I Became a Person Who Wanted To Drop Out of the Academy chapter 62

I Became a Person Who Wanted To Drop Out of the Academy 62

62 – Episode 62 – Duel 4 –

Episode 62 – Duel 4 –


“Abraxas Sadong won!!!”

“So Alexander lost? Abraxas Sadong won, right? Yesssss!!!”

The cheers of the crowd echoed through the arena.

It was an unexpected frenzy.

I was wearing a ballerina costume.

The method I chose to win was vulgar.

My behavior was despicable.

Yet, just because I emerged as the winner, numerous cheers resounded.

For some reason.

He listened more closely.

“That crazy bastard Alexander!!! Do you know how much I’ve lost because of you!?”

“Woo woo! The reverse of the truth!”

“Just get out and die, you damn bastard!”

“2.7 times! 2.7 times! Damn, he should have bet more!”

“Lord Abraxas! You alone are my lord! You are the master of this world, and only you can save us.”

“The author’s bloodline truly stands out! Naturally, I want to follow him!”

And the voices coming through informed the situation accurately.

It seems like they’re gambling based on the exchange rate.

“No! Isn’t that cheating? Abraxas Student’s skills were definitely insufficient, and using that photo to say anything is unjust—”

“Woo woo, pitiful. Just accept the victory.”

“Tsk tsk. You should’ve bet on Abraxas. Right now, what’s the problem?”

“If you’re going to be so picky, what should we have said the moment we picked up a sword or staff? And if your skills are low, why bother sparring? In the end, it’s all about psychological warfare, isn’t it?”

“I didn’t bet money—”

“Don’t bullsh*t. If you didn’t bet money, you wouldn’t have, right? Come on, everyone! Raise your hands if you didn’t bet against Abraxas Student here!”


“I didn’t bet! hahahaha!”

“Who bet money? Such a vulgar thing. We’re just cheering for Abraxas Student’s victory. hahahahaha!”

“See? Since no one here bet money, don’t provoke us. hahahahaha!”

Money is important. Justice? Justification? They are important, but there are many people in this world who will discard them in the face of money.

They also know. They can challenge my victory if they want to.

That’s why they’re acting out. In reality, there’s no problem according to the rules.

“It’s my first time in an exchange match, so I didn’t think about this. And those guys will view me favorably. They won’t see me in a bad light. The reason I went for the reverse was just a precaution. Since I won in any case, they’ll be friendly; there’s no reason for them to dislike me.”

Of course, I don’t really care about their opinions.

The most important thing is the upper-class doctors who are watching me.

In the end, they did succeed in changing public opinion.

Limited to the people who bet money.

And even more limited to those who put their lives on the line for money.

The upper class people wouldn’t think it’s important because they don’t need to risk their lives to that extent.

Then at least the initial goal could be achieved.

“Of course, the worst assumption is that they would rebel against the nobles’ decision…

But with that level of fame, I would even need to catch the Archbishop. It’s absolutely impossible with more than ten bishops.”

It was fortunate if it turned out to be fortunate.

[The winner is… Abraxas Mentuthotep of Jelip Academy!]

Professor Maximilian confirmed the winner late after the meeting.

It was my victory.


“Abraxas! Abraxas! Abraxas!”


Cheers from the crowd erupted once again.

Ironically, the subject of the cheers was wearing a ballerina costume, which was comical.

And so, the first duel ended with the victory of Jelip Academy.

Although it was achieved with crude, despicable, and selfish elements, well, so what.

If it were a real battle, I would have been the winner in the end.

The opponent might not acknowledge me.

It doesn’t matter.

The only person who needs to acknowledge me is one person.

I entered inside like that, and the next turn approached.

So, my task was already determined.


VIP seats specially arranged in the Academy stadium.

It was completely soundproofed so that the noise from the audience couldn’t be heard, and it was a place where various luxury items could be ordered.

Many people were gathered there.

Most of them were unknown, but among the people I know, they were giants who could distort this world.

I secretly infiltrated this place where such people gathered.

“Since I dressed normally, they probably won’t recognize me.”

The reason I wore a ballet costume during this duel was simple.

From Noble mtl dot com

There are few people who know my face. Most of them would be seeing me for the first time.

However, what if, in order to appear like a ballerina, I had dusted my face with flour?

