I Became a Crazy Swordsmanship Instructor in the Game chapter 72

I Became a Crazy Swordsmanship Instructor in the Game 72

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Dragon Dragon Negev.

She is a blue dragon born 2,000 years ago. She was caught by one of the Grand Dukes of the Demon Realm and brainwashed after being subjected to all sorts of experiments while trying to observe the world of demons, unable to overcome her curiosity.

If it was an adult dragon, she would have taken her own life before that happened, but at that time she was still a child who hadn’t even left her parents’ arms.

Over a hundred years of torture and physical experimentation completely ruined the spirit of the young hatchling, and she was reborn as a ‘sour dragon’ instead of a blue dragon. was reborn as

Of course, it was one of the bosses that passed by like a monthly event to Philip, but to the people of this world, it was no different from the object of fear.

‘It’s just difficult to get the preparations, but it’s not that difficult once you get them. Did you say that Elseus stabbed Yeokrin once? I think I know why the evil dragon was in a weakened state in the game?’

She was a very clichéd boss.

‘If my body was perfect, there would be nothing like you… .’

A typical villain who gets subjugated after leaving such lines.

Philip, who was very interested in the world view, tried to collect as much information as possible in the game, so he knew almost all information about her.

Her body had been weakened by someone, and with that alone, Philip had struggled with her quite a bit.

‘Elseus. You saved the world once.’

He looked respectfully at the demon in front of him.

It was only in the game that there was an opportunity to try again indefinitely even if she died, but Elseus succeeded in reaching her weakness in the first challenge.

“… Didn’t I tell you earlier? It is said that the necromancers and riches of the Pandemonium chose to contaminate the dragon heart. The method was to use only one of the scales on her body closest to the dragon heart as a catalyst for extreme necromancy and black magic.”

As Philip’s explanation continued, Privia stared at Philip with an expression asking if that made sense.

“Is that possible? To contaminate a dragon heart with just one scale?”

“No. It’s not just one scale. Because of that single scale, all the mana passing through Negev’s body is changed to that of the demon realm. The role of the scales is a kind of filter. You can reverse the principle of changing water that humans cannot drink into drinking water.”

“… ?”

When explanation seemed insufficient, Philip paused for a moment to find a suitable analogy. It wasn’t that Privia was stupid, it was probably because she had heard the word filter for the first time.

“Let’s think of Dragon Heart as a giant lake. Would pouring a cart of cow dung into the lake make the lake stink? If left alone, it will disintegrate and disappear on its own. But what if you did that for a hundred years, one cart every day, or several carts?”

“… okay. It would be possible if it was like that. No, if you think about it, that’s probably the only way. Unless the dragon has corrupted itself and accepted necromancy.”

After finishing her thoughts, Freevia suddenly narrowed her eyes.

“And you… no.”

Philip met her gaze and trembled slightly. If she hadn’t misunderstood Philip and beat him up a few times before, she’d be in a bit of trouble right here.

In the process of getting the ingredients for the elixir, Freevia made a mistake with Philip, so she was safe now. Of course, it was possible because Privia was a dragon who knew shame.

‘That’s why they said it’s better to be beaten beforehand.’

―So, is there anything that will change? Even if it was really a weakness, if we couldn’t help it, the great sage would eventually consume me and my brothers as test subjects. If that’s not betrayal, what do you mean?

“hmm… therefore… .”

After thinking for a moment about Elseus’s rebuttal, Philip cautiously removed his rhyme.

“The strength of the elves was a bit weaker than the great sage thought… … .”


When the sky, which had cleared for a moment, showed signs of dark clouds about to roll over again, Privia got annoyed.

“Oh, can you shut up?”

—… … .

Philip hastily supplemented the explanation.

“To be precise, it can be said that the great sage, Areola, was the one who figured it out. I didn’t know what kind of weakness I was prepared for. And, Elseus-sama was half-successful.”

“Half-success? What else do you mean by that?”

“I mean, it was actually a significant blow. Perhaps that blow has not been recovered until now.”

“Okay. Since he is originally a dragon, he is not a complete demon, but free from the ‘oath’. If I tried to work in this land, I could do it. But so far it hasn’t made an appearance. Maybe we just don’t know… .”

From noble mtl dot com

Elseus, the evil spirit who heard all this, was thinking deeply about something with a serious expression on his face.

Perhaps he would let go of his grudge and ascend to heaven.

With that expectation, Philip waited for Elseus to open his mouth.

—… So what are you saying? Should I understand him? One spirit king and one aura master risked their lives. The one who presented the weak point that cannot be attacked with that blow as a weakness?

Philip shook his head at his question.

“no. It doesn’t have to be, and there’s only one thing I want to say.”

Philip said and smiled.

“Why are you beaten by a dragon and then a human?”

* * *

Returning to the place where Castler Murella fell into a trance, Philip was soon welcomed by Lua.

“Oh, it’s Instructor! Instructor!”

Lua quickly approached and hugged one arm, and soon realized that there was something like a pouch in Philip’s other hand.

