I Am a Low-Class Aristocrat of a Perishing Country chapter 18

18 - Extra - Memories that cannot be returned

18 – Extra – Memories that cannot be returned

Memories that cannot be returned.

A dark and dirty single room, as if it had been coated with mud. Poor environment with explicit sound coming from the next room. That was my whole world

An orphan with no name and no status has limited means of livelihood. There is only a difference between living as a slave for the rest of your life and dying young, selling your body to survive day by day and then dying of a venereal disease.

I was a dirty male prostitute.

As usual that day, the pimp’s call was heard.

In order not to get beaten, I had to run with my legs broken. He practiced smiling to please his taste buds, and swallowed hard breaths.

What came into my sight was a pimp bent down to his knees and trying to bend over.

The pimp glanced at me through his knee-jerk vision. Then, nervous shouts pierce your ears.

“Hey, you spearhead! Get out of here! Do you realize who you’re keeping waiting?”

I answered as promptly as possible.


It was a smile and a polite way of speaking that I couldn’t believe I had heard insulting swear words. The pimp sneered and pressed me on the back of my back, then coloneled me forward.

“hehehe, I think this is what you’re looking for, sir. How are you?”


The man let out a quiet voice. A voice of medium thickness that has gone through puberty like children of the same age. It was not a voice you would hear as a guest at a brothel.

He stared at me and continued to let out the same groan. It’s like a judge who evaluates things.

The man was silent for a long time. Not only me, but even the pimp who was pushing down the back of my neck was clearly nervous. The sound of gulp and swallowing was loudly heard.

The man finally let go of his heavy mouth.



It was the moment when the pimp’s complexion bloomed.

“Hand over this child.”

The man handed over the heavy pouch that was in his arms. The jingling sound didn’t seem to be the usual contents.

The pimp didn’t even try to hide his overflowing joy, checked his pockets, and pushed me roughly toward the man.

“hehehe, the nobleman thankfully bought you. If you behave recklessly, you will die.”

‘You bastard who will kill you.’

There was one thing a pimp would never do, no matter how much he was a male prostitute who rolled his body in the dark.

It is to sell oneself to a sodomy. Of course, it’s not a consideration that comes from goodwill. It’s just the perseverance close to a thinker who hates homos*xuality. However, the hatred of pimps seemed to have collapsed like a sand castle in front of capital.

I tried to guide the man without distorting his face.

“Then I will serve you. Follow me.”

It was none other than the pimp who caught me trying to enter the brothel.

“Where is this poor guy going?”


At that time, I heard clearing from the man who bought me.

“Hmmm, there must be a misunderstanding. I didn’t live a day with you.”

“I don’t know what you mean. My brain is so bad hahahaha.”

The answer I heard with a servile smile was beyond imagination.

“Your status is what I bought. So you are no longer a property of this place.”

“I can’t… I can’t.”

I felt so desperate that I wanted to hang myself. I knew from rumors how people in brothels who were sold to nobles were treated.

The perception of legitimate ownership bought with money turns us into livestock that have been cast out of human wombs. To the point where I thought the mud walls of the brothel were comfortable.

“Look, to me he looks like a frightened man.”

When the man gave the pimp a fierce look, the pimp’s murderous intent naturally turned to me.

“Didn’t this bastard take care of his expression?! Does he really want to die!”

“No! I will serve you wholeheartedly. … Master.”

I was so terrified that I did not dare to look at the man and I rolled my eyes.

“I don’t need the title of master or service. I didn’t greet you for trivial matters like that.”

“What is that…”

You mean nonsense? I raised my eyes in amazement and slowly raised my head.


An exclamation burst out in my heart.

On that day, I saw an intense light that I will never forget until the end of the world.

Crimson hair that grew dignifiedly like a lion’s mane, and deep indigo eyes that seemed to have engraved the sky at dawn. And a confident smile as if there was nothing to fear in the world.

He is a human from a different world who can hardly be considered to be of the same age. I thought that if there was a Mr. Queen, it would be this kind of man.

“Call me Astell. It’s an unnecessarily long name. I’ll guide you this time.”

“Thank you, Mr. Astel…”

“I wish I could remove the word ‘Sim’, but… Well, it’s still going to be difficult, so I guess that’s forced.”

Astel did not hesitate to grab the rough hand dripping with the soup and lead it. It was as if his soft hand, like a small corn, proved Astel’s identity.

I was taken to a luxurious carriage located in a downtown area. When a filthy brothel child was dragged into a nobleman’s wagon, many either sympathized or sneered.

