I Became The Villain The Hero Is Obsessed With chapter 425

425 - Epilogue

425 – Epilogue


“Dain… wake up.”


Upon the soft bed.

I, who was momentarily silent at the sound calling me there, woke up from my sleep, rubbing my blurry eyes, and opened them.

Then, before my eyes, she appeared, with blue eyes smiling.

Feeling her golden hair, which had slipped down, tickling my face, I mumbled to her with a voice still groggy from sleep.

“…Haru. Are you awake?”

“Yes. Get up quickly.”

Along with those words, Haru kissed me briefly with a smile.

Feeling the sensation on my lips, I chuckled lightly, and soon got up from my spot, stretching.

“uuu… okay. Let’s get up.”

Today is another day to start.

Thus, we, who slept and woke up together in one bed, washed up simply. After one more kiss, we exited the bedroom.

And as we descended the stairs heading towards the living room, what we saw was…

“Ah! Brother, you’re awake?”

“Yes, Seo Eun-ah. Did you sleep well?”

Sitting on the sofa, flipping through the remote, was Seo Eun, who greeted me with a bright voice upon seeing me.

With that, she got up from her spot, came towards the stairs, and then naturally embraced me in my arms.

“hehehe… Brother.”

“Yes. Okay, okay.”

I gently caressed Seo Eun, who rubbed her face against my chest, showing more affection than usual today, with a small smile.

…And observing such a scene, Haru just stood by my side, with a gentle smile on her face.

“hehehe. Did Haru unnie sleep well too?”

“Yes. I slept well.”

Then, afterwards, with Haru and Seo Eun chatting and heading towards the living room behind me, I briefly glanced towards the living room.

…In the adjacent kitchen, three people were gathered, wearing aprons, and doing something.

“No, Celeste-ssi. That’s not how you cut it. Look here.”

“Huuu… it’s difficult. Can’t I just use my power?”

“No. You need to know how to do it by hand for it to be sincere. Look, Halo is doing well. Try doing it like her.”

“…Compliments make me shy.”

Subin-ssi, Celeste, and even Halo.

The three women were gathered, seemingly cooking.

When I was watching them…

…Perhaps sensing my gaze, Subin-ssi, who was cutting vegetables with a knife, turned her head to look at me and greeted me with a bright smile.

“Ah, Dain-ssi! Have you woken up?”

With her gesture, the others also turned their heads and greeted me with smiles.

“Oh. Egoistic, you’re awake?”

“…Master, you’re awake.”

“hahahaha, yes. Did everyone sleep well?”

After I greeted back, upon asking what they were doing, Subin-ssi spoke with a tender smile, holding the kitchen knife.

“It’s nothing special. Celeste-ssi wanted to learn to cook. So Halo and I were teaching her.”

“hehehe. That’s right. Egoistic, look forward to it. I will prepare breakfast today.”

“…hahahaha. I’m looking forward to it. Is there anything I can help with?”

“No. There are already many people in the kitchen, so please rest over there.”


Responding with a smile to her words, I headed towards the sofa where Seo Eun and Haru were sitting.

As I went there, Seo Eun, tapping next to the sofa and pointing to the TV, said,

“Brother! Look at this. There’s a story about you.”

With her words, I, who had flopped down on the sofa, leaned back and looked at the news on the TV screen.

[Next news. It’s been several weeks since Egoistic, the leader of Egostrim and a global hero, resurrected in the middle of Seoul…]

With that, the screen showed footage of me at the time of my resurrection.


In the middle of downtown Seoul.

Something fell from the sky with a bright yellow light pillar and a tremendous noise in that place.

…That was the way I was resurrected in this world.

From Stardust’s side, I descended in a spectacular manner, much like when the sun god sent down Halo.

Of course, having made such a fuss upon returning, it was self-evident that the spectacle was captured on camera and spread worldwide.

…As a result.

After my return, for a while, the broadcasts only covered the news of Egoistic’s resurrection.

Especially in South Korea, people were sobbing with emotion. It was a grateful yet bizarre event…

Anyway, after resurrecting in that manner, I announced that I would stay in the mansion for rest and stability and have been living in this same mansion.

