I Became an Academy Heroine Stalker chapter 76

76 - Date? date! - 3

76 – Date? date! – 3

“… .”

“… .”


– Yum yum chew.

-Basrak, tak.

Under the music that feels particularly sweet today, Taejin and Lesha were eating hamburgers in silence.

The sound of unwrapping a hamburger, the sound of chewing through closed lips, the sound of a drink cup being placed, and so on.

Except for the voices of the two, only sounds echoed.

Awkward, comfortable atmosphere.

A stiff, soft airflow.

The ballad that comes out just in time wraps the two around so that no intruders can intervene.

A silence for only the two of them settled down at the distant noise and the sign of getting farther away.

“… tasty?”

Lesha asked shyly.

For the first time in my life, I felt like someone was tickling my whole body with foxtail grass.

Taejin replied with a smirk.

“yes. Do you think it’s the most delicious thing you’ve ever eaten?”

The menu is always the same.

The same hamburger that he had delivered with himself.

However, Taejin said that what she ate today was the best, and Lesha seemed to know the meaning behind it.

“ah. He, at the store… Maybe it’s because I ate right away… ? Direct delivery… Because it’s fresh…?”

I pretended not to know and threw it away.

I was just ashamed.

The one who knows the meaning, the one who can’t hide a smile even if it’s a shame.

And he, who smirkingly tried to spy on himself, was nasty and bounced off for nothing.

“is it?”

Taejin smiled and took a big bite of the hamburger. Lesha pretending not to see even though she looked inside was very cute.

“Well, it will. Because today is a good day Let’s eat quickly and go ride again… !”


Lesha bites the hamburger to the size of pellets and stumbles.

Normally, I would have taken a cool bite, but I didn’t want to do that today.

I didn’t want to have even one blemish on a perfect day. The road to Neverland was perfect, every ride was perfect, and even the hamburger I ate often was a perfect day.

If I had to pinpoint why it was such a perfect day and why it felt so perfect, I would have been dumbfounded, but strangely enough, it was just a series of perfect times.

She hates waiting, so it’s fun to stand close to Taejin in the waiting line, and sometimes the waiting time is more fun than riding the rides.

A magical day that makes even the things you hate better.

And Lesha was happy to know who was using the magic.

As a pet, he had to use magic for his master all the time.

The beginning of this summoning was not much different.

It was because he used his sincerity, effort, and loyalty as fertilizer for his master, Han Tae-jin, to cast magic.

However, at some point it started to change drastically.

He started working his magic.

Doesn’t he encourage you to use honorifics, ask him to call you by name, or ask you to act and think freely?

Unlike his previous masters, who preferred to be served, he chose respect over service, and insisted on equality instead of inferiority.

It was disconcerting at first.

Because it was the first time that equality was forced.

And that embarrassment approached Lesha as a fresh shock and excitement.

All intellectuals want to be treated, and they want to be respected. In order to feel superior along with boosting self-esteem.

But Taejin didn’t.

He treated and respected himself, who was summoned to treat and respect him.

As a result, Lesha was curious about Taejin.

At first, I was curious about the mission of [salvation] given to him, but now I am curious about [Han Tae-jin] itself.

And that curiosity slowly turned into a crush, and the crush, once rooted, bloomed endlessly like a cloud in her fresh mind.

When I was with him, I hesitated, and when I made eye contact with him, my head turned around without my knowledge.

Strangely enough, my heart was beating fast.

Heart palpitations for the first time.

If you make eye contact, you avoid looking at him, but you keep looking at him. It was an addictive attraction.

And that attraction gradually turned into greed.

I wanted to hug him, kiss him again, and even more, I wanted to fall asleep next to him.

If it had been a master-servant relationship, it would not have been a greed, but it was not that kind of relationship, so greed was born.

But soon, Lesha becomes depressed.

It was because the more I was attracted to him and the more my greed grew, the more I felt as if the breakup that hadn’t even come yet was getting closer.

He is a being who has to return to Drogpia someday.

It was a situation where I had no choice but to return to the planet where I did not know how far from Earth it was and wait for the next summons.