Naturally, it would be hard to recognize me when I looked entirely different.

[“Doesn’t this seem a bit excessive? Is this really necessary?”]

-Of course. If I asked someone else to do it, they’d just mess it up. I can’t make reliable subordinates.

An unnecessary angel muttered something to me.

Of course, it was an unnecessary worry.

I wasn’t that fragile.

To infiltrate, I even concealed the color of my irises with colored contact lenses.

Just to be on the safe side, I asked Lucas to change my black hair color to gray.

Since I was disguising myself as someone else, apart from my parents and Aria, few people would recognize me.

“Um, who are you…?”

Naturally, they’d be suspicious if there was a sudden increase in personnel.

After a quick scan, I kidnapped and incapacitated one person.

I left them unconscious in the bathroom for a while, tied up appropriately.

Then, I stripped off their clothes and went out to serve.

As I entered the room, a truly luxurious scene unfolded before my eyes.

It resembled the palaces I had seen in Europe before.

Luxurious carpets, stuffed animal heads, and furniture that I couldn’t afford even if I sold all my organs.

It was the most extravagant space after the Hwangseong and Tantalota mansions.

I had infiltrated such a place.

To gauge their reactions and gather information.

“Getting information is more important than reactions. With the changes I’ve caused in the world… the advantage of my knowledge of the future is slowly diminishing.”

There is no information about my past self.

And I don’t know much, but from the moment I caught the old dragon ahead of time, the future had already changed.

So I need to find out.

How the world is progressing.

I slowly approached and poured tea into the teacup.

“Hmm? I’ve never seen you before. You look fine. What’s your name?”

“Allyokker… that’s my name.”

One of the noble ladies looked at me and asked a question.

I don’t know what kind of person they are. But at least, judging by their appearance, they seem to be someone who can rival Prince Epherento.

It seemed certain that they were at least a person of higher rank than a duke.

“Oh, really? Who… Ah!”

I felt as if someone recognized me.

Immediately, I turned my head to look at them.


‘Ah, right. Those nobles are also high-ranking individuals.’

I had a vague feeling because it was a familiar voice, and my assumption was correct.

There must have been someone there who would definitely recognize me.

‘Viscount Winterfield…’

My disguise wouldn’t work on someone who knows me well.

It wouldn’t work on him, who had been watching me closely since I was young.

If Wilson Winterfield didn’t pay much attention to others, it wouldn’t matter.

But he was definitely not the kind of person who would forget his son’s childhood friend.

“You. Come here for a moment.”

The viscount used a condescending tone with me, which he rarely used.

Normally, he would have scolded me, asking what nonsense I was up to.

But this place was not an ordinary place, so he seemed to use that tone.

[So why did you come here?]

-Oh, I just came to hear the rumors like usual. You know I like that kind of thing.

Sound doesn’t travel without a medium.

Similarly, sound cannot be heard in space for the same reason.

On the other hand, speaking of mediums, it means that if you control the medium, sound can be selectively transmitted to a specific space.

That’s why, by creating a disturbance in the air using vocals, the sound is only transmitted in a specific direction.

This is the application of ventriloquy.

I didn’t use it often.

When I used ventriloquy, the viscount’s expression became bewildered.

It was because I had never used it before.

[Since when could you use ventriloquy?]

-I learned it after enrolling in school.

[Well, let’s leave that aside. The conversations here must never be disclosed. Haven’t you heard of such a provision?]

-I haven’t heard of it.

[Then how about this place…]

-It might be a “how about this place,” but anyway, there shouldn’t be any major issues. We’re just not openly talking about it. We’ll make it abundantly clear in our implications.

[You’re right, so there’s nothing to say.]

The time they had shared through the first exchange had heightened the suspicions of others.

This isn’t good at all.

I need to change the subject quickly.

-For now, change the subject a bit. About how you see me.

[Do you really need to hear that? You didn’t come here just to hear that, did you?]

-Oh? Did you give permission for this intrusion?

[Consider it as leaving your life as it is. It’s not like chasing you away from here would prevent you from finding another way in. Knowing you, you might put on that ballet outfit from earlier and pretend to be an actor.]

Ah, I’m not that extreme.

Even if I put on a ballerina costume, it’s clear I’m a guy. How could I hide that?