…And, as if it was natural, my comrades were with me.

Everyone cried a lot on the day I returned. So much that I felt terribly sorry.

…Maybe the good news is that everyone got along while I was gone.


In the meantime, while looking at Haru, who was watching me appear on TV with a contented smile, in the midst of unknowingly smiling,

Boom- Kwaang-

Suddenly, I heard loud noises coming from under the blue sky outside the window, and naturally asked Seo Eun,

“Seo Eun-ah. Are they still doing that?”

“Yes. Don’t even talk about it. They say they have to get the most out of their powers before they completely disappear…”

Shaking her head back and forth while saying that, I listened to Seo Eun and chuckled, thinking.

After the sun god fell.

…As it appeared in the original work, the abilities of the super-powered individuals began to fade gradually. If time passes like this, even the strongest superhumans will become completely powerless.

And as a result.

…Trying to enjoy as much as possible before these powers completely vanish, Choi Se-hee and Seo Ja-young went out every morning to fight each other.

Of course, Ha-yul and Ariel, who were dragged along with them, were included.

“…Anyway, Eun-wol said she’s going to tell them to come back because it’s almost time to eat. They’ll be back soon.”

In response to Seo Eun’s following words,

I looked outside the window to see if they were returning.

…Clearly, since no larger sounds had been heard since the previous noises, are they slowly coming back?

Well, I can’t see them against the clear blue sky, so they’ll be back soon.

Of course, I could see the ones in the mansion’s front yard.


Lying on a sunbed in the front yard, reading a book in a strange combination of white robes and sunglasses, was the spirit-ssi and…

[hehehehem~ hahahaha! I missed this.]

Holding a big pair of shears and humming, doing some yard work, was Uncle Desik.

…By the way, when I, who had summoned Uncle Desik again as soon as I came back, asked if he was okay after hearing that Stardust saw him in the afterlife with his wife…


! Of course. Initially, when I’m in the ring, I’m in the afterlife. And sometimes seeing each other is even more precious! hahahahaha!]

…Such was the reply.

Such a consistent uncle.

While I was thinking that,

On the TV, peaceful everyday stories, which lightly grazed my ears, were being broadcast.

[Breaking news. In the National Assembly, South Korea’s first ‘National Honoree Limited Polygamy Permit Law’ has been passed. This bill, also known as the polygamy law…]

…Wait a minute. It seems like I heard something strange.

With a sense of disbelief, I, who lifted my head, saw Lee Seol-ah, in the National Assembly, boasting with a triumphant face, smiling, and felt incredulous.

No. Why are you appearing there…?

As I was about to look at the news again,

Just then, there were noisy sounds from the entrance, and soon the ones who had gone out came into the living room, towels around their necks.

“Phew… all showered. Oh, Dain’s awake?”

“What’s this… Yawn. Yes. Hello, Dain.”

“Dain oppa, are you awake?”

Seemingly freshly showered Choi Se-hee, Seo Ja-young, Eun-wol, and Ha-yul.

While I was exchanging greetings with them, a loud voice came from Subin-ssi in the living room.

“Everyone, come eat breakfast~.”


“Okay, unnie.”

So, they headed towards the kitchen,

And I, who was sitting on the sofa watching them with a contented expression, soon turned my head and looked out the window again.

It took a long time.

Finally, the original work ended, and the world entered the post-original era.

Although many cities were destroyed and there were those we lost… Unlike the original, I finally succeeded in saving the world.

Of course, there were still issues.

Although the superhumans’ abilities were weakening, the remaining abilities, the uneasiness regarding terror that residual villains could cause, the society to be newly established after the complete disappearance of the supernatural abilities, and how long the alliance between the heroes and villains would last… various concerns remained.

Strangely, though, I was not too worried about those things.

I wonder why.


At about that moment, when I was thinking,

I, who turned my head again at the sound of that voice calling me,

“…Let’s go.”

From noble mtl dot com

There, stood,

Haru, having risen from her seat, shining her golden hair in the sunlight, smiling, and extending her hand towards me.

And seeing her,


I, who smiled faintly, soon held her hand and rose from my spot.

Where was I?

…Yes. Somehow, now, I was not particularly worried about the future.

