I Became the Vassal the The Tyrannical Is Obsessed With chapter 257

I Became the Vassal the The Tyrannical Is Obsessed With 257

257 – Episode 257 Finally, the Execution Ceremony

Episode 257: Finally, the execution ceremony

Duke Howard Montersen was locked in a dungeon with his hands tied behind his back.


As he was taking a nap lying on his side, he pushed his eyelids up with difficulty. His appearance was so serious that it could be described as miserable.

Both of his eyelids were swollen as if they had lumps, and his ears and lips were also badly torn. In addition, not only was there bruises all over his body, but his left ankle was also fractured.

It was because he was beaten up by Herald Nedville during the day today for interrogation.


When he tried to move his body for a moment, he felt extreme pain and let out a groan.

‘My throat is burning… ‘ …’

He tried to ask the guard for water by repeatedly opening and closing his mouth. However, because several of his teeth were broken, he could not pronounce words properly.

“Wh, wow…”

“Ugh, tsk.”

The guard who was standing leaning against the wall clicked his tongue. Then he looked down at Monte Lessen with cold eyes.


“Younggamtaengi! “Aren’t you quiet?”

The guard kicked the bars. Monte Lesen, overcome by the force, kept his mouth shut.

“If you committed treason, you should just remain quiet. “Unlucky.”

The guard spat inside the bars. The spit landed right next to Montersen’s face.


“Just go to sleep. Got it?”

The guard returned to his original position, and Montersen felt anger seeing something from within.

How dare someone who isn’t even a noble attack me?

Monte Lessen twisted his body this way and that to free himself from his bonds. However, his skin was only chafed by the cold, hard floor, and his rope showed no signs of loosening.

In the end, he was exhausted and gasped for breath.

The anger still did not subside, and because of it, a thousand thoughts began to float in his head.

‘If only I had made that b*tch kneel, something like this wouldn’t have happened…’

When Montersen rebelled this time, rather than kill Cecilia, he planned to sell her for a high price to his slave traders. As an empress, she ruled the empire, but what could be more miserable than living the rest of her life as a slave?

But it ended up being a midsummer night’s dream.

Comparing the imperial palace’s power and this side’s power, it was clearly not at a level where this side could be pushed unilaterally.

In particular, he even dragged the warlock Calcia into this war.

At this point, he couldn’t help but feel suspicious. As to why the black magic attack wasn’t done at all after the first time.

‘Have you suddenly changed your mind? Or not… Did someone hit you?’

He felt confused. It was because he had never heard any news about the warlock.

In reality, he died after a battle with Luna members, but Montersen would not find out about this until his death.

But if you think about it, there was a bigger problem.

The point was that there was no information at all that Herald Nedville would participate in this war.

In fact, if you think about it a little, it was something you could infer. Currently, Empress Cecilia’s immediate secretary is Luke Nedville, the son of the Herald.

However, even if you knew about it, would there have been a way to stop it?


In Montersen’s opinion, there was no solution. How can he defeat a monster that can overwhelmingly fight dozens of cavalry even at his age?

As he went back one by one like this, he finally reached the fundamental question.

How on earth did he know in advance that he was going to start a revolution?

When his soldiers began attacking the walls of the imperial palace, the palace’s private soldiers quickly responded. It could only be seen that he had prepared in advance.

‘Where did the information leak out? …’

Could it be that someone from the noble faction betrayed him?

My mind was racing, but I couldn’t come up with a single answer. As his body he was restrained and even the flow of his thoughts his thoughts were blocked, he felt indescribable discomfort.

At the same time, I regretted it.

He said he should have prepared better and hit the imperial family.

However, there was no way to undo what had already been done, and only heavy punishment awaited him.


Montersen eventually squeezed his eyes shut. The dark sight before his eyes seemed to symbolize his situation.

How much time has passed?

When he thought that several days had passed, the guard spoke to Montersen.

“Your disposition has been decided.”


“They say it’s a guillotine type.”


Monte Lessen slowly lowered his head.

* * *

I headed to the execution site in the morning with Cecilia and her maids. Today was the day when the execution ceremony for Duke Howard Montersen was held.

The first thing I saw when I arrived at the execution site was a cloud of people gathered behind the guillotine. This time, as Cecilia announced that she would be publicly executed, ordinary citizens of the empire gathered in droves.

I held Cecilia’s her hand her her and escorted her to her throne her on the podium. I didn’t catch it on my own; it was Cecilia who requested it first.

“Thank you, Luke.”

“This arrangement is nothing for Your Majesty.”

A faint smile appeared on Cecilia’s lips. I bowed my head to her and then walked over to Flora and Mulia who were waiting under her podium.


“Yes, Lady Flora.”

“Do you feel like you have become very close to Your Majesty these days?”


I looked at Mulia just in case, and like Flora, she had a strangely sallow expression.

“Have you had anything happen with Your Majesty recently?”

Flora took a step closer to me. Her face showed the determination to find out.

What should I do?

Anyway, it’s a bit awkward to reveal that she became a lover…

“If… “You’re not a lover, right?”

But Flora came right at her head, and I was instantly shocked.

