I Became The Villain The Hero Is Obsessed With chapter 357

357 - Reunion (2)

357 – Reunion (2)


On the rooftop under the rainy night sky.

There, Stardust quietly said that to me.

“Honestly, isn’t it strange? I suddenly act like this towards you.”

“…It is surprising.”

“I responded calmly as well.

…It was beyond surprising.

Why would the heroine, her, be like this towards me, the villain? Moreover, not just any hero, but the embodiment of justice. The protagonist of this world, Stardust.

And as if to answer my doubts,

Stardust looked up at the night sky and slowly opened her mouth.

Soon, she began to tell her story.

“Actually, at first, I didn’t like you. Because you were a villain. Naturally. I just wanted to catch you.”

“But… I wonder when it started? Ah. It must have been that time.”

“The day you hijacked the plane. The day you made the plane fall.”

“I couldn’t stop it. I was giving up. Do you remember what you said to me then?”

She stopped there, flashed a brief smile, and looked at me.

“…You called me and told me I could do it. I could stop it.”

‘You can do it. Stop the plane crash.’

“At that time, I didn’t believe your words. I thought, ‘How can I stop that?’ I thought you were trying to trick me to kill me.”

“But then you said you had no reason to kill me. I made you complete, so why would you?”

‘Why would I?’

‘You complete me. So stand up. Fly into the sky and save the people. You can do it. Because that’s who you are.’


And then, Stardust finally flew into the sky, stopped the plane, and successfully saved the people.

“It must have been since then.”

“I started to care about you more than before.”

When no one believed in me, and even I couldn’t believe in myself,

The first one to believe in me and tell me I could do it,

Was you, the villain.

Having said that, Stardust got up quietly from her seat with a weak smile.

Still, her gaze was fixed on the rainy night sky outside, her blonde hair fluttering in the wind.

As I was watching the ever-shining Stardust in the darkness,

Stardust, still wearing her wet red hero suit…”

Gazing at the night sky outside, she continued to speak without making eye contact with me.

“…And. There were many events.”

“Han Group caused a massive terror attack, Wolkwang sect attacked Seoul as a Muyeo, and the Demon King awoke at the trade center…”

As she looked at the sky, she listed the past events one by one.

Then, she turned her body to face me, making eye contact, and asked,

“Do you know what I realized after all this time?”

“…What is it?”

“Always by my side, you were there.”

She looked into my eyes and spoke with a sincere voice.

“Life without you, I can’t even imagine it anymore.”


“…Haha. Isn’t it funny? The heroine, me, depended on the villain, you. But what can I do? That’s the truth.”

Having said that, she showed a bright smile that a hero shouldn’t show to a villain.

With teary eyes, she said,

“…Actually, you made it this way.”

“Though you always called yourself a villain, you were the first to rush to my side when I was in danger. Risking your own life to protect me. Always looking at me, and staying by my side… continuously.”

“How could I… How could I dislike you?”

“Now, without you, how could I… How could I live alone?”

As the rain gradually stopped, Stardust confessed while wiping away her tears.

Soon, she laughed emptily, looked into my eyes, and said,

“You know? When you weren’t causing terror, I was waiting for you to do so, wondering when you would come.”

“Do you know why I acted cold at the end? It was because you didn’t pay attention to me, so I asked you to look at me for a while…”

“When you said you were retiring, do you know how much… how much I suffered? I couldn’t live without you anymore. But you suddenly left like that…”

After sobbing for a moment, she seemed to make up her mind.

With a more confident voice than before, she looked down at me and said.

“…So, I’ll confess here.”

As the sun disappeared beyond the horizon, and the moon was nowhere to be seen that evening.

Against the backdrop of countless stars embroidering the night sky.

Stardust took a step closer to me.

Looking into my eyes, she blinked back tears and smiled faintly before confessing to me.

“I love you, Egoistic.”

“Now, don’t ever leave me.”

And so,

She confessed to me with a quiet smile, as if she had laid down everything that was inside her.

…Listening to Stardust’s confession,

‘…How did this happen?’

‘How did it come to this?’

…I felt a sense of unease.

My goal was not this.

My goal was to become a villain and place my heroine, Stardust, at the top.

My goal was to become her arch-nemesis, so she could step on me and rise up as a hero.

That’s why I was going to get rid of the obstacles in her way, and instead become her enemy to help her grow as a hero…

‘…Where did I go wrong?’

Was it a mistake to approach her as a villain and provoke her arch-nemesis from the beginning?

Should I have not intervened in dangerous situations every time?

…Should I have avoided spending so much time with her?

It didn’t matter what it was.

…What was certain was that I made a huge mistake in the process.

And that mistake came back to me in a form I couldn’t have imagined.

…The one who always shone brightly.

The true hero who endured alone in any desperate situation.

Because of me, she became dependent on me.

She became obsessed with me.

While I was tormented by these thoughts for a moment,


As if yearning for my response,

From noble mtl dot com

In front of me, against the backdrop of the night sky, with an anxious expression… and an unexpectedly fragile figure that didn’t seem like a hero, Stardust looked at me with her blue eyes.

At this point, I had no choice but to acknowledge it, along with a certain realization.


That’s right.

The Stardust in front of me now is a different person from the one I knew in the original work.

She’s someone who has changed because of me, because of Egoistic.

“…No longer, in my memory. It’s different from the Hero Stardust that was in my memories.

As I was thinking that way.

