How the Regressor Loves the Reincarnated chapter 8

8. Side - Adele

8. Side – Adele


“I must be really crazy… Ugh…!”

Adele, who has been sprawling on the bed and kicking the blanket for a while, suddenly buries her face in her pillow and screams silently.

Obviously, today’s meeting went in a completely different direction than Adele herself had imagined. But if it was just that, she would have had the best result as Adele, so even if she was happy, it would not have been enough.

From Adele’s point of view, Prince Luke, no, Luke’s son, suddenly told her that she was having a hard time. To her surprise, Luke was the first to reveal her regression. So, she was also the first to offer her comforting words to Luke.

‘I hate to admit it, but he’s a good person.’

The past or the future? Either way, it’s safe to say that he was a completely different person from the lunatic Luke Isvantra he knew, and he left a good impression on Adele. But that was the problem.

No matter how much Adele thought about it, in her own eyes, Luke, who must have just turned 20, was normal to be seen as a child. In fact, the thought that she was already an adult at that point pushed her head out of her head, but she quickly erased that thought from her mind.

No, I tried to erase it. Unfortunately, she failed miserably.

Adele, who has her body turned over and lies in an upright position, stares up at her ceiling. After being absent-minded for a moment, she stretched out her hand and spread it out. What she saw was a pretty hand with no major scars except for her calluses, which had been pierced from practicing her swordsmanship.

Adele, who had seen everything she could not see through her long war, hated the sense of alienation she felt every time she looked at herself in the mirror.

The 1st round, and the 2nd round too. She was an undeniable failure.

But she feels the sense that she is the only one who lost her life in the previous episode, and only she gets another chance, returns to her past body, and lives like this. Adele hated it terribly.

‘What qualifications do people like me have?’

“Adele Ludmeier, you are a hero no matter what anyone says, so take pride in that fact.”

‘Hero? It’s just nonsense that people I couldn’t save would laugh at if they heard it.’

“Even if others don’t know about it, maybe even if she doubts herself, that’s a fact that will never change.”


Adele hurriedly removed her hand, feeling as if she was about to be burned at the burning sensation she felt as she brought her raised hand to her cheek. It took a while for her to stare at her hand again.

“Luke Isvant…”

Adele whispered her name and closed her eyes.

The man named Luke was an enigma that she could not solve.

Although she had no choice but to stay away from her relationship because of the situation, she was not so insensitive that she could not understand the feelings she felt and was feeling.

Although the feelings were by no means deep, the comforting words he had spoken to her clearly shook her own heart. She hadn’t fully sprouted yet, but the seeds of love were sure to be planted.

A seed that could sprout and grow in an instant if given an opportunity at any time. Besides, since it was a relationship that we will cooperate in the future, the opportunity was not enough and overflowed.

But even when she realized that, she wasn’t ready to accept it.

She could have assumed that she and Luke were about the same physical age. Adele herself was a bit more, but for that matter, she was not more than a year apart.

But Adele was bothered by the fact that she was a regressor who had gone through two past regressions. For her, considering her mental age, she couldn’t help but think that there must be someone out there who was more suitable for him than she was.

Besides, Luke’s family, Isvant, didn’t have a corner where he would bow down compared to his family, Ryudmeier. It wasn’t even a family lacking in being connected with the bloodline of the imperial family. Even in terms of her status, it was difficult for her to see Adele as her best option.

And looks.

She is Adele, who is in a state of low self-esteem, but she also has no choice but to pause at this point. Her pride as a woman would not allow her to admit that she was not enough.

Now that her body age is just in her early twenties, her beauty is not only inferior to women of her age, but to no one else. When she grew a little older and became a fully mature woman, she also knew what she was going to look like then.

She was proud of her long light pink hair, which was a unique and beautiful color enough to attract attention wherever she went. On the battlefield, she had to tie her straight hair down to her waist as it was only a hindrance, so she had to tie it back. So, she said it all.

In the case of her face, she had an overall benign impression except for the mole under her eye. When she was young, she hated that point and asked her parents if she could get rid of it with her magic. Had written Adele, of course, has changed her mind quite a bit now. As she got older, she came to think that the moles under her eyes compensated for the impression that she was a little overly gentle, giving them a slightly more mature look, and she especially welcomed their presence. Will be.