“Oh my goodness. Really?”

“That is…” … Is it true?”

“Ah… Yes.”

When I finally confessed, they covered their mouths and looked surprised.

“When on earth did you start dating? Who confessed first?”

“I really need to hear it, Mr. Luke.”

Flora made a fuss, and Mulia spoke as if she were an investigator.

From noble mtl dot come

“Hey guys? For now, the execution ceremony will be held, so shall we talk about it later?”

When I raised both hands to stop him, fortunately the maids nodded and said they understood. I might get scolded by Cecilia later.

While we were doing so, Cecilia announced in a loud voice that she would be executed.

“Let the criminal, Duke Howard Montersen, be guillotined!”

As soon as she gave the order, two knights dragged Montersen, who was tied up in a rope. He stumbled every time he walked because his legs were uncomfortable.

Of course, sympathy didn’t cost as much as an ant’s tears.

That guy was not only a conspirator in the kidnapping of Empress Olivia, but he was also a felon among felons who even plotted treason against the imperial family.

“Heavenly punishment for the bad guy!”

“He is a blasphemer of the empire!”

“Kill! Kill it!”

The crowd gathered behind the guillotine loudly. My maids and I watched the scene.

As he was dragged away, Montersen lowered his head as the guillotine got closer. The more he did this, the louder the crowd criticized him.

Two knights tied Montersen to the guillotine.

After checking that far, I turned my gaze towards Cecilia sitting on the podium. She got up from her throne and walked to the podium.

She raised her right hand towards the crowd, and in an instant, the scene of her execution became quiet.

“Sinner, Duke Howard Montersen. You recruited all members of the noble faction, gathered an army, and then attempted to rebel against the imperial palace. Do you admit that sin?”


Montersen didn’t want to answer, but the executioner next to him hit Montersen hard on the back with his whip.


“Answer me.”

Cecilia ordered in a cold voice. After a while, the prisoner Montersen opened his mouth with difficulty.

“I admit it… Do…”

“Do you have any last words?”


Well, I guess I should have something to say on the subject of sinners.

Just as I was thinking that, Montersen suddenly made a bloody statement.

“Four years, four years, how long… Don’t think you’ll rule an empire! Even if I die… “Curse those four years!”


The executioner hit Montersen on the back with a whip. As a result, he couldn’t finish his sentence and started screaming.

“Do you think the sinner’s curse will work on me?”

Cecilia snorted. Then she raised her right hand.

At that signal, the executioner pulled the string of the guillotine blade. Eventually, the blade reached the top of the guillotine.


Everyone held their breath and looked at the blade of the guillotine. After a moment, Cecilia lowered her hand, and her blade fell with terrifying speed.


At the same time, Montersen’s head fell and rolled around. The crowd watching him raised his arms and cheered loudly.

“The villain has finally been punished!”

“I’m so glad.”

Flora and Mulia also expressed their joy. Of course, I also felt relieved.

“Let the criminal’s head hang in the square!”

“I will obey your orders, Your Majesty!”

Two knights standing near the guillotine saluted Cecilia. I turned her head and looked at Cecilia’s complexion.

She had the same calm expression as when she sentenced her to death.

But in my eyes, I could see that the shadow of worry on her forehead had completely disappeared.

Now that my worries have been resolved, it’s worth it.

I went up to the podium again. Cecilia extended her right hand to me as if it were a natural thing.

“Your majesty. Thank you for your hard work.”

I said that and gently held her hand. Then a faint smile appeared on her lips.

“Let’s just go back now.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

* * *

Montersen’s head was hung in the square alongside Theod’s.

After that, his father brought in the nobles who participated in this rebellion. Thanks to this, the usually leisurely dungeons of the imperial palace were filled with criminals.

Cecilia took the blade and placed five criminals on the scaffold. The criminals were executed amidst the cheers of the crowd.

But there was a lot more to do than that.

In particular, it was urgent to request treatment for wounded soldiers from the temple and to repair the collapsed castle walls. Thanks to this, I now have to run around the site instead of doing paperwork.

“Luke. “I’ll take a break now when I get back.”

Cecilia spoke in a soft tone in the carriage returning after going to the temple to check the condition of the wounded soldiers.

“Yes, Your Majesty. “I was already hungry.”

Since it was just the two of us, I spoke in a more relaxed tone, and Cecilia smiled, raising the corners of her mouth.

She patted her own seat with her hand. That meant sitting right next to me.

I sat next to her as she wanted. Then, as if Cecilia had been waiting, she crossed her arms.

“Your majesty. “You seem to have no qualifications these days.”

“Well, how is it? “I recently told my close friends that we are in a romantic relationship.”

On the evening of the Monte Lessen wedding ceremony, Cecilia gathered me and her maids together and announced our relationship. Well, it was safe to say that now there was no one in the imperial palace who did not know.

“Maybe you don’t like it?”

“It’s rather good.”


She rested her head lightly on my shoulder.



“What if?”

Suddenly she paused. I looked at her cute lips, wondering what she was going to say.

After a while, she said something she really hadn’t thought of.

“If I were to hand over the throne to you, would you accept it?”

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