I Became the Vassal the The Tyrannical Is Obsessed With chapter 258

I Became the Vassal the The Tyrannical Is Obsessed With 258

258 – Episode 258 It Feels Like a Burdensome Task

Episode 258: It feels like an overwhelming task

The night was deep.

I lay down on the bed and placed my clasped hands on the top of my head. Then he blew into the air like a whoosh.


As I stared blankly at the dark ceiling, the conversation I had with Cecilia in the carriage lingered in my mind.

-If I say I will hand over the throne to you, will you accept it?

Cecilia’s remarks came out at a very unexpected time. I was momentarily taken aback and couldn’t reply, just blinking my eyelids.

She stared at me. As if asking you to say something.

-Your majesty? Suddenly saying something like that…

-Not suddenly.

What does this mean?

I tilted my head and remembered a memory from a few days ago. It was a strange remark that Cecilia made on her way back from Lucia’s funeral.

Then Cecilia asked me. She says she has doubts about whether she is doing the right thing as emperor.

When I mentioned it, Cecilia just nodded her head gently without saying a word. After that there was silence between us.

-No. It’s just something I tried.

-Is that so?

-Huh. It’s a joke.

The conversation on the subject of her succession to the throne concluded with Cecilia turning her head out of her window.

But no matter how much I thought about it, it didn’t sound like a joke. Because I showed signs of surprise, it felt a lot closer to being taken back.

This was not a doubt, but a certainty.

Even if Cecilia wasn’t good at telling jokes, she was by no means the type of person to joke about such an important matter.

And above all… I could tell through the look in her eyes when she stared at me.

The fact is that I am not saying things that I do not mean.

‘Then when did you start thinking like that?’

Actually, there was no need to think deeply about this. Because I am not a party.

Feeling stuffy, I threw off the blanket and straightened up my upper body. Then I looked at the wall across from me.

Beyond that wall was Cecilia’s room.


Should I go and ask now?

That impulse was about to rise from deep within my heart. But I soon shook my head.

It is late now.

I’ll have to check the mood tomorrow or the day after tomorrow and speak up.

“Whew. “I really need to sleep now.”

I lay down on the bed again. I even yawned, so I thought I could get some sleep now, but somehow, my mind was still clear.

I rolled over on my side and sighed.

But what if, really, I inherit the throne from Cecilia and reign as emperor…

Since my cute lover blew a strange wind, I decided to try my imagination.

‘Then, of course, you will be able to welcome Cecilia as her empress her, right?’

There was something appealing about having the woman who once held the highest position in the empire as my wife. But there was something else more important than that.

The question is whether, as an emperor, he can properly rule the Eckhardt Empire.


To be honest, he wasn’t confident.

Governing an empire felt like such an overwhelming task to me. No, even if someone else did it instead of me, it would still feel burdensome.

In any case, it was too much of a leap for me, who had been the Empress’s secretary until yesterday, to become emperor overnight. It was clear that the imperialist nobles would also oppose it.

“The more I think about it, the more my head hurts…”

I frowned and covered my forehead with my hand.

It felt like I was going to keep tossing and turning in bed today.

* * *

Meanwhile, just like Luke, Cecilia was tossing and turning in bed, unable to fall asleep easily.

Then she grabbed the hem of her blanket, which covered her neck, with both hands and repeated her stretching.


I woke up a little while ago but failed to fall asleep. Cecilia sighed and sighed.

The conversation she had had with Luke in the carriage during the day kept playing in her mind. Just like Luke, who was tossing and turning in the next room.

For about two weeks she had been having doubts about whether she was truly worthy of the Emperor. As time passed, her doubts gradually solidified into confidence.

At the same time, she also worried about who he would be suitable as emperor. That worry did not last long.

Because there was only one person in this world she could trust and rely on, Luke Nadeville.

So, on her way back from Lucia’s funeral, she quietly brought up the story. But Luke did not realize her intention.

She said, ‘She just said she seemed very stressed… ‘ …’

Normally, Luke would have read the implications of what he was saying. But he couldn’t read this much.

“No matter what, it is difficult to expect that he will hand over the throne.”

Cecilia muttered in a low voice and sighed again.

After all, do I still have to rule the empire as emperor?

But no matter how much she thought about it, she didn’t think she would do well.

Cecilia looked back on what she had experienced as emperor over the past year or so.

