I Became a Villain’s Hero chapter 12

12 - Fall Accident (2)

12 – Fall Accident (2)

Song Soo-yeon also knew that a hero named Lee Solas had been dispatched for her.

Seeing that the Iljins didn’t touch Song Soo-yeon from now on, they were already helping.

However, a feeling of awkwardness of unknown origin settled in Song Soo-yeon.

Maybe it was just her natural reaction to hating people, or maybe it was her hatred for the hero.

Or, it may be the discomfort you feel when you see someone who is the opposite of you.

Solas has already become the star of the school.

There were so many students who wanted to be close to her, Solas was currently interacting with them as if holding a fan meeting in the playground.

Song Soo-yeon sat in her seat and watched the scene through the window on the second floor.

As if the hero was not tired, he was laughing, responding, and talking to the students with a lively expression.

Among the people who ran out to the playground to see her, there were also those who bullied them.

He had a bright expression and smile that he had never shown to Song Soo-yeon, and was moving as if he were joking around.

It was so funny.

I was also confused by the unusual reaction of those Iljins.

Song Soo-yeon’s problem was that she stood out more than anyone else thanks to her beautiful looks.

Why was that hero loved, and why was he jealous and bullied?


Well, in fact, the reason is simple.

the difference in power Solas, like a hero, must have the power to subdue any student in the school, but he doesn’t.

It is also his own fault for being incompetent.

Song Soo-yeon sighed and turned off her nerves. I sat on my desk with earphones in my ears.

Still, I was very fortunate.

Because of the man, such a hero came to school and the bullying disappeared.

When I suddenly understood that fact, it felt like waking up from a nightmare, and my heart felt refreshed.

It’s like a gift from him.

I still don’t fully realize it, but… First of all, I’m glad that the break time passed without incident.

She closed her eyes.

……I wanted school to be over soon. When it’s over, you’ve got somewhere to go.


After lunch, she hid herself in a corner of the school, avoiding the sticky eyes of men and the glances of women.

It was a space with no chairs and only unmanaged bushes and thick branches, but Song Soo-yeon felt a sense of security.

It was a place where the distance between the school wall and the wall of the school was less than 1 meter.

No one came, and there was a lot of fallen leaves and dust.

Song Soo-yeon sandwiched herself in the gap and sighed as she leaned her back against the school wall.

No one would be able to find her here.


First of all, half of my school life is over today. It was an easy day as I hadn’t been bullied, but that didn’t mean school was any better.

Still, this was just a suffocating place where I wanted to escape.

“Were you here?”

A voice came from above the head of Song Soo-yeon, who was lost in thought.


Song Soo-yeon couldn’t help but be surprised by that voice. Because I didn’t think someone would come here.

As she looked up, there was someone looking down at her, only a silhouette visible in the sunlight.

“I’m sorry, were you surprised?”

She smiled and landed slowly.


It was Solas.

The moment Song Su-yeon stands up anxiously, Solas presses Song Su-yeon on the shoulder.

“Ah, you don’t have to get up. I am sitting.”

Then she too sat between the wall and the wall of the school.

The hero sat next to Song Soo-yeon, shabby like her.

“Wow, it’s comfortable here!”

she said with a laugh.

Song Soo-yeon couldn’t be comfortable with the feeling that her space was being invaded.

she asks.


“I found it, student Suyeon.”

Solas, who could see only her eyes and the bridge of her nose, smiled brightly. It was as bright as it was dazzling.

Song Soo-yeon, who had no relationship with such a bright person, kept Solas awkward.


“yes. I want to talk a little bit.”


Song Soo-yeon could understand why Solas was doing this.

He was sent to school because of himself in the first place. As much as that, I wonder if he is trying to show the association an effort to be friendly with himself.

I will do my job.

Saying you wanted to talk is just an excuse.

But Song Soo-yeon wondered if this was necessary.

Anyway, Solas’ presence has become a deterrent, and the bullying has already disappeared. already got help

Exuding a uniquely feminine and mature feel, Solas held Song Soo-yeon’s hand and pulled her lightly.

“yes? It won’t take up much of your time, so let’s talk for a moment.”

Song Soo-yeon sighed inwardly and sat down as before.

There was nothing I couldn’t do.

If you think the bullying is gone because of her.

Besides, I felt like I had to share this story at least once so it wouldn’t bother me later.

Solas continued, unaware of Song Soo-yeon’s feelings.

