I Became a Hero With a Lot of Experience chapter 39

I Became a Hero With a Lot of Experience 39

39 – 039: The Road to the North (2)

With the gate, the usual sight of the street appeared before us.

The street was peaceful. Even if it might be rotten on the inside, it looked normal on the surface.

This expedition was the first as a hero to defeat the Demon King’s army, but no one paid attention or offered enthusiastic cheers.

It was only natural to leave secretly, but for some reason, my enthusiasm seemed to wane.

“Did you really expect the common people to notice and send cheers? (Experience Points: 2)”

“I’m not a child. I didn’t expect anything like that.”

Considering the possibility of a spy from the Demon Army even in the capital, it shouldn’t be known to the general public that we are setting out.

Because of that, everyone, including me, chose inconspicuous attire.

Even though only one person is riding in the carriage, if you cover it roughly with a cloak, no one will know.

“Then, Sir Knight, we’ll be waiting for your return here. (Experience Points: 2)”

“Are you waiting for me? Or are you waiting for a chicken?”

“They’re no different. (Experience Points: 2)”

“hahahaha, kid.”

Just as we were about to leave, knights with helmets rushed from a distance, revealing their faces.

“Sir Knight! You must come back safely!! Especially your hands!! (Experience Points: 13)”

“Although we can’t go with you, we’ll be waiting here!! (Experience Points: 6)”

“Bring us presents when you come back!! They say jerky is delicious in the north!! (Experience Points: 3)”

Do these guys think I’m going on a trip? Even if you think about the level of the Demon Army, calling it a sightseeing trip is not an exaggeration.

In front of Gens, even if the opponent is a Demon King, it’s just a target with horns.

Although we didn’t receive the farewell of the people, we left the castle with the knights’ farewell.

Today was the last day in the capital, and I wanted to see the faces of the orphanage children before leaving, but that couldn’t happen.

I cannot expose these dirty bastards to the eyes of those innocent ones who still preserve their purity.

Just when I thought that and didn’t say it out loud, a priest (Experience Points: 4) said, “It seems like you’ve become quite close to the knights. (Experience Points: 4)”

“Why? Are you upset because you stole their lovers?”

“…. (Experience Points: 4)”

No positive or negative response was heard.

It seemed she thought it was better to remain silent and continue looking ahead, rather than giving a reason to be criticized.

It’s a good choice.

It’s much better to seem drowsy and indifferent than to give them a reason to pick on.

“I don’t care about the position of the knight commander, so don’t worry.”

Although I have thoughts of meeting those guys again, I have no intention of going under that senile old man.

The narrowing of the arch between the priest and the wizard hinted at how they took those words.

A hot and sharp gaze felt from behind.

Well, if you don’t have confidence in winning a verbal fight, you shouldn’t have attempted it in the first place.

In the face of a barking dog that couldn’t bite, I found myself involuntarily chuckling.

“But why are you like this?”

“…Yes? (Experience points: 4)”

“It’s weird. It felt distant even before, and now it seems like there’s some tension.”

From the start, an indescribable sense of unease flowed between Penny and the three others.

If their eyes met, the pressure, like sparks flying in an old comic book, felt suffocating.

Whether it was because of the pressure or the scent of an inexperienced woman, it wasn’t easy to distinguish, but either way, it felt suffocating.

“What happened?”

“Nothing happened. Even if something did, it’s unrelated to the warrior. (Experience points: 4)”

“Then smile and act like usual. It’s pitiful for me sandwiched between you two.”

If this atmosphere continued, someone might end up dead.

“I don’t know what’s going on, but I’ll release a curse for you. How about s*x and reconciliation?”

“…Wha-what?! R-really?! (Experience points: 7)”

The magician responded to the half-joking remark.

All eyes, except Penny’s, turned to her.

While the priest sighed and mumbled her name, I spoke to the embarrassed magician with my head bowed.

“Of course, it’s a joke, tough girl.”

I didn’t bring the key in the first place.


Unlike the murky atmosphere gathered like nameless sludge in a waste treatment plant, the sky was clear, filled only with blue, as Penny’s conflicted heart.

Looking at such a sky, Penny closed her eyes, trying to organize her confused emotions.

Why wasn’t she worried about the fallen Lars?

Even if the other person wasn’t a lover, if someone collapsed and was being carried away on a stretcher, it was only natural to have some concerns.

Penny wasn’t a perfect saint, but she wasn’t classified as a villain either.

