I Became an Academy Heroine Stalker chapter 84

84 - Nayeon Park - 5

84 – Nayeon Park – 5

When Taejin passed out, Nayeon couldn’t believe it.

I couldn’t exactly figure out why I fainted, but the strange feelings I had felt from Taejin so far overlapped and gave me a faint certainty.

And, behind that certainty, ‘expectation’ has been carried.

That’s why Nayeon unknowingly smiled.

Watching Taejin collapse, both pupils widened in shock, but the corners of his mouth went up in reverse.

Nayeon made a passionate expression filled with shock and joy that she would not dare to express even if a famous artist came and drew her portrait.

Of course, he immediately came to his senses and put Taejin on the hospital bed.

‘really… Really, if you’re Elroden… Say?’

Looking at Taejin lying on the bed, Nayeon asked herself. Why does one minute and one second go so slowly? In Nayeon’s eyes, who keep looking at the clock, it seems as if the slow-moving hour hand is giving medicine.

‘How the hell… .’

Unless Taejin woke up, and unless Taejin said something, nothing could be concluded.

For now, only intuition and instinct are telling.

Han Tae-jin is Elroden.

– Tak-tak-tak-tak.

Nayeon, who is sitting next to the hospital bed, trembles nervously. A leg I’ve never fallen before in my life. As a child, his parents relentlessly shouted, “If your legs tremble, you will be blessed!”

It had to be.

Because this moment, to Nayeon, was more important than any other moment.

Even when I ran the first raid of an S-class dungeon, when my life was in danger after getting caught in a trap, and when I met a man with a mana resolution similar to that of Elroden.

There has never been a moment when I was as tense as I am now.

To that extent, Taejin was giving her confidence.

And, I was burning soy sauce.

‘Please, please wake up.’

He prayed to a god he had never looked for before, and even made an oath without guarantee that he would devote himself for the rest of his life if Elroden was right.

However, Taejin did not wake up even after the three hours the doctor said.

Nayeon shakes her legs as if she is going to shoot 200 times per minute with an uneasy look.

Nayeon, who was just waiting without drinking a sip of water, was caught by Nayeon’s eyes.

Reina sits across from her and strokes Taejin’s hair.

Suddenly, I felt a strange feeling of jealousy (?).

Of course, Nayeon still regarded that jealousy as just curiosity.

“Miss Reina? Can I ask you something?”

And that curiosity became a question about Reina and came out of his mouth.

“No, what… . I don’t think it’s just a relationship between a bodyguard and an employee.”

However, as the questions continued, Nayeon became confused as she couldn’t pinpoint what her feelings for Reina were.






The fragments of those unknown emotions pierced my heart and continued to ask questions.

“ah… . It doesn’t mean anything else. They just look pretty friendly.”

Slowly, a few fragments began to come out.

“… is that so. However, in order to fulfill one’s duty as a bodyguard, isn’t it a basic iron rule not to build personal intimacy with the employee? I guess that’s what I heard.”

And as the fragments were shaken off, a strange sense of alertness was activated. It was not as a teacher, but as a woman’s vigilance.

It was really strange.

I’ve never felt wary of the same sex, and my emotions fluctuate even though Taejin hasn’t woken up yet.

What if Taejin isn’t Elroden?

“Hey, don’t get me wrong, listen. I’m just asking because I’m curious.”

However, the emotional fluctuations that once started did not easily subside, and the nervousness and tension of waiting for Taejin’s wake were intertwined.

“that… , maybe dating each other… Isn’t it?”

I ended up spitting out irrevocable questions.

And with that one question, Nayeon was able to choose one of the numerous pieces of emotion.


The childish jealousy that a child would do was contained in the question.

If it was said that Reina and Taejin were having a serious meeting, it would be regrettable, but I had no intention of digging through the gap.

I’ve been desperately looking for it to share memories and memories of that day with Elroden, but just as one’s love is precious, you have to respect the love of others.

