I Became an Adulterous Character in the Academy chapter 61

If I do it, it's romance (6)

If I do it, it’s romance (6)


The elevator door opened. Narsha hesitated and walked out and looked around.

Convenience stores, pharmacies, cafes, etc. The second floor of the Magic Tower was lined with convenience facilities for outsiders and researchers. Narsha’s eyes widened.

“Was there ever a place like this…?”

It’s been 3 years since I entered as a researcher. I thought I was used to the magic tower, but today I first learned that there was such a facility on the second floor.

Well, since I only went back and forth between the lab and the basement cafeteria, I had no choice but to know.

After looking around for a while, Narsha headed to the cafe on the second floor. It was my first time going there, so I was a bit lost, but thanks to the large size of the cafe, I was able to find it. When I opened the door carefully, I could smell the strong aroma of coffee. After that, I heard a friendly greeting from the employee.

“welcome! This is Café Di Angre!”

The kindness of strangers is always uncomfortable.

Narsha lowered her head and looked around. Someone from a window seat far away raised a hand.

“Narsha! It’s here.”

It was Karios, a sharp-looking handsome man. Narsha came to the cafe to meet him.

Obviously not close friends. One of those people I don’t usually contact, I just know his face. But a while ago, I sent a text message out of the blue. He said he had a question and asked for a meeting.

It’s an ambiguous relationship, so it’s an ambiguous situation to refuse.

The time was also vacant, so I specially accepted it. I was also curious about what you wanted to ask.

Narsha headed to the seat where Karios was. Her drink was already on the table.

But Narsha didn’t even touch it. I asked while sitting down.


“Uh, uh…?”

Karios stammered, as if embarrassed.

“What, what do you mean?”

“Why were you called?”

“Oh, there is something I want to ask you.”


“The thing that happened yesterday on Mount Hernis.”

Karios explained the conflict he had with Leonard yesterday. The rescue team said so and so, and the search and so and so, so carefully.

Unfortunately, Narsha already knew all about it. Because I was selected for Team A with Karios.

Did the kid just forget it?

Narsha cut off the lengthy explanation.

“I know everything, so just tell me the conclusion.”

“Conclusion is…”

Karios stretched out his horse’s tail. After thinking about it for a while, he spoke boldly.

“To put it bluntly, I want to reconcile with Leonard. So, I want you to tell me how.”


Narsha’s face, which had been cold all along, collapsed in an instant. If he had been drinking, he would have spit it out.

“What, what do you want me to tell you?”

As Narsha frowned, Karios put down the coffee cup she was holding. Rather, Narsha’s reaction was suspicious.

“How to reconcile with Leonard.”

“Why are you asking me about that?”

“Yes, because you reconciled with Leonard. Even if it is already a relationship that has gone wrong.”

Carios said as if it were natural. His every word flew like a dagger and stuck. I was so dumbfounded that I couldn’t say anything.

Narsha, who was dumbfounded for a moment, urgently argued.

“What, what? Aren’t you reconciled?”

Seriously, where did you come to reconciliation?

. . . I forgave very little.

Narsha lifted her glass of ade.

Originally, I had no intention of drinking, but when I suddenly heard about Leonard, my throat burned. I wondered if this might have been the intention.

“You really didn’t reconcile with Leonard?”

“Yeah, yes.”

The moment you bite into a straw and try to take a bite.

“But why was there so much crying and fuss when Leonard collapsed-”


Narsha reflexively shouted. A loud lion’s roar echoed inside.

For an instant, the café became quiet, and all eyes turned this way.


Silence as if muted.

An employee who was brewing coffee approached and asked cautiously.

“I’m sorry, but could you be quiet for a bit? There are other guests as well.”

“Yes… I’m sorry.”

Narsha’s face turned red. It was embarrassing to shout in public, but the main reason was different. It was because he remembered himself, who had shed tears and runny nose while expressing the healing magic on Leonard.


Narsha carefully put down the glass of ade. I looked at Karios with eyes full of intent to kill.

“I’m warning you, don’t bring that up anywhere.”

Perhaps this was an unexpected reaction, Karios lowered his eyes. Unanswered, I died.

“Mi, I’m sorry.”


Narsha brushed her bangs to cool off. I barely got my mentality and answered.

“I don’t know how to reconcile, and please don’t contact me about this in the future. Got it?”

“i get it.”

“Anything more to ask?”

“Oh, no.”

“Then go.”

After those words, Narsha stood up from her seat. As we headed toward the entrance, the waiter bowed his head.

