I Became the Crazy Instructor at the Academy chapter 39

39. Promise

39 – 39. Promise

Since when did the Bible Esperant in the original game belong to Paula?

That was something no one knew about.

Because there was no clue.

The conditions of that attribution are unknown.

Unless you actually open the circuit, you won’t know.

That’s why I found out about it for the first time.

The moment you read the Bible from beginning to end, it automatically starts and becomes a part of the system.

However, we changed it in a way that makes it a little easier to fix it from the root anyway.

For attribution to proceed ‘through sufficient contact with the Bible.’

We meet later, give it to them with a vague excuse, and then let it belong to them.

First of all, that was the plan.

But, it happened like this.

You must throw the Bible to the mad dog in front of you.

Enough. Again and again.

“Ah, uh….”

Paula moans while clutching the top of her head.

It looks like it hurt quite a bit because it was cut into an edge.

Judging by the fact that the light has not returned to his eyes,

There is still a long way to go.



Hands that threaten to tear my body apart attack me.

From noble mtl dot com

I built a magic circle again,


After the same process as just now, I was able to ‘touch’ the Bible with a slightly duller sound.

She gets scolded again and again.

Paula, whose anger was beyond compare, lunged at me without even moaning.

I created a magic circle again….


Ah, damn it.

You don’t get hit three times.

She lifted her aimed ankle up and then stepped on the ice that had formed, crushing it.

The right hand’s absorption cooldown has not expired yet.

Before your body is pierced, you must roll to the side.

But she was too fast for that.

It was around this time that the feeling of ‘fatigue’, not a future plan, filled her head.

Between me and her saint, there was about a span of space left,

A fist wrapped in iron came in.

It was Scarlett.


She took away the saint’s attack with her gauntlets.

Because the difference in combat power with Paula had already widened significantly, the gauntlet was broken without strength.

“Pfft…” !”

Scarlett wouldn’t be surprised if she was already exhausted.

Paula will not be able to stop her next attack.

However, it was a meaningful intrusion.

Thanks to her, who created a precious gap for me,

I was able to fill the cooldown time.

After catching the attack of the saint whose removal target was changed to Scarlet with my right hand,

We proceeded with what would probably be our last ‘contact’.


A thick book is definitely a blunt object.

But, with that dull hitting sound.

I also heard the sound of something breaking.

It was the sound of her Bible belonging to her.

It shines brilliantly and resonates with her brand.

“Ah, ah….”

All of her emotions that held her captive were replaced by simple strength.

The remnants of her anger made her confused, as if she was struggling.

In the end, a glimmer of light returned to those eyes.



Paula eventually attacked me and knocked me down.

She climbed on top of me, who was lying on the ground, and clenched her fists.

I did not resist.

Instead, she opened her mouth.

“Miss Paula.”


I will hear it now.

“Let’s stop now. Even for you.”


With a clear answer,

Transparent tears fell down my cheeks.

“It’s all a lie.”


“All of our actions so far. It wasn’t for me or my duty as a believer, it’s just….”

A confession that a saint should not make.

I just listen to her inner pain.

“It was all a deception….”

She seemed like she couldn’t forgive, but

Because she couldn’t bring herself to hit me with that fist.

I was able to answer.

“If you feel that way, it’s probably right.”


“However, there are some things in the world that cannot be judged solely based on doctrine.”

“That can’t be possible-“

“Why didn’t you come into the lab yesterday?”


“And why am I here now?”

The saint who broke the doctrine,

A non-believer who came to him on his own.

Contradictions that arise between them.

“Thinking for yourself is a very difficult thing. Even more so for you.”

She lived according to the will of the religious leader and according to the doctrine of Arka.

It was just a doll that acted as an executioner.

But not now.

This contradiction of being reluctant to judge even though the opponent is a wolf is,

This is the agony that I bear as a human being,

That’s why it’s valuable.

“So, I will wait.”

So that I can now reflect on the adolescence that I finally got back.

I just relaxed my body.

Just like that, the saintess made a decision.

They neither punished me nor forgave me.

“Ugh, ugh, ugh…” .”

Your obsession brought about by the Bible. All the strength I received from that was poured out through tears.

That was also a good decision.

“I will never, ever forgive you….”

The declaration I made while burying my head in my upper body.

It made me feel complicated.

The students that Paula knocked down were not the only ones.

A miserable sight seen as soon as the temple door is opened.

