How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World chapter 325

How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World 325

Chapter 325

It’s like leaving the fish to the cat. It means entrusting something important to someone you can’t trust. That’s the situation I’m in right now.

The bigger problem is that the fish is me, not anything else. You can’t even drop the cat, and you have to stick it next to it.

Is it possible that a dog that can keep a cat in check is still protecting me? He is escorting me to the end without leaving my side for even an hour.

Cats don’t even target hositamtam fish, except under certain circumstances. Now that I know that I am a human cat leaf, even physical contact should be avoided as much as possible.

As everyone knows by now, the cat is Kate, the fish is me, and finally, the dog is Adelia.

The knights who protect me temporarily until the escort-related matters are settled in each country. Although it is temporary, there is virtually no manpower as strong and adequate as Kate.

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Even though I am the Grand Inquisitor, I am not exaggerated because I am my escort, and I am the greatest enemy of the demon worshipers.

Here, the Luminous Church, a force that maintains a neutral position in the world, has nothing to do with it politically.

savior? Savior is very busy with the declaration of a crusade after Cardinal Bark’s incident. They must still be working hard to oust the demon worshipers.

After all, no one is more suitable as an escort knight than Kate. Although it may be surprising to inform other acquaintances of this fact, it is a reaction that everyone understands.

Then all that’s left is to go to the academy. The academy had already told me that I was going, so the preparations must have been completed to some extent.

“Nice to meet you, everyone. My name is Gartz Ballak, who will be helping Isaac.”

Before that, the faithful AS…

Originally, he was active as Cecily’s escort knight, but it was attached to me after a typewriter gift.

Strictly speaking, it can be seen as the leader of the escort team to be dispatched from Helium. Helium-related news will be received through him in the future.

I gave a light greeting to Gartz who called me and introduced me to the group.

“Mr. Gartz will send us to the academy. You can ask Cecily sister, but you have the face, right?”

Adelia has already spoken to her, so she’ll be blunt, but not Kate.

She glanced at Gartz and nodded her head with a characteristic gentle smile.

“Nice to meet you. My name is Kate Louise Angelica. I am Luminus’ faithful servant. It is an honor to meet Mora’s child.”

Almost the absolute majority of demons believe in Mora. And Gartz is the same.

Religion has a sensitive side, but if you greet like Kate, there is no problem.

Kate didn’t even mention her rank as a Cardinal or Grand Inquisitor. It is an unspoken expression that can be treated comfortably.

“You’re that Cardinal Kate. I’ve heard the name well.”

“You’re over-changing. Even so, it’s far short of that of Isaac-nim.”

“It’s hard to deny. Still, I’m relieved that the benefactor has a strong shield.”

After saying that, Gartz started preparing to teleport. If it is one person, it takes some time to transmit more than one person.

I don’t need Cecily. She can move any number of people with a simple spell, no matter how many people there are.

It’s not that Gartz lacks skills, it’s that she’s incredibly strong. Besides, Gartz is better at martial arts than her magic.

I glanced at Gartz who was quietly preparing, then glanced to the side. As usual, Kate is waiting with a calm face.

“Mr. Kate.”

“Yes. Please tell me.”

“What did Kate think of the demons? Before the publication of Zeno’s biography.”

This is a question I ask because I am curious. Savior has a history of slaughtering demons in the past.

As a result, he began to be extremely wary of fanaticism, but he still treated demons as demons.

Those gazes have faded a lot now, but I wonder if Kate looked at it from a similar point of view.

Kate blinked her blue eyes when she heard my question and then responded with a soft smile.

“I didn’t care.”

“You didn’t care?”

“Yes. I am only following Luminus-sama’s revelations. If it harms him, I will bring down the mace no matter who it is.”

I don’t know if I should say that it is closed or that it is open in another sense.

Still, if it’s like Kate, it’s a really Kate-like answer. I let out a bloody laugh.

“All preparations are complete.”

Preparations for the academy are all over. As soon as I heard Gartz’s words, I looked away.

I’m not going to say I hope nothing happens. Now, if you say something like that, you have no sense of reality at all.

Instead, I hope it doesn’t happen as much as I feared. Annoying incidents are okay, but I hate it as much as hurting people around me.


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Even if it’s not happiness, I hope it leads to peace.


correct I will add something that is not too burdensome here.

I couldn’t help but open my mouth as I looked at the spectacular, not the spectacular, unfolding in front of me.

The location sent through Gartz’s teleport is the Academy’s main gate. I stood at the front door and looked towards the entrance.

“·······The hospitality is wonderful.”

Just like Adelia’s absurd reaction, there is a situation beyond the current front door that makes you doubt your eyes.

I saw people swarming on both sides of one road. Instead of blocking the line, the knights themselves are providing the road.

Fortunately, there was no red carpet. But it is an unchanging fact that I have to go through there.

‘Leort and Lina weren’t like this either.’

Let’s recall the memories of the entrance ceremony. Even though Lina and Leort were crowded, the board was not laid out like that.

