How to live as a magic school wizard chapter 33

How to live as a magic school wizard 33


“Are you acquainted with Professor Thunderwalk by any chance?”

“How did know? I am Lightning Step, Aunt of Thunderstep.”

‘no. Were they real relatives?’

I thought that all Dwarves couldn’t be related just because they looked alike, but they really are.

“Are you acquainted with Thunderstep?”

As the dwarf pushed up the pilot glasses, Lee Han instinctively sensed the ominousness.

It was generally not a good thing for a professor to remember names and faces, either on Earth or here.

If I were to be dragged to graduate school like on Earth…

“I don’t know…”

“Wordanaj is Professor Thunderwalk’s best student!”

“Right! Wodanaj is recognized by Professor Thunderbolt! She can even visit his hut!”


Ian looked back.

He frowned at Lee Han with a look that his Blue Dragon Tower friends had done.

Lee Han, who came from the same tower and was their leader, seemed unbearably proud.

‘It’s like these unhelpful, immature bastards!’

Lee Han cursed inwardly. Without knowing Lee Han’s inner feelings, the Blue Dragon Tower students were just proud.

“Also! If you are the master disciple of that thunderYou could even call him my own disciple.”

“I’m not even a disciple…”

“Besides, getting permission to enter his hut. He must have been really recognized.”

“…Yes. Actually I am.”

Lee Han gave up and admitted.

Since this happened, I just wanted to accept it and leave a good impression on the professor.

* * * *

Professor Lightning Step got off the mount and stood in front of the students.

Then he cried out in a powerful voice that resounded.

“Come on, pay attention!”

“I, Professor. Those who are fainting…”

“Leave it alone! You will wake up soon!”

Professor Lightning Walk exclaimed angrily. He was medically bullshit, but none of the students disputed it.

“I am the professor who will teach you this semester, and I am the fastest. The original professor to teach you was Professor Bendo Zol, who went missing to find the unicorn. So I was hired in a hurry.”

‘I don’t know why everyone is not surprised that they went missing to find the unicorn.’

The students were more astonished by the name of Lightning Walk than by Professor Bendosol, who disappeared while searching for the unicorn.

“The famous explorer lightning stride?”

“The lightning stride that subdued Behemoth and turned it into a mount?!”

“You’re the one who explored the crater of a spirit that no one set foot on?!”

‘Well. I should have read something other than Imperial Economy in the newspaper.’

Lee Han felt alienated because he could not participate in the conversation.

From what I heard, he seemed to be a pretty famous explorer.

Some students looked at the lightning steps with envy and respect.

“ruler! Can anyone guess why I appeared on a thunderbird today?”



Lee Han was a famous monster that he had even heard of.

With a body so huge that it was hard to think of a new one, it moved quickly and violently. And even the special ability to control thunder and lightning.

It was a monster like a nightmare for anyone who flew in the sky or climbed up and down high mountains.

Thinking that such a monster had attacked me, my spine became cold.

‘This school really needs to be audited by the Empire once.’

While Lee Han grumbled inwardly, another student raised his hand.

“Is this semester’s goal to ride that thunderbird? So to get us used to it…”

“Wrong! uhh! You’re talking nonsense. If you want to ride the Thunderbird, more than 10 years of practice will not be enough!”

Lightning stride burst into laughter as if it were funny. The student who spoke up panicked and withdrew.

‘ah. Are few people taking alchemy classes here?’

Come to think of it, alchemy classes were optional.

On the other hand, the vehicle training class is a compulsory subject.

In other words, there are far more students who do not know the teaching style of the Professor Dwarf Blood Dwarf.

“Did you come from far and have to take the fastest ride?”

“If I had to ride the fastest mount, I would have taken Sleipnir. Wrong. Well. Wodanaz! You tell me.”


I really didn’t want to get any attention, but the Dwarf professors didn’t let Lee Han go.

Lee Han responded by controlling his expression.

“When we encounter dangerous monsters like thunderbirds, aren’t you riding on board so that we can increase our ability to deal with them?”

At Lee Han’s answer, some students burst into laughter as if it were nonsense.

The vehicle training class is a class that rides a beautiful and cute horse around this area, not a <survival from monsters> class.

Why are you training like that?

“That’s right! After all, there is a reason to like Thunderwalk!”

‘Damn it.’

I hope it’s trueLee Han shook his head.

After all, if I got to know Professor Thunderbolt, I would have to meet a lot of Professor Lightning.

It’s dangerous to be interested in a professor, but it’s even more dangerous to be hated by a professor.

I’d rather love…

“School, Professor? Wasn’t it a horse riding class?”

“Right… that’s right. Why should we train them to avoid thunderbirds?”

Some students asked, seemingly puzzled, whether they had not yet understood the situation.

Why don’t you ride a horse and evacuate the thunderbird?

“What if you meet a thunderbird while riding a horse? It’s training for sure!”

Lightning stride was angry as if he was saying something nonsense. The students who asked the question were terrified.

