I Became a Swordsmanship Instructor in Romance Fantasy chapter 149

149. Ordinary Bakery Girl (1)

149. Ordinary Bakery Girl (1)

After giving Soyi the words of Zeke to become the master of his emotions.

Julie joined forces with her to fight Tlac.

Although the attack inflicted fatal injuries,

Originally, the owner of a perverted constitution, the more deeply wounded he is, the more powerful he is by taking advantage of the pain.

Julie swallowed her saliva and looked at Tlac.

Blood circulates all over the body, turning bright red.

His muscles swelled up, making him look well over twice as big as before.

The already severed arm and the pierced abdomen tightened the heavy muscles so that no more blood flowed out.

‘Young! Just cut Tlak’s ankle.’

Let’s give orders to the skeleton soldier in our hearts

A sword emerged from Tlach’s shadow and aimed at his ankle.

However, in order to cut, you have to materialize at least momentarily.

Tlach pretended not to notice until the moment before his ankle was cut,

The moment Spirit materialized, he stomped his foot and smashed the skeleton’s head.


“Sheesh! Young (暎), recover for a while!”

That’s how Julie kept Tlak in check from a distance, and when she created a gap, Soi jumped in and threw his sword.



Soyi’s attack doesn’t seem ticklish.

Tlak grabbed the stabbing sword with one hand.


Then his kick hit Soyi’s belly.


Soi was hit by his kick and hit his back roughly against a tree far away.

It was as if he had fainted as his head fell down.

Julie bit her lip.

Tlac glaring at Julie.

His eyes turned bright red, as if in anger.

“traitor. you. I do not forgive.”

‘This is a big deal… … . Warrior, I think we’re screwed… … . Aren’t you going to help me?’

And just as Tlach was about to lunge at Julie, stomping his feet.


A great roar came from the top of the mountain.

At the sound, Tlach and Julie took their eyes off each other and looked up.

“uh… … ?”

A storm of mana and black magic that was so blue that it could be seen with the naked eye was cutting the mountain.

“… … Eh, Maou-nim?”

“… … Yo, Mr. Hero?”

Koo Goo Goo!!!


and following As the height of the mountain gradually decreased, huge chunks of rock fell from the sky like meteors, and the water in the valley broke open and poured down as if overflowing, carrying soil and trees.

At the overwhelming sight, like a scene from a myth, Tlach and Julie just stared blankly at it.

“Blood, avoid it!!!”

“Daddy, get away from the mountain as quickly as possible!!! run away!!!!!”

“This is not it!!!!! They are monsters!!!!!”

The Justia Knights came out of the mountain with frightened faces.

All of their faces were full of fear and the desire to survive.

“Eh, what is this… … Work… … .”

Julie looked around.

The Joheiden Knights, who were organizing the remnants of Lost Hope, also fled to avoid the falling rocks, and the few remaining Lost Hopes looked towards the mountain with eyes full of awe and were often crushed to death by the falling rocks.

‘Oh, no!!!! The Saint of Bread!!!!!’

Julie, who was looking at the people running away stupidly, turned to Soyi, who had collapsed earlier, with a sorry look on her face.

A huge rockfall was already falling in the place where the incendiary had been.


Before Julie could do anything, the huge boulder was crushed with soy.

And then, when the deep frustration of not being able to eat bread anymore was about to rise in Julie’s head.



A crack formed in the middle of a huge boulder.


split into two pieces

Soi’s appearance from there was different from before.

“Ha-. Does this mean that you become the master of your emotions? Instructor?”

She said with a mysterious expression, as if she was somehow refreshed and sad.

Her eyes, shining in various colors as if flickering in different colors.

Even her ordinary brown hair has changed like a rainbow, a color that is transparent but changes depending on how you look at it.

Her presence turned Tlach’s gaze from the top of the mountain to Soi.

“”uh… … . me, that… … ?””

