I Became the Crazy Instructor at the Academy chapter 38

38. Corner

38 – 38. Corner

Inside the closet of the prayer room, dark on all sides.

I returned to the temple yesterday as if I was running away, and have not left since.

I felt like it had to be that way.

Maybe a long time ago, a very long time.

I think this narrow, dark place was my home.

This is also a blasphemous thought.

I received Arca’s grace and was taken in by the religious leader despite being an orphan.

Faithful and happy…. Because I had a childhood.

That’s right. Happy, peaceful daily life.


Sudden dizziness,

I shrank even more.

Yesterday I ran away from the wolf.

The sunset light coming through the gap in the closet door tells us that it is almost evening.

I skipped the whole day.

Duties of a saint, or duties of a student.

I was unable to protect both.

I feel lost.


I just can’t bear the title “Brother.”

Because he is a wolf.

But, I don’t understand why I couldn’t take the right action even though I knew that.

I just lower my head in vain.

It was then.


I heard the door opening.

Judging by the dim appearance, it appears to be the door to the entrance to the temple.

Has a believer come to visit?

I raised my head and prepared to get up.

Today is not a holiday, but

Disparaging believers is against doctrine.

However, the person who came in when the door to the prayer room opened.

He was reflected in my eyes through a crack in the closet.

“As expected, there’s no one there.”

With a familiar voice and a familiar scar on the side of his forehead.

He was a nobleman at that time.

Led by him, several more students arrived.

“Are you really destroying it?”

“Then why did you come to pray?”

What do you mean by breaking?

“Let’s finish this quickly before that annoying saint comes. “If you do it wrong, even the stupid instructor might come.”

Saying so, he stood in the center of the prayer room.

Facing Arka’s statue head on.

“I need to know my topic, whether it’s a denomination or something. “In this place where not even a single ant can survive, you need to lower your standard of opinion that much.”

Oh, I see.

They came to destroy Arca’s statue.


I opened the door.

For a moment, their eyes turn to me.

“What, what? “Why are you here?”

“…Wow, the words are different! “I said you wouldn’t be here right now!”

Yes, it is natural to think so.

As usual, I would be at the academy right now.

However, I am not a student now.

I am the executor of the church.

Before I was a student, I was a person named Paula Maria.

Before she was a human, she was Arca’s saint.

I finally realized it again.

At that moment, the headache disappeared like a lie.

I feel more refreshed than ever.


A wolf trying to destroy Arka’s statue.

I grabbed his arm.

“Well, what is it? What power…. “Ahh!”


A shrill scream escapes me.

His arm was trembling even though he only slightly squeezed it.

“You, you…” .”

Oh, I am speaking.

Is it too weak?

“How dare you… !”

The wolf howled,

The eyes of the crowd surrounding me also changed.

Everyone has cloudy, dirty eyes.

It looks like it’s going to rush at me at any moment and break my arm.

The wolves each say a word.

“I think this has gone too far….”

“Come to your senses, look at those eyes. “It was absolutely delicious.”

“Let’s just suppress it. “You won’t be disciplined.”

I felt relieved.

I thought it would be a hassle if I ran away.

They also seem to have the last conscience.

I want to leave my dirty body to Him.

Spiritual desires.

Once we make you unable to move, we will calmly save you one by one.

I smiled brightly so that those feelings could be conveyed.

“Rest assured. “It won’t take long.”

Ruschel after school.

In Ivan’s personal sparring room, the sound of repeated strikes was echoing.


Metal sound. The sound of iron clashing against iron.

Scarlet’s fist wearing a gauntlet,

It is inserted into the center of a B-class mana doll.

She immediately lowered her head, narrowly avoiding another doll’s attack.


As she turned her body, the fist she raised hit the doll once again.

I was able to blow the gear away.


Two Mana dolls sitting down, crackling.

Scarlett lifted the gauntlet.

“Now I can deal with B-class players just fine.”

“It’s still not enough. Even though we fought like that, I don’t feel like the mana circuit has been completely released.”

Ivan evaluating her,

She fights with the gauntlet’s mana circuit.

It would be nice to say that it is almost everyday life now.

“That’s right, please take some time after training.”

“What’s going on?”

“Because I’m going to visit the temple.”

He took something out of his pocket.

It was the same badge that was given to Scarlett.

“I am thinking of taking on one more disciple. Wouldn’t it be better to at least say hello in advance?”

For a moment, yesterday’s events flashed through my head.

The saint left behind a note and left first.

I returned feeling absurd,

It looks like things have worked out well.

Receiving more disciples means,

It was like saying he had no intention of working under the professor.

Her voice also rose one tone higher.

“Was your name Paula?”

“Hmm? “How did you know?”

“If you always cover it up like that, it’s impossible not to know. By the way, what did you talk about yesterday?”


However, his return is questionable.

His facial expression as if he didn’t know what to say.

Something is strange.

Feeling as if the angle is right but not right.

Scarlett talked about yesterday.

His expression became increasingly strange as he listened.

“No one visited the research building yesterday.”

From noble mtl dot com

“What? “Then why did you decide to take it?”

“Because I was going to do that from the beginning. We just needed to prepare, and that was done yesterday. But….”

The saint did not come to the academy today.

She was not seen all day.

She assumed that she had at least a minor illness, and he seemed to have overcome it in the same way.

“Scarlett, let’s go to the temple.”

The instructor in front of me seemed to be concerned about something more serious than just a minor illness.

If she came out like that, she was ready to leave too.

He was holding out his gauntlet.

“What, take it? Why?”

“I wish I were neurotic too.”

I have experienced many situations like this.

