I Become an Academy Award-Winning Villain chapter 26

26 - Chapter 1. Heroes are those who overcome irrationality (3)

26 – Chapter 1. Heroes are those who overcome irrationality (3)


The library is closed, so it’s a day off for me, and I can take a break while reading a book I borrowed from home.

But I dared to wear a suit and came to the main building of the academy.

Not to see the academy, but to check the ‘target’.

buzz buzz.

Many people head to the auditorium wearing similar uniforms.

The auditorium, which can accommodate up to 2,000 people, is where major events are held at the academy, and at the same time, today’s ‘entrance ceremony’ is held.

Normally, it would be just an ordinary entrance ceremony, but this year will be quite different from before.

“When I introduce the instructor today, he will come too, right?”

“Haa. Mr. Snow White… that he’s coming as a lecturer this year. I’m so happy.”

“To be able to listen to an S-class, even the strongest person in the Ice Barrier’s special ability lecture.

Both those attending the entrance ceremony and those who came to observe the ceremony are very interested in the existence of a woman.

Seolhee Baek.

snow white.


I am listening to the cheers of many people just by putting on a suit with other faculty members and taking a seat inside the auditorium.

‘Looks awkward.’

Baek Seol-hee responded to the crowd with a light nod of her head, and then sat still in her chair.

Being cheered by people is probably familiar as a hero, but it seems quite awkward to be cheered as a ‘teacher’ like this.


A familiar face rises to the podium.

“Ah. Now, before the entrance ceremony begins…”

The student council president, Yoon Yi-sun, grabbed the microphone and started talking.

Normally, even if it was an entrance ceremony, the faculty would preside over it, but maybe the student council president entrusted the progress of such an official event because of his outstanding ability.

“The order of the entrance ceremony is…”

While Yoon Yi-sun was talking about the order of the entrance ceremony, a text message arrived on my smartphone.


[Mr. Jihwan.]

[help me.]


It is Baek Seol-hee.

Baek Seol-hee, not anyone else, asked me to help.

“Ah, can I speak?”

I immediately called Baek Seol-hee, but the call was quickly rejected.


One text saying that I am unable to answer the phone.

I sent a text message right away, wondering if she might have secretly sent a text message.

[Are you sending text messages without anyone knowing?]

[I’m sending it without anyone else knowing, so please contact me via text message.]


Messages crossed.

The moment I sent it, the message was received, and it’s probably the same for Baek Seol-hee.

[what’s going on?]

[Tell me to congratulate you.]


I looked up.

“The order of the entrance ceremony is as follows…”

In the ceremony Yoon Yi-seon was talking about, there was no congratulatory speech from Baek Seol-hee.

But the reason why we are talking about the congratulatory speech now is probably because someone sneaked in on the spot saying, ‘Snow White will give a congratulatory speech?’

‘It makes trouble.’

What you say when you go out for a class president election is basically preparing for a few minutes before going out, but it is ridiculous to suddenly give a congratulatory speech at a large-scale event called the entrance ceremony, and even reporters from the press came out and were filming live.

But [Snow White] has to.

[The president saw me and suddenly told me to do it.]

[Wasn’t that planned?]

[Not at all.]


For Baek Seol-hee, it would not just be embarrassing, but it would drive her crazy.

Baek Seol-hee doesn’t often go outside for a hero-except for being invited to official government events as a face madam-, and she’s not a person who speaks well in front of people.

As a result, it is virtually impossible to give a speech ad-libbed on the spot.

This ability may be an S-class talent, but in other areas, she tends to master her skills through hard work.

In other words, giving a speech or congratulatory speech is not an easy task for her.

[Do you know a good phrase to use for a congratulatory speech? I like it even if it’s simple.]

“This is true.”

To think that I had to teach Baek Seol-hee at his congratulatory speech.

‘What is it?’

There may be a way to just ignore it and move on, or to take the time to say that you will find out as much as possible.

If Seol-Hee Baek’s celebration fails, people will surely ridicule and insult her, and naturally, Seol-Hee Baek will become disillusioned with others.

I might be able to sneak in and corrupt Baek Seol-hee into a member of the organization.


‘It’s true when the empathy level is like this.’

i can’t see

I can’t see Baek Seol-hee getting the so-called dog side in her speech.

