I Became the Handyman That the Heroines Are Obsessed With chapter 3

I Became the Handyman That the Heroines Are Obsessed With 3

Episode 3 – I was Reincarnated into the World of a Game (3)

The first goal since coming to this world:

To go to Gresius Academy and meet my favorite heroine, ‘Mina.’

Naturally, there were things to prepare for this purpose.

‘The method to get to Gresius Academy. The direction. And finally, the cost.’

I had to know these three things in order to go to Gresius Academy.

And to learn these, I had to go where many people were gathered.

No matter how much I played Erasto Chronicle, my knowledge was only of the game, not of this world.

I’ve just arrived in this world, and the only person I know is Eptrina.

I wondered if I should also count the goddess as a person, but I’ll think about it later.

Anyway, there were certainly overlaps between this world’s knowledge and my knowledge of the game, but there were also parts that were omitted for the sake of convenience in the game.

Do you know why? It’s because in the world I lived in, there were many works in which characters from games or novels were possessed or reincarnated.

What else can one expect as a hobby for someone working in a small company?

Drinking excessively might last a day or two, but if you keep drinking, your liver will give out and you’d be done for.

My immediate supervisor, Mr. Park, got liver cancer from drinking every day and passed away last year.

So, the only things I could enjoy doing by myself were reading novels or playing games.

Among those, the ones I found the most entertaining were stories where I could possess the character within games or novels, reincarnating as a person within those worlds.

I had always thought about wanting to escape my dull reality and enter the worlds of games and novels, but now that it had actually become real, I felt slightly bewildered.

However, I now had a goal of seeing my favorite heroine with my own eyes, so I couldn’t live as a carefree person without any goals.

Since I had a goal, it was time to take steps towards achieving it.

In the distance, I could see the village where I was supposed to spend the night.

Judging by the wooden wall and the watchtower, this village seemed to have formed its own self-defense group to guard against external attacks.

“Who are you? What brings you here at this late hour?”

When I approached the wooden fence protecting the village, I heard the voice of a person – presumably a guard or a self-defense group member – from atop the watchtower.

He was holding a torch and looked to be in his mid-thirties.

“I am a passerby traveler. I got lost in the forest and saw the light, so I came this way!”

I made it clear who I was and why I had come to this place.

If I hesitated and got treated as a suspicious person, I might have to spend the night outside the village and who knew what state I would be in the next day?

Of course, they would not let me in easily. After all, it wasn’t common for someone to be wandering around at this late hour.

“A traveler, at this hour? Come closer to the bonfire.”

Just as I had expected, the person atop the watchtower didn’t readily believe me.

Following his instructions, I approached the bonfire in front of the fence.

“Black hair and black eyes. Are you, by chance, from the East?”

The guard asked whether I was from the East, seeing my appearance.

His assumption was probably based on my features, that I had come from a faraway eastern land.

“Yes, I am.”

Before leaving for the village, I looked at my face reflected in the newly minted silver coin. One thing was for sure, I was not a Westerner.

Should I say that my original face had undergone some cosmetic surgery and become better looking?

This, too, was probably one of the perks of my reincarnation.

Anyway, to the people of the Erasto Chronicle, I could be regarded as someone from the eastern continent.

The black eyes and black hair were the characteristic features of people from the eastern lands.

“Do you have any identification or something to prove your identity?”

“I don’t. Instead, I have a special power.”

“A special power? Don’t tell me you’re an ‘ability user’?”

The person standing on the lookout tower was taken aback as soon as they heard that I possessed an ‘ability.’

I briefly wondered why that person seemed surprised that I had an ability, but there was good reason for it.

That’s because the ‘abilities’ possessed by ‘ability users’ in Erasto Chronicle are blessings given by the gods.

Although everyone has the potential to awaken mana, in order to receive this ‘ability,’ one must be chosen by the gods.

For instance, the heroine Agnes Celestine, who bears the title of “Saintess of the Light” in the Erasto Chronicle, possesses an ability called “Imperfect Divinity.”

This Imperfect Divinity ability that she possesses is classified as a holy magic technique, increasing the base damage of all divine-power-based skills by 125% and providing continuous HP recovery to party members in her party.

