I Became an Academy Heroine Stalker chapter 83

83 - Nayeon Park - 4

83 – Nayeon Park – 4

Taejin lying in a hospital bed.

Lesha and Nayeon were sitting on either side of the bed, looking down anxiously at him.

The attending physician said there was nothing to worry about, saying that she fainted due to temporary shock, but Lesha’s face was full of sorrow.

It was because of Taejin, who passed out every now and then.

‘It’s probably because the shock to my father hasn’t recovered yet… .’

Lesha stroked Taejin’s head and looked at him affectionately. The figure had a fondness that could not be seen in a businesslike relationship.

Nayeon looked at Lesha and asked.

“… Miss Reina? Can I ask you something?”


“Since when did you know Taejin?”


“No, what… . I don’t think it’s just a relationship between a bodyguard and an employee.”


Only then did Rusha stop stroking Taejin’s head and straighten his upper body.

And as I trained (?) in advance, I report it to Nayeon.

Even the 52nd regressor was fooled, it was a fairly skillful lie.

“It’s gone now, but Taejin visited the [Red Express] special mobile bodyguards. They wanted to hire a personal bodyguard, and I was hired. At the time, the security team was reeling due to financial deterioration, so I was about to be fired, but Taejin saved me. Since then, I have been working for Taejin.”

‘Now it’s gone,’ lays the groundwork for tracking deterrence, and naturally explains it.

And the special mobile security team was a real place.

It was common to hire a bodyguard to move between fortified cities in a residential style similar to that of the Middle Ages.

“Then how long have you known each other? It’s because it hasn’t been long since Taejin hired Reina-san.”

“Yes? But why?”

Lesha asked with a slightly wary look.

“ah… . It doesn’t mean anything else. They just look pretty friendly.”

Nayeon bluntly spit out, ‘You look close’, and Resha looked at Taejin with a bashful smile without even realizing it.

It was a look that contained one of the three things that could never be hidden while living in the world.

“sure. friendly very much.”

Lesha muttered proudly and proudly.

Even so, I couldn’t bear to mutter ‘I kissed you too’. If that happened, Taejin might get scolded.

Nayeon followed Lusha and looked at Taejin.

“… is that so. However, in order to fulfill one’s duty as a bodyguard, isn’t it a basic iron rule not to build personal intimacy with the employee? I guess that’s what I heard.”

Nayeon’s sharp question sticks to Lesha.

To that question, Lesha furrowed her brows as if she was somewhat uncomfortable and answered tiredly.

For the thousand-year-old succubus queen, this was something she could easily avoid.

“Sometimes personal intimacy helps with the job. Well, it’s not like I received a short-term request.”

Lesha skillfully accepts it.

Nayeon takes a step back.

“ah… . Well, maybe. Thanks anyway. For working for Taejin.”

“I do what I like. What.”

After Lesha’s meaningful words, silence comes and blocks the two.

“… .”

“… .”

An awkward silence passed, and the two stared at Taejin without a word.

I hope it stays like that for about a minute.

Nayeon was the first to break the silence.

“Um, maybe… .”

Luck with care.

Lesha looks at Nayeon with a slightly nervous expression.

It was the first time that someone had delved so deeply into his relationship with Taejin.


“Hey, don’t get me wrong, listen. I’m just asking because I’m really curious.”

“As much as you like.”

“Perhaps… .”

Nayeon hesitated, smearing saliva on her lips.

It can be an rude question, so be careful.

However, strangely, it felt as if I had to do it to get rid of my intuition.

so that.

“that… , maybe dating each other… Isn’t it?”

Calmly, Lee carefully sends the luck that floated on the surface to Lesha.

And Resha, who received that luck, instinctively grabbed Taejin’s sleeve.

“Well, why are you asking that?”

“I’m just curious. If it’s difficult, you don’t have to answer.”

“It’s not difficult, but why do I have to answer?”

“… That’s too bad.”

“What are you sorry about?”

