisurely has been my motto in life, so I have refrained from bothering things as much as possible.

‘This episode shouldn’t be like that.’

The world might be ruined, but I can’t just leave my hands on it.

So, move around and prepare for the future.

‘Just because today’s meeting was to deal with the ‘Goddess Oracle’ and the ‘sky tower problem’… .’

It could be said that it was the perfect timing.

* * *

After lunch, we headed to the main palace where the government meeting was to be held.

“Hey, there… .”

“Re… de… Prince… .”

“How… here… .”


As I headed for the meeting hall of the main palace with the attendants in front, the officials and courtiers who recognized my face whispered in surprise.

‘but… .’

At this point, most of the time, I’ve been confined to the villa.

However, since I appeared in the main palace, and in the area where the administrative departments were concentrated, such a reaction was understandable.

It was when I arrived at the lobby in front of the conference hall while walking down the aisle in the eyes of people.

Someone came calling my name out loud.


There was only one person in the imperial castle who would call my name so casually and with warm feelings.

When I turned my head, a woman was walking towards me with a gentle smile on the other side.

Her eyes were soft and gentle, with rich blonde hair and bright red eyes.

On the other hand, she is a beautiful beauty who can feel a strange authority or charisma as a whole.

Instead of wearing a dress, the clothes were fancy clothes that were remodeled from administrative bureaucratic uniforms.

—Irene Kazidum, the crown princess.

She was Irene, the eldest of the three siblings including Regid and Ekinne.

‘Personality… It can be said to be the exact opposite of Equinne.’

Sister Irene used to take good care of me when I was young with her unique gentle personality and behavior.

I was indebted to you when I was suddenly possessed and confused.

My sister was a high-ranking aristocrat whose maternal lineage was also flawless, and she even obtained the status of the crown princess at a relatively early age.

‘Originally, it’s because the barn is generous.’

Maybe because this is a world where men and women are reversed, I, the ‘younger brother’, just looked cute.

‘Of course, Ekinne disapproved of such a sister, saying that she was an obstacle.’

As I was thinking about this and that, before I knew it, older sister Irene came right in front of me.


“Sister, even if it’s not——wow.”

Sister Irene strode towards me, hugged my head, and held it between her breasts.

This time I suffered something similar to what I had done to Ekinne not too long ago.

“Legid. Why have you turned down visits from your sister these days?”

“sister. I am no longer a child… .”

Even in the world of gender reversal, the height difference between men and women does not change.

I had to bend down because of the height difference, so I untied her arms in discomfort and tried to get out of her arms.

However, Sister Irene pulled my head once again and buried it in her chest befitting the dignity of a princess.

A faint scent of perfume tickled my nostrils along with a soft cushiony feel.

“Answer me. Starting with why you refused this sister’s visit.”

Her eyes are warm, but her eyes are mixed with charisma unique to the Crown Princess.

It is true that he rejected her request to visit after returning.

Because I needed time to think about this and that.

But it was only for a day or two.

Sister Irene’s care was too much fuss.

I answered while burying my face in my sister’s elegant chest.

“I’m an adult now, so I have things to think about.”

“Come to think of it… Regid has become an ‘adult’ now… .”

Apparently, the younger brother’s growth as a sister seems to evoke complex emotions in many ways.

“Yes. I am an adult now.”

“yes… … Before I knew it, my legid became an ‘adult’… .”

“… ?”

Irene’s older sister was stroking my hair and had a thoughtful face with deep eyes.

Then, suddenly, she narrowed her eyes slightly.

“Come to think of it, Regid, I heard that the knight I recommended was not selected as an escort knight… ?”

‘Looks like the news has already arrived.’

It seems that someone felt unfair about being eliminated and ran right away to tell them.

“sister. Now I can do it on my own.”

“But it was all because of you.”

I loosened my sister’s arms that were holding my head and straightened my bent waist.

Then he looked down at her face from up close and met his gaze.

“ah… .”

When siblings disagree, they must decide which side to follow.

As a way to do that, there is a method that older sister Irene taught me when I was young.

It is the <Sibling Duel – Snowball Fight>.

It is a dueling method in which you lose by blinking or looking away first, and the loser has to follow the winner’s words.

My sister was surprised by the sudden duel and protested a little.

“for a moment… suddenly… energy… .”


“Oh… !”

He warned in a low voice, indicating that the fight had already begun.

Irene’s older sister flinched and then joined the fight as if she couldn’t help it.

“eww… oops… .”

They face each other at close range, where the breath of the other person can touch them.

In that state, he stared into the other person’s eyes like that.

“ah… Ahh… Re… Gide… .”

My sister’s eyes became watery and began to shake.

It was proof that the mental energy consumption was severe because of the <Sibling-style dueling method – snowball fight>.

My sister may be sweating little by little. The familiar and longed-for sweet scent tickles my nose.

“Sigh… Sigh… Whew… !”


Exactly 12 seconds later, sister Irene turned her eyes away from me.

Of course, this was also my victory.

My sister’s face was quite red.

When I was young, I was equal, but as I got older, I kept losing, so it seemed quite resentful.

’12 seconds. It used to be a 7 second cut… .’

Apparently, my skills are rusted because of regression.

Anyway, if you do it a few more times, it will come down to 7 seconds sooner or later, so it’s not a big problem.

The defeated sister had no choice but to follow my will.

“Yes, if you think so… Oh, I can’t help it… .”

“Thank you, sister.”

I can’t say anything more about appointing Peria as an escort knight.

Sister Irene reluctantly nodded, then frowned as if remembering something.

“But these days, youngest Ekinne, I’m worried that he keeps thinking useless thoughts.”

“what… ?”

“It seems like you secretly sent someone to the north to discuss your marriage.”