Although big problems were gone.

If we are all together, knowing this happiness can continue, is it?

“Let’s go, Haru-ssi.”

I, smiling, said to her,

Moving my steps towards where everyone was gathered, thought quietly.


I felt that this peace might continue in the future.

-I Became the Villain that the Hero is Obsessed with. The End.

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  1. Iustinus says:

    Ha sido todo un placer caminar al lado de esta novela. Dios, jamás la voy a olvidar por todos los momentos divertidos que he pasado. Sé que el autor probablemente no podrá leer esto, pero agradezco de todo corazón el que nos haya traído esta historia. Sé que tuvo sus altas y bajas, algunas veces era frustrante, pero igualmente divertido. Amé mucho esta novela, te extrañaré, Da-in.

  2. Geojv says:

    I didn’t do my essay to read this ending and it was damn worth it.

    The ending was very nice, I will miss this series 🥂

  3. BOBBY says:

    Great novel overall, I liked it a lot

  4. Guys, if you like the harem/romance/drama aspects of this novel, I strongly recommend you reading “The Main Heroines are Trying to Kill Me”.

    Different from this one, which had only one “bad ending” by the end of the story, there you will have several “bad endings”.

    As the protagonist also has a power similar to the one shown here by the Star God (time rewind), he keeps “traveling back”, in pursuit of an ending where everybody becomes happy.

    Also different from here, where the author spent only one or two chapters portraying the aftermath of the protagonists death and the suffering of the heroines, there the author uses several chapters showing how desolated the world and the heroines became.

    For those who like this type of drama, “The Main Heroines are Trying to Kill Me” is excelent.

    1. BOBBY says:

      I Heard about it since long Time ago, I think i’ll give it a try sooner or later. I have some other novels too finish first.

  5. Oh man!!! So good!!!! Now I’ll be left with a feeling of longing for a long time…

  6. Jack says:

    What the heck…..93 comments with this…..this chapter maybe the chapter with most comments on it…..

  7. Jack says:

    This sure is a masterpiece…..made me rode emotional rollercoaster 🎢🎢🎢….hope you had a good ride too…..I was here as well as you…..but all good things must come to end…

  8. Nigh Fox says:

    Por fin pude finalizar una lectura, simplemente increíble. Gracias Noble por traernos entretenimiento

  9. SweinDust says:

    Kudos 🫡, one of the best novels I’ve read, not because of plot but because of how fun it is, anyways good bye people

  10. This is what we call Perfect Ending ❣️

  11. Citizen27 says:

    What a beautiful ending. I was here. – Citi

  12. CeilingFan says:

    What a Journery I hope our mc and the heroines will ge what they deserved and continue living a chaotic happy life.

    I was here!!!
    [Egoistic!, Egoistic! Egoistic!!]

    1. CeilingFan says:

      I hope I’ll see you, my fellow readers in another masterpiece end, goodbye and see you!

  13. Segg lord says:

    Well good thing must come to an end after all, i love how this story has proper ending not the rush one like ending maker so 9/10 for this novel

  14. I love fish says:

    🐟: Kuhhh. What a happy ending, a perfect ending.
    Rate : 10/11.
    Reading from beginning to end of this story was not boring for me.

  15. Ishira says:

    Damn it was a great ride, the story actually a story with actual plot, not stagnant and not over the top. Thanks to the Author and the TL team, definitely will buy this if it ever get English release.

  16. Extra 77 Extra 77 says:

    Спасибо за это произведение я рад за да ина и хару и других девочек😭😭😭

  17. quick question. since celeste inherit sun god power and get stronger overtime, will all power gone or just weaking and go back to normal. Since in the original celeste die, no one has sun god power but in this timeline celeste still exist and have sun god power although she still need time to absorbs all his divinity.
    we really need after story to confirm this

    1. Chara says:

      If I’m not wrong, Celeste can now decide if she want to give out power to everyone in the world after she fully absorbed all of Sun for divinity or keep it all to herself to make her the stronger

  18. That’s a great ending. This was the only book I enjoyed on this site. Please suggest books similar ( with a good plot, no academies). I don’t know what to read anymore.

