How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World chapter 296

How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World 296

Chapter 296

It wasn’t long before the news that Hiriya had met Mari separately reached my ears. ‘Cause Marie of her own grumbled and told me.

For a moment, I thought I might have suffered harm, but fortunately, there was nothing to worry about, and only the expected situation went on.

In particular, as soon as he brought up the story of my father, he understood it so easily. The Aspect of the Red Lion seemed to be much stronger than I had expected.

Anyway, Mari explained that Hiriya didn’t know what he was up to, but left with only a sullen smile.

Now that I have completely dispelled the suspicion that I am Xenon, he will come to me directly soon. Maybe he could extend his magic to Adelia.

Marie advised that Adelia always accompany her, even to prevent it in advance. As long as I had completely abandoned the suspicion that I was Xenon, I could have come out like a fool.

I have no idea when that will be, but due to Hiriya’s insidious nature, she may approach an unexpected day.

In particular, Adelia is more problematic than Hyriya. She could have thought of herself as a burden because of her personality.

As long as I’m Xenon, even if there’s no problem with Hiriya, Adelia can definitely leave because she’s a nuisance.

In order to prevent this, I have to attach Adelia completely by my side. At the same time, if there is a special reason in the academy rules, you can stay with an escort driver.

In other words, Adelia will be staying in my dormitory instead of in her own dormitory from now on.

In that case, I applied to the academy because I thought it would be better to change it to the exclusive maid’s authority. It’s an administrative office famous for quick work, so it’s likely that the permit will be issued within two days.

My fiancée is living separately, but it feels strange to be staying in the same room with her exclusive maid, Adelia, who is practically a concubine.

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Even though she knew that Marie had nothing to do with it, she was envious of what she was envious of.



By gently biting my cheek. The act of biting the cheek is an act of affection that Marie has shown all along.

However, I wake up painfully today because of the recent accident.

“Ouch. Why?”

“To make it ugly! Heh!”


From then on, Marie had only sophistry, saying that I was born of this division because I was unnecessarily handsome, and that if I was just a little uglier, Hiriya wouldn’t even care.

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Even if he wanted to protest, he meekly agreed because he thought Marie’s biting would only increase.

But he bit me more strongly if he was acknowledging that. what do you say to me It’s cute though, so look at it.

Anyway, the discussion and date with Marie ended smoothly, and he headed to the dormitory to inform Adelia of the news.

I also wanted to meet Cherry, but the knot hasn’t been completely untied yet, so I’m going to meet him slowly. I even sent her a letter in case she would be upset.

‘Actually, it is also the number one contributor to this work.’

I was skeptical until I got the letter, but it could be turned into certainty through Cherry.

In fact, it was as if Cherry had uncovered all of Hiriya’s hand. If things go well, I’ll give you a small gift.

Of course, if it were her, even if I gave her something strange, she would happily accept it. But I’m not that trash.

I went to Adelia’s dormitory, pondering in my mind what kind of gift to give.


And a sight that made my eyes doubtful unfolded in front of me. Even though it was far away, a color reminiscent of the sky was caught in my sight.

In front of him stood a familiar, familiar woman with light brown hair. Both of them are of the same height, so they are at the same eye level.

no. crazy. Why is that girl over there again? Is there not much to do?

I hurriedly moved away while swearing inwardly. I never thought that I would visit Adelia in one day.

At the same time, I felt fortunate. If I had procrastinated even a little, I would not have witnessed this situation.

“Sister Adele!”



As expected, the two women turn their heads at the same time as they shout out loud in case it is too late.

As soon as I made eye contact with the two of them, I moved faster. Then, as I approached, Hi Riya, a beauty with light blue hair, smiled at her without meaning.

Is it a misunderstanding that that smile feels so reluctant? The first thing to do is to understand the situation as soon as possible.

Contrary to my concerns, Adelia is wearing sportswear. It seemed that she had just been exercising, and Hiriya had called her out.

“Oh, Isaac?”

Adelia widened her eyes, bewildered, not knowing that I would appear. Embarrassment fills the sky blue eyes.

What were you talking about? I kept my composure as much as possible and looked at Hiriya.

Hiriya is adhering to a confident attitude about what makes her proud. The urge to hit her one-on-one came rushing in, but she pressed it down as much as she could.

“…Princess Hiriya. What’s wrong with my escort knight?”

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Even if he kept his composure, he couldn’t stop his voice from sinking. It’s been a long time since I’ve had a crush on Hiriya.

However, despite what Hiriya is thinking, she only maintains a smile.

“A wonderful prince arrived in a timely manner. Isn’t that so?”


Hiriya didn’t even answer my question, just bizarre comments. She frowns on her eyes because she is an outspoken insult to Adelia.

Adelia’s current self-confidence seems to have disappeared without a trace. It feels pathetic to alternate between me and her Hiriya with her trembling eyes.