Five or six male students were being suppressed in different ways.

If there is one stuck on the wall,

There was also a person who was stuck headfirst into the floor and was shaking.

I escorted them to the main building with Scarlett.

Of course, there was a huge uproar.

Paula fell asleep, exhausted from crying.

The next morning, her wrists were handcuffed without prior consent.

She woke up in the middle of her teacher’s office.

Although she still seemed half asleep,

The faculty and staff had no intention of waiting.

“Paula Maria. “You did something pretty spectacular.”

Emergency meeting.

Comparison of statements starting with instructor Miho.

“…This is your actions up to this point, as stated by Instructor Ivan. “What do you think?”

“Yes, it’s all true.”

The saint understood the situation while listening to my statement.

I bowed my head in the affirmative.

At the same time, sighs erupted from everywhere, including instructors and board chairs.

“What on earth is going on, Won?”

“An attempted murder of a student, even by that saint!”

“It’s a miracle that she didn’t die.”

“You don’t know. If Ivan hadn’t managed to stop him…. “I don’t even want to imagine her.”

A situation where Russell’s first death could have come from the hand of her student, not even a monster.

Even if the suspect says she is a saint of that order,

I really couldn’t ignore it.

“I’m thinking of expelling you from school. “Do you have any objections?”


Paula performed for the first time.

Because she knows best what she has done.

The meeting was already dealing with the second agenda item.

“Instructor Ivan, you did a great job this time.”

“You could say he is a role model for instructors.”

They were the directors.

The people who were hostile to me during Chris and Moriam.

This time, the praise was showered in such a way that its sincerity was clearly felt.

Of course, it’s not just that the student literally died. They are not such righteous noblemen.

Preventing the ‘saint’ from deviating. That was the key.

If I couldn’t stop it in time,

It is possible that the saint of the church really sent five or six students to Arka’s arms.

It could have led to serious political problems.

It was what they feared the most,

I blocked it.

“Tell me whatever you want.”

“Whatever, you mean?”

“I promise maximum support. “You deserve it.”

I wondered when those words would come out.

I originally planned to ask first, but luckily they let go first.

I got up from my seat and walked to the center of the teacher’s office.

The saint sat…. No, to a restrained desk.

And said.

“Please treat the expulsion as something that never happened.”

At the same time, the pupils of the directors grew bigger.

The instructors who were sharing their opinions stopped talking.

Paula flinched as if she had received some kind of electric shock.

A few seconds of silence that felt like eternity.

One of the chairman came to his senses and spoke the first rhyme in a cracked voice.

“Lee, instructor Ivan. “What does that mean?”

“I don’t think it was a sentence that needed interpretation. “You can just accept it as is.”

“No, you saw it yourself! Still, should we just move on? “Why on earth?”

Her students who were attacked by her are still unable to get up from their beds.

She didn’t die, but she could have died.

My opinion to just cover up this incident is,

Although it was not easily accepted by anyone.

No one laughed at me and told me to stop talking nonsense.

Because I was the one who took care of this division.

To organize such a stagnant atmosphere,

It was her this time too.

“Instructor Ivan, I want to ask you one question.”

Miho was the instructor.

“Even if we let this incident go by, how can we be sure there won’t be a ‘next incident’?”

How can we be sure that the saint will not catch and kill anyone else in the future?

There was a lot I wanted to say about him.

According to the words of a student named Paula Maria, it was confirmed that it was an awakening to a killing machine that follows only doctrine and kills wolves.

It changed yesterday.

No, the story was already twisted when Ivan did not exit with Chris.

Because it was an opportunity to escape from the shadow of the denomination and to form humanity without the interference of the Bible.

A future in which she will remain a human Paula, not an executor of the church.

Are you saying I should just pass up the opportunity to skip one of the main boss battles?

I went through all this trouble?

The words

Rose up to my throat.

Because it is something that should not be said,

“If something happens….”

I decided to give another assurance.

“I will take responsibility.”

By selling my name,

The meeting has been concluded.

Me and Paula walking down the hallway.

She usually walked right next to me, but today she was walking ahead with her back turned.

A saint who was forgiven for a momentary mistake,

The instructor who saved him.

It’s a good story even if it ends on a warm note,

Because there are still things left to discuss.

She stopped and asked me.

From noble mtl dot com

“Instructor Ivan, why did you do that?”

“You mean what happened yesterday? Or a little while ago?”


It has already been revealed that I am a non-believer.

