I Became the Crazy Instructor at the Academy chapter 37

37. Catastrophe

37 – 37. Catastrophe

Most of the labs on the third floor are empty.

The door to room 5, located in the center of the hallway, opened.


With the sound of metal, a desolate interior comes into view.

However, it is a strict laboratory that has everything.

“Here’s the key.”

A female professor handed me a key and a pile of documents she was holding.

After she received the paper tower, she roughly placed it on the table inside the lab.

“Can you really do it in a week?”

“I’ll try it.”

Her answer was quite questionable, but she had nothing to say in return.

“…If my student is bothering you, you can kick him out right away.”

The assistant I nominated.

All I could do was worry about disturbing Velen, who was smiling heartily next to the professor.

“That’s too much, Master! I came with my own determination, so couldn’t you at least give me some encouragement?”

“Don’t worry. I’ll even eat the bone marrow.”

When we both reassured her at the same time, she turned her back.

“Then, I look forward to it, Instructor Ivan.”


The iron gate was closed again,

Only me and Velen remained in the lab.

His mask comes off immediately.

He leaned against the wall as if he had difficulty holding himself up and started whimpering and laughing.

“It’s not enough for the professor to find a lab for her instructor. She’s bringing documents instead!”

“I wonder if it’s something to laugh about like that.”

“I’m sorry. If I were you, I would have taken off that neat uniform first.”

Regardless of how vulgar and explicit the expression was, I also felt similar sentiments.

She spoke to me right after the lecture ended.

To put it simply, it is a request for ‘help’.

He was showing a rather overbearing, typical attitude of a superior.

Because her major did not seem to be acting, she was unable to correct her trembling voice.

To the point where you can feel the desperation.

“Well, yes, it’s worth it. If we don’t show something in this research, the support may be cut off.”

“Did you hear this directly?”

“That’s right. Well, it’s not our business, so let’s not worry about it.”

He threw the pile of papers aside.

Wheels of paper that the professor had painstakingly handwritten were scattered like trash, and a Bible was placed in the newly created space.

“How will you change this holy relic? Tell me.”

I held up the Bible and said,

“To use an analogy, this is a bank. When she gets more excited than necessary, it absorbs her emotions and injects back into her the anger that she had stored up for some time. As if her body is soaked in her drizzle, she goes crazy without anyone noticing. I’m going.”


“I intend to make this a simple transducer. A tool that does not store emotions or anything, but simply takes in anger and releases it with force.”

“Then…. Aha.”

He tapped the desk as if he understood.

The brand of anger. Because the core of that power is circulation.

I get angry, get stronger, and get more angry.

If you break that vicious cycle with this Bible.

“You only get back the amount of power you get offended by. For the owner of the stigma, it would be really boring.”

The madness of a saint.

There is a ‘standard’ rather than just a brake.

If you get angry by 1, you become stronger by 1.

If you get angry by 10, you become stronger by 10.

Fair trade without chains.

This is also the future we cannot help but hope for.

“There must be a plan for the future, Velen. On the day of the decision, the saint will no longer be able to play a role as a variable.”

His plans for the future.

A great invasion that requires all of one’s might to be launched.

Before facing that confirmed boss battle,

If we take away his power through this modification.

Even if it helps alleviate Paula’s mania.

The best scenario is completed.

He in front of me,

I smiled sinisterly at the thought of excluding the saint who was simply the bearer of a dangerous stigma.

There was only one thing he overlooked.

That plan will be shattered because of me.

The surviving saint of the academy will become a controllable mad dog.

Just in case, I need to get one more badge.

“Let’s get started.”

The usual main auditorium, where the schedule ended with the sunset.

Scarlett turned her head and looked beyond.

“Joe, just a little more. Just a little more…!”

“Do you think this will work? Oh, it’s a failure.”

“Here, if we change this circuit like this…”

A slightly more noisy atmosphere than usual.

The magic circle game, which has spread like a trend among the young ladies, now almost has a spirit of challenge.

An attitude of focusing on the skills you have learned while looking over your shoulder.

I have no intention of ridiculing that.

Nevertheless, the reason she feels uncomfortable is,

Because of conversations on slightly different topics.

“Instructor Ivan, are you talking about lab again?”

“I guess so.”

“Well…. Yes, he seemed like he would become a professor.”

For the past few days, he has done a good job of being her teacher.

After the academy, I gave Scarlett directions for training at the sparring hall.

Thanks to that, I was able to become quite familiar with the weapon called the gauntlet.

However, she did not return to the dormitory after that.

The instructor was heading towards the research building.

He did this every day, but finally today he asked for understanding, skipped the training, and went his own way.

“From what I heard, you’re doing joint research with Professor Hera.”

“Joint research between professor and instructor? Really?”

“Why, Professor Hera, have you been talking about her mouth these days. “Are you two getting along pretty well?”

“Oh my.”

What are the ladies?

Are you saying that conversation can’t progress without inserting sarcasm into every relationship in the world?

For some reason, she became more displeased and stood up.

The body that had been wandering aimlessly around the main auditorium found a suitable empty space and settled down again.

“Ah, Adela. Next….”

“So there is a need to use an honorific title…. “Are you mom?!”

Coincidentally, I was sitting next to some familiar faces.

Adela Cathy, Paula Maria.

I don’t plan on chatting, but I should say hello.


“Oh, hello! Scarlett…. Student!”

“Hello, how are you? “Even if it wasn’t, I was talking about you.”

“My story?”