As usual, no one helped.

Astell signaled to the coachman to start and gave me an interesting look.

“Let me introduce myself formally once again. My name is Astelnerca Euglinus. I am fourteen. What is your name?”

“I don’t have a name… I don’t have one. My pimp called him a pup. He’s fourteen.”

“You don’t have a name. Then I’ll name you… No, I’m not familiar with the way you speak. I’ll just say it comfortably. May I give you a name?”

“Astel-sama, please do as you wish.”

“Mmm! Yeah.”

Astell seriously thought about it. She sometimes rested her chin on her chin, and made a spire with her hands. Wouldn’t it be nice if a name could only be identified?

I don’t feel much emotion when called by the name of a weed I saw passing by.


After thinking about it, Astell carefully suggested it.

“In ancient words, ‘Netion’ means hope and ‘Peace’ means happiness. How about combining the two to create 《Netion Peace》?

In spite of the name that Astell took great care in naming, I calmly accepted it.

“Netion Peace…”

I muttered the newly given name so that I wouldn’t forget it even if I made a mistake.

“Okay. My name is Netionpeace from now on.”

“Yeah, netion piece. That’s a good name!”

Astel asked many questions until the carriage arrived at the mansion. We talked about miscellaneous things, from what kind of life we have lived to what we like and dislike.

Every time he heard the trivial daily life I was going through, he sympathized with me as if it were my own. Sometimes angry, sometimes sad. Astell’s ever-changing reactions were interesting to me, so I used to talk about his life history.

I quickly grasped the subject and restrained myself, but…

In the end, the only thing that increased was the question. Everything was questionable, from the story of the precious young master of Euglinus to the brothel and the reason he bought me.

I mustered up the courage to ask.

“Astel, would you mind if I ask why you bought me? What should I do in the future?”

“Ah, you must have been very concerned. I must have been the same. Are you sorry for thinking of me too much?”

Contrary to expectations, Astel’s answer was slightly delayed.

“Ah, we’ve already arrived. I’ll tell you properly, so let’s go inside and keep talking.”

It was only after I got off the carriage that I realized that Astel was the son of Euglinus.

He had heard rumors that Count Eugliners was wealthy, but the scenery in front of him proved that the rumors did not contain even half the truth.

The wind carried the scent of fragrant flowers from the endlessly beautiful garden. The white palace-like mansion looked like a majestic temple.

“Netionpeace, you can follow these people. See you later!”

“I understand. Mr. Astel.”

I followed two neatly dressed maids. As befits the people who work in the mansion, their behavior was different from that of male prostitutes who crawled on the floor like me.

I assumed that everyone would have the same gaze at a dirty, shabby, vulgar child, but at least they don’t.

“I’m going to wash the baby, so bring clothes that fit you.”

“Yes. It’s just a suit with appropriate boots.”

When one of them left to get his clothes, I unknowingly unwrapped the frayed clothes. Soon after, the lady-in-waiting entered the bathroom and tried to lay her hand on me.

“You don’t have to help me. I can wash myself.”

I wasn’t ashamed to show off my naked body. Because, in the first place, all a male prostitute who sells himself is to be made fun of by an extraneous woman.

I just wanted to appeal that I was not a nuisance.

“I’m grateful, but I can’t help it because it’s the master’s order.”


If it was Astel’s order, I had to follow it.

She carefully washed my hair while sitting in a warm bathtub. After wiping the remaining water off her body, I cut her hair, which was way too long and her matted.

The lady-in-waiting who just brought her clothes opened her eyes wide and let out an exclamation.

“Wow, my God! Is that the kid you brought earlier? You’ve been hiding something like this?”

“Isn’t it? After tidying up my hair, it’s a turn of events.”

I felt like I had seen my own eyes for the first time in a while.

‘Yes, it was this red. He said it was unlucky and he was often beaten, so he hid it.’

“This child’s pupils are also amazing.”

“Yes. It’s a rare color.”

They are no different. You’ll probably think it’s bad. It was a completely unexpected reaction to what I heard so resigned.

“Just like Ruby.”

“No, this is a garnet!”

“But what’s the difference between ruby and garnet?”

“I don’t know!”


I thought I would actually burst into laughter at the handmaids’ talk-like conversation.

“He’s laughing!”

“Then why bother showing off your ignorance?”

I endured it with a desperate heart, but it seems that the clown couldn’t hide the twitching.

It was time to quickly adjust his expression and get dressed. A thumping sound rang out loudly from outside.