  19. I have been lurking on this website for the longest time; always putting off creating an account. Now that this, the novel which brought me to this website, has ended, I thought that there is no better time than now.

    See you guys in the next novel! It was a journey…

  20. mr.8inchduck says:

    Well, this was nice. Thanks translator, thanks author and thanks my fellow men of culture.
    I will see you again in another comment section. ✌️

  21. 7171 says:


  22. Game On Game On says:

    Thanks to the author, the comments here, noble and his mtl tool. I throughly enjoyed this story. Hoping for sidestory too. See ya.

  23. Saik oscuro says:

    I must humbly admit that it was a profound and humbling honor to embark on this literary journey with all of you, my dear siblings. It is with a heart full of gratitude that I wish Dain, Stardust, and all the other characters within the tapestry of this beautiful novel a lifetime of unending bliss and joy. For the first time, I extend my heartfelt appreciation for serendipitously stumbling upon this page and, in doing so, uncovering this exquisite work of art alongside you all. With tears of bittersweet farewell in my eyes, I reluctantly say goodbye, cherishing the memories and camaraderie we have built throughout this literary adventure.”

  24. Extra Extra says:


    What a great read… With a harem ending!

    Hell yeah!!

  25. Gentlemen, it was an honor to read this with you.

  26. Alejandro Barrionuevo says:

    What a beautiful story. Thank you all for accompanying me with your comments throughout this story and waiting for updates. At one point, I didn’t know if the MC was going to end up in a basement, hahaha. But if I’m honest, I like symmetry, so I would have liked it more if the priestess of the moon also became a goddess. Between the three of them, they could have created a deity body for Egoistic. You already know from the theme that they have eternal youth with immortality. But, well, it’s a great story. It’s the first on this page that I’ve followed until the end.

  27. Jawshem says:

    Been a wild ride. The tears and happy moments i felt while reading the novel was great. I had a blast reading this.

  28. Gabriel says:

    No me esperaba un final tan rápido, enserio que leer esta novela me brindó muy buenos momentos y su final definitivamente me gustó, aunque no estaría mal unos extras dónde podamos ver una boda o quizás hij@s jaja.

    La guardaré en mi memoria entre mis novelas favoritas y me sentiré algo vacío al saber que ya acabo.

    Muchas gracias.

  29. Andre Silva says:

    Cara, eu acompanho esse romance a um ano e meio, e depois dele finalizar agora que eu percebi o vazio que ele deixou em mim, foi simplesmente fantástico acompanhar essa história desde os primeiros capítulos até agora, e parabéns para o autor que mesmo tendo alguns deslizes na sua escrita ainda conseguiu fazer esse final lindo e sem pontas soltas.
    Tenho tantas emoções que nem sei as palavras que usar agora, porém tem uma coisa que eu queria dizer desde o primeiro capítulo, essa história é MARAVILHOSA. Espero que no futuro, quando o autor melhorar da saúde, tenhamos algumas histórias paralelas. Enfim, ótima leitura e um ótimo final

  30. LazyComment says:

    Que hermoso libro le agradezco mucho a kissuru el presentarme este libro a través de Wattpad la verdad estoy que llora en este momento como se escribía cuando alguien se pone a llorar? Waaaaaah

  31. zarph says:

    i am crying rn bruh its really coming to an end

  32. Neko Bastard says:

    I can’t believe it’s actually ending.. it was nice ride. Now I feel empty

  33. Ozaki Ozaki says:

    Truly an amazing ending for an amazing novel… Thank you, author-san, for making this story, and thank yu my fellow readers for experiencing this story with me. If I had any regrets, it’s that I won’t have anything to look forward to every week, hahaha… But… Truly, thank you… All of you.

  34. Alin Alin says:

    The only harem novel and harem ending i love. I have been following this novel for years and i am so happy yet sad to see this end. No more weekly updates. No more cliffhangers. No more suffering. 😭😭😭😭
    Thank you for the amazing novel author-ssi. I would love to go to the original site but i dont know korean so please forgive me. 😭

  35. Baka says:

    The only harem novel and harem ending i approve. I have been following this novel for years and i am happy yet sad to see this end. No more weekly updates. No more cliffhangers. No more suffering. 😭😭😭😭
    I would love to go to the original site but i dont know korean so please accept my gratitude from this site, author-ssi.