…Then, I chuckled softly to myself.

‘Different, huh.’


The original Stardust in my memory, and the Stardust in front of my eyes were clearly different.

…But, what’s the difference?

In the end, what I liked was not the Stardust in my memory, but the actual Stardust herself.

I eventually, inevitably, always liked Stardust. Because I was her fan.

Fighting and arguing together, combining our strength to defeat other villains.

Always prioritizing justice, never hesitating to save others.

In the end, the person I liked had not changed.

No matter what form she took, I was prepared to accept it all.

Until now, I had always tried to stay away from her.

Because my existence could be a hindrance to her. Because my being with her could bring harm.

I always suppressed my feelings and pushed her away.


If she needs me.

If my being by her side completes her.

I won’t hesitate anymore.

I won’t hide my feelings.

…Wouldn’t it be right for me to stand by her side willingly?


With that response,

I stood up from my seat, wiped her tears with my hand, and held her in my embrace.

At the same time as promising her, I declared to myself, answering seriously.

“From now on, I will never leave you again. I will always be by your side. If that’s what you want.”



With that answer,

I smiled and told her.

“…Didn’t I promise you? That I would become your archenemy.”

“An archenemy can’t leave their hero behind.”

“…But you’ve been away until now.”

As I said that, she responded with a somewhat sulky voice.


…I hesitated for a moment.

But soon after organizing my thoughts, I cleared my throat and said.

“Actually, I was planning to come back. I just didn’t have a chance to tell you yet.”

I looked into her blue eyes and spoke with a sincere voice.

“It wasn’t a lie. I intended to return to Villain as the representative of Cathedral’s Korean branch. But I won’t take the lead, I’ll only manage from behind…

Anyway, at my response, Stardust still grumbled in my arms with a sulky voice.

“I can’t trust you.”

“…So, prove it to me.”

Saying that, she snuggled closer in my arms and looked up at me with her blue eyes, her blond hair spread out.

At that moment, I realized what I had to do next.

And so…

Under the star-filled night sky, I gently lowered my head while holding her in my arms.


At the same time, Stardust closed her eyes and brought her face closer to mine.

And then…

Finally, we kissed each other.


I could feel the coldness of her suit against my arm and the warmth of her body contrasting in my embrace.

At the same time, I thought to myself while holding Stardust, who seemed to be holding onto me tightly as if she wouldn’t let go.

…Until now, I thought I had become a villain obsessed with the hero since I fell into this world.

But it wasn’t the case.

‘…I didn’t become a villain obsessed with the hero.’

I, unknowingly…

…became the villain the hero was obsessed with.

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  1. Extra Extra says:


    Seriously though, since the end of the Prison event, I’ve been quite frustrated with their fumbling behaviour towards each other. I’m so glad most of that sh*t is now behind them.

  2. CeilingFan says:

    Perfect moment to stop reading when there’s a possible bad ending

    Ps. Baofalboaoabdosbsobdob it’s 4:43AM here and I am rolling on my bed wtfff bdakalaboabdabdosnxbxlalaaofdddo

  3. All Night says:

    About freaking time + title drop.

  4. Jamal says:

    Less goo, he bagged the sauce
    Now it’s time for the “happy ending” 😏

  5. Light says:

    Isn’t this technically cheating? He’s sort of in a relationship with the other girls, even if they’re not official

  6. Xenxy says:

    JODER, esto de verdad que es cine🚬🗿, 357 capitulos para este momento.

  7. Error311 says:




  8. Katashu says:

    So this novel tittle Will be come waifu wars’ doesnt it …

  9. matchamilktea says:

    I’m gonna reread this chapter over and over and over to fuel my diabetic desires

  10. matchamilktea says:


  11. She finally confessed!

    I’m so glad I found this series, following along with Dain and Shin Haru was enjoyable every step of the way,
    can’t wait to see how it goes from here


  12. Altxria says:

    This was so worth it

  13. Hal says:

    I am a 22 yr old man squeeling like a teenage girl with that confession, kissing scene and that Title drop… god I love this Novel

  14. Nandan says:

    Yooo I’m literally dying right now this is tooooo much for my heart

  15. Bocchan says:

    Goddamn this is 🔥 literally worth reading 💪😎💯

  16. Do says:

    I was here….

  17. cblaker says:


  18. Wok_Fuccboy says:

    It’s war guys
    The last arc would be heroine war not God anymore

  19. Curz 0 says:

    This is worth the 300+ chapter imo

  20. SpoilerMaster says:

    This is not tears, it’s my eyes sweating :,)

  21. jwslayer1488 says:

    bravo nolan

  22. warlockkkkkk says:

    Here it is… the culmination!

  23. Hu Tao Hu Tao says:

    Eyyyyyy waifu wars! Waifu wars! Waifu wars! Hahahaah

  24. huehue huehue says:

    Fexk here we go folks, botht the MTLed and TLed title became true 😭

  25. KillerFNK KillerFNK says:

    He said the title, he finally said it haha

    It was satisfying to see the confession but I was looking forward to the basement route

  26. Stradust: I will never gonna give you up never gonna let you down never gonna run around and desert you never gonna make you cry never gonna say goodbye never gonna tell a lie and hurt you.

  27. Buckget22 says:


  28. zozo says:

    im squealing like a little girl at 1 am lol

  29. Simplemente Cine 🚬 🗿

  30. Ermao says:


  31. simplethrone says:


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