“Thank you, guest, please come again!”

Always kind greetings.

But this time it was not accepted.

I got out as fast as I could and pressed the elevator button.

[ 18 ▼ ]

I sighed as I waited for the elevator to come down. As the excitement subsided, I felt a belated sense of skepticism.


I should have just been in the lab.

It wasn’t a particularly nutritious question, and it was just a nuisance to the cafe.

Crucially, that madman, Karios, why is he asking such a thing when he clearly knows that between me and Leonard?

Anyway, the eyes are not dirty.

Narsha shook her head. At the same time, I recalled what happened yesterday.

Anyway, the two fought.

I thought it would be solved at once because we were so close.


Since Leonard had even grabbed him by the collar, even his closest friends would have felt awkward. Besides, yesterday’s Leonard was really fiery.

Narsha had never seen her so angry.

-If not, you should have protected your teammates!

A band of blood in the neck.

Eyes full of anger.

That powerful image lingered in my mind over and over again.

I didn’t expect Leonard to have that kind of side, but it was unexpected. To be honest, it was kind of cool.

Should I say unexpected masculinity?

Well… anyway, it was quite sexy.

Maybe it’s because I have special tastes.

[ 1 ▲ ]

The elevator on the first floor went up to the second floor.

After a while, the elevator door opened.


Narsha took a step without thinking and stopped in place. I stood blankly and stared into the elevator. Because Leonard was riding.


Narsha froze as it was. I blinked blankly, and Leonard also looked at me in silence.

The moment when time seemed to stop for a moment.

– The door closes.

However, as if proving that only the two of them had stopped, the elevator door slowly began to close.

just before it closes completely.


opened again

Leonard had pressed the unlock button. Then his voice was heard.

“Are you not going to ride?”

“·····uh? yes. I have to ride.”

Only then did Narsha move on. He entered and stood next to Leonard.

Awkward atmosphere for some reason.

After a while, the door closed and the elevator went up smoothly.


Only a slight rising sound lingered in my ears. I was afraid to stay still, so I tried to press the floor number. However, the 29th floor was already pressed. This was also something Leonard had pressed ahead of time.


Why does he go to the 29th floor?

There is only a laboratory there.

Narsha glanced at Leonard. Leonard was staring straight ahead. Thanks to that, I was able to observe the side view without burden.

High nose and sharp jawline.

The neckline under it was elegant, and the collarbone, which was barely visible, burned with longing.


Narsha involuntarily swallowed.

······Did you originally look like this sensual?

At that time, when he was immersed in his “superior appearance”, Leonard turned his head after recognizing his gaze. I looked at Narsha with puzzled eyes.


“Uh, where are you going?”

Narsha immediately replied.

“The 29th floor lab.”

“Why are you there? Do you want to be a researcher now?”

Then Leonard smiled lightly. He pointed to the magic books and documents in his hand.

“No, I have something to help you with. It’s a mid-term and final integrated exam soon.”

Go to the lab for the integrated exam.

It’s probably going to Jeniel’s lab. It was a fact that Narsha had heard well that Jeniel was selected as a temporary professor.

The two of them are close friends.

“Ah… Jeniel?”


With Leonard’s short reply, the conversation came to an end. The elevator, which was going up smoothly, stopped on the 17th floor.


Eventually, the thick door opened, and I saw a blue-haired woman standing in the hallway.

It was Yerina, a pharmaceutical researcher. Agents stood behind them.

“Oh, Professor Leonard. long time no see.”

Yerina, who found Leonar, smiled brightly and boarded the elevator. Then he turned and looked at Narsha.

“oh! Narsha was there too. hello.”

“Ah yes.”

Narsha nodded lightly. Afterwards, Yerina smiled and leaned toward Leonard. There was no such thing as very poor.

“By the way, what is Leonard-sama doing at the Mage Tower?”

“I have business in the laboratory of B-2907.”

“yes? really?”

Yerina, as if surprised, covered her mouth with one hand.

It’s obviously the same reaction as usual, but it felt fake today. It was so strange that I didn’t want to see it.

Do you think it’s like you’re deliberately flirting?

“Isn’t that Jeniel’s lab? Am I on my way there too? Why are you leaving, Leonard?”

“I am preparing for the integrated exam. How about Yerina?”

“I have data to pass on. Been away for a while.”

Even during the mission to subdue the black magician, the mage tower operated normally. In the meantime, an affiliate meeting was held, and the results and related data were to be delivered.