When I watch movies or dramas, I am the kind of person who can’t stand to see the main character or characters put in an embarrassing situation.

Baek Seol-hee being ridiculed by people for giving a speech is no different from being ridiculed when people find out that I am naked after my transformation has been released.

And as long as Seol-hee Baek asked me for help, as long as I heard a woman ask for help, and as long as I could do it, I couldn’t just ignore it.

“If you’re thankful, I’ll buy you some rice later.”

Or, later, when my identity is revealed, I might think ‘Do Ji-hwan helped me during the speech’.

Those favors would stack and pile up, the result of which would allow me to survive or save my life later when I was captured by Snow White.


[I’ll send you a simple text message.]

I grabbed my phone and started typing quickly.

* * *

after a while

When the entrance ceremony is nearing its end.

“…More than that, I’d like to say that we’re about to finish the entrance ceremony.”

The chancellor pointed to the back.

“On behalf of the new tutors this year, it’s impossible for one of us to say a word to the new students. Come on, Snow White. Would you like to come out and say something?”

Students and observers, who wanted the president’s boring speech to end, drew all their attention to Snow White, who was sitting on the podium.


When Seolhee Baek stood up, the camera shutter sound started to sound rapidly.

As if a celebrity was giving a press conference, everyone started to keep an eye on Baek Seol-hee.

“Fellow freshmen.”

Baek Seol-hee glanced at her Taegeuk watch, then opened her mouth in a low voice.

“What do you think heroes fight against?”

At the welcome speech that began with a question, the freshmen tilted their heads.

“Villains who abuse this ability? Those who run wild? Evil organizations lurking all over the earth? Or, as some people claim, aliens or beings from another world that will come to Earth someday? What do you think? It will be different. I want to say this.”

Silence fell throughout the auditorium.

“Heroes are those who fight against ‘absurdity’.”


Everyone tilted their heads at the unfamiliar word, which was different from what was expected and completely different from what they had said before.

“From now on, as you live as people with special abilities, you will be faced with many choices and trials. There will be moments when you make yourself sick while pursuing justice, and there will be moments when you impulsively make judgments out of the greed of the moment. At that time Every world will give you an irrational experience in different ways.”


When I play Super Ma O, I run toward the goalpost and then there is a transparent block, so I put my head on it and fall into a hole and shoot.

I expressed it as irrational because it seems to be a position, but to put it in just two words-

‘There is no other job that suffers as much abuse as a hero.’

It’s a billion.

Those who want to become heroes live with a lot of mental pain, and the world doesn’t just give ordinary trials to such people.

And such trials sometimes appear in ways that are incomprehensible to the common sense of the hero and ordinary people.

Whether it’s malicious comments, incitement, or manipulation.

All kinds of malice that cannot be expressed in a few sentences is directed at the hero, and the hero must confront it.

“You will face so many walls of absurdity in the future. Will you break through them or avoid them? Or will you move the walls aside and put them back in place. It’s up to you. Here, at Sejong Academy, you can make a choice based on what you have learned and learned. Whether to conform to irrationality, compromise with irrationality, or fight against irrationality.”

Sejong Island is a place where people with special abilities can most easily increase their magic power.

Sejong Academy is a place where people with special abilities receive ‘education’ about what kind of existence they should be in society.

“The age when superpowers became a reality. Sejong Academy will provide you with everything you need to learn to live in this era. Of course, superpowers, magic powers, and superpowers are the same.”

I told her

“Whoever you become after you graduate from here.”

Baek Seol-hee sighed and smiled lightly.

“I believe that no matter what irrationality stands in your way, you will surely overcome it. Based on everything you have learned here at Sejong Academy, I hope that you will lead your world into the future with your own strength.”

Baek Seol-hee’s words made me laugh for no reason.

‘I was plagiarized.’

My words while eating after watching the movie came out of Baek Seol-hee’s mouth with a little bit of mash.

‘Not bad.’


yes, the future.

At least so that they don’t perish from meteorites.

With all my strength, I will fight against all the unreasonable things that are trying to destroy this world.

“thank you.”


The entrance ceremony is over.

A new year at the academy has begun.

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  1. Amunmu says:

    Fototeta como agradecimiento por el discurso 🥵👌

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