I Became The Villain The Hero Is Obsessed With chapter 415

415 - The Final Battle (2)

415 – The Final Battle (2)

The fated day.

It’s been half a year since the prophecy of destruction was fulfilled, the day on which he would become a God has been announced,

So, the day has finally arrived.

“Now, everyone, to your final positions!”

USA, the operation headquarters.

In the glass-dominated topmost control tower near the area of the impending Sun God’s descent,

People gathered here sat in front of the monitors with tense expressions.

And the man leading them,

Wearing a black hat and a white mask, Ego Sticking.

And he stood in front of the window, calmly delivering orders.

The person in his sight at the far end of the window…

It was her, standing alone on the open plains, glowing gold on the grass.

The adversary of the Sun God, and the hope of mankind.

The Hero, Stardust.

[Miss Stardust. It’s time soon. Are you ready?]

“Yes, thank you.”

In response to Ego Stick’s words reaching her ears, Stardust gave a short reply.

The wind coolly brushing her arm clad in a suit.

She was quietly adjusting the arm. Around her, significantly, six large laser forearms were standing firmly, targeting one place.


And floating above, many drones with cameras.

These drones, made of special materials to prepare for battle, were made with the world’s strongest substance in preparation for the aftermath of the fight.

Everyone, to watch this fight. For the sake of being able to cheer.

…in preparation for counterattacks, hundreds of extras were flying together.

Thus, right before the fight.


Stardust took a deep breath quietly.

In the calm flatlands, feeling only her golden hair blowing in the wind.


She prepared herself calmly and composedly for the upcoming battle.

A battle against the God, fought for the first time with a human body.

And with that, eternal time passed.


The time has come.

“…57 seconds, 58 seconds, 59 seconds, 12 o’clock!! Now!!”

Finally, with a sound echoing from the control tower.

12 o’clock, when the sun is at its highest, came.

That moment.


Finally, with a roaring sound.

The sky over the prank opened.

Pe-chik Chik Pe-chik-

Like an error in the world, as if a twisted black galaxy has appeared in a blue sky.

As if another dimension has opened, the world became distorted.


From the center.

A white light, like a huge beam of light, straight down from the black galaxy to the plain.

And that moment.

“Now! Fire!!!”

Along with the sound echoing from the center of the control tower.


All God’s Moonlight guns, all at once, started moving towards the center.

And next, the attack took place immediately.


Boom. Bang. Booooooooooooom.

As if the world is bursting with sound along with it.

A thick beam of yellow light exploded toward the area where something white had dropped.

Accompanied by an enormous roar and a flash that momentarily turned the sky black and white, it was also coupled with a tremendous wind and concussion wave.


Stardust, above the plains, shielded himself against the gust of the attack happening in front of him. He did not avert his eyes from where the explosion occurred.


Certainly, an attack of such tremendous power could have sent any existence flying into the abyss.

Yet, everyone instinctively knew.

That lifeform in front of us will certainly not end that easily.

And then,

At the center of the bombardment, finally, as the white smoke began to faintly recede,

“Cough, cough.”


From within the smoke, someone emerged.

“Ah… that’s quite a fierce way to say welcome.”

Drag. Drag.

Despite certainly having let off an attack with all their collected might, here he was, looking as if he hadn’t been injured in the slightest.

Finally, a man who appeared like a sun god revealed himself.

And Stardust watched him with a hardened expression.

The male figure had short silver hair that shone white and his handsome, androgynous face was like that of a comic book protagonist.

Decked out in a sophisticated style that looked modern even though it was made of ancient white fabric.

He was,

“Hello, you must be the child sent by the star god.”

One of the three gods of the universe, the creator of this world,

The sun god and father of all those with abilities.

He was God of Creation, Helios.

And so, as his figure was being broadcasted to the world through sky cameras

People in the control towers were murmuring to themselves with bewildered expressions.

“…Why does a god look so normal?”

“He is handsome… But he is the feared god?”

This confusion was because the form of the god was too human-like.

After receiving the declaration of the god’s destruction half a year ago, these people who imagined god as a giant monster, were simply taken aback by the plain, handsome… Human-like appearance of God.

But, I was still watching the situation with a stern face.

I raised my hands and sternly spoke with a serious voice.

You are going to regret if you are fooled by his ordinary appearance.

And at that moment, the plain was quiet again.

Stardust, with a hardened face, spoke towards the sun god who had arrived with a slight smile.

“…Are you the sun god?”

“Yeah. Right. I am the god who warned you all before.”

“Is this your original speaking style?”

“Huh? Oh. I spoke lightly compared to when I told you all would die? Right. I spoke like that to frighten you all a little. But this is my usual style.”

Helios, the sun god, responded lightly.

Watching him, Stardust swallowed.

Just as Egotistic had warned her in advance…

Like the star goddess, the sun god took the basic form of a human.

He was much more relaxed than she expected, unbelievably so for a god who had come to destroy this world.

Of course.

Just standing in front of her, she could feel it.

Contrary to his carefree manner, what she felt from him… was the real deal.

Anyway, it seemed that they could communicate for now.

