I Became an Academy Heroine Stalker chapter 55

55 - Sooah Yoo - 1

55 – Sooah Yoo – 1

– Hurry up!



… Uhm.

– Shuuk!

-Come on!


… Big hum.

After an unexpected kiss, the summary of Lesha and my two weekends was as above.

It’s like a game of notice for silent things.

The whole house was filled with the sound of quick footsteps.

If you think you’ll run into me, you run away, but even so, you prepare your own meals and put them on the table, then hide again.

Since the house is large, it seems that there are many escape routes.

Seeing as we haven’t seen each other properly over the weekend.


And when I knocked on Lesha’s door, I could feel the urgency from the inside.

“Lesha, aren’t you hungry? Can I not eat?”

-… Mmm, I ate!

Unfortunately, I couldn’t face it.

Am I too ashamed?

Of course, I also thought it would be quite awkward to run into Lesha.

A kiss on the cheek, meaning ‘praise’, unexpectedly turned into a light kiss.

The thrill, sweetness, and dizziness of that time were still engraved on his lips.

Lesha’s heart-shaped pupils, which opened in embarrassment, were also clearly drawn in his mind.

The sensations that make me smile for some reason every time I reminisce.

It was unexpected, but the feeling of puffiness and the soft touch of the lips left a strange expectation and regret that the unexpected situation would happen again.

Well, while I was more awkward than others, I regretted it a little.

If it had ended with a kiss on the cheek, it wouldn’t have led to the current situation.

Anyway, I had spent a boring day with Leshae, who was locked in her room for two days and couldn’t even peep.

As soon as Lesha settled down on the second floor, emptiness and boredom came to this spacious house.

And I definitely felt it.

The house without Lesha would surely be wider than it is now.

So I wanted to finish the confinement quickly and sit side by side on the sofa like usual, watching TV and eating chicken.

Lesha’s determination must have been stubborn, so she really didn’t come down from the second floor over the weekend.

But there was something she couldn’t avoid, and that was Monday morning sunlight.

In order to go to the academy, contact is inevitable.

After getting ready to go to school, Lesha came down from the second floor with a somewhat sullen face.



“Why why… .”

I was surprised to see Lesha, who was polymorphed in the form of Reina.

The attire was the same.

A suit appropriate for a bodyguard.

However, other things were different.

The facial features did not change.

The glasses and hairstyle changed.

The sharp half-rimmed glasses worn for the Chado-nyeo concept are gone, and the hairstyle that was tied up with long hair has been released and hangs down to the waist.

a different look.

When the sharply angled glasses frame disappeared, the purple pupils gave off a rather gentle feeling, and the blue hair that flowed down calmly like a small waterfall harmonized with it, making me feel like a fresh female college student.

When I stared at him, Lesha averted his gaze with a slightly pitying expression.

Pouting pink lips look desirable today.

“Why, why are you looking at me like that…”

“Oh, what… .”

Why do you look like that, you look pretty.

After swallowing the honest words, he said it in a nonchalant tone.

For some reason, it was because it was awkward to show joy at Lesha’s change.

“Because taking off my glasses suits me well.”

“… !”

Startled, Lesha shook her shoulders.

“Let’s go. I will be late.”

I don’t know what that means, but Nan Lesha and I left the front door with a smile and headed towards the academy.

The distance between us has grown farther than before we kissed.

Strangely, however, we were closer than ever.


“You know everyone starts preparing for the festival from today, right?”


“By Wednesday, we will be accepting applications for pottery, talent show, and contestants for the festival, so talk to us about the tops.”


Ella, who finished checking attendance, said that while sitting in the classroom after an awkward school visit with Lesha.

It was not grandiose to say that it was a festival.

It’s just a small break before the final evaluation and a place to promote friendship.

The true flower of the Seoul National Academy is the grand ‘prom’ held during graduation ceremonies, so it could be seen as a prelude to it.

‘Is there two weeks left?’

The festival is held on Friday two weeks later.

According to the story, the terrorist attack in Illusion will also be held on Friday two weeks later.

I glanced at the window at the back of the classroom.

‘Choi Do-han.’

As I heard, he finally went to school after a long dive.

In fact, it was the part that I was worried about even though I was nervous.

If he doesn’t go to school, Illusion’s academy terrorism might not happen.

Of course, the main goal of the illusion was Choi Do-han, but besides that, the possibility of a terrorist incident was high because the illusion showed off its power and some professors were also targets.

Fortunately, he started going to school, and I was relieved, but I had to be nervous.

Because I didn’t know what happened while I was diving, and I didn’t know what he was thinking right now.