She knows that I’m Xenon, but she seems to be taking care of herself as much as possible for fear of harming me.

Perhaps even if Hiriya made a fist, he endured it silently and hid it.

‘It didn’t work.’

My identity is destined to be revealed someday, even because of the long affair between Adelia and Hiriya. Even if they catch them all the way to the end, Adelia will face a difficult situation like now.

Of course, aside from my negligence, the biggest thing is that Hiriya is too reckless.

No wonder who would have known that as soon as he was convinced he would rush like a horseman. Even though each person’s personality is different, Hiriya’s back end cannot be regarded as a royal family.

He’s just a big, big, picky person.

This is the moment when Lina and Leort, who treated me like a gentleman, are re-evaluated before the outbreak of the hiatus.

“Isaac Ducker Michelle.”

“What’s going on?”

“Give me one more chance. Become the father of Ters Kingdom.”

Did you have no intention of hiding it anymore? Hiriya declared proudly in front of Adelia.

At first, I frowned at what kind of bullshit this was, but Hiriya definitely told me to become a booma.

If it is Buma, it means to become the king’s son-in-law, that is, his own husband.

Despite the existence of a fiancee named Mari, Hiriya barely crossed the line.

“…I’m sorry, but would you like to say it again? I think I’ve heard it wrong because it’s not something the royal family can afford to talk about.”

“It seems cute to flirt now. I’ll say it again as you wish. Break up with your fiancee and become the father-in-law of the Teres Kingdom.”


Although there is no need to confirm, Princess Hiriya kindly informs me again. I felt the anger rising in my chest for a moment, but I sighed in a sense of disappointment.

Adelia was rolling her eyes, unable to intervene in the situation right now, and Hiriya was only smiling annoyed.

I think I can see why you’re talking about that in front of Adelia instead of Marie. Her ultimate goal is to get revenge on Adelia, for whom she humiliated herself.

My marriage is only part of it. If Adelia follows me to the end, she will at least harass me outside my sight, and vice versa, that’s enough.

It happened because I know that Adelia loves me.

If I had a secret love affair like Cecily, Adelia openly declared herself to be my escort knight. The situation is enough to be suspicious.

‘By the way, does the Kingdom of Teres have a home education like that? I’m genuinely curious.’

To hear that a princess of one country is marrying a baron who is not at all good. If this fact spreads, there will be a backlash even within the Kingdom of Teres.

In particular, the king of the Kingdom of Teres, Friedrich, will be outraged. What’s more, if you find out Hiriya’s true purpose, you will fall by the back of your neck.

No matter how stupid and blind to revenge, why do they put such an irrational number?

Let’s put aside the complicated thoughts and start with the answer. My head is throbbing already.

“…Princess Hiriya.”

“Tell me.”

“Are you complicating things just because of your vengeance?”

“Revenge? I don’t know. I’m just recommending you because I like you. Nothing more, nothing less.”

Jiral is also a prosperous year. This is probably the most appropriate metaphor for Hiriya now.

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Even Adelia, who was shaking like a puppy in the rain, what is this little bastard? I’m looking at you with that expression, so I’m done.

It would be absurd that a b*tch who gave me an indelible trauma when I was young, and who is trying to take away the man I love now, would say something like that.

“… Adele sister.”


“Can you tell me what you talked about with Princess Hiriya while I was away?”

If you ask Hiriya, only strange answers will come back, so it is better to ask the person directly. In that judgment, she asked Adelia a question.

Adelia seemed to ponder for a moment after hearing my question, then looked at Hiriya, not me. Hi Riya is already showing her confidence by crossing her arms.

But inside, there is an unspoken threat to tell me if I can say it once.

I want to comfort you that you don’t have to worry. The problem is that, given Adelia’s personality, there is a high possibility that she will not speak.


He replied by nodding his head without saying a word. It’s a nuance that she can’t speak openly, so it’s okay.

Fortunately, Adelia sighed as she tapped her chest a couple of times, perhaps convinced of my gesture.

Then, unlike before, he looked at Hiriya with his sharp blue eyes, and opened his mouth as calmly as possible.

“…you told me to leave.”


“Yeah. You said that you wouldn’t be able to see a non-existent being next to you anyway, and you told me not to think about staying close with the master any more.”

Adelia answered politely and respectfully because it was in front of me. And what’s included in it is as expected.

How ignorant and wicked can this person be? How simple and easily predictable can this person be?

No matter how crazy the revenge, it never becomes this simple. Rather, it is often the case that a thorough plan is established and then broken down step by step.

Maybe it’s a pre-work to make me mad? Rather, there is more credibility to it.

“…it’s just like my mother’s mouth fluttering involuntarily.”

Perhaps he didn’t know Adelia would answer, Hiriya said in a hoarse voice. Perhaps referring to her mother, Adelia glares at her noticeably.