“What is that? Did you pick any fruit?”

“hmm. No, this… .”

Philip, who held ‘the thing that was the evil spirit of Elseus’ in his hand, kept it as far away from Lua’s body as possible.

“It’s better not to wonder about this. It’s a little dirty.”

Lua nodded, and this time she looked at Freevia. She looked pretty tired and exhausted.

“Where is the wizard sister sick?”

Freevia answered with a hard laugh.

“… It’s because I’m a bit tired.”

“What about that ghost? Is your name Elseus? Anyway, what happened to the ghost?”

Janice asked.

“It worked out, no need to worry.”

To be precise, the spiritual body was contained in the pocket in his hand, but Philip did not explain that much. He glanced at Cassler, who was still in the ecstasy of enlightenment, before opening his mouth.

“If you stay here, you’ll be in trouble with Mr. Castler, so it’s best to go back to the village. What are you going to do, Johnny?”

Janice replied as if it were natural.

“I will also take care of my step-sister and older brother.”

“okay? Then you’d better come with me and get some clothes or something to eat. Come here.”

Upon hearing this, Cynthia Murella said with a moved expression.

“Maybe, the young lady is also admirable. Oh, the merchant lady looked bad, so I sent her back to the village.”


For some reason, Rizriel was nowhere to be seen. Philip nodded at Cynthia’s explanation and took Janice and Lua back to the elven village.

The elven village was in an uproar.

“There must be something wrong out there.”

In the village, there were several archers stationed on high trees instead of spires or walls, and several armed elves were demanding something from Sentinel Ursil.

“We need to go out and check it out. If something goes wrong in the outlying woods, outsiders must be causing some trouble.”

At the request of the scouts, Ursil shook his head with a puzzled expression.

“No, it can’t be… ? they are not like that You are misunderstanding.”

The attitude of the other elves was stubborn. Even though Ursil was the leader of a scouting party, he was still a young elf in the elven society, so he could not force their actions.

“But we have to do our duty. If you don’t order, we’ll have to go out and check on our own.”

“Let’s wait a little longer. If something really happened, it would only result in one scout being sacrificed. Oh, there you are.”

Ursil’s face suddenly brightened when he found the party that had just returned, but soon realized that something was wrong with the numbers and hardened his expression again.

“What about the others… ?”

In response to her question, Privia said in an annoyed voice.

“It’s none of your business, so get out of the way.”

“yes? Ah yes. sorry.”

Terrified, Ursil hurriedly moved out of the way and signaled to the elves to get out of the way as well. Freevia let out a small sigh and touched Philip’s hamstrings with her toes.

“Why is that?”

“Pick me up. My eyes keep closing because I overdo it with my body that is not healthy.”

When she asked for help in a candid manner, Philip asked back in surprise.

“Are you sure you don’t want to hide anything anymore?”

“What are you going to do by hiding this from someone who knows enough to know anyway? I need to sleep well and wake up and talk to you.”

Philip carried Pribia on his back as she requested. She flinched as Philip’s hand touched her hip, then put everything down and rested her chin on his shoulder.

‘He must have reached the limit of his mental strength because he used abusive words with a sick body.’

Phillip laughed at the thought of her majesty that reduced Elseus to dust.

the not-so-distant future.

When the ‘oath’ that the dragon would not interfere in the war between the demons and humans had no meaning, Freevia could have become one of the most powerful allies.

‘I’ll have to take care of myself first.’

Her body needed to be restored if he was to be any more comfortable in the future. She was a dragon who would listen to anything she asked for while pretending not to like it when she got to know her even more with a bit of grace.

‘I have to complete the Elixir first.’

If I were to go back to the academy, I thought I would have to do that first.

Philip carried her on his back to the room he was using as a lodging. In the room she and Lizriel were supposed to share, Lizriel was already asleep, snoring.

“Growl… Big ugh… .”

Even though she fell asleep with her mouth open as if she was not feeling well, Rizriel was quite beautiful. It’s just that the snoring is a bit severe. However, Privia got off Philip’s back as if it was nothing and climbed onto the bed.

Then, lying down next to Lizriel, she closed her eyes and went to sleep, covering her mouth with her hand.

“Sigh… Whoops… .”

Lizriel began to stir her arms and legs as if she were dreaming of drowning. Seeing this, Philip grabbed Janice and Lua by the shoulders.

“… Let’s move quickly.”

Janice tilted her head.

“Can I leave it like that?”

Philip didn’t answer, but went to his backpack to get what Cassler and Cynthia needed.

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  1. Extra Extra says:

    NGL this section is kinda boring. I feel disinterested with what is going on atm.

  2. Arcus 101 Arcus 101 says:

    Does that change anything? Of course it does, that meant she wasn’t lying, it’s just that the plan just didn’t go well, so not only did you try to kill an entire race just for the action a single person that is already dead long ago, it wasn’t even a betrayal like you thought it was. So all the justification you can say you have is rendered invalid and anything more would be a venting your unjustified wrath on innocent people, for all that MC said you are very kind you sure don’t sound like it.

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