I Became the Hero of the Warrior Party chapter 13

13 - Episode 12: Dark Barbarian Bandits - 5

13 – Episode 12: Dark Barbarian Bandits – 5

If you are in a gloomy situation where you can’t see the front, I think it’s okay to leave everything to chance.

Rather than sitting still and despairing, I think it’s more efficient to leave it to chance and try to live somehow.

Luck disappoints or puts most people down, but it also makes people happy and successful.

In my current case, it is the latter.

There are some chews who are grateful to God.

I’m going to beat it up and send it to that f*cking goddess.

Leaving aside the rubbish, what I want to say is that whatever you want to do, don’t stay still and leave it to chance and try as you please.

That’s how I barely got out of the crisis, so don’t doubt and believe for now.


Shortly after I broke the leader’s head, Raymond and Chris, who had safely fled to the village, called in the village vigilantes to settle the incident.

The barbarian members had to be moved to the prison in the village, but even with only one member riding in a carriage that was stable even with 10 people riding, the horses were hardly moving.

It was a very difficult task, but with the cooperation of us, the village vigilantes, and the Del Crown mercenaries, we were able to succeed in moving all the members.

It was the final leader’s turn.

The horses that happened to see the leader being loaded into the luggage compartment suddenly neighed and showed signs of anxiety.

Poor guys…

It was clear that it would be those horses, not anyone else, who were suffering the most right now.

“Turn it off…”

The leader, who must have broken his head for an instant, opened his eyes with a greasy moan and a painful expression.

How good of an alternative are you!

I couldn’t help but lament at that body that surpassed the human level.

The captain checked the restraints that bound my arms and legs and started glaring at me.

“Smell, you are making a big mistake now. If you think the barbarian will end like this, you are seriously mistaken!”

Looking at the leader staring at me with a deadly look, I grinned and raised my middle finger.

“Yeah f*ck me. Good luck in jail.”

I couldn’t even come to me on my own anyway, so I was able to pour out the swear words I had endured to my heart’s content.

“Don’t think that Barbarian will collapse like this, Piggy!!!”

The leader was loaded onto the wagon and disappeared toward the village.

Thinking it was over, I let out a sigh of relief and looked around.

“Mr. Fermi… are you really, really okay? Was it really an act earlier?”

“Yes… Kevin, I’m so sorry I tricked you…”

“no. Thank you so much for coming by my side like this… I love you so much…”

Kevin and Fermi were hugging affectionately and seemed to be sharing their hearts.

For this one, we definitely have to thank Mr. Fermi.

If it wasn’t for her, I’d be stuck… no. Let’s erase this from memory.

Rin suddenly spoke to me as I shook my head and erased the painful memories.

“Joo Hyuk, I am impressed by your performance today. You are a small country, but based on your performance, I will treat you as a large country by 0.1 from now on.”

When I said something, it was useless.

Thinking so, I smiled and waved my hand at Rin.

Normally, I would have gotten a little angry, but now I was relieved that everything was over, so I was able to tolerate Rin’s remarks.

It was then.


“Yeah, why Kyouko?”

“You are cheeky on the topic of smell wwwwww”

Kyoko suddenly patted me on the back and called for me.

I asked what was going on, and the words that came out of Kyoko’s mouth sent chills down my spine.

f*ck! Where the hell did Kyoko get brainwashed?!

Still feeling the trauma of the dark barbarian, I reflexively clenched my fists and raised my arms.

“Calm down Kyoko!!!”

He hit her head hard.

I don’t know how it happened, but it will definitely go back to normal if you give it a shock.

“Ah! Chop..! waiting…! Jean, kidding!”

“Please don’t lose!!!”

Kyoko sensed that something was wrong and tried to shout at me, but I couldn’t hear it as I was filled with thoughts of getting Kyoko back to normal.

“Chop!! STOP!!! Breaking your head!!!”

That’s how I flew a honey night to Kyoko for about 10 minutes.

It was only after she burst into tears that I realized that Kyoko was playing a joke.


“Glory be to His Majesty the Demon King!”

Eligos was tinged with cheers every day.

An unprecedented territorial expansion and the great spiritual unity of the demons. What led to this was a feat accomplished by a demon king who had only been sitting on the throne for less than a month.

Nguyen Thi Hoa.