Although she harbored trivial issues in her sense of righteousness, who in this land didn’t?

With ordinary values and character, she, even if the other party was an unpleasant warrior, would have worried if he fainted and was being transported.

But it wasn’t the case with Lars.

The wound wasn’t severe, but it wasn’t small enough to dismiss as a mere scratch.

Penny felt no emotion towards him, despite the undeniable wound that couldn’t be considered light.

Briefly halting at the distant sound of an ambulance, she soon hurried along her way.

She stuck to her attitude towards encountering others till the end. Penny didn’t regret that choice.

There was just a small doubt.


Why did she feel nothing at all?

The answer to that question was already within her.

The past few weeks she had spent returning to the royal capital were like endless nightmares, tormenting Penny.

Rumors about Penny being a rag, born after the commotion, became an indelible label trailing behind her.

Of course, no one dared to utter the word ‘rag’ in front of her due to her unapproachable status.

However, people have a way of discerning intentions through subtle actions, even without explicitly expressing them.

Eyes shifting away, a slight tremor in the small body, as if witnessing something unbearable—trivial gestures that, under normal circumstances, hinted at what discussions occurred before Penny’s arrival.

Unable to prove her innocence, burdened with the purity that nobody cared to acknowledge, Penny continued to suffer.

Perhaps a knight openly calling herself a rag or a maiden would have been a better fate.

From Noble mtl dot com

Naturally, as Penny’s social interactions dwindled, her time was spent staring at the walls and ceiling in her room, an increasingly meaningless existence.

‘I wish someone was by my side.’

‘I wish someone could comfort me.’

It didn’t take long for someone engulfed in such loneliness to harbor those desires in her heart.

Penny hoped for Lass to be by her side.

Even if it couldn’t continue, she wanted to share this torment with him one last time.

But that hope was betrayed.

After an unfamiliar sparring session that ended in defeat, Lass abruptly disappeared into the forest.

When Penny first heard the news, she thought Lass was lying.

“I can no longer… be with the princess.”

She believed he was rejecting her, pushing her away as he did in the forest.

But it wasn’t the case.

Upon further investigation, it turned out he had genuinely lost and left for the forest.

At this point, it was understandable if nothing made sense.

Las wouldn’t have known Penny’s circumstances, and since he had lost, putting effort into training was a very natural thing.

However, when he returned without getting tired, applied for another sparring session, and, even more so, when Penny saw Las being dragged to the cart after a humiliating defeat.

Penny couldn’t erase the feeling of something disappearing in her chest.

It wasn’t hatred or pity; it was more like not feeling anything, like a blank canvas with nothing drawn on it.

Las was Penny’s pride.

Except for status and appearance, she was a very ordinary woman with nothing outstanding. That was the only uniqueness she had acquired.

That’s why she loved him.

Even when the marriage with the hero was decided, she secretly hoped he would suggest running away together.

Penny is well aware of how foolish and irresponsible that desire is.

She knows it’s a rebellious act against her family and even a treacherous act against her father.

But even so.

Even if she betrays everyone’s expectations and ends up living a more miserable life than a commoner, she thinks she can endure it if it’s with Las.

She harbored such a planless, embarrassing delusion.

‘… What would he have done?’

Suddenly, Penny’s gaze turns to the hero.

A man who appears mentally unstable, making it doubtful how he survived to his age as an adventurer.

But a man who, once embraced, would never let go.

Lost in that thought, she unintentionally kept staring at him until the hero, sensing her gaze, turned around.



The eyes of the hero and Penny met.

After a short and awkward silence, the hero spoke briefly.

“Virgin moves. Even if you hate me, don’t stare so piercingly.”


In response to that thorny remark, Penny smirked, raising her chin.

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  1. Munu says:

    I’m really going to try to find a profitable way to poison the author if that damn princess becomes the main heroine

  2. Sectne13 Sectne13 says:

    I shall unleash havoc upon this wretched novel if the princess assumes the role of the heroine

  3. Dark_claw says:

    I will bring forth destruction on this accursed novel if princess ends up as the Heroine

  4. TheSinglesLord says:

    I will burn this novel to shreds if that princess is the heroine

    1. Zhen Wu. Zhen Wu. says:

      It has already been decided, it will surely be the 400-year-old virgin.

      1. Jack says:

        I hope so….but if….but if….BUT IFFFFF….. I’ll pour my wrath upon the author

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