“You’re Instructor Ivan’s direct student, right? Do you know what happens when an instructor works under a professor?”

I had never thought about it.

“Until the Imperial Magic Association recognizes me, I will live like a useless person, helping the professor with his research both materially and spiritually. “In slang, we call them slaves.”


“What’s as scary as that is….”

You can hear the sound of drooling.

Someone said she was a saint.

“The instructor of this class is a great person who can become attached to that kind of life.”


The instructor becomes the professor’s servant,

If you even feel fulfilled in that life.

All of his personal time will go to the professor, not Scarlett.

…But what does that mean?

Honestly, it is true that she acknowledged Ivan.

I had no intention of saying something so strange, like I didn’t want to have anyone other than him as my teacher.

If you’re going to do it, do it.

However, she was one person who was not as aloof as she was.

“Oh, what should I do…” . No, but it was definitely my brother back then! But maybe….”

The saint began to speak gibberish,

Everyone looked very nervous.

“Scarlett. “I need you.”


“Could you ask me a question? To Instructor Ivan.”

You want to use me as an errand boy? The words

Rose up to her throat.


That trembling saint. Those eyes also seemed to overlap with those of the orphans she was responsible for in the alley behind her.

She was someone who I thought was not a coincidence.

“Follow me.”

I stop by on my way back to the dormitory.

That’s all.

“Great, Paula! “Who does this owe to?”

“I will never forget this grace! “Both of you!”


Sister Scarlett is a scary person.

Cold and empty eyes, sharp tone of voice. She even possesses skills that can be counted among her own.

But maybe he is a kind person.

‘I’m going to play some dolls at the sparring hall. ‘You too are killing time.’

‘Yes, yes!’

The reason we didn’t go straight to the research building was because

I guess they were considerate so that I could mentally prepare. I felt that confident.

As I was leaning against the outer wall of the sparring hall and watching the sunset, a thought suddenly occurred to me.

I was embarrassed.

All you have to do is ask Brother Ivan.

Do you plan to follow Professor Hera’s path to becoming a professor, and if so, do you have any intention of taking on students?

All I had to do was ask.

It was my weakness that dragged Sister Scarlet into such a thing.

Now, I feel deeply embarrassed.

I clenched my hands tightly.

“…That’s right. “You have to do it yourself!”

Otherwise there is no meaning.

You shouldn’t just hide behind your sister,

From noble mtl dot com

I realized it too late.

That’s why I placed a note on the sister’s coat that was hung at the entrance to Dalian.

‘Thank you so much, Scarlett! However, I think I can go alone. ‘You don’t have to wait!’

It was also my own consideration of not wanting to disturb the sisters who were training.

I arrived at the research building by walking and sometimes running so hard.

I was a little out of breath, but I felt proud.

The more I jumped, the more the tension in my pounding heart eased.

“Um…. “Where should I go?”

This is a sudden difficulty.

Now that I think about it, I came here without knowing which floor and which room my brother was in.

Should I knock on each door? I was stamping my feet in front of the building.

“Oh my, aren’t you a little saint?”

Thanks to Arca’s grace, I was able to meet Professor Hera.

I got the answer from him that it was room 5 on the 3rd floor.

Along with the request to not disturb as much as possible.

That’s how we arrived at the 3rd floor hallway.

It was empty, but the destination was clear.

After walking slowly, I was able to come to the number 305.

Now all you have to do is knock….

“This is over now.”

“Do you think it will be done within today?”

For a moment, my hand stopped.

It looks like there are two people inside.

I see that they talk to each other comfortably. Is this another professor?

“What can I say? Wait, what you’re holding right now is the research paper the professor gave you?”

“That’s right. “It was good for head ventilation.”

“You too are a special species.”

“Well, okay.”

“It’s a different species. Cancer.”

From your voice, it sounds like you are a student.

That’s right, hurry and knock before it’s too late-

“I heard you act like you’re some kind of father in front of a saint. Do you even know the doctrine in the first place?”


What does it mean?

Ah, yes. I felt it from the way they spoke,

You are a non-believer who is on the verge of becoming a wolf.

A sad person who doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

I’ve seen a lot, but

I am worried that your brother will be very angry.


“I’m not free enough to seriously read the cult leader’s novels.”

What came back was a calm positivity.

A snippet of everyday conversation that seems so obvious.

You can feel the fishy taste, and at the same time, a hot feeling flows down your lips.

In the end, I listened.

I listened without even having time to stop my ears.

‘Why, why? Why….’

My mind is becoming a tangled mess.

My senses become dull, and another obsession arises.

‘Kill her, Paula. ‘Is that the wolf’s salvation?’

If what I heard is correct.

If you are sincere in treating the Bible as a creative work.

He deserves to be killed. Because it’s a wolf.

With my own hands, Brother Ivan-


The blood from my lips mixed with the breath I swallowed.

My legs were unsteady, but I couldn’t collapse.

I just ran down the hallway.

I don’t know why.

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  1. These damn misunderstandings are sitting in my liver! Asian authors, you’re getting on my nerves! You easily justify plot armor with a rank S stroke of luck, but when it comes to using that luck to build normal relationships, you put up a stupid, unnecessary drama where no one asked for it? Why?! I’ll shove all these misunderstandings right into the hole where you eagerly stuff your rice/kimchi/whatever else.

    1. Lullaby Lullaby says:

      Sigh, I agree, this is one of the reasons why I hate Korean novels…

    2. Blue Bro Blue Bro says:

      It’s the first time I agree with you.

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