I Became the Crazy Instructor at the Academy chapter 91

91. Perfume

91. Perfume

Saints can cause miracles.

No, she is a saint because she works miracles.

Carlson’s expression as he looked at me making that claim was very explicit.

To borrow an expression from the original world, a look in the eyes as if looking at someone who seriously claims that Santa is real.

He was even more embarrassed by the fact that the subject was not a dreamy girl like Paula, but an instructor who had experienced everything in the world.

Sent back to the old place.

Paula, who suddenly became a miracle worker, was in tears, but she worked hard to calm her down.

The principal seemed surprisingly calm.

Is it because I know that Ivan won’t be like this for a day or two?

Anyway, I have roughly summarized the situation.

I headed straight to the main auditorium.

Just to report on my return,

I had something to ask her.

Knock knock-

Let’s knock on the door of the private room a couple of times.

Soon the door opened.


Her eyes were looking downward as always, as if she didn’t know that I was the one who knocked on the door.

Regardless of the differences between men and women, it was similar to her habit of being objectively quite tall.

Because Ivan was a formidable tall man,

Her eye level was aligned with my chest.


I was startled,

Miho soon composed her expression and spoke.

“It appears you have returned, Professor Emeritus Ivan.”

“You just need to be an instructor for this class.”

I was as surprised as she was.

Not because of visual stimulation, but because of the strong olfactory scent.

First of all, it takes the form of a scent,

The scent was so strong that I frowned without realizing it.

What is this?

Are you growing lots of flowers in your private room?

Did you have a hobby like that?

“If you have any business, please come in.”

“Thank you.”

Now, we have reached a level where we can come and go without difficulty in private rooms.

The questions piled up.

A scent was wafting throughout the private room.

The problem is that I can’t find anything that could be the source.

But, that’s not what’s important right now.

I sat facing her personal desk.

“You look tired.”

She spoke as she placed the tea in front of me.

Since I caused such a fuss in her alley, she must intuitively know my physical condition.

I briefly bowed and then drank black tea.

And then I got to the point.

“They said the temple is scheduled to be demolished.”

“I guess you heard me.”

“What do you think?”

She is an extreme FM believer,

Carlson’s logic was flawless.

If you are a student, wear a school uniform like a student.

Commuting from the dormitory to school,

An argument that religious activities that do not directly contribute to growth should be left in the realm of hobbies.

Regardless of the fact that she was ambitious about her performance, there was nothing wrong with what she said.

“Saint. And I’m sorry for you, but even after going through the meeting, it’s hard to find any flaws in that claim.”

“I understand.”

“And, the fact that you came to see me means that you won’t let this situation go. Doesn’t that mean that you won’t let this happen?”

“That’s also true.”

But, I had to stop it.

Aside from the fact that Paula was pitiful and the situation was unfair, she did not want the saint to be an ordinary student.

There were two reasons.

First, because of the religious leader.

Paula visits the church’s main building every month, and she takes the time to report the events that have taken place to the church leader.

Let’s think about it.

The cult leader would have noticed by now.

Something is wrong with the Cleric.

Meanwhile, I don’t know what Paula will do next month if she droops her shoulders and admits that her academy is missing a temple.

The variables related to denomination are the most difficult.

I didn’t want to provoke him.

And the second is,

Because of Paula’s role.

From Noble mtl dot com

Scarlet is the sharpest spear in name and reality,

Adela is a water supplier and informant.

Then, what about Paula?

Her fanaticism raised her fighting skills to a great level, but she was fundamentally like my defender.

Images built up so far.

Dignity as a saint.

Thanks to that, it is not uncommon for students’ public opinion to be overturned by just one word from Paula.

As long as she maintains friendly relations with her,

It will play the role of a microphone that will exaggerate Ivan’s stories or correct rumors.

However, if the function itself is lost.

If a saint falls to the position of a mere student,

Because the regret came back to me too.

“The temple must not be demolished.”

“Faith and practicality. Which side do you base your reasons on?”

“Of course it’s the latter.”

“…I see.”

And, if we prevent this incident.

Perhaps, it might not end at ‘no loss’.

Isn’t it said that life is about fortune and fortune?

If this incident is prevented and the saint testifies to it.

To the cult leader who lost a card called Back Alley,

This might be an opportunity to definitely appeal.

You haven’t tried to harass me until now, but

But the cult leader has taken a completely untrustworthy attitude.

It might be a chance to completely let her go.

“So, did you find a loophole in that logic?”

