I Became the Vassal the The Tyrannical Is Obsessed With chapter 262

I Became the Vassal the The Tyrannical Is Obsessed With 262

262 – Episode 262 My Decision

Episode 262: My Decision

Even without Luke, daily life in the imperial palace continued without stopping. This was because there was always no shortage of work here, the heart of the Eckhart Empire.

“Does this mean the castle wall repairs are complete?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Cecilia shook her head after receiving the report from Parco, the leader of the knights. She then got up from the throne.

“Flora, Mulia. “Let’s go check the walls together.”

They took a carriage and headed to the restored castle walls. The three women got off the carriage and looked around the perfectly restored castle walls.

“Hmm. If this is done, I don’t have to worry too much.”

Cecilia opened her mouth, and Flora and Mulia agreed with her.

Cecilia then received a report from Parco on the condition of her wounded soldiers and the defense situation. Fortunately, most of the injured soldiers recovered, and there were no problems with the defense.

“We’ll just head back. “You go back to your seat.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

They returned to the office in a carriage.

While we were sitting back in our respective seats and trying to handle the remaining work, this time Empress Olivia came to the office. She was staying for a while at the imperial palace at Cecilia’s request

“Meeting Her Majesty, Empress Olivia.”

Flora and Mulia greeted her politely.

“Hehe. Everyone seems to be working hard.”

“Mother. “What brings you here?”

Olivia turned her head to Cecilia’s question. There was a subtle smile on the corner of her mouth.

“I came here because I was bored to be alone. Did you disturb me by any chance?”

“No. That’s not true.”

Cecilia shook her head.

“Absolutely not! “I just didn’t have much to do.”

“You don’t have to worry about us.”

Flora and Mulia also spoke loudly, and Olivia smiled happily.

“Cecilia. “The maids say they’re not busy. Can I take the two of you with me for a moment?”

“What are you going to do?”

“I’m thinking of having a little tea time. Are you okay?”

Cecilia turned her head towards where her maids were sitting. The maids did not say anything, but sent strong eye signals. And there was no way Cecilia didn’t know those eyes.

“Yes, as much as you want.”

“Thank you. Cecilia.”

The two maids stood up from her chair, bowed to Cecilia, and then followed Olivia out. As soon as her office door closed, Cecilia rested her chin and let out a short sigh.

“What on earth did you take the two of us to talk about?”

* * *

That evening, Olivia came to Cecilia’s room

At that time, Cecilia was having dinner alone in her room.


“Oh. “She was having dinner.”

“It’s okay because I ate almost everything.”

Olivia sat down across from her.

“Have you had dinner by any chance?”

From noble mtl dot come

“I just did it.”

“I see.”

Olivia watched Cecilia until she finished her dinner. Her gaze was warm, as if she was watching a small, delicate child.

However, to Cecilia, those eyes seemed a bit burdensome.

“Mother. “I’m not a child anymore.”

“Then. “My daughter is all grown up now.”

No matter how I look at it, it doesn’t seem like he thinks so…

But maybe she couldn’t help it, Cecilia thought. Because she never changes her natural order.

Cecilia put down her fork.

The reason her mother came to her room like this was probably because she had something to share with her.

“Wouldn’t it be enough?”

“If I eat a lot in the evening, I feel sick.”

Cecilia instructed her maid, who had been waiting for her, to put away her dishes.

Cecilia asked her mother immediately after the maid had cleaned up her round table and left her room.

“Mother. “The reason you came here like this is because you have something to say to me, right?”

“I think Cecilia was secretly paying attention.”

At the same time, Olivia smiled like a tomboy. Actually, Cecilia didn’t know what to say, so she could only blink her eyelids.

“Today, I took Flora and Mulia to enjoy tea time,”

“Ah. That thing.”

Only then did Cecilia lower her head. Then she sensed something strange about her and frowned.

“Mother. No way… Well, what you were talking about about cushions…”

“No matter what, we don’t even talk about our daughter ‘s her secret her personal her life her her her.”

Olivia drew her eye smile, but Cecilia didn’t think she could fully trust it.

Should she secretly ask Mulia later?

“I was curious to see if you knew that my daughter was in a romantic relationship with Secretary Luke.”

“Ah. “If that is the case, I have already revealed it.”

After hearing her answer her, Olivia nodded her head once.

“Flora seemed particularly envious.”


“It seems like Mulia showed some signs of that too.”


Cecilia thought back to the day she and Luke announced that they had become lovers. At that time, the maids applauded in congratulations with bright faces.

‘But you expressed envy in front of her mother?’

This was a part that Cecilia did not quite understand.

Olivia thought to herself as she watched her tilt her head. Cecilia is a bit insensitive in this way, she says.

“Maybe those kids also had feelings for Secretary Luke.”


Olivia clearly saw Cecilia’s eyes widen for an instant.

“Is that so…”

“Of course, those kids won’t aim for the secretary, but…”

“Luke is my man. “He doesn’t hand it over to anyone.”

Cecilia spoke clearly, placing her hand on her chest. The pretty ruby colored eyes she was emitting an intense light.

“Hehe. “My daughter is so infatuated with Secretary Luke.”

Olivia’s reason for bringing up such a story was simple. She wanted to check how sincere Cecilia’s feelings were.

And she clearly realized Cecilia’s sincerity

“There is no better man in the Empire than Luke. So, on the one hand, it is understandable that Flora and Mulia harbor feelings. “Of course, the wife will be me.”