Narsha also received related data from a therapeutic researcher.

“By the way, are you helping me with the integrated exam?”

“yes. Somehow it happened.”

“IM jealous····”

“I envy you. It’s all work.”

Yerina talked with Leonard all along. The two seemed pretty friendly. In the meantime, I suddenly turned my gaze and looked at Narsha.

“Narsha! You haven’t had lunch yet, have you?”


“Then it’s fate that we met like this, shall we have lunch together?”

He asked with a strange smile.

Narsha naturally refused.

“it’s okay.”


Yerin, who extended her horse tail, pouted her lips. After thinking about it for a while, he suddenly crossed his arms around Leonard.

“Then should the two of us eat?”


In an instant, Narsha felt a surge in blood pressure. Something exploded inside me and the back of my neck naturally pulled.

But I couldn’t be angry here. Because that makes you look jealous.

So you have to be patient.

The excitement has to be tempered somehow.

Narsha, barely suppressing her anger, bit her molars tightly. He clenched his fists tightly and smiled.

“… it’s okay.”

“yes? What is it?” “It’s okay for me to have lunch too.”

“Ah, is that what you mean?”

Yerina smiled and crossed her arms.

Somehow, it seemed like everything was going according to Yerina’s will, and it felt strange.


[ 29 ▲ ]


The elevator reached the 29th floor.

“I’ll call you in a little while.”


Narsha bowed lightly and headed to the left hallway. I followed Yerina into the hallway on the right. Yerina asked.

“What shall we eat for lunch?”

Lunch for the three of us with Narsha.

It was done regardless of my will, but I decided to follow it because there was no particular reason to refuse.

“I’m fine with anything.”

“anything? that’s the hardest Um… what do you want to eat?”

Yerina smiled bashfully and pondered. Then, out of the blue, he asked me.

“Oh right! Does it take a long time to prepare for the integrated exam?”

“Maybe it will take a while. It will be quicker if you do your business first.”

“····I know.”

Yerina’s expression turned pouty in an instant.

Perhaps she wanted me to finish my business first. That way, I can see Jeniel even a little more.

That aside, when are you going to come out to me?

Now is the time to slow down.

As I walked with such thoughts in mind, I quickly arrived at Jeniel’s lab. Yerina knocked on the lab door.


There was a crackling sound for a moment, and then the door opened. Jeniel stuck out his head.

“I’m here?”

Jeniel, who found me first, tilted his head at Yerina.

“Yerina? What are you doing here?”

“I have something to tell you. There was an affiliate meeting while I was out on a mission.”

Yerina’s voice became more tender.

In front of heterosexuals, homosexuals, and unrequited love, I had no choice but to tremble with pretense.

“Ah- is that so? yes, please come in Leonard, you too.”

Jeniel opened the door wide. Me and Yerina cautiously went inside. The Ministry of Magic agents also followed.

Jeniel guided Yerina to the desk.

“You can sit here.”


Afterwards, Yerina handed over the materials and kindly explained.

“These are the materials of the meeting that took place while you were out on a mission. If you look here…”

In the meantime, I toured Jeniel’s lab. The laboratory, with the fragrant scent of flowers, was unusually tidy. There were few research materials or instruments, and it was spacious and clean like a model house. He had a clean personality befitting his appearance.

As I was looking around, I saw a slightly open drawer.


I tried to close it, but it wouldn’t close.

It wasn’t magic, it just seemed like the drawers were full. Without thinking, I opened the drawer.


There are blankets, magic books, experimental tools, and leftover snacks. All sorts of odds and ends were in it. I gently closed the drawer.

Not everything is perfect when it comes to Jeniel.

Well… it’s humane and not bad.

Pretending not to see the inside of the drawer, I looked around the other place while acting different. As if the conversation was over just in time, Jeniel and Yerina got up from their seats.

“There are no other deliverables other than this. And the next meeting is said to be around next week.”

“Yeah, I see. Thank you.”

Jeniel sent us off to the entrance with a bright smile. Yerina hesitated as if regretting it, then moved on. Then, before going out.

“Oh! I was supposed to have lunch with Leonard-nim and Narsha-nim. How is Jeniel-nim? If it’s time, let’s have a meal together!”

He said it ambitiously, as if he had prepared a shot for conversion.

Somehow, he suddenly asked me to eat.

It was all planned.

“It’s lunch…”

After thinking for a while, Jeniel glanced at me. Then, he immediately nodded.

“Okay, let’s eat together .”

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