“Brother Astelnerca! It’s difficult to play in the mansion.”

“So, who wants to build a house this wide? Ah, my grandfather’s grandfather’s grandfather… It will take thousands of years to walk, really.”


Astel opened the room I was in and exclaimed in admiration.

“Wow, I feel a sense of danger when I see such a good-looking guy of the same age.”

“That, that…”

I couldn’t find anything to say, so I was just parenting it. Astel’s nimble hand snatched my wrist.

“I’ll take Netion Piece!”

“Do, young master. We still have work to do…!”

Astell ran across her corridor without looking back. She only filled the empty hallway with the laments of the maids.

“Haa, he’s not the grand duke who will inherit the family, but he should grow up.”

“That’s right.”

“Did everyone wait?”

Astel opened the door coolly this time as well and said refreshingly. In a large room with a clear view of the garden outside, there were three people excluding Astel and me.

“Astel, is that the guy you were looking for?”

An intelligent-looking man asked bluntly. She was also at most about a year or two older.

“Right, Asselen. But where is Luceon?”

The answer to Astel’s question came from the other side.

“Luceon said he has work today!”

“Oh, Bartlante. My friend!”

“Ha ha ha.”

Astel and Bartlante’s fists collided lightly. Bartlante was a man like a mountain. Perhaps because of his bloated physique, his fists seemed bigger than most adults.

His bubbly personality was as if he were looking at the Knights of the pub.

… By the way, friend?

“Astel, I think I should introduce the guy you brought with me first.”

Aselen’s eyes swept over me as if observing me. She lowered her eyes in embarrassment, but that didn’t distract her gaze.


From noble mtl dot com

Perhaps considering my restless attitude, my introduction ended up being Astell’s.

“This kid is called Netion Peace. As you can see, I brought him. Everyone, be friendly.”

“Ah, Mr. Astel? Being friendly… How dare you do that!”

I protested so softly that only Astel could hear. There was no way that a vulgar male prostitute who sold his body until today could get along with nobles.

Aside from Astel’s burdensome kindness, the current situation made no sense.

“Hmm, it looks like a commoner!”

“Bartlante, I hope you take good care of it. Also, calm down Netion Piece. The kids gathered here don’t have prejudice against the common people.”

“It’s a little different. We, Astel, don’t have prejudice against the person you acknowledge.”

Aselen corrected Astel’s explanation. However, Bartlante immediately denied him.

“Isn’t it? I can get along well with commoners. Puhahahaha!”

“I forgot about a bunch of rotting muscles.”

“Even if it’s hard to say, you’re going to get along well in the end, Asselen?”

Astel’s bright eyes turned toward Aselen. Perhaps it was difficult to reject the eyes that contained the light of dawn, Asselen sighed and understood.


“Okay! Oh… And Netion Peace. That’s called Lorian. Lorian Peyta.”

Astel pointed to a bookshelf in the corner. On the sofa near the bookshelf, there was a woman who was absorbed in reading regardless of the commotion.

If Astel was like light, Lorian was darkness. He had pitch-black hair like mine, but his shoulder-length hair shimmered like stars in the night sky.

The jet-black eyes that drowned out the silence were precipitated, giving a somewhat empty impression. It was a look that could make you feel eerie. Even though she failed to deny her beautiful looks.

She finally turned her gaze this way.

“As Astel said, I have no intention of discriminating against commoners. Astel acknowledged it. But…”

Lorian continued with a slight gap.

“It may be different depending on what kind of work you did. Did you say netion piece? What did you do before you were taken away by Astell?”


She was afraid to answer. It was hard for her to reveal that she was a prostitute in front of people who looked so great.

Lorianne quickly turned her head as if my hesitation was enough of an answer. Rather, her wordless behavior came back as a wound to me.


It would have been better if he had double-jammed like a pimp, or if he had worked as a pansori master like other nobles.

On the other hand, Lorian’s attitude was neat. Thanks to her, she’s a meaningless human being who doesn’t even deserve to be hired. That she was in that position, she felt confirmed again by Lori An.

‘Whew. Astell and her ladies-in-waiting treated me so warmly that I almost forgot about it for a moment.’

My value that makes me realize that even the bottom has a bottom.


A silence hung around.

This was the worst first encounter between me and Lorian Peyta. A funny encounter that would make each other laugh awkwardly when they recall it now.

It was the beginning of such a relationship.

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  1. Azeizel says:

    Hooo a story in a story NICE 👍

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