Cecilia spoke proudly and spread her shoulders. Olivia could hear the strong confidence in her voice.

“How long has it been since Secretary Luke left for Nedville?”

“It’s been about 15 days now.”

After hearing her answer her, Cecilia let out a soft sigh.

“To be honest, even carving Luke’s image into a cushion doesn’t completely relieve my longing.”

“I see.”


Cecilia drooped her shoulders and pursed her lips. It was a girlish appearance that she never showed in front of others.

Olivia stared at her quietly and then opened her mouth.

“Cecilia. There is another way to soothe your longing.”


Cecilia’s face immediately began to glow.

“It’s about getting ready. “If Secretary Luke succeeds to the throne, wouldn’t there be a need for him to hand over the throne?”


“I guess I wasn’t thinking about that.”

“I was planning to be by my side and help her when I become empress. But after listening to it, I think it would be a good idea to organize the details to be handed over in advance.”

Cecilia’s ruby eyes were suddenly burning with enthusiasm. Olivia, seeing this, gently curved her lips and smiled.

“I’ll be there to help you. “Because I have nothing to do.”

“Thank you, mother.”

“By the way, my daughter. By any chance…”

Olivia blurted her words on purpose, and Cecilia pulled her upper body closer to her.

“Can I tell the secretary about the hugging pillow?”

“Oh, no!”

Cecilia slammed her hands on the desk, and Olivia giggled, clutching her stomach.

‘Why did you get caught…’

Cecilia touched her forehead and let out a sigh.

* * *

Before I knew it, there was only about a week left for me.

Time passes so quickly…

I lay down on the bed and stared blankly at the ceiling.

Thanks to Emma telling me about her concerns the other day, I was able to get a clue. But somehow, I still wasn’t sure.


What is Cecilia doing?

Is she going to work in her office as usual?

Or maybe she misses me.

“If you spend every night in tears…”

No, no matter how I think about it, it seems like a bit of an exaggeration.

I blew into the air. I didn’t think I would be able to gain confidence if I continued to worry like this.

I guess I should ask someone else for advice.

When I thought about that, my father naturally came to mind. Emma and my father were the only ones who knew why I came down on vacation.

Anyway, I’m probably just killing time in my office right now.

I jumped out of bed. Then he walked straight to the office of our mansion.

I knocked and immediately heard a voice from inside.

“Who are you?”


I opened the door and went inside. My father was sitting in a comfortable posture with his feet up on the desk.

As expected, it was as expected.


“It’s been a while since I wanted to have some serious counseling.”

“You haven’t decided yet?”

When he nodded, his father clicked his tongue.

“Why is this guy acting so pathetic? Huh?”

“It’s pathetic. “Isn’t it natural to worry when the future of the empire is at stake?”

I accepted it without giving up, and my father got up from his chair. Then he pointed to the reception sofa and told me to sit down.

I did as my father told me and sat down on the sofa.

My father sat cross-legged on the sofa across from me. It was a bonus to cross your arms and cast a bright look in this direction.

“What are you worried about?”

“Well, that’s it. “If I succeed to the throne, will I be able to properly rule the empire?”

“Are you not confident?”

I nodded and expressed my honest feelings.

All I’ve done so far is help Cecilia by her side for a little over a year. Even if I had received training to become a successor, there was still a question mark as to whether I was worthy of it.

“Have you been assisting His Majesty as his direct secretary?”

“There is a difference between assisting from the side and doing it yourself.”

“I hate to say this, but don’t you think your brain is smart?”

“But father. “I never studied to become an emperor.”



For some reason, the more I talk about it, the more I feel like I’m looking for reasons why I can’t become emperor…

“Do you really think like that? “Even though Her Majesty Cecilia believed in you and made the offer?”


When I suddenly got into that part, I ran out of things to say.

“Besides, haven’t you read every book in the library of our mansion? Things like humanities, magic, alchemy, politics, and public administration.”

“Uh… That too. Although I’ve forgotten a lot now.”

“If you forgot something, you have to study it again.”


… Is that also true?

Maybe it was because I showed a blank expression, but my father chuckled.

“If the guy is afraid of challenges, how can he use it, huh? “Wouldn’t you have been afraid when I traveled across the continent of Arsenia and the sea?”

“I don’t think my father was afraid.”

“Hmm. Well, it’s not wrong.”

As expected, it is a manly answer with a brain full of muscles.

But I definitely knew what my father was trying to say.

“When I think about it, that’s right. “Everything is scary at first.”

“Guy. As expected, you understood correctly! Haha.”

Only then did my father smile arrogantly.

“Didn’t His Majesty ask you to be his empress again? There will definitely be a lot of help from your side. Married couples have been like that since ancient times.”

“Of course, that’s right…”

Cecilia will definitely help me both materially and spiritually.

As soon as his thoughts reached that point, confidence seemed to well up in his heart that he would be able to overcome the pressure of the position of emperor.

There was no basis, but I felt like I could do it with Cecilia.

‘And I really want to see that pretty face too.’

“Father. Thank you.”

I stood up and bowed to express my gratitude.

“Okay. If you have decided, leave now.”

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“I was already thinking of doing that.”

My father motioned for me to leave quickly, and I left the office that way.

Before leaving, I went into my room and wrote a letter addressed to Cecilia.

[My beloved Empress Cecilia.

I have finally made a decision. I will return to the imperial palace as soon as possible.]

After leaving the letter with the quick-witted butler, I started packing for my trip.

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