  36. Onemanpassby says:

    Beautiful…just​ Beautiful…My​ life​ have​ no​ regret now

  37. Gracias por traer esta bella historia, hermoso final. Ahora me siento triste por ello…

  38. The17thNoah says:

    Countless thanks to the author for this wonderful story! It wasn’t perfect but it was always fun and interesting! I salute you for your creativity and perseverance to finish this long journey.

    And my deep gratitude to the translators for making this available and understandable in an impressively quick and consistent schedule!
    m(_ _)m

  39. Poison Tester says:

    Every Journey has its final day and I’m Glad i came and Joined until the end of story. Thanks for the amazing story and people.

    The Novel has been Classified as Diamond of NobleMTL.

  40. Gera says:

    I loved the ending. I hope that at some point it will be drawn in a Manhwa and I can see the characters.

  41. asiek says:

    Does the author have any social networks?

  42. Zehr says:

    It was a nice read

    Thank you author-nim and Noble i can read this work well done (sorry poor engurishu)

  43. SenatorArmstrong says:

    It was fun, bros. (T-T)7
    Now…Per Korean novels that has yandere and harem in it, I am expecting a 20-30 chapter side-story like Limited Demon Hunter.

  44. Honestly would have preferred a Solo Da-In x Haru ending, but the harem was done really well and tied up loose, and potentially aggravating ends, such as Haru coming clean about their relationship and all the girls getting along so It doesnt bother me, still glad to see Haru is undisputed #1 though.
    I started reading just about a year ago, an attack screwed up the server of the website I was reading on a few months ago and finally came back just a few weeks ago, and it doesn’t quite feel real yet. Probably not the whole story, but I will most definitely be coming back to read some select events, in particular the world end chapters before Ex Makina’s rewind.

    Love you all, This was a great journey and is a story I will never forget.

  45. Newbie says:

    Hoping to see the next work the author will make.

  46. Untouchable says:

    Tamat kah. Yah mau bagaimana lagi, setiap awal pasti memiliki akhir, dan ini adalah akhir yang bagus. Terima kasih author atas masterpiece nya dan… Selamat tinggal Da-In, the True Hero Villain Egostick.

  47. Bocchan says:

    Congratulations everyone & for author too – it’s a fun journey my heart was hurt & emptied by ending this series – hope to see you again by this author’s another new story or prequel 🤨

  48. Menol says:

    Novel yang sangat bagus terima kasih, jujur sangat sedikit novel yang aku baca sampai tamat dan tidak merasa bosan di Tengah², ini karya yang sangat bagus semoga penulis dapat membuat karya bagus lain dalam waktu dekat karena aku sangat suka sukses selalu untuk penulis

  49. Rein says:

    An ending fit for dain😂

  50. Everything must come to an end good things bad things. I enjoyed the journey along with you all. Till next time, hope we find another good journey

  51. Wiee says:

    oh , the end, what a ride. what should I read next.

  52. Duck Butt says:

    What an ending. Hell yeah! I don’t even remember when I started reading this but man, what a satisfying ending. Thank you, author!

  53. Je-san says:

    Ha finished weekly novel.
    It’s so fun to journey every week.
    Good end journey author!
    Times to rest and enjoy another novel.

  54. LonelyDuo says:

    Now the emptiness in my heart is here🥲

  55. Xjaksoxa Xjaksoxa says:

    It feels strange seeing this end

  56. Egg123 says:

    Estoy llorando

  57. Do says:

    Congrats on the ending, I have to say while the plot got a bit confusing in the middle of the story, the author still managed to bring everything to a good end. I will miss coming back to this once every 5 days to read the updates on this novel… been a follower for at least a year… 😔

  58. KillerFNK KillerFNK says:

    I think it is the first full-length novel that I read from beginning to end, I enjoyed each chapter although there were moments where I felt that the plot was not advancing, the author managed to recompose the path

    In the end Seolah achieved his goal that polygamy will be approved haha

    It was a pleasure to follow this story with you colleagues, I hope to see you in other stories 🫡