She decided to speak, opening her mouth.



“Why are you intent on destroying the world?”

The sun god, standing barefoot on the earth, looking up at the sky with his arms raised…

Soon after, he lowered his arms and turned to look at Stardust, answering with a slight smile.

“Ah… are you curious about that? Didn’t I say it was because I committed a sin then? Well, nevermind.”

He opened his mouth to say, looking straight at her.

“The real reason is simple. I created all of you, replicating the code from another world to test my power of creation. Now, I wanted to create a different life with that power. The total amount of power is fixed, after all. I needed to reclaim it from you.”

Still smiling, he then looked up at the sky and spoke.

“Well… I didn’t expect that you, the star goddess, Sidus, would oppose this, saying you couldn’t kill your own kind. After such a fight… it seems a bit like an emotional struggle now.”

Well, not that you’ll understand any of this.

Seeing him add this with a laugh, Stardust tried to say more.

If she bought more time, she could gather more information… Maybe even talk him out of it.

To her disappointment,

“Well… that’s enough. The conversation ends now, right? Enough of living in the past. We should get on with what we have to do.”

As he said this, he flicked his fingers.

Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom.

Along with the vibration felt on the ground, a desperate voice could be faintly heard from her earphones.

“[Egotistic! Angels have reportedly appeared all over the world now! We will immediately execute the contingency plan for the apocalypse!]”

As soon as Stardust’s face hardened.

“Hmm. So my angelic son ended up betraying me. I’ll have to deal with him later. Hey there, daughter of the star goddess.”


“Yes, what is your name?”

At that, Stardust spat out her hero name.


“…Stardust? Hmm. Did you name yourself after her? Anyway, okay then. Stardust, my name is Helios, the god of the sun.”

And with that…


The immense pressure from behind him.

In the face of this momentum, the moment Stardust gritted his teeth, Helios ascended into the sky, radiating a silver aura and said,

“You, as my adversary, must have been sent by her, so it’s only proper to take you down first and then deal with the rest.”

With his words,

Stardust saw it.

Behind him, who seemed like an ordinary human, the figure of a giant silver entity reflected.

Holding the silver giant behind him,

Helios spoke with a slight smile,

“It’s commendable that you have chosen to face me with a human body…”

“Now, let’s send you off to be with your God.”

With these words, the God lunged at her,

and soon Stardust was gritting his teeth, ready to face the biggest enemy in his life.

The final war was finally beginning.

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  1. Starfall says:

    Well I don’t think sun god is evil. It’s just that he is looking at things from a higher pov. Just like how we view ai and NPCs. He copied the code and made humans and wants to delete them to create new ones. Isn’t it same as cleaning storage from your device so you can store other files

  2. Rartra says:

    The Star God restarted the world twice.
    We are in the third restart.
    1) first – Original comic
    2) Original + Egoistic with great strength
    restart (failure, death of Egorstik)
    3) Current – death of an Egostik with weak powers
    I think the help of the Moon God is needed

  3. Enter says:

    Episode 419
    diary magic seal unlocked

  4. huehue huehue says:

    Man, I’ve been reading this novel for more than a year now. I both anticipate and dread the day when this novel ends 🦖

  5. Bocchan says:

    I hope that the ending after defeating helios it becomes Dain suddenly goes back to his earth without answering any of his girls/lovers and mysteriously disappear & all of them & the world became Chaotic(accusing each other of keeping him in their basements or smh) finding him going as far as asking the 2 gods & him living normally there lmao

  6. KillerFNK KillerFNK says:

    Finally, we enter the final stretch

  7. SpoilerMaster says:

    Dayum is it almost the end? 😅

  8. simplethrone says:

    I did see it. So there’s a reason why Dain has to be here after all.

  9. Did no one talk about the apparent foreshadowing that this world was created based on “code” from another world, i.e. the story in Egoistic’s world if not using the humans from his world to create this world’s humans?

    1. Doublesubwalfas says:

      I’ll be honest that’s an interesting foreshadowing

  10. RealEason says:

    another damn cliff

    1. RealEason says:

      tf? my comment got posted twice

  11. RealEason says:

    damn cliff again

  12. Perank says:

    With author’s update speed, I think we will done next month

  13. amogustimestwo says:

    See you guys in the finale, we’ll have to wait till next year!

    At least it’ll feel like lol

  14. CeilingFan says:

    Dain will die and will get resurrected for sure

  15. CeilingFan says:

    Fck now I need to wait and stack up, please update more and in bulks please please please

    1. Tortascom says:

      En realidad el que tarda en actualizar es el escritor sur coreano, aunque 5 capitulos lleva casi una semana más otros días para que mlt actualice es bastante rápido. Jajaja

  16. Amunmu says:

    El fin se acerca ☝🥵👌

    1. Cero says:

      Indeed friend , it’ coming 😶

    2. Egg123 says:

      En efecto

      1. Cero says:

        En efecto, se acerca 🥵

  17. Cero says:

    The end is approaching 😮

  18. Themadman212 says:

    I predict da in will die and be resurrected. Wonder. If his new power will blow up the sun god tho

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