‘Thunderbird is a rare monster that can only be found in the high sky or in the mountains…’

Lee Han thought so inwardly, but didn’t say it out loud.

In front of the professor, I had to be careful with the right words.

“But don’t worry. Because you will ride the horse you like so much. Wodanaz. come forward You should help my class.”

Receiving gazes of awe and jealousy, Lee Han stepped forward.

Even though he was in awe, Lee Han wanted to defeat the students who looked at him with jealousy.

‘Those who don’t know the speed of others…’

“The horse is the most basic mount you will see in the Empire. A guy who can’t ride this one doesn’t deserve to travel. If you want to ride a more difficult ride, you have to at least learn to ride a horse well.”

At the words of Professor Lightning Walk, quite a few students looked bored.

Because there were more students here who knew how to ride a horse than those who didn’t.

Since we each rode around for different reasons, we were thinking, ‘Is there anything new to learn?’

However, Professor Lightning Walk did not get angry at the sight.

Rather, he smiled kindly.



Lee Han felt the ominous smile.

‘This is not just a horse riding class!’

It was clear that some kind of school couldn’t let go of tension, and it wasn’t an ordinary riding class.

“ruler. Go to the stables!”

The stable located near the main building had clean and spacious facilities.

The stable, which looked like a huge warehouse with three floors, opened as if alive as the professor approached it.

‘You have magic.’

Lee Han could feel the magical energy hanging from the stable.

After all, it’s not just an ordinary horse, so it must be protected by magic.



Cheers came from all over the place.

The sight of the horses dangling on either side of the stable was enough to make the young students admire.

The horses with various fur colors, such as white, black, brown, and gold, were quarter horses with good pedigrees.

Can you ride a horse like this?

It was natural for the students’ eyes to brighten.

But Lee Han was not deceived. He whispered to Yoner next to him.

“Be careful.”


“Think of an alchemy class. Professor Lightning Walk is a blood relative of Professor Thunder Walk. Do you think there will be no pitfalls?”


Yoner nodded his head hurriedly with a look of enlightenment.

Professor Lightning Walk stroked his beard and smiled mischievously. And then he told Ian.

“I will give you the authority to choose the first word as you are the master student who will help me in my class in the future.”

Behind me, I could hear the clicks of tongues mixed with jealousy and envy.

Even if the other favorites were patient, he couldn’t stand choosing the horse first.

Once you choose, you are now one classThat horse would be Lee Han’s partner for the rest of the year, so wouldn’t that mean losing the best horse?

‘You must be thinking… Stupid bastards.’

Lee Han remembered the smile that flashed on the lips of Professor Lightning Walk.

“it’s okay. I will choose later, so I will yield to the other students. I don’t think it’s fair to choose first.”


“You’re the guy!”

The same top students were amazed.

Others have their eyes wide open right now because they want to choose a word first, but such a concession.

It was an honor that only a true nobleman could show.

“Then what?”

“Let’s decide the order in the tower, and then come out one by one and choose. If they overlap, another lot is cast.”


The students were divided into groups and started lining up.

The Blue Dragon Tower students also gathered and cast lots to determine the order. The first to catch was Kainando.


Guynando was delighted.

It felt like I was being compensated for the bad luck I had been caught by the thunderbird earlier.

The Blue Dragon Tower students were blatantly disappointed.

“Are you sure it’s Kainando?”

“I’d rather have Wodanaj take it first.”

“huh. The losers speak.”

Guy Nando ignored his friends. Lee Han became curious and asked Yoner.

“Does Gainando know how to see horses?”

“Writing… well. I don’t think you know.”

Guy Nando strides forward, and he picks the biggest, dirtiest-looking white horse.

The students in the other tower looked at Gainando as if in an absurd way.

Big words were not a good thing.

Moreover, considering that he should tame and befriend him, he shouldn’t have chosen such a dirty-tempered word.

It can cause problems while riding.


“100 million!”






All the students gathered were amazed.

Even though Guynando was hit by a horse and fell backwards, the other students were all hit or spit one by one.


Why are you so fierce?

purr lure!

Purneung! Whoops! Whoops heh!!

The horses in the stable, who had been quietly waiting, began to howl at the same time.

They look fiercely at the students as if they were looking at their enemies.

It was the moment when the wildness that had been hidden exploded.

“Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! I said You have to learn to ride a horse well. Your first task is not to ride horses. I’m going to get acquainted with the horses here. Did you know that you would be able to tell young people like you even?”

“What… what…”

“too bad…!”

Some of the students who did not attend alchemy classes wept with disappointment. But the lightning steps did not stop laughing.

“If you take care of and take care of the horses morning and night, one of them might open up your heart. That’s your goal. only one! Getting to know even one of them!”


‘That’s obviously not an ordinary word.’

Ian was sure.

Anyway, it was not a common saying.

What in the world can say such an idiot…


While pondering which of the horses here would be the easiest to get close to, a hand like the lid of Professor Lightning Walk came up on Lee Han’s shoulder.


“Oh yeah. Wodanaz. I will choose the words for you.”


Do I have to?

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