You probably bought some TS potion from an alchemist and used it before coming.

How do you see me?

“So, what do you think about the new students at the Jelip Academy this time?”

Luckily, the Duke granted my request.

Not a word about my story had been uttered.

Anyone could tell it was about me.

“There are more powerful students than the Abraxas students, right?”

“Well, since they’ve mastered enhancement magic, the Abraxas students shouldn’t be weak either.”

“But it seems there are many students with higher grades… It seems like there are truly exceptional individuals.”

“Right now, over 10 students from Abraxas are surpassing the top students. In other words, there are 11 students who can defeat Alexander the Magus. They can certainly be called Golden Riders.”

Such praise was given.

But the reaction I truly desired wasn’t coming.

-Oh, what’s this? I thought you were going to make a fuss in your ballet outfit, but the response isn’t bad, is it?

If you ask why the response is good, the Duke might have a chance of realizing what I’m up to here.

So he asked carefully.

[I don’t know either. But at least from the perspective of others, you don’t seem strange.]

No particular rumors about me came up.

Is it because of my connection with the Marquis?

Or is it something else?

Everyone seems to be cautious about this story.

“This time something like this happened…”

“Really? That’s remarkable…”

“Then, does this mean…”


Numerous stories circulated.

A lot of time passed.

No concrete story emerged.

“Why are we even gathered here? In reality, the G7 is important because it’s a social event where high-ranking people come together.”

Among the various discussions, there were few substantial ones.

And so, without any noteworthy conversation, the time for my replacement drew near.

“It’s a shame, but… well, it can’t be helped.”

Leaving the VIP room, I headed back to where I should have originally been.

By now, there should have been an incident of rapid expansion of the Water Mirror or a commotion about the sale of World Tree branches.

Of course, there were plenty of ways to obtain related information.

I left, soothing my disappointment, ready to proceed with the next mission.


“So, the Winterfield Marquis? Why did that kid come here?”

“He tried to eavesdrop on the stories here to gain an advantage… I’m not sure when he learned to write, but he was writing all the way until now… It’s truly unbelievable.”

“All the way until now? Could he really write that much already?”

“He must have a significant distribution.”

“Regardless, coming here might be a problem…”

“I don’t think there’s a need to say much. With combat abilities at the level of a Saint, it would have been impossible for anyone to stop him if it wasn’t for our personal guards, and we dealt with them.”

“He’s also an Academy student, so there was no real restriction.”

“I was actually doing fine on my own, you know? How did you even think of coming here? If the Duke couldn’t recognize us, wouldn’t we have been exposed?”

There are few useful talents.

And even fewer talents that are worth anything.

Most people here value intelligence or power.

But the people at the end of this world had different thoughts.

To a single person, being part of a gang of a thousand is a disaster.

But on the contrary, it also means that with 1001 people, victory is possible.

“Individual power is the highest, but in the perspective of a group, power is worthless. What matters is not power, but how you use it. They tried to cloud their vision and take away the results by utilizing their own high power and ballerina-like points.”

“There are so many ambitions and various things to distribute. Even if I lack ability, at least having some ability… It would be good to know.”

“It’s impressive. To think that you were planning to come here right away. If the Duke hadn’t recognized you, we would have missed you. Ha. How could that happen?

After making a fool of yourself with ballet costumes and all sorts of behavior, you managed to perform a servant’s act that couldn’t be found anywhere. Impressive.”

“Nobles generally don’t like it when dirt touches them, so they don’t personally intervene. Even if they do come, they send their subordinates to eavesdrop. But you came personally… That’s beyond expectations.”

The problem with Abraxas was.

He had never sat in the seats of the high-ranking people throughout his past lives.

People can tolerate rudeness from someone they have favor towards.

No matter how high of a person they may be, there is no way they would be displeased by the rudeness committed by their own offspring.

The people there had a certain level of favor towards Abraxas.

They tolerated his rudeness.

“I hope I can draw them in.”

“The princess doesn’t seem like a real girlfriend… Should I find a suitable partner for her to get jealous?”

“Yeah. If they want to extract information from us, they have to come themselves. Not sending a servant or anything like that.”

Perhaps they were starting to like Abraxas.

Abraxas wouldn’t really want that though.

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