“Ah, I think it would be more reassuring as a teacher if our exclusive disciple had a strong and dependable mate like Reina-san.”

“Aha, thank you for that. Then I’ll try. Ho Ho.”

“… In other words, Raina-san is interested in Tae-jin.”

“Not really. Thank you for the compliment.”

“… .”

“… .”

Nayeon and Lesha are exchanging tiki-taka as if they were jumping over a fence like squirrels.

It was a situation where both of them could not understand why they suddenly exchanged such interrogative tikitaka.

It was just a war of words based on intuition and instinct.

Rather, what each other needs to know.

‘eww… Well… .’

It was that Taejin came to his senses before Tiki-Taka started.

‘This, can I get up… .’


‘Well… .’

It must have been about 5 minutes since I came to my senses.

Clearly, ‘Emm.’ Even though she let out a drooling at the weather, Lesha and Master didn’t care and continued the war of words.

you may not have heard

Lying in the middle and just listening to the war of words would send a chill down your spine.

Anyway, now there is a lull, and I first lay still to get the timing right.

‘by the way.’

Master’s remarks just now felt like a check (?).

Because of that, Lesha must have been hot.

Are you already convinced that I am ‘Elroden’?

‘Well, he must have shown me the armor because he was suspicious of it long ago.’

It was probably because he felt the same mana from me as Elroden.

As I heard in the flashback, the planet similar to Earth used the same mana as Earth, and the texture of that mana never changes.


‘Well… .’

If Nayeon Park was convinced that I was Elroden, I could have been in a bit of an ambiguous situation.

Read at noblemtl. com

Just like now.

Pushed by the backs of the two women, you might end up in trouble like a shrimp with a bent back in a whale fight.

However, the reason I showed you the flashback scene just now must have been for some reason.

I could roughly guess what the intention was, so I couldn’t just ignore it.

And that was something that should never be done on a moral level and on a human level.

so that.

‘Let’s wake up soon.’

I was about to wake up

“Me, Professor?”

Leshae, who broke the silence and called for Park Na-yeon, missed the timing again.


“Can I ask you something too?”

“As much as you like.”

Since you can’t see the expression, you have to judge only by your voice. Fortunately, there was no sense of wariness in Lesha’s voice.

“It looks like Taejin passed out when he saw the statue the professor was pointing at. Do you know the reason?”

However, instead of hostility, he had a talent for art.

It was a question I asked with conviction, not with conjecture.

“… .”

Park Na-yeon is silent for a moment.

You won’t be able to bring up the story of Elroden and Rafia. It would be a bit of a floating sound to take out in a state where I haven’t heard a definite answer from me yet.

Lesha continued the question.

“Obviously he did. I said to Taejin, ‘Do you have any thoughts after seeing this?’ Can you guess what that means?”

Different but same question as the first one.

Like a thousand-year-old succubus queen, it was a fairly skillful questioning method. Pretending to take a detour, digging into the essence again.

“ah… . I wore it before, I was wondering if Taejin knew about it.”

“Once upon a time? The armor and weapons look almost 100 years old.”

“It’s proof that I lived that hard.”

“… .”

However, Park Na-yeon was also not easy.

Having survived the troubles of many large guilds, he must have excellent living skills.

“So you don’t know?”

“What… . Wouldn’t Taejin know best?”

Even a flexible toss for difficult answers.

It’s like listening to a battle between a spear that can pierce anything and a shield that can block anything.

However, the spear and shield are bound to crack if they clash with each other for a long time.

At this point, it was decided to prevent the two from competing.

“Um… .”

He let out a ‘loud’ saliva and furrowed his brow.

At the same time, gigg! The two women pushed the chairs away and stood up.

“Tae, Taejin! Do you come to your senses now?!”

“… !”

I opened my eyes suddenly.

And as if he had just come to his senses, he only rolled his eyes and looked around.

“Again… passed out… Did you do it?”

Looking up at the ceiling, he murmured in dismay and raised his upper body. Lesha supported me.