They protect the royal family first, so why am I even laying the plates like this? Of course, you can understand that my prestige is not limited to the Minerva Empire.

too much? What if someone, even a demon worshiper, came in and harmed me?

Thinking like that, it was possible to take it into account, but it was still too burdensome. And I have to go through there.

“・・・・・・Mr. Gartz?”

“I’m sorry, but as the benefactor knows, the use of magic is strictly prohibited from inside the academy, except in certain areas.”

When I called Gartz quietly, he only informed me of bad news. Come to think of it, he knew there was such a rule.

In the end, it means that we have no choice but to walk that road. The academy side was afraid of surprise, so this was the result.

‘From now on, I’ll just come secretly.’

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Even if you have to stand out because of your red hair, you don’t need to be ‘hospitable’ like that.

Guess I’ll have to ask if it’s possible to teleport even in the dormitory later.

After Gartz left, the only people left with me were Adelia and Kate. You have to go there with them.

I let out a deep sigh as I looked at the people gathered on both sides of the road the knights had built.

“・・・・・・I feel like my stomach is churning.”

“Did such a person reveal his identity?”

“That and this are different.”

There is a saying that if you can’t avoid it, enjoy it. If you don’t go through there anyway, you won’t be able to get to the dormitory.

So just close your eyes and let it pass. I took another breath to calm my pounding heart.

“Uh-huh, Kate-san.”


“Kate, don’t you feel burdened or anything like that?”

“Not at all?”


It makes me want to look into Kate’s head once in a while. Obviously, her head is filled with only Luminus.

I smiled dejectedly, looked at the main gate of the academy, and slowly took a step back.

As I said before, only once. If you close your eyes just once and pass by there, there will be no problems after that.

“Is that person really?”

“That’s right. Red hair and golden eyes. You look like Xenon right?”


“Are you a prophet or someone from the future? You said no.”

“Who believes that? If you’re like you, there are books that foretold future events, would you dismiss them all as coincidences? The gods put restrictions on them as rumored. Or it doesn’t make sense.”

There was a time when I thought that way, too. As soon as you walk on the path that the academy made for yourself, several words enter your ears one after another.

It’s hard to hold your head up properly because it’s so red that it doesn’t tickle you just by hearing it.

How did the celebrities who walked the red carpet in their previous lives overcome this burden? I understand why panic disorder occurs.

“You have a good-looking face and a nice body. I wish I could hug you just once.”

“Arthur. My fiancee is Princess Marie, will you be interested in me?”

“I heard that you are also close friends with Princess Cecily and Princess Lena? A lot of people have seen them going together.”

“Is it possible that you are someone who unexpectedly reveals a woman?”

Stories about me that come into my ears even if I don’t want to hear them. It’s not uncommon for the academy’s ordinary life to spread through rumors.

The problem is that I do not know Lina, but that Cecily is my lover is the undeniable truth.

It hasn’t been officially announced yet, but annoying things will happen soon.

Moreover, I am planning to make a confession rather than Arwen’s confession, so I can anticipate how the evaluation of me will be made.

As someone said, as a horny woman who unexpectedly reveals a woman. The future is very bright.

“The brown-haired woman next to you. That woman is him, right?”

“The illegitimate son of the Ters family?”

“Isn’t that the reason you slapped Princess Hiriya on the cheek?”

“Shhh! Be quiet. What if I looked hateful for nothing?”

It seems that rumors about Adelia have spread widely. This was a reaction that was predestined from the moment he slapped Hiriya on the cheek.

Glancing next to him, Adelia was walking without a word with a silent expression on her face. Like her knight, her gait with moderation was very impressive.

However, the slightly tense expression on his face was the reaction and Nabal, and he seemed to be concentrating on escorting me.

“And that person…”

“Are you Cardinal Kate? It’s obvious just by looking at her appearance…”

“Is that person going out as an escort too?”

“I think I’ve heard of it. Cardinal Kate is the best fit.”

Finally, a reaction to Kate. The news that Kate would be my escort had not yet spread, so everyone was busy making assumptions.

I stared straight ahead as I listened to the voices coming into my ears in real time. But one question arises here.

‘Where does the end of this road lead?’

Originally my plan was this: Before being assigned a new dormitory, let’s meet the academy president first.

After talking with him, I was thinking of considering the future schedule of the academy. The road is a road, but I don’t know where it leads.

Halo Academy is quite large in size as it was financed by the Empire. There is also a downtown area inside the academy, and there are many facilities.

Fortunately, the space between the dormitory and the classroom is short. Instead, the department building is quite far from the dormitory.

And the administrative office where the president is staying is filthy far from the main gate. I am concerned that this road may lead to that place.

“Zenon-sama! Zenon-sama!”

“Hey! Catch that guy!!”


As I was moving incessantly, a loud noise pierced my ears.

At the same time, Adelia reaches out to me and makes a protective gesture.