But for a while, he fixed his gaze on Hiriya with straight, shining eyes. Here she clearly showed her will that she could not back down.

As Hiriya faced such Adelia, she said, “Twitch,” and clicked her tongue, but didn’t say anything. From here it’s my turn.

“Princess Hiriya. As I repeat, I have no intention of marrying the princess. This is not only for my fiancée, but also for my escort knight.”

“It’s for the escort knight… that’s strange. If you come to the Kingdom of Teres, you’ll be able to hire people who are much more capable than this year.”

“Ability doesn’t matter. It’s just…”

“Is it possible that you mixed your body with this lowly b*tch?”

Hiriya cut the horse in the middle and came in with a hook. It is the power that a proper counter entered into the mind when a frog was killed by a stone thrown unintentionally.

Thanks to him, he stopped talking in awe, of course, and had no choice but to put on a puzzled expression. This is not only for me, but also for Adelia.

In fact, it is one of the hypotheses that can be established enough if you infer it carefully. Moreover, since Hiriya expressed interest in Adelia in a different way, this was probably predictable.

However, for now, it is only providing an attack distance. Unsurprisingly, Hi Riya gave a fishy smile before she burst into laughter.

“Hahahahahaha! It’s fun, it’s fun! Hahahaha!!”


“…what is fun?”

I looked around while asking the question. Right now, even my hair stands out, but there is also Hiriya here, so passersby pay attention one after another.

Moreover, Hiriya is the princess of Teres Kingdom. All kinds of gossip would come and go just by being with someone, but now I am with no one else but me.

“Look over there. That red-haired boy. Isn’t he the fiance of the young Requilis?”

“That’s right. But Princess Hiriya is also with you, isn’t it?”

“What’s going on?”

It’s a combination that attracts attention, but because Hiriya even burst into laughter, more eyes are pouring in.

The situation has already crossed an irreversible river. I narrowed my eyebrows and shifted my gaze to Hiriya.

She was still laughing at what was funny, and muttered in a muffled voice.

“Hahaha. He said that blood can’t lie, but after all, he’s like that mother’s child.”


“Are you going to say that this time? It doesn’t matter to you, so you want your children to be raised in a warm place. They are your children, and please raise them in good condition.”

Maybe that’s what Adelia’s mother said when she went to see Friedrich? As we all know, Adelia’s biological mother is a prostitute.

However, he decided that he could not raise a daughter in a brothel, so he went to see Friedrich himself. However, Frederick accepted only Adelia, and her mother brutally expelled her.

The mother’s whereabouts are still unknown, and it is highly probable that she died because it was said that it was a cold winter with snow. In the first place, the death rate for prostitutes is very high for the times.

In other words, Hiriya flew the pad ribs to the level of a carpet bombing. Besides, her words must have properly touched Adelia’s wrath.

As I glanced at Adelia, I was able to see a side of her I had never seen before. Her tightly clenched fists were trembling, and her sky blue eyes were standing with bloody feet.

I let out a long snort and restrained Hiriya with a calm voice.

“Stop it, Princess. Adele was chosen by me, not anyone else. This is also my fiancée’s permission.”

“Hey, that’s another interesting story. Did you finally realize the fountain after trying to get the royal family name?”


“Yes. You should know the subject. Rather than rushing to become the king’s concubine like anyone else…”


In the end, I couldn’t stand it. Adelia clenched her teeth and raised her arms.

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Even if she is patient, she will not tolerate touching her mother. She’s not traumatized, but she’s touching herself.

Before long, Adelia swung her hand and slapped Hiriya on the cheek.


“Calm down. Sister.”

“Ah, Isaac. Ha, but…”

I barely restrained it as I grabbed her arm. Adelia took turns looking at her Hiriya with a face mixed with bewilderment and anger as I grabbed her arm.

She probably didn’t understand either. She couldn’t overcome her anger for a moment, and if she did, the situation could be seriously messed up.

You may even feel guilty. I slowly lowered her arm as if to calm down.



“The princess did it first.”

If Adelia hits Hiriya, Adelia is responsible. However···


If I hit Hiriya, it’s a different story. Because I am responsible for it.

With a cool slap, Hiriya’s head turned to the side, and the silence subsided after that.

The sound of passers-by, who was watching us, breathing in the wind, came all the way here, but it doesn’t matter. Because the water has already spilled.

After that, Hiriya looks at me, touching her cheek that has started to swell. She has a feeling in her eyes that she can’t be trusted.

“Yeah. I’ll tell you.”

I don’t know if the crossroad that Mora told me is now or not.

“I am Xenon.”

I think I should at least tell Hiriya about it.

“You twins.”

you’re f**ked now

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  1. Johan says:

    Hdp esta mierda se prendió.

  2. I hope that idiot won’t join forces with the demon worshippers, thar will ruin completely her family and her country

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