I Became a Servant the Dragons Are Obsessed With chapter 116

116 - The Lion Face

116 – The Lion Face

ㅡBeep beep… !

Ice-cold groundwater flows.

Water is continuously supplied through the faucet.

It was pulled up to a high place through a drain pipe.

I never thought that such a water supply facility would be located halfway up the mountain.

ㅡ Podeuk podeuk podeuk!!

Bubbles bubble up in the sink.

It was because the dishes and the scrubber were in contact.

If it wasn’t for the magic engineering pump water system, I would have been squatting by the creek washing dishes.

ㅡ Dalgrak… ! Buck buck buck!

Powdered detergent is dissolved in water, and the foam rises further.

‘What happened to my hands even though I was wearing gloves? ….’

Complaining and dissatisfaction naturally springs out as I deal with the dishes from the tea party. The groundwater pumped up from the mountain was extremely cold.

To the point where the bones in my fingertips all ache.

It feels like my fingers will freeze soon.

My hand was burned earlier,

Now it was on the verge of getting frostbite.

But what can I do?

At this rate, aside from frostbite, I’m going to get housewife eczema.

‘I think the tea party is over now, so when are we going to go down?’

As I cast my sight over the seemingly endless dishes, I saw young ladies huddled in front of the temple, in the outdoor banquet hall.

Even in a sitting position on the floor.

In the center, you can see a large jar.

I don’t know what it is, but at first glance they seemed friendly.

The magic crystal lights hanging from the string subtly illuminate the girls.

I couldn’t see it in detail because of the distance,

Looks like a place for friendship.

The atmosphere is like a recreation.

Everyone seemed to be hanging out together and talking.

It looked like they were having a welcome party for new students, just like we overheard in the conversation between Sonya and Zeros earlier.

‘I liked going to school. It’s also when you’re a green freshman.’

I kept looking for Derke while pretending to wash the dishes.

I heard earlier that there was such a thing as a declaration ceremony, but I was worried about whether or not my seniors were harassing me as a hero of interest.

‘If Sophia was looking after Derke, I wouldn’t have been too worried…….’

If Sophia was there,

I could have figured it out at once.

That’s also because Sophia always had a bright halo behind her.

But Sofia was nowhere to be seen.

Strangely, it was difficult to find Sophia even after her worship activities were over. She intentionally avoids me during the day, but after the worship service, she is completely missing.

Moreover, Reirin was nowhere to be seen.

“Where the hell is everyone—”

“Breeder… ! Not long left! It’s hard work… !”


While I was talking to myself and thinking about this and that, I heard the voice of Ramswi, who was washing the dishes next to me.

ㅡPpodeuk, podeuk, podeuk… !

The guy had been washing the dishes with enthusiasm since earlier. As if this sort of chore was better for him than cooking.

“Hey, Ramju. Aren’t your hands cold?”

“It’s okay-! Worth doing… !”

In response to my question, the guy wiggles and draws a V as if he’s showing off the pink jelly on his palm.

I envy you. It seems to be able to withstand quite a bit since rubber gloves are implanted in the hands themselves.

Besides, wouldn’t it be nice to play around with it when you’re bored?

Anyway, the beasts are good.

Because I am insensitive to the cold.

My finger is popping! I mean, it looks like it’s about to fall.

“… By the way, you caught a lot of them.”

For a while, I frown as I look at the bowls piled up like a mountain.

If I can hold on for today, tomorrow will be a full-fledged holiday, so I’ve been patient with it, but the finishing work is harder than I thought. Adding in the dishes from dinner, the amount was quite large.

Even Maruti and the other cooks of different races left work as soon as the tea party was over. It was natural because he was not affiliated with the academy.

Clearly, I was the one who won the match,

Why do you think I’m being penalized?

I want to go downstairs, pull the blanket over myself, and go to sleep.

“Ha, I wish I could command Derke’s Ghost Corps like before…….”

That’s when I was grumbling and painting the bowl with foam.

ㅡNyorolong… ….

“Ugh… ? What, what?”

Suddenly, a translucent ghost pops out from behind me. It’s cute, but it makes a somewhat eerie sound.

A figure wrapped in a gray blanket.

A torso that shudders whenever it floats.

It was definitely a specter that Derke had been working on.

ㅡ Bang!

He didn’t care whether I was surprised or not and grabbed the scrubber I was holding. And then…….

ㅡPpodeuk, podeuk, podeuk… !

Start washing the dishes in a calm manner.

As if you just heard my complaint.

Executing proxy labor without any fuss.

Of course, it wasn’t strange since Derke gave me the authority to cast a ghost as well, but…….

‘Why is the ghost here?’

