How to live as a magic school wizard chapter 348

How to live as a magic school wizard 348


30 minutes later.

Professor Garcia returned, panting for his breath.

“Mi… I’m sorry. everyone. I waited a long time.”


Lee Han was slowly feeling strange.

Professor Garcia was gasping for breath as if he had been in a fight with someone.

‘Have you ever beaten the people you quarreled with?’

But for that to be the case, Professor Garcia’s personality was too good.

“School, Professor. Eat some of this.”

As the students held out their teacups, Professor Garcia took a gulp. It looked like his throat was burning.

“after. I’m sorry everyone. What did you order for refreshments while you waited?”

“Tea alone was enough.”

“no. Refreshments are also delicious here. Fruit pyeon (果實片) is delicious…”

Professor Garcia, who spokestopped

The students wanted to

“…I’ll go out for a moment.”


When Professor Garcia went out again, Lee Han said, hardening his face.

“I can’t. I’ll see you in a moment.”

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Not once, but over and over again, so as a disciple, I couldn’t help but worry.

“Wait a minute. Isn’t that dangerous? If you go and get in the way…”

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Nelia wondered if she could follow.

She understood her desire to help.

However, the help of those who lacked skills was rather a nuisance.

She knew Nelia well from her experience among the hunters.

It could be that the students are now going to help Professor Garcia…

“Nope. Professor Garcia is not good at fighting, so I need help just in case.”



The friends were embarrassed by Lee Han’s words and could not react.

Meanwhile, Lee Han turned and ran quickly to the door.

“Damn… Wodanaj! What the hell is that…?!”

* * * *

Among the professors in Einrogard, Professor Alkasis Lagrinde, who teaches healing magic, was relatively easy to find.

When passing by a crowd of equally pale and tired faces, they were usually undead or disciples of Professor Arcasis.

Professor Garcia took a deep breath and said.

“Lagrinde… Professor.”

“Professor Garcia.”

Professor Al Cassis bowed his head bluntly and greeted him.

However, Professor Garcia had no intention of greeting or exchanging with the other person.

‘How many professors are there?’

He just sent one back and another professor shows up.

It made me wonder if there was a professor meeting that only Professor Garcia knew about around here.

“May I ask what you came here for?”

“I came here because I have a student to look for.”

“Are you a student of the Wodanaj family?”

At Professor Garcia’s words, Professor Alkasis moved his expressionless face as if slightly startled.

“you’re right. As you know, the story is fast.”

“I, I mean, Lee Han is a first-year student, right? Besides, there are many majors that I am learning, so I am still not good enough to learn healing magic myself…”

“The knights who were attacking the Hongryeon Forest last time flew by accident, so I did the first aid alone. Isn’t that enough?”


Professor Garcia shouted to Lee Han inwardly.

‘Where did you sell the words I said during the semester?’

Even if it is a basic healing magic, the moment it is known that you can use it from the first year, the path of hardship will open up, so I emphasized that you should be careful!

Professor Garcia sighed.

However, it was impossible to blame the disciple.

A person got hurt in front of him, but he can’t just sit still and say he’s comfortable.

Seeing Professor Garcia’s restless face, Professor Alkasis sighed heavily. He sighed with deep tiredness.

“Professor Garcia. I know that Han Lee is a disciple that the professor cherishes. But look at my disciples.”

Professor Garcia unknowingly turned his head away and regretted it.

The souls of the world’s poorest wizards were there.

The students majoring in healing magic under Professor Alkasis fell asleep while standing for a while, then came to their senses and shook their heads.

“My disciples slept only one hour in three days. Wizards of other schools are able to plan. But my disciples can’t do that. Do you know?”

“No… that’s…”

Professor Garciawas speechless at the theory.

Unlike other professors who have selfish intentions, Professor Alcasis’ reason was a reason that Garcia could hardly refute.

I need help to save someone’s life…

“Please lend me five days. In about five days, urgent patients will be treated roughly.”

“…But even after that, if you are in a hurry, you will come and borrow it.”

“Yes. sorry. But when an accident happens, there’s nothing you can do about it. There must be at least one more.”

Professor Alkasis murmured the swords around his waist. The dark elf professor’s voice was full of tiredness as if he couldn’t help it.

“So where are the Wodanaj students?”

“…I do not know.”


Professor Alkasis stared at him as if asking for a favor.

Unlike other professors, Professor Garcia, who thought that the story was relevant, was shocked to hear that.

“What if I don’t know?”

“Is that so… I see. Find it.”


The students who listened to the healing magic came out with a conflicting expression between the thoughts of ‘can we bring in a real freshman’ and ‘if we are really talented people, we can take a break’.


Professor Garcia prepared to send a note to the tea house.

He was going to tell the students to lock the tea house door and never leave.

‘Never found…’

“Oh, I found it!”

“…Ah, what are you doing!!! Lee Han student!! Are you crazy!?”

Professor Garcia was furious when he found Lee Han making eye contact with a healing magic student right next to the alley.

* * * *


Ian apologized.

But this was unavoidable. It was such a sudden situation.