Adele, who had been defending her appearance in her mind, exhaled and closed her eyes. This is all because the man unnecessarily sees through himself and comforts her. He didn’t do anything particularly wrong, but Adele was just distraught and blamed her Luke.

‘Does that person know that he has set fire to a person’s heart?’

There have been quite a few times in my life when I simply thought that someone’s appearance was attractive.

But she always responded to the flirtation of others by putting up an iron wall. Indulging in the pleasures of her body without even the exchange of her feelings was not what she wanted.

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Moreover, as the days of continuing to lose something in her battlefield continued, she became afraid of having someone precious to her. She couldn’t help but think about when she would lose it.

Adele, who returned to the past after losing everything, had already given up halfway. She was given a heavy responsibility to prevent destruction anyway, and in the process, it was close to impossible for her to find the one person who was precious to her.

If Adele was the daughter of another aristocratic family, there would be a high probability that she would have had an arranged marriage, but the Lud Meyer family had no need to sell blood for political reasons. So she was given the freedom to choose her own mate.

In the first place, Duke Ludmeyer would never have thought that he would not be able to find someone worthy of a wedding with until his daughter became an overgrown virgin. So, she gave me that freedom.

Unsurprisingly, in the second playthrough, she didn’t find someone she liked. She was Adele, whom she hadn’t even expected from the beginning, but was still disappointed.

The variable called Luke Isvant fell in front of her, who experienced failure again and returned to the past.

In today’s meeting, Luke shattered Adele’s expectations.

He surprisingly believed her claim that she had returned from her future to the past. Of course, she asked for verification, but Adele could easily see through to the fact that even when Luke said that, she was already half-faithful about her own regression.

What Luke did next was to comfort her. Hearing the consolation that touched her own heart in a completely unexpected moment for her, Adele was moved to tears. It was a story she was ashamed to admit, but she couldn’t quite deny the fact that she had fallen a little in love with her sweetness.

If she had rather ended there, she wouldn’t have been kicking back the covers and regretting her actions a little while ago. The problem is what happened after that.

Involuntarily biting off his words that he would have her maid serve her refreshments, she asked for something sweet.

It was a mistake.

Adele liked sweet things. If she hadn’t been a full-fledged knight, would she be okay to eat like this as a woman? That’s enough to make her worry.

Because it was almost impossible to obtain sweets on her battlefield, she couldn’t even savor the sweet taste before returning to her past. So, as soon as Adele returned to her past, one of the first things she did was find a sweet dessert.

But what Luke ordered her maid to do was a dessert of the kind she had never seen before in her life. It was soft enough for a spoon to dig into without much resistance. When it touched her tongue, it felt cold like ice.

Luke called it ‘ice cream’.

The moment the ice cream melted in her mouth, the strawberry flavor filled her mouth, boasting a unique yet addictive texture that Adele could not help but exclaim in admiration. When she came to her senses, she found that she had emptied the ice cream given to her before she knew it, and Luke, who saw it, gave her a satisfied smile and handed it over to eat her own, which she had not even touched.

I was a little embarrassed, but it didn’t make me feel too bad.

Adele, who cleanly emptied even the ice cream that Luke handed over to her, said that she could share her recipe if desired. She nodded.

In the end, the reason she caught her own act as she kicked off her quilt was simple. Adele was blinded by the new texture of the dessert she had tasted for the first time, and she was so ashamed that she behaved like a young girl in front of the man she had just formed a partnership with.

‘It’s strange.’

To Adele, everything about a man named Luke Isvant felt strange. As he said on several occasions, there was a high probability that he would not have returned to the past like himself. If not, how could he really not show signs of knowing at all when he hears keywords such as the zodiac or the devil?

Of course, it may be that her acting is so good that she fools her completely.

But even with that in mind, she could easily sense that Luke was hiding something from her. She had no way of knowing what it was, but she knew that someday she would like to hear it directly from his mouth.

It wasn’t long before Adele, who had erased the thought from her head, was attacked by soma.

The terrible nightmares that had visited her every single day since returning to her past did not disturb her peaceful sleep that day.

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  1. whatever says:

    @Tabibito i know right? at first i thought her hair was black but when she said pink… i thought it e was a bit weird.
    also Author whats with the rush? love at three chapters?

  2. Tabibito says:

    Why pink

  3. Bruh… It’s like Romance Fantasy villain.

    FMC regressor…check
    Mc reincarnator…check

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