As the Demon King, her first responsibility was to correct the messy internal affairs due to the vacancy of the previous Demon King, and to win the battle against the sub-race nation Luperia Kingdom in the northeastern region.

Internal affairs were not very important to her.

Because of this, she only delivered the message nominally, but in reality, it was after entrusting it to Grevios, who had summoned her.

She wanted war.

He hoped that through war, he would be able to unleash the evil resentment that filled his heart.

Because of this, she stepped into the battlefield on her own feet.

Before being summoned to this world, fear had already been abandoned under the judgment that it was useless.

“To the foolish sub-species who are not up to par!

Face the reality you have been trying to hide and conceal! Despair at the overwhelming power of the demons and hate the inferiority of the species!

Your shallow justice and body will have no place to be buried anywhere on the continent that our demons will hold!

The lowly beasts, who cannot even become the cornerstone of the new continent that the demons will write, are swept away by the waves of history and disappear without even a faint trace!”

With overwhelming fighting power and a high-level strategy to support him, she conquered the strategic points the enemy had with confidence.

Higher morale for allies!

I will engrave more terrible fear on my enemies!

A short time of only one month.

During that time, Hoa greedily ate 20% of the territory of Luperia Kingdom.

“Your Majesty! I have something to tell you!”

It was then.

The alcohol and banquet broke the tumultuous atmosphere, and someone ran into the banquet hall screaming loudly.

“your majesty! Please listen to the words of the small man!”

The man, whose gray hair was thick due to the passage of time, shouted at Hoa with a desperate expression.

“Where is this senile old man…!”

“What are the guards doing! Don’t drag out that crazy old man right now!”

At the old man who suddenly ruined the atmosphere of the banquet, several nobles shouted with harsh profanity.

“I’m just an insignificant old man, but I have a small ability to see fragments of the future-!”

Bowing his head in front of Hoa, the old man shouted in a trembling voice. Hoa seemed uninterested. Because the future of this country honestly had nothing to do with it.

“Are all the damn guards dead? Why the hell can’t you bring out one of those crazy old people!”

The demons glaring at the old man with a frown seemed like they couldn’t forgive the old man who ruined the atmosphere.

Despite this, the old man continued speaking urgently.

“Last night, I saw. The birth of a human who will threaten our demons… no, put them on the brink of destruction, in other words, the birth of a hero!”

There was no lie in the expression of the old man that Hoa looked at. However, the nobles who attended the banquet treated the old man like a madman and booed him.

“I’m not crazy. what? The demons are on the verge of extinction? Doesn’t that mean I didn’t learn anything at that age? If you’re ignorant, you’re brave, so that’s exactly what it is.”

“You look like an old woman with no dignity! Do you know what kind of seat this is!”

Nevertheless, the old man did not retract his intense eyes and began to speak earnestly to Hoa.

“In the future, or perhaps, a hero who may have already set foot in this world will reach this land someday!”

The old man continued talking.

“A world separate from this world, in that world, a warrior of a nation that owns three stars… Wait a minute, wait a minute! A story that hasn’t been told yet!”

In the meantime, a guard rushed in after receiving a call and began to drag the old man out. The old man protested desperately and shouted.

When the word three stars came out of the old man’s mouth, Hoa’s red eyes, which had been indifferent until now, flashed.


When Hoa’s heavy voice resonated throughout the venue, everyone in the hall froze in silence.

“Explain in detail.”

Moving in front of the old man at some point, she said forcefully, roughly tearing the old man away from the guards.

“… A warrior born from a nation with three stars, a spearman from a red country with ten coins, a swordsman riding a cart that ran through the fields bringing in a good harvest…

And several humans and subspecies were following them!

I’ve definitely seen it. The sight they reached this country!”

It was an old man who spewed strange words like prophecies, but Hoa didn’t care. No, rather, I was so excited that my eyes rolled over.

People with three stars.

It was like a riddle, but she was able to figure it out at once.

It was Korea.

It was certain that someone from that country whom he had endlessly hated and longed for had been summoned to the same world as himself.

She murmured with an expression more maddening than the intense coriander that covered half of the rice noodles.

“Wait… I will definitely find you…”

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  1. nverthles says:

    i’m not saying i condone it, but i understand why the hate

  2. Dream Demon says:

    How is Korea a country with 3 stars?

  3. Ozaki Ozaki says:

    A person from a country that hates korea…?

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