I Became the Fiance of a Dragon in Romance Fantasy chapter 7

7 - change (2)

7 – change (2)

A sweet taste came from the mouth.

I lay down on the gymnasium as if collapsing.

The repeated training in recent weeks might have gotten them used to it, but the knights who realized that I was growing every day did not let go of their hands when dealing with me.

Because of that, today, too, I am in a state of rolling to death. It was said that he was healed with the help of the priest of the Vitala Church, who resides in the family, but he could not avoid the feeling of fatigue weighing down his body.

The knights who were watching my training were all exhausted and sat down in the gym. They looked at me with a tired look.

Well, if I were in their position, I would have done the same.

I tried to block their attack somehow, and ran like a dog.

I’ve become quite strong, but my body, which is still far short of the knights’, no matter how good my skills are, it wasn’t easy to give them one effective hit, and because of that, I persistently stuck to them and harassed them.

Perhaps from the point of view of the knights, I looked disgusting.

“Thank you for your effort.”

I said politely and left the gymnasium.

The knights would not be happy with me anyway, so it was better to quickly disappear from their eyes.

They must have been resentful of my depravity. It would be rather counterproductive to stick to this and that just to get a good impression.

I don’t think people who hate me will like it if I talk to them.

The moment I was about to enter my room attached to the castle, I saw someone approaching me from a distance.

Black hair and purple eyes. My brother, who is just like me. However, his inclination is the exact opposite, so he is a kind and upright older brother.

Huian Ortaire.


“What are you up to?”

As soon as he looked at me, he immediately asked.

“What do you mean?”

“Pretending to be uncharacteristically sincere, what the hell are you plotting? I don’t think you’re going to live a different life now.”

I could feel the bitter disbelief in his brother’s words. It was worth it.

Because the person who tried the hardest to somehow lead me to the right path after having troubles was neither my father nor my mother, but my older brother.

10 years after the age of 10, when I grew up to some extent and began to understand my thoughts.

I understood why he reacted like that, as he was the older brother who had been trying to get me to listen to him at least by pulling me down after 10 years of running around with accidents.

“That guess is right.”

But I can’t make up words that didn’t exist. I said it even though I knew my brother wouldn’t believe it anyway.

“It’s hard to believe. Because of the actions you have done.”

“Well, even if you don’t believe me, I understand. I have no intention of telling you to look at me differently now.”

The change in my personality was largely due to my awareness of my previous life, but I had no intention of treating my previous actions as if they hadn’t existed.

I was going to endure all the suspicious glances from people who had been harmed by me. If you act silently, their gaze will naturally change.

“Then what happened all of a sudden? Just ignore it like before.”

“I wanted to do that too, but I was so anxious around me that I asked. You know what? There are not one or two people in the count family who are afraid because of you.”

“What kind of small child is that?”

“Isn’t the reason why you practice so hard that you have a bigger accident later… … That means more and more people are thinking. Of course, the same goes for me.”


Well, if the guy who was just living in the original suddenly came to his senses, everyone would be suspicious, and since the original body was brilliant, is it natural?

“I know you don’t want to believe it, but it isn’t. I guarantee that there will be no accidents in the future.”

“I wish I did too. Physis. There’s nothing I want from you. I don’t even want to live hard, become a knight, or anything like that. Just, don’t make an accident.”

It’s a very tired voice. He’s the one who’s been swayed by me the most, so I can understand his reaction.

How painful must it have been for her complexion to be dark like that?


To such a big brother, I just replied that I knew.

* * *

It’s strange no matter how you look at it.

My younger brother recently changed.

The guy who was always full of anger and radiated that anger toward someone or made others angry and enjoyed that tired emotional fight became calmer.

Also, uncharacteristically, he went to the employees he had wronged, apologized directly, and even paid compensation with his own money.

Is that all? When I told him to work hard, he didn’t even listen, but now he was training himself more diligently than anyone else at the gymnasium.

Even the more you train, the more you grow at an unusual speed every day, so I couldn’t believe it easily.

According to the knights, it’s a pity why he was wasting such talent.

Have you really come to your senses since the last time you fell off a horse?

However, the criminal record he committed was too large for it to be so convenient.

I couldn’t help but think that there was something up.

Furthermore, since the Count’s family had been living in excessive anxiety every day since he changed, I needed to find out if he was up to something.

As soon as I thought about it, I immediately asked him. What are you decorating?

The guy said he had nothing to decorate. But I couldn’t help but be surprised by his attitude rather than what he said.

The guy who would have yelled at me in the past because he couldn’t control his anger, looked at me resolutely and started talking straight.

Has it really changed? No, let’s not be fooled. For now, it will be just a minor whim.

But what kind of wind is blowing? I couldn’t figure out the reason for even such a minor whim.

All I could guess was a vague idea that the princess of Rodenov had done something to him.

The guy said to me:

It doesn’t matter if you don’t believe it. But there won’t be any accidents in the future, and you won’t live like before.

It was hard to believe. There’s been a time I’ve seen him, and there’s no way he’ll keep his word.

But it would be a waste of time to say more here, so I told him.

Please, don’t make an accident, I don’t even want to be a great person.

That was all I wanted from him.

Don’t bring shame on Ortaire’s name. All you have to do is live as if you were dead and go to Rodenov.

I thought so and looked at the documents piled up like a mountain in front of me.

Damn. when will this be done again

* * *

After talking nonsense with my older brother, I returned to my room with a tired body. Because I had work to do.

That is, to accumulate mana in the body.

I didn’t know about it before realizing my previous life, but after that I was in for quite a shock.

It was not the body of the previous life, but the body of the current life was also showing a tremendous aptitude for mana.

Even if I had eyes that could see through the essence, accepting mana was a different issue, so I couldn’t help but rejoice that my body was the optimal body for accepting mana.

This will allow you to grow much faster. Enough to be able to jump over quite a few articles in one year.

I calmly meditated, accumulating mana in my body, and gently raised my hand to wrap it around.

Although weak, I could feel the mana staying in my fist.

Managing mana was not difficult because he had experience in his previous life. The problem was the absolute amount of mana, but even that would be able to increase quickly with this blessed body.

The stronger the power, the better.

My goal is to realize the value of good that I felt in my previous life.

The world I live in right now is that the weak can’t even properly argue.

There is nothing wrong with the good that the weak say, but that good has a lot of room to succumb to the strong.

Therefore, it was necessary to become strong in order to achieve my goal. Even if you can’t do it, you’ll have to reach the level of your previous life.

I continued to concentrate and build up mana in my body. To become stronger as soon as possible.

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  1. to the people around him, he might look like Kim Jong-un building nukes and when they ask him he says “its for peace and frienship”

  2. Arcus 101 Arcus 101 says:

    Well if a person who used to bully suddenly went to the gym and grow his muscles I would be nervous too.

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not work with dark mode