A situation where the order of explanation and action must be reversed.

She decided to run first.

“Whoa…” .”

She came from the sparring hall to the temple in about 20 minutes.

Because the jumping speed was different, Scarlett, who arrived a little before Ivan, caught the eye.

It was a statue at the entrance that clearly suggested to anyone that this was a temple. Is this Arca?

And, the eerily quiet front door.

Sure enough, before she even opened it.


The door opened from the inside.

It would have been more appropriate to say that it was half destroyed.


Scream. A man protruded from the door with his back against it.

Tumbled backwards a couple of times and couldn’t get up.

“What are you?”

When Scarlett asked, he raised his head.

He, who had a scar on his right forehead, began to beg in a frightened voice.

“Save me! “There, in there-“


The head falls to the floor.

What trampled on him were white shoes.

What caught the eye of Scarlett when she raised her head.

“It’s okay, it’s okay…” .”

Paula Maria.

The saint who couldn’t even kill bugs looked like she was muttering while trampling on a person’s head with her left foot.

I reflexively took a step back.

Her sharply polished senses were shaking.

Until that guy was trampled, I didn’t even notice anyone approaching.

“What are you doing? Are you crazy?”

An empty cry.

As if she couldn’t hear anything, she squatted down next to the fallen male student.

And then, she grabbed both of his arms.



Twisted. Deformed.

I was able to know everything with just that one action.

If I had intended to kill him, I could have killed him long ago.

Why stick to that method?

It is possible because there is a malicious intent greater than murderous intent.

Scarlett moved quickly.


With the sound of the wind, I catch her in an instant.

“You brought this on yourself.”

I don’t know why I turned away.

I’m just going to sleep for a while.

Thinking like that, he stretched out his fist.



The saint half turned her head.

The death that comes upon her with her cloudy eyes.

For a moment, she instinctively turned her head.


The sound of air bursting.

After dodging her Scarlett’s fist, the saintess extended her hand to her in return.

The two attacks missed each other,

Scarlett’s cheek immediately fell behind her, widening the distance between her.

Her red blood flowed down.

So far, there has been only one opponent who has allowed a hit.

It was even a Cheonhwa fired right in front of her nose.

But this time is different.

It was pushed purely from the speed of reflection.

The saint smiled brightly.

“If you disturb me again, I will consider you a wolf.”

“…You’re criticizing me.”

A situation that goes far beyond the scope of normality.

Scarlett wore gauntlets.

If you think you have successfully prevented an attack, a class A monster will appear.

As soon as the Bible is changed, the child who would be the master turns away.

This game has become extremely rich in content.

The temple we arrived at.

Anyone would think that if they saw the heroines fighting each other in that front yard.


Even Scarlett was being pushed out.

Two people with clearly different fighting styles.

If Scarlett feels like an outside boxer,

Paula in that state is just a mad dog.

She rushed after her, and even if she passed by, it would be a fatal blow, and she was pushing Scarlett on her back.

Why did this division arise?

The answer to that question could be guessed from the scars scattered across the boy’s forehead.

“Instructor, instructor…. I….”

It was a great motivation.

Once the situation has been resolved somehow,

I will have to expel that bastard no matter what I do.


Strength: D -> A

Agility: E -> B

mana: D -> A

Mental Power: S -> C

Stamina: E -> B

Lucky: F


-Gwangshin (EX)

The preheating was amazing.

If you get caught in that gap right now, you will die the moment you slip.

Your body will fly away like a shrimp bursting in a whale fight.

But, because it had to be done.

I held the remodeled Bible in my left hand and ran.


He pushes Scarlett, who is about to lose her posture.

Because of that, I also received the attack of her saint that was aimed at her.



But, I got it. I somehow caught it with my right hand.

Even my right arm has a tingling sensation.

Slightly exceeded the scope of absorption.

“Don’t disturb me…” !”

“It’s not a disruption, it’s a shift. “Let’s take a break.”

Scarlett is so exhausted that she can’t even move.

It’s good that I’ve held on until now.

She left her behind and turned her head in front of her.


Paula, whose fist was blocked,

Only then did I check myself.

“Aha, you came here on your own.”


He didn’t say anything like come to your senses or don’t do anything you’ll regret.

You won’t be able to hear it.

Instead, he showed her her Bible in her left hand.

The saint’s eyes trembled slightly.

“…Until the end. “You are deceiving me until the end.”

I brought the Bible she gave as a gift.

As if I hate that and don’t know what to do,

Paula grits her teeth.

Regardless, I let go of her fist and moved her Bible into her right hand.

Now that her hands were free, she seemed buried in brooding over her anger.

“Instructor. Ultimately, I believe you know that the corruption of her soul has passed her point of return.”

“I don’t know.”

“I will let you know. “She will be announced by Archa himself, not by an agent called a saint.”

Come meet Arca.

The meaning of those words was clear.

To kill them.

Her arms gained strength again.

Magic power also entered my left hand, which I hid behind my back.

This is a possible deception because her judgment has fallen to the level of a monster.

A three-layer magic circle spinning on the hand behind her back.

“I’m glad I was able to embrace that last moment.”

She runs towards me.

When the saintess, whose eyes are turned, rushes at her, what is her most efficient magic circle composition?


It’s freezing.

Aimed only at the ankle, and only on one side.

That’s why I was able to concentrate my magic power,


I was able to freeze the saint’s feet, even if only for a moment.

A momentary stumbling.

Without letting go, she stretched her right arm straight upward.

The destination is in the middle of her head.

The available power is all of her absorbed power.

The Bible draws a neat trajectory.



It hit her head exactly.

It was a corner.

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