From noble mtl dot come

A crown that she inherited somewhat unexpectedly according to her father’s will.

Immediately after she ascended the throne, Olivia, the late empress and her mother, stood by her side to help. However, after just two weeks, Olivia moved down to Keynham’s villa.

Cecilia did not tell her because her mother was already very tired and leaving for Caneham had already been decided.

Rather, she thought that she had to be stronger and get through it better.


But as she looked back, the thought crossed her mind that if it weren’t for Luke, Flora, and Mulia, she might have already collapsed from exhaustion.

In the process, Cecilia felt her own limitations several times. She thought that she might not be worthy of the emperor in the end.


Cecilia recalled the embarrassed expression Luke had today. When she saw that, she thought she had put a burden on her for no reason, so she dismissed it as a joke.

But still… A thought crossed her mind that she might speak properly.

Moreover, she had some kind of confidence.

I am confident that Luke might accept the throne.

‘Of course, since this is a serious matter, I should ask my mother for advice.’

Now I have finally come to terms with my thoughts.

A faint smile appeared on Cecilia’s lips. Eventually, sleep began to set in, and she let herself go.

The next morning, before leaving her room, she wrote her letter to her mother, Olivia.

“That’s enough.”

Only after filling three sheets of her letterhead with type did Cecilia put down her pen. This was because she had not had much contact since the attempted kidnapping of Empress Sun, so she had a lot of news to share.

Of course, concerns that have arisen in recent years were also included in detail.

Cecilia reviewed the contents of her letter her one more time and then pulled her strings.

“Did you call me, Your Majesty?”

After a while, the postmaster came to her room. Cecilia handed him her envelope.

“Send this to my mother.” “As quickly as possible.”

“Yes, Your Majesty. “I will do as you command.”

The postmaster left the room.

“Now I have to get ready to go.”

Only then did Cecilia get up from her desk chair.

* * *

Olivia Campbell Eckhart was reading in the garden for the first time in a long time. The afternoon sun was shining warmly, and her favorite tea was placed next to her.

“Meeting Her Majesty, Empress Dowager.”

After a week of driving, the postmaster arrived at Keynham’s villa and greeted Olivia. Olivia looked up at her postmaster and smiled softly.

“It looks like Cecilia sent me a letter?”

“Yes. “Her Majesty asked for an urgent message, so she ran as fast as she could.”


The postmaster handed Olivia a paper knife along with her envelope. She closed her books carefully and then took them.

“Oh my goodness. “Why did you receive such a long letter?”

There was excitement in her eyes as she opened the envelope and checked the length of the letter. Olivia read her letter carefully, tracing her letters with her index finger.

When she reached the halfway point, she looked surprised as Olivia covered her mouth with her hand.

“Oh my, Duke Montersen committed treason…”

“Fortunately, thanks to the support of Baron Herald Nedville and the imperial faction nobles, we averted the crisis. They even captured and executed all of his associates, including Duke Montersen.”

After listening to the postmaster’s explanation, Olivia said,

“I’m so glad it was resolved safely.”

He said and made a motion to sweep down her chest.

Olivia focused again on her letter her her her her. As she read the last chapter, she again reacted in surprise, covering her mouth.

‘Why are you doing that?’

The postmaster standing next to him felt suspicious. However, since it was extremely rude to ask a superior about the contents of the letter, I kept my mouth shut.

‘Cecilia seems to have been having a hard time these days.’

Olivia made a pitiful expression.

In her letter, Cecilia said she wanted to hand over the throne to Luke Nedville, whom she thought she was more qualified than her, but she expressed her concerns about whether this was right.

Based on her lineage, she was qualified to inherit her throne to Luke Nedville. Of course, there was a good chance that there would be opposition from her relatives.

‘Nevertheless, my daughter would like to hand over her throne to the most trustworthy person.’

Olivia also felt sorry for her daughter.


She folded her letter neatly and then lost herself in her thoughts. What should she answer to Cecilia’s concerns?

And, what kind of help should she give to her daughter before becoming emperor?

“How about we come in first and rest?”

“Thank you, Your Majesty the late Empress.”

She took her postmaster with her and went into her mansion. After that, she headed to her room her her her her.

She sat down in front of her desk and took out her stationery and pen.

She recorded the results of her concerns her in her her letterhead her her her. There wasn’t a hint of hesitation on her face.

[Choose whatever you want. And I will visit the imperial palace again soon. You might need my help.]

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