The eyes of the current Lost Hope and the former Lost Hope grew wide.

““Goddess… … ?””

Soi’s expressionless face turned to Tlak.

“You are so angry.”

Her dry voice made Tlach almost bow his head involuntarily.

I didn’t know why the descending body that the demon king had been crying out for suddenly appeared after hiding in that girl’s body.

However, a deep sense of mission filled his mind.

Her squirming lips parted and a cheerful laugh erupted.

You will be able to bring a meaningful gift for the demon king who has descended.

“hahahaha!!! The priestess has been hiding and hiding, and now!! You just showed up!!!”

Tlach stuck out his tongue and licked his lips.

However, Soi’s face as he looked at him did not change.

Soi just put out his hand and headed for Tlak.

“I will take my anger.”

“uh… … ?”

The moment I fell, I felt as if my head, which had been foggy, had been cleared.

I didn’t hate anything anymore, and the sense of duty that I wanted to destroy the world disappeared as if it had been washed.

And his body, which had turned red, shrank like a deflated balloon.

“Hey, how did this…”

Tlach groped himself with a bewildered gesture.

“And you don’t want to die?”

“… … .”

Tlach stared blankly at the priestess.

Her question may not mean anything.

He suddenly felt a deep sense of skepticism and depression.

‘I, I… … . Why are you alive… … ? The madam I respected died, Julie, whom I loved in my heart, betrayed Lost Hope, and countless followers have already died… … . And I also saw the arrival of the Demon King… … . Why am I still alive… … ? Is there a need for that?’

No matter how much he thought about it, Tlach couldn’t figure out why he was still alive.

‘Wouldn’t it be better to just die… … ?’

Slowly, his hand stretched forward.


Tlach pierced his own heart with his hand.


Tlak died quietly on the spot without even screaming.

This time, Soyi’s eyes turned to Julie.

At the incomprehensible incident that just happened, Julie’s eyes were stained with horror.

‘What, what… … . why… … . How could a priestess be like this… … .’

“Um, you still… … . You protected me.”

Soi puts his finger to his lips and thinks about how to treat her.

“Yeah, yes! I already washed my hands at Lost Hope!!”

Julie nodded vigorously.

“but… … . There are too many obsessions. And it’s still too dirty to wash your hands… … ?”

Soyi’s hand, which had reached out to Tlak, turned towards Julie this time.

The thoughts of bread that had filled Julie’s mind disappeared as if they had been washed.

“uh… … ? What……”

And instead, her mind was filled with pity, sympathy, and guilt for the people she had killed and bullied.

“Ah, no… … . my, what the hell have I done… … .”

Julie scratched her neck, shaking her hands.

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My eyes are red and tingling. A drop of tear flowed.

“aaa—. I’m sorry! sorry! really! Now, I was wrong! sorry!!!! sorry!!”

Crouching down, she opened her mouth wide and begged for forgiveness from whom she did not know.

Tears flowed from Julie’s green eyes without any intention of stopping.

“you are… … . I won’t kill you though. After all, you protected me once. Instead, they spend their entire lives helping people with atonement. That is my punishment for you.”

“… … Shut up. go, thank you thank you.”

* * *


Zeke’s annoyance rose to the top of his head.

Yes, to be honest, the demon lord isn’t that difficult from the beginning.

In game terms, the first boss you encounter after entering the final chapter.

After that, in the final chapter, normal monsters that are slightly stronger than this one or similar ones start to appear one after another.

I don’t know if it was the days when I was on the Dave continent.

Her body is much weaker than before, and her mana is thin.

In addition, the [Adversary]’s system even inflated the guy’s level, so he raised his sword without hesitation.

final boss.

Not as much as when I fought the bard of the Zen Master.

I thought I could give you some tension

The battle with the Demon King was like watching ramen bursting right after eating just one chopstick.

“Hey, do you really want to go back?”

However, Zeke did not know.