As I was listening to the conversation between Professor Garcia and Professor Alcasis, the search suddenly started…

‘From now on, I should get into the habit of preparing for invisibility magic on a regular basis.’

Lee Han deeply reflected.

Einrogard wasn’t the only battlefield.

Outside of Einrogard, it was a battlefield.

A battlefield where your life can be blown away by a moment’s inattention!

“Finally met you.”

Professor Alkasis said in a harsh voice, slightly hoarse with fatigue.

“Last time I couldn’t even speak because of Professor Verdus, but take my hand. I will make your talents bloom.”


Lee Han was contemplating whether to trust Professor Garcia and run away or just follow Professor Alkasis.

The former could be shot by Professor Alkasis if he made a mistake in escaping, and the latter could be taken away and, if unlucky, trained in healing magic until the end of the vacation.

‘There is only the latter.’

Lee Han made a decision right away.

The moment Professor Al Cassis loses his concentration even for a moment, he casts all his magic and runs away!


Professor Alkasis’ eyes narrowed. Even without words, Lee Han’s thoughts were transmitted.

The Skeleton Principal was the best catcher of the students’ escape in Einrogard, but Professor Alkasis was also a hidden talent.

For a professor majoring in healing magic, not only healing magic, but also the ability to catch the students running away was essential.

So he could tell just by looking at his posture.

‘Is that really a freshman?’

Professor Alkasis couldn’t help but be astonished to see Lee Han’s tight posture.

How could a student who is not a white tiger top student show such a solid posture without any gaps?

I’ve been told that he excelled not only in healing magic, but in other fields as well, but that’s about it.

If you look at the momentum that it exudes, you can experienceEven a battle wizard would not be surprised.


Professor Arcasis calmly prepared the magic.

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No matter how talented his opponent is, he is a beast that has not yet grown up.

The battle between wizards had an absolute advantage for experienced wizards.

Professor Al Cassis spared his mana and prepared to subdue it as quickly as possible.

‘Since there is a lot of magical power, there is a high probability that direct suppression magic will not work. Summon them from outside and bind them.’

‘I immediately lay down the fog, cast invisibility, and then run away with enhancement magic.’

The two wizards just stared at each other silently. The air was taut with tension.

Lee Han instinctively felt that he was at a disadvantage.

‘shit. I don’t know what you’re trying to do…’

I didn’t know what kind of magic the opponent was trying to use. Besides, Professor Alkasis also knew that Lee Han had a lot of magical power.

“…you idiot! What are you doing! run away! Don’t look back and run! Arm, wither!”


At that moment, two of Alkasis’ students, who were watching from the side, jumped out and applied magic to the master.

They were seniors who knew Lee Han, Phil and Chil.

Professor Al Cassis wasn’t surprised or angry when his students attacked him.

Just as if bored and tired, he swung his wand to deflect his magic.

“Run away! It’s lively… Whoops!”

Phil was subdued with a single swing from the professor.

Professor Arcasis had over-regenerated the flesh of the airway connected to Phil’s throat and blocked it for a while.

Phil tried to unravel it somehow, but the professor’s workmanship was as hard as that of a seamstress craftsman and could not be easily touched.

“When you get up, study the neck again. stupid child.”

“Eye, cover the light!”

Chil was not embarrassed by the fall of his friend and looked at his teacher again.

Anyway, the healing magic students had a lot of work, so they did not go to the punishment room even if they tried to escape or rebel.

Professor Al Cassis knew it well, so he didn’t get angry or punish him.


The professor blocked the magic of the seven with a beckoning hand.

It was a simple movement, but Lee Han and Chil could see how advanced technique was hidden in that movement.

It grasped the structure of the flying magic in a short period of time, then put the magic power at the fingertips and dismantled the magic in reverse.

Chil clenched his teeth and screamed.

“Are you not ashamed of yourself? You said you’re going to take the freshman and change them like us! That is nothing to be ashamed of!”

“…God damn you, you’re right, Chil!”

The healing magic seniors who were contemplating next to them threw their cloaks and picked up a staff.

He was torn between gain and conscience, but as he listened to Chil, he felt his face heat up.

As an Einroguard student, I couldn’t make a freshman in my first year do that.

Professor Alkasis’s eyes grew darker and gleamed deeper.

“It doesn’t matter if they fight, but I will kill anyone who wastes their magical energy unnecessarily.”

“Do not lie! Instead of killing us, Master will make us work!”

“Come on!”

“How many times?!”

“This time with number 11! Move to Formation 11!”

‘How many times have these seniors attacked you?’

The healing magic students must have rebelled once or twice, forming a formation in an instant and attacking Professor Alkasis.

‘done! That’s enough…!’

Chil was relieved.

Of course, the students will be brutally suppressed, but they will still be able to buy time for their juniors to escape.

However, Lee Han did not run away.


Lee Han runs next to Chil in reverse and becomes a bastard Chilwas astonished

“What’re you doing! it’s crazy!”

“Seniors. How can you run away alone, leaving only your seniors?”


Chil’s eyes grew hot. Tears welled up without her knowing.

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