Moreover, his complexion was quite gloomy, and the seats around him were empty like an isolated island.

It is exactly the same situation as Han Tae-jin before being possessed.

In an atmosphere that is difficult to approach easily, an atmosphere that does not seem to welcome anyone approaching again.

Even so, he has a cynical face, his arms are folded, and his forehead is furrowed, so this is an atmosphere that cannot be rectified even if the national MC comes.

Moreover, it wasn’t that he had any kind of insidious temperament.

Even in the original work, it was a ‘cold-blooded handsome’ concept, so it was difficult to approach unless you were a friendly person.

On the contrary, my surroundings were noisy.

“I saw Reina earlier, but when she took off her glasses and let her hair down, she looked like a completely different person. You look crazy.”

“So I thought it was a real halo. So, can you ask me if I can follow you on Stargram?”

“hey! I’m first!”

“Did I ask you first?”

… No, can’t you see Reina standing in the hallway watching over you with a hawk’s eye?

And our Lesha doesn’t know how to do things like Byeolstagram.

‘I don’t even have a cell phone, so what?’

Even if I tried to open my cell phone, it was impossible because I couldn’t verify my identity.

I can’t even refill the walkie-talkie.

Then, I heard a coughing sound from behind.

“Hmmm. brothers and sisters? There is less than a minute left until the start of the first period.”

It was the voice of Sua, who was sitting in the back seat.

At that voice, the cadets, aware that the start of the lecture was imminent, returned to their seats while shouting something like ‘Please tell me something’.

Uh huh, now I’m going to live a little bit.

What kind of excessive attention has this been since morning?

When I turned my head and looked behind me, Su-ah smiled as if saying, “I got rid of it.”

In response, I blew a single stick between my right elbow and side so that the children could not be seen.

Come to think of it.

What is Sua thinking at this point?

Mi-jin is in a state of being distant from Choi Do-han’s ignorance confession drop, and Hannah hasn’t heard what happened yet, but she looks no different from Mi-jin.

Even with the seating arrangement today, I kept a little distance from Do-han, and I was sitting side by side with Mi-jin.

However, it was difficult to gauge Sua’s true intentions.

He doesn’t talk too much, and after school, he’s always in the dormitory or church, so there was little to do with him.

The current seating arrangement is also that I sat in front of Sua, not Sua sitting behind me.

Because I was a little late to school today, I didn’t have a suitable seat.

Anyway, I was curious about what the main heroine, Yoo Soo-ah, would think at this point.

Even in the original work, Sua used to be portrayed as a heroine with a fairly important role.

In particular, there were several mentions that she would become a ‘next saint’, giving readers anticipation, and with her few words and vague behavior like now, she has become a bit of a ‘character wrapped in a veil’, and opinions among readers have risen. it was divided

– It is clear that he will defeat Hanna in the second half and become the final heroine!

-From a nun to a saint? I can’t stand this.

-Monga.. Sua has Monga.

– Mother nun? hehehe

That’s why I took the double pay and talked to Sua quietly.



“Would you like to have lunch together today?”

mind reading.

A special skill that has never been used by Sua yet, and it was decided to lay the groundwork for the expression of it.

If it is mind-reading, which did not appear in the original work, we might be able to learn about Sua’s true intentions or perhaps her true identity (?).



Sua smiled and accepted the offer.


Meanwhile, Lesha was staring at someone with the eyes of a hawk.

through the hallway window.

The person who reached the end of that line of sight was none other than Choi Do-han.

Lesha is closely watching the appearance of Choi Do-han, who was branded as a villain who harasses her master.

I remembered it clearly.

Trying to use magic on Taejin at the emergency stairs, and trying to humiliate Taejin through sparring.

That’s why I’m keeping an eye on it as a [guardian] to prepare for an unexpected situation.

Suddenly, our eyes met.

met exactly.

It wasn’t that he was caught in his sight, but Choi Do-han opened his eyes to look at Lesha.

The gaze of the two intersects for a moment as if sparks fly.

Lesha, with her blazing eyes, showed her teeth by giving strength to her philtrum like a beast aiming for prey, then took pictures of my eyes with her index and middle fingers.

Then, he twisted his wrist and took Choi Do-han with two fingers.

It was an unspoken warning with the meaning of [If you touch the master, you will die in my hands].

An ‘honorary cadet’ badge was shining brilliantly on her chest.

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  1. time traveller says:

    but strangely, the virgin scubbus is 1000 years old. and how she can become queen if she is innocent enough. Usually in the spirit world it is no different from the human world. where power is gained through strength, fighting and cunning

  2. John Doe says:


  3. Lku says:


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