“But, I’ve been thinking about it since the first time I saw it… You’re really pretty… Wow…”

Solas’ eyes, which had only smiled, widened.

Song Soo-yeon had heard it so many times that she was not surprised.

“Your name is really pretty.”

Pretty fuck.

Song Soo-yeon thought to herself. Because it was the name given to her by her parents, Song Soo-yeon hated her name.

In the end, Song Soo-yeon did not respond to any praise.

But the hero did not give in to him. It seemed like he didn’t care at all.

In her bright energy, there was no place for the dark atmosphere of Song Soo-yeon to penetrate.

“I’m sorry, but can I let you go? I want to be friends with you.”

Song Soo-yeon was dumbfounded when she wondered if she was going to be friendly with her.

Thinking that there was no need to understand each other, Song Soo-yeon wondered what it was like.

“……Do it yourself.”

“okay? Then Suyeon-ah, it’s okay to call me Solas unnie. got it?”


Solas smiled again.

“Yes, Soo-yeon. In fact, there is another reason I came to you.”


“Is there? If you want help, always talk to me. It’s okay to talk about your worries or something like that.”


Song Soo-yeon asked back, not what a hero she knew would say.

The heroes she knows only care about defeating villains. Wasn’t that the case with ‘Shake’ in the video a few days ago?

But it soon draws attention. It’s probably just a mouthful of words to do my job anyway.

Feeling like it would be more annoying if I asked, Song Soo-yeon corrected her words and answered.

“…yes. Okay.”

“Ok, fine. Don’t you really feel pressured?”


“Oh, did you decide to take a little time? For now, Unni will leave so Suyeon can rest. From now on, let’s greet each other and get to know each other step by step, okay?”


Solas immediately stood up, shaking his butt. Her body immediately floated in the air. It seemed that he was about to leave.


However, with a different atmosphere from before, Solas spoke again.

At the changed tone of voice, Song Soo-yeon had doubts.


“…that…and. Perhaps…”


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Despite the mask covering her face, Song Soo-yeon realized that Solas was worried.

Then, as if clearing his mind, he spoke again with a relieved expression.

“Oh, no. Then see you next time?”


Then Solas immediately disappeared.


Two weeks passed like that.

Song Soo-yeon had to take time to adapt to the changes that came to her in an instant.

The bullying has completely disappeared. The moment Solas came, the Iljins stopped paying attention to her.

There were still some quiet notices, but it had to be seen that there was no outright violence.

When the bullying at school disappeared, I was able to live more.

However, her transformation did not end there.

She found shelter.

Eating cheap convenience store food for dinner or having to starve now seemed like a distant past.

Every day, Song Soo-yeon visited the uncle’s shop and found comfort there.

Lately, even while at school, she has been thinking about the store.

When you are in an uncomfortable place, you think of a comfortable place.

She had to admit it too.

Among the spaces she lives in, that store is the most comfortable.

In the store, you don’t suffer, you don’t feel psychological pressure. No stress or anything.

It was the first place in her life where she could rest comfortably.

As much as I brushed off my inner feelings with the uncle, there is nothing that bothers me uncomfortably.

He didn’t have to return the love. That alone relieved her of a great burden.

……And to be honest, his love is becoming less and less burdensome.

Oddly enough, he doesn’t send lustful eyes, nor does he hear dirty thoughts.

At the first meeting, he might have glanced at his legs, but now he seemed to be able to believe the words he said as an excuse: ‘I saw the threads of his stockings.’

In any case, he did not feel pressured to close the distance, so Song Soo-yeon did not feel negative about his love.

There was no awkward feeling at all.

…..No, it wasn’t bad because I could feel the warmth of people.

When you arrive at the store, ask if you are welcome. I didn’t feel bad for that ambient interest that paid attention to whether there was anything difficult in the day.

It should be said that it is a feeling of relieving the loneliness that she had no choice but to know or know.

Of course, Song Soo-yeon was still reacting to him with sharp edges, but her intentions were so different.

The more comfortable her daily life was, the more grateful she felt.

As much as he said that all he had to do was thank him, Song Soo-yeon kept expressing her gratitude to him inwardly.

I didn’t feel ashamed or burdened because I just spit it out inside.

People couldn’t help but be grateful for this situation.

……It’s selfish, but I thought it wouldn’t be bad for him to continue to like me if I could keep it as it is. It felt like something warmed my heart.

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