I Became a Servant the Dragons Are Obsessed With Chapter 254

254 - Dying and Coming Back to Life

254 – Dying and Coming Back to Life

-Thump, thud… !

ㅡDrop drip… !

Hot liquid soaks my cheeks.

It pours not only on the cheeks but also on the entire face.

It was a liquid with quite a warmth.

Something hotter than human body temperature awakens my spirit.

‘… What? Are these really tears?’

When I opened my eyes, a clear liquid continued to fall like dew. Huge water droplets hit my face intermittently.

My vision is blurred due to the fluid accumulating around my eyes, making it difficult to see clearly.


Besides, was it because I had a crazy dream?

I couldn’t even raise my voice right away.

My sense of reality still hasn’t returned.

All I could do was look around with blurry vision.

“Huh, huh… ! Because of Derke… Sniff-!”

“… !”

As I move my gaze, I immediately see Derke.

A silver-haired hatchling shedding tears.

The boy is crying bitterly at his bedside with red eyes.

“Derke shouldn’t have done that…” ” … Ugh, black! Derke’s fault for death… So please come back… ! Why can’t I handle my brother’s soul… ?”

She is crying with her clothes

I don’t know why I’m dressed like this,

Derke is crying so sadly.

Just like in the dream, in close contact with me.

Looks like I wasn’t just having a dream.

“Snap! Well, what should I do? No more without my brother… Huh, huh… !”

Derke continues to sob sadly while looking at my face

I have a general sense of what happened.

Perhaps they were targeting me while I was asleep.

And when I was attacked by Derke, my soul was ripped out.

‘By the way, how was I able to open my eyes again… ? … ?’

I don’t quite understand what happened in the end. All I remember is that the voice called Sotero brought me back.

He definitely said he was an old friend to me.

So, he would be one of the six ancestors.

I don’t know what I did or how I did it, but thanks to you I survived.

“Huh… ! My brother shouldn’t turn into a ghost like this… Ugh, please open your eyes—”

“… Derke? I’m fine.”

“Whoa… “?!?! Oh, oppa-!?”

“Shhh… ! It’s still early in the morning and everyone is awake. Quietly.”

“Huh… ! Yes! Oh, my brother is gone… ?”

When I came to my senses and made eye contact with Derke, her tears fell.

ㅡCome on… !

And then Derke, barely able to hold back his tears, dives towards me.

“Oppa… ! Derek was wrong! Please forgive me… !”

“Cough… ! “Derke?”

His grown body is weighing me down.

In the past, I would have accepted it lightly,

It feels a bit heavy now.

“I shouldn’t have ignored mom’s warning… She thought that her brother would be able to endure it, but yay… Sigh, huff… !”

Derke lowers her head and sobs.

Hot tears are flowing down the back of my neck.

I must have cried again when I saw myself looking fine.

Even if it were me, I would have been very surprised.

If I were in Derke’s position,

I probably would have reacted the same way.

“I’m okay. So stop crying now. Pop… !”

ㅡPat, pat… !

I just hugged Derke and comforted her for a while.

I hugged him tightly and patted him on the back,

With my other hand, I stroked his head.

Gently until the excitement subsides.

Actually, I also needed time to calm down.

Because I was just as surprised as Derke.

After all, hasn’t he been to the door of the afterlife?

Still, I didn’t particularly hate Derke. Wouldn’t I know if it was done intentionally to target my soul?

“Hi! Sigh… ! Cough, Cough… !”

Derke, who finally swallowed his cries, let out a dry cough and could barely calm his breathing.

Derke’s face is covered in tears and snot. Like a 10-year-old child.

They say his body has grown, but looking at him like this, Derke is still Derke.

“Now, would you like to calm down and moisten your throat first? “Are you thirsty from crying too much?”

ㅡChallang… !

I stretched out my arm and brought the glass bottle.

This is what I received from Sonya earlier.

The beaded ice cream inside had already melted again and became liquid.

Looking at it like this, it feels like giving a bottle to a baby who wakes up in the early morning to soothe it.

“Huh? What is this… ? Surely milk?”

“That’s right. It’s sweet so it will suit your taste.”

“Well… ! Derke even pulled out his brother’s soul his his… My brother is a true angel, Deathyong…”

“Phew, don’t cry again and drink quickly. Then I got really thirsty.”

“Well, then drink it with gratitude… !”

-Snap! Jump up!

With those words, I immediately drink the milk.

It looks like he was very thirsty as expected.

If it were normal, I would have declined…

“Gulp… ! Gulp… !”