It was just a wonder that only one remained by my side. Was it even attached to my back?

I don’t know what kind of English it is,

But it’s good to have a substitute.

I felt it while making dessert earlier,

Ghosts were really useful in many ways.

Meeting Derke at first was really luck itself.

ㅡCharleureuk… ! Click, click… !

Look at this.

The coldness is not a problem at all.

Besides, there were no restrictions on the ghostly body.

Not only did I feel fatigued, but I also felt free to move.

In a way, they might be much better than humans.

Moreover, without showing any disapproval, she silently did as she was told—

ㅡ Clinking… !

“What, what?!”

“A breeder? What’s going on… ?!”

When I was continuing to praise the ghost in the middle of the day, the ghost suddenly let go like throwing a bowl I was washing hard.

The guy suddenly stopped what he was doing and ran away as if to declare a strike. That is, after throwing the bowl away.

‘Huh? Don’t you think it’s ridiculous?’

Strangely, when I praised the same team for a game, I threw it from then on……. Is it the same principle as that? If this is the case, why not help in the first place?

I was so dumbfounded that I could only stare at the back of the ghost as it disappeared before I knew it.

The ghost was headed outside the kitchen tent.

It looks like it’s going out.

The guy dared to fly towards the entrance because of the ghost theme.

At first, I wondered why… There were reasons for everything.

“Breeder oppa-!!!”

“Huh? Derke?”

The specter flew to Derke, who suddenly appeared like a ghost, and then disappeared.

“hehehe, it’s a good idea to put one on your playboy oppa!”

“… Huh? Keep it?”

“Ugh-! If something happens to your brother, Derke will know right away!”

“hahahaha, but by the way… …. Sophia? Miss Raylin?”

It wasn’t just Derke.

I can see Sophia and Laylin in the back.

It seemed that the three of them were hanging out together.

Anyway, judging from all the sympathizers gathered in this shabby place…….

“Mr. Breeder? Please talk to us separately.”

“Yes? Are you talking about that?”

From nob le mt l dot com

Judging from Sophia’s grave voice, it seemed that I had quite a few business affairs.

Even at a fairly late hour.


The red moon is hanging from a tree branch.

It wasn’t like the setting sun.

As expected, the moon here was originally red.

“… ….”

Perhaps because of the reddish full moon, the atmosphere feels heavier.

I was freed from washing dishes by Sophia’s call and was called out to the outskirts of the temple. Of course, with Raylin and Derke.

At first, I thought they came to help me out, who was struggling with washing dishes.

“Mr. Breeder? You were very curious about what I saw in you during the day, right?”

As soon as she arrives at a deserted place, Sofia gets to the point. She came for a completely different reason than I expected.

She’s been through a lot since daylight, and if Sofia hadn’t brought this up, she’d have forgotten.

“Yes, what exactly did you see in me at that time that surprised you so much?”

“Do you remember what I said back then?”

“Sure. Didn’t you say that the appearances of my ancestors overlapped with me? Not just one, but several…….”

“Eh?! Hee, from the white man… ?!”

“Huh… ? The ancestor’s appearance in my brother-?!”

“That’s right. You remember it well.”

Sofia glanced over everyone’s faces with a light smile.

This time, Sofia moved her lips while looking at Derke and Leirin’s faces alternately.

“Raylin, Derke? You guys listen to me too. Since they are all very close to Mr. Breeder, I thought it was important to know them, so I gathered them together like this.”

“Sophia…… ?”

After that, Sofia strode towards me and erased her faint smile. And soon, he shows a serious expression with a red moonlight.

ㅡSuddenly…… !

Then, she took off the veil she was wearing on her head to create a serious atmosphere.

“… ….”

In this atmosphere, I couldn’t break the silence first.

“The appearance of the ancestors I saw from Mr. Breeder during the day with the power of Lord Shichoryong… …. It definitely resembled the six ancestors who sealed the demon dragon, Detronos, a long time ago.”


Sophia breaks the silence with a quiet voice.

Her voice was so soft,

The contents she spat out were shocking like lightning in the dry sky.

“… The ancestor who sealed the demon dragon Detronos? What is that?”

“That’s what I want to ask, Mr. Breeder.”

ㅡSlowly… !

Sophia calls my name and she pushes even closer. Close enough to feel the warm breeze from her nose.

“Tell me openly. Your identity……. What is it? If you don’t tell me, I have no choice but to look into it myself.”

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  1. PP_Qwarts says:

    Maybe MC is the seal used to seal the Demon dragon

  2. Padre damaso says:

    Is it just me or maybe the demon dragon is the mc and the six dragon hearts inside him are the six founders who sealed him

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