“Of course.”

Jealousy gained from killing a cleric.

I haven’t really figured it out yet, so I gave it a try with the feeling of seeing if it would work.

Her abilities were clearly copied.

Now that you have the supplies ready, it’s time to put them to use.

“You could say I picked the wrong opponent.”

“What does it mean?”

“That’s just religious activity. I don’t know if the target of such disparagement was an ordinary student believer, but to the saint, the temple has more meaning than that.”

“…So what you’re saying.”

It seemed like he understood what I meant, but

The meaning is so far from reality that she asks again.

“Does she mean that if a saint is to protect her temple, she will be able to create miracles?”


“Do you think that’s possible?”

“We have to make it possible.”

I know too.

Paula does not have the power to create a miracle, nor does such a future exist.

Then, if I make it, that’s it.

The highly developed deception production is nothing short of a miracle.

Miho realized the true meaning of my words,

Only one thing was added.

“Is it worth it?”


“…So, what should I do?”

“A miracle without witnesses is just a delusion. So, the more galleries there are, the better.”

It doesn’t matter what excuse you make.

If I somehow get people together, I plan to take out the aggro myself.

And, the preparatory work.

Miho will be able to do better than Ivan.

She thought for a moment and then spoke.

“There is a good stage.”

“A stage?”

“That’s right. There’s no need for me to make up excuses. It’s a place where all the students can gather.”

Is there such a place?

During vacation?

Oh, wait a minute. No way…?

“Has the new chairman arrived already?”

“You’re quick to notice.”

New chairman.

The person who became the owner of another stigma that I created and induced.

Obviously, in the game, it didn’t arrive until after the vacation was over and until the middle of the winter semester.

What kind of variable is this again?

But, it was actually better.

“Where are you now?”

“I can guide you. However, it will be up to you to convince him of his plan to use the inauguration ceremony privately.”

“It doesn’t matter.”

It would be a good idea to stamp your eyes in advance.

Whether it is persuasive or not.

Free negotiation that doesn’t matter if you can’t eat it.

There is no reason not to do it.

I cleaned up the chair and stood up.

Instructor Miho also stood up after me.

I tried to leave the private room, but

My feet stopped for a moment.

“This is…”

A bookshelf that caught my eye on the way out.

It was an ordinary bookshelf, but the small glass bottle on top attracted attention.

What is this?


It was a scent from a private room that gradually became lighter as my sense of smell got used to it, but I could definitely feel the strong scent.

And, the most shocking thing is.

The problem was that there was no lid.

Usually when I use perfume, I don’t open the cap.

That means…

“…Ivan. What’s going on there?”

I lightly ignored the voice of concern coming from behind me and opened the trash can.

A strong scent that can be clearly felt.

The epicenter of the scent was right here.

The scenery inside the trash can… Was spectacular.

Empty glass bottles of the same brand,

It was filled to the brink.

“…Instructor Miho.”


“Do you ever wear perfume?”

Let’s take a glass bottle and turn around,

There she was, quietly nodding her head.

It was a pity.

Is it because of his overwhelming charisma that has reached the level of fear, no one has ever told him that he is using perfume in this way?

I’ll have to strap on my guns and let you know.

“I understand. I have devoted my entire life to the front line, and I am not very familiar with luxury there.”

“…Is something wrong?”

“Yes. I won’t tell you twice, so make sure you memorize it this time.”

I carefully peeled off the new, unwrapped perfume next to the bookshelf.


Sprayed once under the wrist.

Yes. Just once.

“This is all you need.”


“Yes. Perfumes are not made to be poured on the body all of a sudden.”

To the point where you can hear the sound of anger,

A feeling of heat rose to her cheeks.

I guess I really didn’t know.

“Keu, keum. Hmm. Thank you for letting me know.”

“Thank you for understanding.”

It’s a world of wonders.

The hero of the empire, who cuts monsters like cake, didn’t know how to spray perfume and showered with it.


“Please don’t ask me where I should spray my tail. I don’t know.”

“No, that’s not it. Um…”

After taking a break looking at the distant mountains,

She spoke in a very quiet voice.

“Is the scent… Okay?”

I answered.

There is no need to flatter, be honest.


It’s perfume, so it has to smell good.

I seriously considered whether I should include this type of hobby as a variable, but I decided not to think about it.

“Then, shall we go?”


Put her calm self behind her,

I left her private room and headed to my destination.

Newly appointed Chairman of the Board.

No, to meet the owner of the stigma.

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