Anyway, Elroden returned safely to Earth, and if the time we were anxiously waiting for wasn’t in vain, we could bury our memories and memories in regret.


Silence came unexpectedly.

Only then did Nayeon realize that she had asked a hasty question ahead of her emotions, and tried to apologize to Reina first.

In a situation where I wasn’t even sure if Elroden was right, I committed an rudeness too carelessly.

so that.

“crime… .”

I tried to apologize, but Reina answered one step ahead of me.

“Well, why are you asking that?”

A reverse question that disproves that they are not lovers.

Nayeon closed her lips to apologize.

“Ah, I think it would be more reassuring as a teacher if our exclusive disciple had a strong and dependable mate like Reina-san.”

Instead, I forcibly brought out a sound that was not in my heart.

And waited.

Hurry up, hope Taejin wakes up.

A man who sacrificed himself to save his life several times, a reliable man who could always lean on when he was struggling, a man who warmly embraced him when he was suffering from loneliness.


Nayeon chewed her lips and waited for Elroden, the only man she had ever loved in her entire life, to wake up.

His eyes were so tense that he forgot whether he was blinking or breathing.

If he hadn’t fainted due to a memory conflict related to Elroden, he would have lost his purpose in life.

That’s why this moment is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for her that can’t be replaced with anything.

And soon after.

“Um… .”

As saliva escaped from Taejin’s mouth, Nayeon’s heart started beating explosively.

Even though I hadn’t heard anything yet, I felt like I was going to burst into tears and my legs were shaking and it was hard to even stand up.

“… Have you fainted?”

Taejin looked blankly at the ceiling and muttered that.

‘please… . please… .’

Nayeon desperately repeats herself with her hands in her mouth as she is about to scream.

He was no longer seen as a disciple.

And he didn’t want Taejin to see himself as his teacher anymore.

The warm eyes that looked at him from the continent of Pangea. I hoped that the eyes that looked at me as a woman would reach me, not the eyes that respected me as a teacher.

Taejin raises his upper body.

His heart sinks with each breath, and his mind dizzles with each movement.

Eventually, when his eyes met.

Nayeon had to hold her breath.

“I remembered.”

These were the eyes of Elroden, the eyes he saw every day on the continent of Pangea. Those warm, benevolent eyes.

And with those eyes, Taejin said.

Memories of the past days come back.

He said that he was the Elroden he had been searching for.

Moisture in Nayeon’s eyes flows down as tears. It didn’t matter if it was right, and it didn’t matter if it was excessive.

The days of being frustrated by vague memories, suffering from not being able to find them, and saddened by the afterimages of him who are gradually being forgotten pass by like a flashlight.

Six years had passed since returning to Earth.

During that long period of time, I devoted my sincerity and effort to finding him, and kept my heart empty.

However, I gradually got tired of the lengthy time, repeated failures, and blind despair.

It was a hard and lonely fight.

The foolish thought of searching for something without a promise, perhaps forever, made her lose her will, but Nayeon did not give up.

because i promised

Because I promised you that I would visit you unconditionally with your little finger.

For her, who cherishes promises, the promises made that day were not childish or sentimental.

However… Six years is a really long time.

In that time, she hated and despised herself for being blunted by loss, but six long years made her blunt even with hatred and contempt.

Forgotten Elroden.

The disappearing raffia.

Nayeon held on to the rope and tried to hold on, but the tug-of-war with no income eventually exhausted her.

I couldn’t help it.

Because humans are adaptable animals.

However, while harboring that loss and hatred, Nayeon harbored a tiny bit of hope.

and at the end.

“Sorry for making you wait so long.”

Finally, a handful of hope becomes a seed and germinates.


plant that seed


Nayeon burst into tears as her legs, unable to support the weight of the sprout, loosened.

It was a sad cry like a child’s, a girl’s.

“Huh… Whoa… !”

That’s right.

he was right

The hope of being able to find it was right.

In response, Nayeon vomited out her hidden despair and frustration along with crying, and filled her empty heart with hope and joy.

“Raffia… .”