  59. SpoilerMaster says:

    Beautiful ending, honestly I’m afraid the author gonna make a mess on the ending like the Novel Extra’s author did, glad that didn’t happen here.
    Anyway it’s nice been with you guys, if you have any similiar themed novel worth reading please tell me :p

  60. Myaha says:

    I guess it’s harem ending with that passed polygamy law lol

  61. RealEason says:

    sheeesh good ending, last fight is kinda off ngl but it is an enjoyable read that I followed for the past year or so

  62. Nandan says:

    What a beautiful ending man I’ve been following this novel for a year now i already feel empty

  63. matchamilktea says:

    It was a pleasure to be a part of this journey with all you guys. Thank you author for this piece of work!!

  64. Kingshand says:

    Thanks for writing a great story. Few stories start and end as good as this one. Thank you for making something special like this.

  65. Well, it has ended now i feel empty but it was a good novel and ending.
    Now to wait for the side stories.

  66. I still hard to believe that it’s been a year since this novel was put in this website. It’s been an awesome journey.

  67. Tortascom says:

    Odio mi vida >:/

    Al último no hubo momento de sótano no nada por el estilo.

  68. Tortascom says:

    Estoy triste, triste, estoy muy triste que se acabó :c

  69. Cain says:

    Truly wonderful. It was a long journey, maybe with this I can die now. I’m truly grateful to have found this.

  70. kuro boss kuro boss says:

    Beatiful ending. I want to read the extra’s now. Harem ending is the best ending.

  71. Dayoless says:

    Sunday, October 15, 2023

    It’s been a pleasure reading with ya’ll.

  72. T MT T MT says:

    Finally……thank you author.

  73. Fyl says:

    It’s been a long journey and I’m glad I went through it with you.

  74. hussain says:

    good ending

  75. Mofi says:

    Hubiese querido que alargarán más al menos la parte final pero quitando eso fue bastante agradable leer la novela y nada pesada como me pasa con otras, la recomiendo encarecidamente si alguien no la ha leído

  76. Ag Sen Ag Sen says:

    finally the end, i can rest in peac……..
    it’s Iris and Kraken’s turn now!!!

  77. huehue huehue says:

    Here’s the author’s review if anyone would like to read:

    Hello everyone, I’m the author Seo Eun-ha!

    The novel “The Villain that the Hero is Obsessed With” has come to an end with Chapter 425 after running for over a year and a half. Did you all enjoy reading it?

    I’ve always wanted to talk with my readers, but I was worried that my words might interfere with your enjoyment of the work.

    Q. What kind of novel is “The Villain that the Hero is Obsessed With”?

    This is my first long-form serialized work and holds a special meaning for me. I never imagined so many people would enjoy it when I first posted the prologue. Thanks to your support, I was able to complete it happily!

    There were hardships during the serialization. I’ve been hurt by some negative comments and had slumps that interfered with my writing.

    But knowing that many of you enjoy my work gave me the strength to keep going. I’m forever grateful.

    Q. What did you focus on while writing?

    My main focus was always, ‘Is the story interesting?’ I wanted to make sure my work was worth your time.

    Q. What are your plans after completion? Any side stories?

    I plan to rest for a while. As for side stories, I have some ideas. Perhaps they’ll be published when you’ve all forgotten about this story.

    Q. What is the theme of the work?

    The theme is sacrifice. The protagonist, Dain, and other characters make sacrifices throughout the story.

    Q. Do you read the comments?

    I always read your comments! Your opinions have been valuable to me, especially those who supported me financially.

    Q. Any memorable episodes while writing?

    There are several, like the airplane episode, the first sacrifice by the protagonist, etc. I wonder what episodes you found most interesting.

    Finally, being able to write this novel and share it with you has been a great blessing. Thank you for all your support. I hope to meet you again someday.

    Thank you for reading “The Villain that the Hero is Obsessed With.”