“If it’s in the North… Are you talking about the Grand Duke of North Korea?”

“yes. What are you thinking… .”

indeed… came out like that

This naughty little sister seems to want to marry me and sell me as soon as possible.

I suddenly remembered the ‘Northern Princess Sirel’ I had seen right before returning.

I was thinking of going to see his mother, the Grand Duke of North, to help him grow up properly, but it wasn’t like this.

At that time, older sister Irene opened her mouth with a serious face.

“But take it easy. Regid, this sister will stop you from going out as if you were sold into an arranged marriage, no matter what.”

I laughed bitterly.

Since it was a world of gender reversal, the prince was also in the ‘princess position’.

It’s kind of a strategy tool.

“what… It’s not pleasant, but since I was born as the prince of the imperial family, it’s an unavoidable fate.”

Of course, in previous rounds, he had avoided it in one way or another.

When Sister Irene heard my words, she hardened her face and said,

“Didn’t I keep telling you before? Cherish yourself! If you don’t want to get married, this sister will do her best to help!”

“hahahaha… what… That wouldn’t be too bad.”

In fact, in the last episode, my sister actively supported me when I didn’t want to get married and go home.

Sister Irene reached out and brushed my hair with her fingers.

And just like the last episode, he whispered in a soft voice this time.

“yes… … There’s no law that says you have to be a member of the imperial family… … .”

It was a point of view that perfectly matched the life goal of the last episode.

I remember receiving a lot of help from my real sister.

Sister Irene kept whispering in my ear.

“Because it’s enough for me to spend my whole life happily in the imperial palace with this sister… … . In the future, when this sister becomes emperor, in the deepest place inside the imperial palace… … I’ll even build a gorgeous palace just for you in a place where no one can disturb—”


I laughed lightly at my sister’s joke.

Sister Irene would sometimes tell absurd jokes.

“Sister, thank you as always.”

“… Why all of a sudden?”

I just smiled faintly.

I’m sorry to my sister, but ‘that resolution’ was already finished on the morning of the return.

* * *

I entered the spacious conference hall and stood behind the makeshift seat allotted to me.

buzz buzz.

One by one, officials from large and small offices carrying various documents began to enter the conference hall.

As in the world of gender reversal, the proportion of women was overwhelmingly high.

how long did you wait for that

A few attendants came out of the deep aisle and shouted loudly.

“The ruler of the great empire, His Majesty Remedilac Kazidum will eat it!”

It was an abbreviated and abbreviated procedure compared to the original appearance procedure.

The reason why the procedure is usually shortened like this can be summarized in two ways.

One is if you are a reformer who really hates ostentation.

Another thing is if you have absolute confidence in yourself.

Make sure to read from noble mtl . com


The emperor… … … Needless to say, it was the latter.

Woo woo-.

Just by taking a step, the air in the entire conference room felt heavy.

‘No, it actually got heavier.’

The naturally flowing psionic waves caused the atmospheric pressure in the conference room to fluctuate for an instant.

‘At this level, even Nara from the previous episode must have been quite annoying… .’

He was a man with a strong impression, with blonde hair unique to the royal family extending like a lion’s mane.

He was tall and had thick muscles covering his whole body.

—Emperor of the Kazidum Empire, Remedilac Kazidum.

I glanced down at myself as I watched him enter the meeting room.

‘Until the middle of the previous episode, I thought he was Regid’s real father.’

However, in the process of climbing the Sky Tower, I accidentally peeked into the secrets of my bloodline.

Not everything was revealed at the time, but at least it was clear that I was not of imperial blood.

‘When the emperor was young… … When I was an ambitious prince, I had a past where I often led my subordinates to the Sky Tower.’

In the meantime, there was a time when an accident occurred and Prince Remedilock disappeared inside the Sky Tower for nearly a year.

‘Prince Remedilock, who returned after a year, was holding a baby in his arms.’

The emperor kept quiet about his mother while saying that he was his son.

And the baby was registered in the imperial family as it was.

Of course, gossip like wildfire broke out, but that gradually subsided naturally with the passage of time.

‘Because that baby proved herself to be of the imperial lineage.’

I lightly spread the palm of my left hand near the waist.


‘Golden mana’ swirls between your fingers and then melts into the air and disappears.

‘Because only the royal lineage could handle the two systems, mana and psionics.’

That’s how the current Prince Regid was naturally accepted.

But… .

‘Not too long ago, I found out that all of that was a lie after all.’

I looked carefully at the strong-looking man with wild blond hair like a lion’s mane.

‘Emperor Remedy Rock.’

One day, the day will come when I will ask him directly about this matter.

“Sit down—!!”

The meeting began with a shout from the attendant.

“… … .”

“… … .”

At first, it was a quiet and solemn atmosphere, as if watching the emperor.

Despite the era in which the roles of men and women are reversed, it is a figure that can assume the power of the current emperor who ascends to the throne as a man and exercises strong control over the empire.

I was reminded of the purpose of attending this meeting today.

‘I thought we were going to discuss the Goddess’ Oracle and Sky Tower at today’s meeting.’

But that’s it.

Yet people did not fully realize the nightmare that had come.

I had to step out on my own and prepare to prevent the apocalypse.

‘In front of the end of the world, I have to use all available cards.’

Even if you think about this and that and save it, it will be of no use if you die in a few years anyway.

‘Even if there is a limit to offering this body of the imperial prince as a prize.’

A powerful hand that can be used because it is a world where men and women are reversed.

‘The right to marry me to the woman who saved the world.’

I intend to proclaim it to the whole continent at this place today.

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  1. GameOn says:

    Why not name yourself Ozakekeke

  2. Ozaki Ozaki says:

    Kekekekekeke hopefully so kekkekekeke

  3. Surely his sister love him not only as her little brother

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