Hearing it, I saw Nayeon Park, but she was nervous with a lightly clenched fist to her mouth.

The first priority is to reassure Lesha.

“it’s okay? Aren’t you hurting your head? I’m talking loudly… !”

“it’s okay. It’s probably because of yesterday’s shock.”

“Anyway, leaving for Taebaek should be a little delayed… !”


After answering sternly, she gently grabbed Lesha’s hand with her left hand. You will know even if you don’t say it. If it’s Lesha.

“Tae, Taejin… .”

From now on, what I have to do is the duty that I must follow from a moral level and a human level.

Also, it was an obligation to perform as a possessor.

Even if it is the world of a novel, the possession that dwells in someone’s body has no choice but to eat away at someone’s mind.

Whether it is voluntary or unintentional, it is an obvious fact, and the subject must keep the duty to the original owner.


If the owner who saw it even wants it.

‘Because what showed me that reminiscence must be the spirit of Han Tae-jin from the original work that remained, albeit only slightly.’

And I didn’t want to cheat Lesha for that reason. That’s why I gave strength to the hand that held Lesha’s small hand.

If what he was going to do now was his duty as a possessor, then this now joined hand was his duty as a man.

So, after giving Lesha a warm smile, he looked at Park Na-yeon.

Red pupils trembling nervously face each other.

Moisture was already dampening his pupils.

Even if it’s forgotten, intuition and instinct will tell.

The person she would have desperately searched for and missed terribly had now appeared.

“… I remembered.”

Of course, the flashback may have been an illusion.

It may be a fleeting dream that cannot be verified and cannot be recalled anymore.

However, if you do not directly touch or experience an illusion, you will not know whether it is an illusion or the truth.

And above all.

What to do now is also a reflection on the past.

It is the reflection of the past days when I criticized the original Han Tae-jin for letting me possess a weak, weak character without knowing anything.

Park Na-yeon trembles with both hands covering her mouth.

From that pitiful trembling, I could see how painfully she had waited for Elrodon.

Those angular and solemn red eyes tremble so weakly, it must be a feeling of affection that I, the possessor and a third party, cannot dare to fathom.

However, I decided not to give up the measurement just because I couldn’t measure it at this moment.

Read at noblemtl. com

Just as I was able to face a wonderful world through the original Han Tae-jin.

Now it’s my turn to make the original Han Tae-jin face a wonderful woman because of me.

It was also an apology for possessing the original Han Tae-jin, who had been waiting anxiously, and a small wish that Park Na-yeon would relieve her grudge.

“Sorry for making you wait so long.”

So I called her by name.


At that rugged call, Park Na-yeon slumps down on the floor and bursts into tears close to sobbing.

It was the reunion of Elroden and Rafia.

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  1. Canele . Canele . says:

    I’m more convinced that the ‘father’ and MC are one and the same… MC housing the dragon could be a reason on why he’s very weak, he divided humself purposely so that the dragon could not use his power at all for revenge…

    His wording of his death as planned took me to consider this more. He’s just returning what is rightfully his.

  2. Bob Marley Bob Marley says:

    One moment he was saving the world and a revered hero, then he returns to become a psychedelic controlled by the dark dragon and force to watch his life spiral to madness and then be further driven to insanity by your fathers death, well if I was I’d be cuckoo cuckoo too

  3. Arcus 101 Arcus 101 says:

    So, let’s see if I get this right.
    -One day Taejin and Nayeon got transported to some other world
    -They beat the dragon and some part of it latches on to him
    -When he returned, that part of the dragon mess it up, presumably the reason his body got that lvl10 illness thing and who knows maybe his mind and personality also got messed up.
    -His father died and he found out OG!MC is the killer.
    -Angered, he wanted revenge but he is too weak. Fortunately for him, he happens to be close to his stalking targets so he have a lot of photos from his stalking habits that he can use.
    -Revenge fail, he ended up dabbling in black magic for the sake of getting revenge. Failed again.

    …If I’m understanding this right then that would just be tragic.

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