As I moved my gaze to the place where the commotion had occurred, something was reflected in my vision in a slightly bewildered situation.

A strange man is struggling on the floor, overpowered by the knights.

It is self-evident that there are a lot of people, but there are too many people. This man probably pierced it, but he was immediately stopped.

“I want to talk to you just once!

“Hurry up and take it!”

“I’ve been reading Xenon’s biography since it was first released! So, just once…!!”

I don’t know how he broke through, but the man pleaded with me while being dragged along by the knights.

Now that I see it, I found a book wrapped in my arms, and I could easily infer that it was the life of Xenon.

I looked at him silently as he was falling apart, then looked at Kate and asked quietly.

“Mr. Kate. Can Mr. Kate know intuitively who the demon worshiper is?”

“Of course. Demon worshipers have a filth that can’t even be described in words. With the exception of Cardinal Bark, they can feel an ugly evil.”

“Then what about that person?”

“I don’t feel it at all.”

Then it doesn’t matter. I called the knights who were dragging men.



“Can you bring him over for a second?”

The knights look puzzled at my request. Then, as I nodded as if I was okay, they showed signs of concern.

If something happens after taking them like this, it is their responsibility, and that doesn’t mean they can’t ignore my words.

But I have two reliable escorts. In particular, Kate even testified that she was not a demon worshiper.

And I’m not stupid either. I plan to keep some distance in case of an emergency.

“It’s okay, so bring me. I’ll keep the distance.”

“······all right.”

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Eventually, the knights brought the man in front of me. He didn’t know when he was taken away, but when he looked up close, he was a man with a surprisingly good appearance.

The age range is around mid 20’s. It is impressive that the skin burns beautifully because it lived under the scorching sun.

Finally, the book he cherishes. I said, pointing to the book before the man opened his mouth first.

“Is that book, Xenon’s biography?”

“Yes Yes?”

The man opens his eyes and asks with a puzzled expression. Apparently, he was nervous when he met me.

“I asked if the book was a Xenon biography.”

“Yes, yes! Yes!”

“Do you need to rush at me even if you’re overworked? I could have put my life in danger if I did.”

Not an exaggeration, really, the man’s life was almost in danger. It could have been branded as a dangerous molecule and disappeared without even a mouse or a bird.

But, as if he didn’t mind that, his eyes twinkled and he shouted.

He stuttered because he was quite nervous, but it wasn’t annoying.

“No, of course! My and Xenon’s biography is well worth it!”

“Is that all?”

“Yes!! It is thanks to this book that I was able to write and experience the wider world!”

“If you have a job…”

“I’m an adventurer!”

You were an adventurer. Now I see a small scar on her face.

Because of Xenon’s life, the number of adventurer-related professions increased or this person seemed to be the same case.

“Zenon’s biography and reality would have been completely different…”

“It doesn’t matter if it’s different! It’s the driving force of my life!”

I realized these reactions one by one. That this person is a true fan.

I shook my head at his recklessness, then opened my mouth with a soft smile.

“Still, it’s true that it was dangerous. Don’t do this next time. You know?”

“I’ll keep that in mind!”

“And give me a book.”

“Yes! I understand… Yes?”

When asked for a book, a man with a puzzled face rather than a bright and energetic expression. I looked at his face like that and said it again.

“Give me a book. Didn’t you ask me to sign the book when you saw it?”

“Uh… it’s not like that.”

“Then why?”

“I brought this here to show you how much I love Zeno’s biography. I’ve memorized all the contents of Volume 1.”

A man scratching his head and smiling like a boy. He was a more unusual person than I thought.

Like that or not, being my fan doesn’t change, so I put it out without a word. Perhaps he had noticed my intentions, he hesitated, then held out the book.

How many times I read the status was not at all. There were a lot of places that were damaged, and in some places even my hands were stained.

As I turned the first page of the book, I took the magic pen that my father gave me as a gift from my pocket.

swish- swish-

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Eventually, he gently moved his hand to sign it, and handed it over to the man again. The man took the book with a bewildered expression on his face.

“Then please read more in the future. Thank you.”

After a brief greeting, I moved on. The sound of a man shouting in a thrilling voice from behind came into my ears, but I heard it lightly.

“You say you don’t like getting attention?”

Adelia, who had been watching the series of processes from her side, spoke like a spit. At that, I shrugged and shrugged.

“It’s good to be interested in fans. He’s the one who reads my books.”

“You’re good at talking.”

“Would you like my sister to sign it too?”

“Okay. I already have something better.”

We walked forward as we talked about miscellaneous things like this.

It was a belated fact, but the man who received the autograph was quite a famous adventurer. He had a reason to pierce the knights.

“You shed some light today. It’s great.”

“If you want Kate, please tell me. I’ll give it to you anytime.”

“A seed?”


“It’s a joke.”

I don’t think it’s a joke.

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  1. I’ve remembered the scene of Indiana Jones, when Adolf Hitler signs the diary XD

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