That’s why ability users are described as getting special treatment in the Erasto Chronicle because they become formidable forces simply by being ability users.

“Yes, that’s right.”

“Um, can I verify it somehow? I can’t really grasp it just by hearing about it.”

“Of course. Do you have any broken or damaged items that need to be fixed?”

“Broken items?”

In response to my question, the person on guard picked up something and tossed it in front of me.

The item that the guard threw was a heavily dented helmet.

“A helmet?”

“Yep. It got crushed instead of my head when I went monster hunting a while back.”

“My ability is to fix things. If I use that ability to fix this helmet, will you let me in?”

“You can fix that?”

The person standing guard seemed surprised that I said I could fix the helmet.

“If you do that, I’ll let you in.”


Having obtained the consent of the guard, I took a hammer out of the pouch on my waist.

By the way, this pouch was the one that originally contained a dagger, a money pouch, and a worn-out sword, but I had fixed it with my ability because it was a waste to throw it away.

Anyway, I took out the hammer from the pouch, thought in my mind that I wanted to fix the helmet, and struck the helmet three times.

-Clang! Clang! Clang!

As soon as the cheerful sound of three strikes was heard, a faint stream of light began to cover the dented helmet in my hand.

And when the stream of light disappeared, there was no trace of the dented helmet; a brand new helmet, polished to a gleam as if done by a master craftsman, took its place in my hand.

“Is this proof enough of my ability?”

“Unbelievable. I didn’t expect you to really be an ‘ability user.’ I’ll open the gate right now. Just wait a moment.”

The guard, who had been surprised to see me use my ability, asked me to wait a moment.

Then, the sound of someone descending the lookout tower was heard, and shortly afterward, the large wooden gate opened slightly, creating enough space for two people to easily enter.

“Come this way.”

Following the man’s hand gesture from afar, I passed through the gate and entered the village.

“I can’t believe it. It really is completely fixed…”

From Noble mtl dot com

The guard took the helmet I handed to him and couldn’t hide a look of disbelief.

It seemed that this helmet was a precious item to him.

“Do you believe it now?”

“hehehe, this is only the second time in my life that I’ve seen a real ability user.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes, thank you. This helmet is a precious item to me. It’s a keepsake left by my younger brother who died in the war.”

Ah. I hadn’t realized there was such a story behind his helmet. No wonder he kept it even though it was broken.

“It turned out to be an item with such a story.”

“Thanks to this helmet, I was able to save my life in the last monster hunt. That’s why I carry it around as a symbol of luck. Although it looks new now, it still holds its meaning. hahahahaha.”

He thanked me for fixing his helmet and also told me about the only inn in the village.

“Then rest well.”

“Thank you. Then…”

I said goodbye to the guard and headed in the direction he told me.

Sure enough, as I walked in the direction he pointed, I saw a single inn still lit by torches.

I opened the door to the inn and entered, and an old man who appeared to be the innkeeper was sitting at the counter.

“Hmm? I didn’t expect a guest at this late hour. Are you here for lodging?”

“Yes, I am.”

“Including breakfast, it’ll be ten nickel coins a day.”

“Here you are.”

I didn’t know how much ten nickel coins were worth, but it certainly wasn’t a value that couldn’t be paid with a silver coin.

I pulled a silver coin from my pocket and handed it to the old man, who accepted it and handed me back a pouch of nickel coins.

“Take this. It’s a pouch containing 90 nickel coins.”

So, one silver coin is worth about 100 nickel coins. I’ll have to remember that.

“The first floor is full, so go to the room at the very end of the second floor. Make sure to lock the door when you sleep. I’ll wake you up around breakfast time.”

“Understood. Thank you.”

I thanked the old man and went up to the second floor.

Entering the room at the very end, there was a bed with a cloth spread over the straw.

After placing the luggage next to it, they locked the door and lay on the bed.

“I have to gather some information when I get up tomorrow.”

As soon as they lay down on the bed, they fell asleep as if exhausted.

And the next morning dawned.

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  1. What a broken ability. No wonder he’s going to be kidnapped.

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