Even if he came to Earth due to another master’s summons, he couldn’t do that because finding his previous master was an action designated as ‘taboo’.

In other words, when the mission of this summoning is over, we will have to say goodbye forever.

That’s why I had no choice but to keep pruning the buds that sprouted in my heart.

A cruel fate, a harsh fate.

Blaming fate, he had to tear down the bridge of a relationship that could not be continued.

What can I do?

It’s an irresistible fate, and it’s a mission for my planet Drogpia and the succubus clan.

I just wanted to conceive a child who could pour out my invisible emotions and who would remember him.

Having sex with him through a dream and receiving a baby seed.

When the summoning mission was over and the return date counted down, it was enough to secretly have a dream from the sleeping owner, receive the baby seed, and return the next day.

Because everyone does it.

He promised that any master he had ever met, Taejin, who was superior to humans, would give him a great baby.

But Taejin didn’t want to do that.

I didn’t want to secretly commit my first dream and the moment that would become an affair like a thief and run away with Taejin’s baby pregnant.

This too was greedy.

In order to have a dream after prior notice, it will eventually have to be a more developed relationship than now.

complex mind.

The two greed and sadness collide and become entangled, making the complicated inside more complicated.

The desire to have him, the sadness of not being able to have him.

The desire to receive even Agi-ssi, the sadness you will feel after receiving it.

The two greed and sadness were in a tight confrontation, so they couldn’t open a single path. In the end, Lesha, who couldn’t choose either, had no choice but to vaguely hope that time would solve it, and that someday a way would come up.

I hope that the magic-like day that unfolds every day will not be cut off.

And that magic.

Read at noblemtl. com

Just now, he uses another mysterious trick to mess with his mind.

“I was fine today too.”

“Sunny weather too.”

“Scary rides too.”

“Delicious cotton candy too.”

“Even this time waiting for burgers.”

Taejin’s words to let her know that her happiness is not an illusion like magic, but the truth.

And finally.

“you also.”

As Taejin confesses while looking at himself, the magic disappears in an instant, and the complexly fluctuating heart cools down like a snowy field where a blizzard trails off.

A stilled heart.

clear head.

I found enlightenment in it.

that I was stupid

How foolish it must have been for Taejin to ignite a fire with needless greed and moan in fear for no reason, even though he didn’t even know that Taejin liked him.


How foolish it is to be so frightened that you don’t even start.

Taejin’s message, “You too,” made him realize.

The futile and complicated mind disappeared, and Lesha smiled in his head as a path opened.

At the end of the unfolding road, Taejin was visible.

The throbbing thoughts disappeared and a single word came into my head.

And Lesha spat out those words based on instinct.

Without even thinking about going back.

“me too. I like you.”

By the time I realized that this was a confession I should have considered carefully, it was already too late.

Lesha’s heart throbs again.

However, this time it was a different shake.

closer to trembling.

“Ah, uh, that, so the owner, no, as a human being Joe, it’s good. then… .”

After a while, Lesha fell into a coma and couldn’t even remember what the hamburger tasted like.


“me too. I like you.”

The silence that came after the confessional answer.

However, the pleasantly flowing stillness was giving excitement in itself.

Lesha’s face turned so red that the apple farmer immediately harvested the apples, saying, “Ah, you’re really ripe.”

If I look in the mirror, I don’t know if it’s probably bursting because it’s red.

Lesha shyly raised her head.

Even though it’s red to the point of bursting, it no longer avoids my gaze.

“Well, do you have any wishes?”

Lesha asked.

After thinking about the wish for a while, Lesha spits out words like excuses.

“So, thank you so much for bringing me to the amusement park today. . That, that is, not to reciprocate as a pet, but as a woman… ! So, this is just something I want to repay because I am grateful. I am really happy today.”

If it’s to repay the master as a summoned beast, it’s acceptable, but if it’s just because you’re grateful, there’s no reason to refuse.

After thinking about it for a while, I said an appropriate wish.

“Kiss me.”

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  1. Lku says:

    “sob,sob”I am not crying i am not “sob,sob”

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