Nevertheless, why do you take responsibility for taking care of the saint?

The answer to that.

“There are many reasons, but first of all, it is to keep a promise.”

“…A promise?”

“You did it last time.”

I did it while eating. He said he would accept me as a disciple.

That one day is just now.

Her shoulders trembled as she remembered.

“I’m not very smart, instructor. But, you can’t make something that’s already happened unheard of.”

“I know.”

“So, I will never call the instructor brother.”

Paula said that and turned around.

Surprisingly, he was smiling.

“But, I will try my best. “So that one day, instructor, you can become a true believer.”

In her hand as she says that,

The white badge I had just handed was held up.

Paula took something out of her pocket.

It was a black hairpin. Engraved with the emblem of the denomination.

She placed a white badge on top of the symbol.

And he placed it on top of her golden hair.

“Can I ask you to do better in the future?”

“…If you promise not to explode something for which I am responsible.”

“Well, don’t worry about that!”

“Can I trust you?”

“Doctrine is absolute truth. However, there is not necessarily only one path to enlightenment!”

The eyes have completely regained their color.

The saintess gains a weapon called ‘flexibility’, which would not even exist in the game’s development.

It was very reliable.

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  1. Shu Chou Shu Chou says:

    This long ass argument made me laugh so hard. Its simple really. Paula is a good kid. It is said before that even if you slap her across the face she would forgive you. The only down size she has is her Rage. The Mc remove it thus her saintly personally can still accept the mc despite his lies.

  2. The events that occurred during the chapters do not lead us to the changes in the heroine that ultimately occurred. It is even more foolish that her attitude towards the main character seems fixed on a positive note and cannot be spoiled, despite him betraying her. No matter how saintly she may be, wolves are her enemies, and the main character cannot be an unwarranted exception to this rule. Moreover, the fact that an incident occurred cannot simply lead to changes in the heroine’s character without any reasons. There must be some reflections, conclusions, experience, or something else. So, she beat up a few punks and suddenly became flexible in her judgments. Why? Summing up everything said above, I can only say that everything that happened in the text is just nonsense. It’s a piece of unprocessed monologue from a schizophrenic.

    1. Veldra says:

      Man all this text to summarize you are just speed reading. First of all she hasn’t forgiven him . Second of all she learned she just can’t kill ” wolves ” just because she sees them. She is in the first place a saintess she leads those who are misguided towards the right path.

      What the mc wanted her to realise is not to fade into reckless anger and act only on her doctoring or else she would end up on a path as tool lead by words. And of course the conclusion or reflection have yet to come? This was just the end of the fight and she just started the path of reflection by trying her ways of bringing the mc into her religion despite seeing him as a ” wolf”. That the ultimate point, preaching through as a saintess not as a devout beast.

      1. I rephrase it so that it is clearer – She had no reason to understand this. It’s great that you described to me what conclusion the author just made for the main character above, but on what basis was such a conclusion made? For you, it may be natural that all people are ultimately people, but for the saint who, as the main character said at the beginning, literally grew up being brainwashed, she could not come to such a conclusion. Wolves are simply not people to her. They do not have the fundamental right of human treatment. This is the truth she grew up with and adheres to, and I did not see any reason for her to deviate from this truth. It’s great that you once again told me the final result of the equation, but I don’t see the equation itself. Where is it? Where is the basis on which she came to such a thought?

        1. I think the same but it’s not that the equation is missing but it’s just too fast and simple.

    2. Veldra says:

      Plus it not even a positive note? It a blank note where she doesn’t consider him good nor bad cause she literally says she won’t bother to call him “brother ” instead an instructor and their relationship is returned to almost 0 and beating up a few punks? Did we read the same chapter cause like those instructor and the mc said . She would have slaughtered her school and even killed innocent in the process

      1. She still regards the main character as a human being, and in the next chapter it will be evident that she still treats him kindly as such. This is impossible because, from her perspective, he no longer has the rights of a human being. He is already a wolf, having passed the point of no return, and can only be cleansed by death – by fire or water, if you will. It’s like saying an inquisitor regards a witch as a human being. She simply has no reason to treat the main character so kindly.

        1. Danoc says:

          In the first place she didnt want to attack him even i f he is a wolf we see that 2 chapters before and now that the wrath is supress and he save her
          Even if she fell a betrayal at the same time is felling gratefull
          And it seems like she choose another path that only kill the wolf

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