A name to be heard again.

How long did I cling to hearing that name?

As if she was being rewarded for her efforts, Nayeon raised her teary-snotted face at the sweet sounding name of ‘Raffia’.

I didn’t care how ugly it was.

Although she wanted to show the most beautiful side of him to the reunion after 6 years, Nayeon couldn’t control the overflowing joy.

so that.

“Eloden… !”

Calling the name he had been crying out for the first time in a long time, he came into his arms.

Taejin just stroked her back.

If it was Elroden, I think it would have been like this.

All I could do was pat her on the back.

“Sorry… . Raffia.”

as Elrodon.

as an icebreaker.

By conveying an apology that contains the will of two people.



Nayeon, who had stopped crying, bombarded me with questions, and I had to pour out answers without even getting up from the hospital bed.

Unsurprisingly, most of the answers are ‘Because of memory loss…’ .’, but he answered truthfully and sincerely to what he had seen in his flashbacks, and Nayeon smiled with eyes still damp.

“I never thought you would really be Elroden… . There are so many things I want to say.”

I couldn’t bear to reveal that I was a suspect.

I didn’t want to pour a bowlful of cold water on Nayeon’s face, who was so happy.

Of course, it can’t be helped if you think this is cheating on her, but I didn’t want to reveal it right now.

6 years.

Because I hoped that the 6 years of time she preached would be properly rewarded.

Tears told me what a terrible time it was, but now, how can I say harsh words like ‘In fact, the Elrodon you know is no more’.

If Nayeon and our teacher could be happy, that was the only reason why they could do good lies.

More than anything.

‘Lesha is the priority.’

If it was necessary to reveal that he was a suspect, the first priority had to be Lesha.

That’s why I sympathized with Nayeon’s joy and continued the conversation, and I asked about the sweet kiss I felt in the flashback.

“Well, what kind of relationship did we have? I remember that we were very close and close, but to be precise… .”

Of course, it was a question that I spit out through a filter.


The answer that came back went through Lesha and my ears without going through a filter.

“we? it was a lover He also loved ‘very’ deeply.”

“… !”

And at that answer, Lesha’s body, who was sitting close to him, reacted greatly.

Uh, um… .

It was like that… ?

That’s why we shared a hot meaty kiss as soon as we caught the black dragon… ?

“Oh yeah?”

“then. Did you confess too?”

“… !!!!!!!!!!”

Oh, I guess I just asked… .

Is this why people say that the muzzle is heavy and needs to be seen?

– Kwak.


The punishment for that frivolous snout hit my side, and I had to swallow my saliva and look at Lesha.

No, I’m not like that.

Suddenly, I had to bear the karma for Elroden’s work, so I had to raise my eyebrows while looking at Lesha.

Well, then.


[The favorite work of ‘Versa Galinis Efronchi’ registered in the encyclopedia has been completed.]

[You can register a new heroine in the encyclopedia by achieving 100% favorability, and you will receive a reward.]

[As a book reward, all stats except Luck are permanently increased by 100%.]

[The reward is permanently maintained even if there is a change in the character of the heroine who has completed the work.]


That 1%, which did not increase even with a kiss at the amusement park, has now increased… ?

No, you’re staring at me as if you’re going to eat me like that?

At what point did you rise… ?

Or is it, perhaps, a reaction against the appearance of a rival?

“How deep was our love… Shall I tell you? I can still vividly see how passionate love was.”



Am I still a male bachelor?!

– Kwak!!


I think I’ll become an ant’s waist before tonight ends.

But, what can I do?

If this is the karma of the possessor… I have to accept it.

– Kwaaak!

…But the karma hurts, Taejin.

how passionately did you love

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  1. Caïssa says:

    Sheesh the original han tae-jin was be wild lmao

  2. Lku says:

    Lesha is probably into 3p,4p🤧

  3. Viridis says:

    She likes Womanizers 🤔

  4. Supernoob789 says:

    Did she have an NTR fetish????
    I remember seeing her likes include a womanizer…

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