The fact that he sealed his madness by not raising his sword, and that his mana was also sealed.

And the fact that the moment he raised his sword, the sealed Dave continent’s mana was released.

As a result.


“Either by authority!”


“Even with a knife!”




“No tentacles!”


“Take out all the hidden things!!! bastard!!!!!”


The nightmare repeats itself.

The nightmare started repeating itself again.

Zeke purposely killed the blade of the sword and made the mana into a blunt shape that was easy to hit.

And he was beating the demon king like a dog.

[Hey! hahahaha! oops! ]

Like that, the Demon King was beaten by Zeke until he became bloody.

Currently, there is no body, so only the soul that can shed physical shock remains.

Zeke swung his sword as if he didn’t care about such trivial matters.

Even in this state, he could have easily killed the demon king, but Zeke couldn’t do that at all.

At least a counterattack risking his life. Wouldn’t it be possible to get a price for breaking the oath that he had kept as a god until he took out one or two more hidden tiles?

There was no way to relieve the rising irritation, so it was Zeke who replaced it with beating like this.

On the other hand,

The Demon King was unfair.

‘This, this, what the hell is this crazy guy! Aw!!’

Pain as if the soul was being shattered.

Even now, if you try to counterattack with something

Zeke’s sword spirit is already at the point of attack.

Whether it was tentacles, magic, or powers, it was all the same.

It was as if he knew in advance what kind of attack he would attack.

‘No, just because I don’t know, can this be like this… … ! Guo, authority is not like that! hahahaha!!’

Apparently, due to the effect of 【Adversary】, the same power,

No, since it was the power he had gained in addition to the power he had, he must have been ahead of him in the total amount of power.

But at this moment.

The Demon King felt unreasonable.

Ten thousand years of chewing on humiliation and living only for revenge.

That effort was nothing to him.

The monstrous creature stood in front of him with a wall much higher than then.

‘What on earth do I have to do to have this kind of power!!!!!’

The demon king had no choice but to stare at Sieg with unjust eyes even as he was hit with a sword.

“Huh? screw something up bastard. Do you really want to follow through?”

Zeke’s mischief began in the demon king’s eyes mixed with rebellion.

“This bastard, what was he trying to do?”


“What and how much? because you did? dare? What is Effort? words? Did you write it?”


“What? later years???”


“You bastard, if only you had done the regime of gratitude once a day for 10,000 years!”


“Would you have been beaten like this by someone like me?”


“Even the slimes in the next town will conquer the world in 10,000 years!”


“But what? effort?”


“The more you think, the more you think.

I’m sorry-!

“Hey, don’t dodge. bastard. If you dodge it, your limbs will fly off just like before.”

After that, Zeke’s beating continued without interruption.



[Turn it off… … . ]

The shape of the demon lord was beaten ceaselessly with a sword and turned into a tattered piece of rag.

“under… … . Seriously, seeing as there aren’t any cards, it seems like there really isn’t one… … . Shiba, I picked up a knife for no reason… … .”

A sigh mixed with deep remorse.

Despair and frustration lingered in Zeke’s eyes.

He was at a loss as to how to quench this unquenchable thirst.

Even now, I am thirsty for blood, pounding without rest.

Since the appetizer was over, my stomach was clamoring for the next meal.

‘under… … . If you make a mistake here and see Mr. Yoheiden or Soi, I think I’ll kill you… … . Should it be stuck somewhere in a mountain valley… … .’

Will there ever be another time to quench your thirst here?

10,000 years have passed, and mana has become scarce, so I wonder if there will be no enemies to fight with me anymore.

Then what the hell am I going to do?

At that time, a thin voice flowed from the demon king’s mouth.

[city… … . city… … woman.]

“Fuck, what are you saying?”

Zeke’s eyebrows furrowed.

“You just look around. This time, I’ll stir it up without leaving even powder so that you can never recover again.”

The tip of Zeke’s sword swayed blue.

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