    Author Seo Eun-ha.“`

    1. Jack Silver says:

      I have read every single chapter from start to finish. Really loved the story. One thing I really liked is that when translating you didn’t switch the same character from male to female or sister to brother. Made it less confusing. One story which I think needs told is egoistic and hacker girl first meeting, taking down the terrorist’s and stealing their money… through hacking and other means. It would also be cool if you did the main whole story from a dystopian world view… With Celestes father and mother as one empire and all the good guys parents as another empire. Also include monsters, elves, demon’s, dwarfs, the gods of these… magic and magic stones… You could also add aliens. Then have a school which enrolls people from each. Have some of the the hero an villain leadership as teachers. Add magic swordsman in as well… Also weapons which are alive. Then stick egoistic in the middle of it all but this time as a straight up dark hero… Like batman. What sort of equipment and armour would he get, build? He would also have the same abilities plus a few others which he learns. Have some fun with it. Tell me would this make an interesting story? You could also make it that a lot of the heroes and villains go to the school as first and second years representing their families. How would the story change? I hope you are doing well.

    2. Jack Silver says:

      I have read every single chapter from start to finish. Really loved the story. One thing I really liked is that when translating you didn’t switch the same character from male to female or sister to brother. Made it less confusing. One story which I think needs told is egoistic and hacker girl first meeting, taking down the terrorist’s and stealing their money… through hacking and other means. It would also be cool if you did the main whole story from a dystopian world view… With Celestes father and mother as one empire and all the good guys parents as another empire. Also include monsters, elves, demon’s, dwarfs, the gods of these… magic and magic stones… You could also add aliens. Then have a school which enrolls people from each. Have some of the the hero an villain leadership as teachers. Add magic swordsman in as well… Also weapons which are alive. Then stick egoistic in the middle of it all but this time as a straight up dark hero… Like batman. What sort of equipment and armour would he get, build? He would also have the same abilities plus a few others which he learns. Have some fun with it. Tell me would this make an interesting story? You could also make it that a lot of the heroes and villains go to the school as first and second years representing their families. How would the story change? I hope you are doing well. Looking forward to hearing from you.

  78. SomeDude says:

    It’s been a pleasure reading this with you guys. Hope we find another novel with a similar series with a more explored basement ending.

  79. huehue huehue says:

    Haaa, no more weekly reading of OV updates 🥲 This novel sure is isn’t the best, but along with TVWTL, they have taken a special place in my heart 🤼 I hope we’ll have at least 20 side stories.

  80. Oops, just in case. Thank you author for the wonderful work and whoever kept this story updated. If this is the last upload, thank you all for everything

  81. huehue huehue says:

    Man, I’ve been reading this novel since the beginning, probably May 2022. I can’t believe it ended. Fexk, I’m already feeling empty HAHAHA.

    Anyway, the author is having health problems, it’s probably why she decided to end it now. If there will be side stories, we have to wait for her to get better.

    1. Helel says:

      I believe i started reading this story after “the villain wants to live” ended (we dont talk about it), all i wanted was some good yandere story, what a ride, 10/10 would read it again, i hope the author gets better soon.

  82. Blue says:

    Aahhhhh, mahakarya! Akhir nya bagus. Terimakasih telah menemani ku selama ini (kuharap ada cerita sampingan nya setelah ini)

  83. Side stories! … No Basement Ending

  84. It was a fun ride, godbless everyone
    Hopefully author start another series

  85. Begun2end says:

    Now my time has come to leave after this beautiful chapter adios fellas

  86. simplethrone says:


    Still, the ending feels so fast but I think we’ll have room for afterstory.

  87. Hu Tao Hu Tao says:


    I would have love to see more of the reactions when he first got resurrected but this works fine.

    Hopefully tho we get to see some r19 side story chapters hahaha

  88. Yeetus says:

    Hopefully we get some side stories! Ive been reading this novel for 2 years I think? Im sad we didnt get to see too much yandere, but I am still happy!

  89. Cero says:

    Damn friend, I never thought i would read the end of this novel. Almost a year since i started and now the tears come from the fact that this work finally finished. Thanks to this novel, I discovered this mtl page, which is why It lef a void in my heart for a long time 😢.

    Pd: I need extras from the future, you can’t leave me like this :'(.

    kinda weird that Dain started addin -ssi
    wish there are side stories as harem is a GO

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not work with dark mode