Derke, who was showing such a cool smile, suddenly…


Stop while drinking milk.

And then the guy takes the glass bottle out of his mouth.

Green eyes suddenly look at me blankly.

The guy’s expression doesn’t look very good.

Could it be that it didn’t suit my taste?

He looks at me with a very serious face.

It seemed like it was written on Derke’s face, ‘Cancel my thank you from earlier!’

“Huh? What’s the matter? “Isn’t it delicious?”

“It’s not like that, it’s death. It’s definitely delicious, but…”


“Why does it smell like Sonya-senpai in here… ?” ? Not only in smell but also in taste…”

“… ?!”

A shocking answer to follow.

I forgot about Derke’s sensitive sense of smell.

But no matter how good your sense of smell is,

It must have been quite a while, but you can still feel Sonya’s taste her and not just her her smell her

‘This milk, no way… ‘ … ?’

“… This is what Sonya made herself…?! It’s as if it was squeezed directly from her heart. .”

Derke reads the possibilities that pop into my head.

“Cough! De, Derke… ? Well, what do you mean? “There’s no way something like that would be possible, right?”

“Ummmm… To be honest, it doesn’t make sense.”

ㅡLegally… !

Derke seemed to have decided that it was common sense to say what she said, and put down the half-full glass bottle of Sonya’s milk (?).

“Well, my older brother-?!”

At the same time, he changed the subject, perhaps feeling embarrassed.

“Huh? Have you calmed down now?”

“Ungh! But I have a question!”

“Are you suddenly curious?”

Derke calms his shaking green eyes and looks at me.

“I’m really glad that my brother came back safely, but… How did you come back? I definitely stopped breathing for a few minutes… ?”

From noble mtl dot com

“You stopped breathing?”

“Yes… ! I could sense the strong smell of death coming from my brother. As a member of the Death Clan, I could clearly know the Death dragon-!”

Derke, who has completely stopped crying, asks a question as if she is curious even if she thinks about it again.

“Well? I don’t know the exact details, but… Derke, how could I go alone and leave you behind? “You said I would protect you from now on, right?”

“Oh, oppa… ?”

“Don’t make that face. Now, let’s lie down comfortably. “Don’t you think you should get some sleep?”

“Derke is not sleepy… !”

“Actually, it’s because I’m sleepy.”

“Whoa… ! “I didn’t think of that!”

“Okay, so come here now. Let me tell you about something I experienced earlier. If you feel sleepy while listening to me, slowly fall asleep again. “Understand, right?”

“Huh… !”

ㅡPook… !

Derke answers with an innocent voice.

The guy calmly leans over and lies down.

Like the posture of listening to a storybook before going to sleep.

“Then where should I start?” …”


Today’s work schedule is not very good.

The third time you have to wake up in the middle of the morning.

It is the hardship of hardship.

Of course, it’s better than the reconnaissance work of seniors.


I haven’t been able to sleep for a long time because I’m still worried about Derke, and it’s killing me to have to go to work while tired.

“Rather than that, Derke… “You’re not back yet?”

Before going on watch duty.

I looked at Derke’s seat,

I couldn’t find my roommate.

It’s really strange.

No matter how interested the hero is,

The principal himself comes forward and provides convenience like this?

‘Anyway, where are you and what are you doing?’

ㅡTurp, trudge… !

So, I planned to check the night shift room as soon as my shift changed. Because it was obvious where Derke would be.

Moreover, a former worker said that he heard sad crying coming from the night shift room.

‘It’s suspicious… It’s too suspicious to win… ! Could it be that something happened to Derke or Breeder Oppa?!’

As soon as I was put on duty, I went straight to the night room.

ㅡKki profit… !

And then, very slowly, I opened the door to the night room. Like a thief cat that came in to rob a fish store.

ㅡQuickly… !

ㅡDorong Dorong… !

The inside of the night shift room was quieter than expected.

Only the sound of snoring can be heard,

No crying or blasphemous(?) Sounds were heard.

‘Now, are you going to sleep… ? … ?’

Here I mustered up more courage and approached the bed on tiptoes.

Then the sight I saw.

“Oh, this can’t be right… ” … ?”

Both Mr. Breeder and Derke were asleep, hugging each other tightly with their clothes half undone.

There were even traces of bodily fluids on the bed that couldn’t be seen as sweat.

‘Sir, you did something like that with Derke again… ‘ … ?’

Boo, I’m jealous… !!!

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  1. Moonlight Walker says:

    Tina has been added

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