I Become an Academy Award-Winning Villain chapter 43

43 - Chapter 2. Villains have no rights (2)

43 – Chapter 2. Villains have no rights (2)

The term “villain” is used in many ways in our daily lives.

Usually, those who harm society’s morals are referred to as villains, but in this world, of course, they are ‘villains to be arrested’.

Then, what is the criterion for judging a villain?

or injure someone.

or causing damage to someone’s property.

Endangering public order and civil safety by committing crimes against the state.

Villains are those who have no hesitation in committing what we commonly call ‘crimes’ in our daily lives.


Can a person who makes such a reckless noise in a public place be called a villain?

[Ahh. Be warned. Yuk Gi-bong. If you don’t want to be arrested for noise pollution, stop now.]

A person with special abilities in a police uniform gave a warning to Ki-bong Yuk into the microphone.

“Yeah, what can I do! I can’t arrest you? I’m just a regular citizen? I’m just talking loudly in the square, right?”

[Did you know that noise pollution is also a crime?!]

“Anyway, it’s a misdemeanor? I’m not guilty of anything? If you arrest me, you’re arresting a person with a special ability? And now I… am I ‘experimenting my superpower’?”

He stretches his hands left and right, bounces up to his waist, and even dances to a point where he makes fun of the crowd.

“It’s a pity! This country’s judicial system, this Sejong Island’s judicial system can’t touch me! I’m Korean, I’m a person with special abilities! And there… I’m a minor under the age of 17!!”

“…It’s a triple crown.”

A mixture of three of the most terrible things in the world.

Of course, there are bright children in a new country who are growing up normally among those who have those three elements combined, but that ‘Chokbeop Jammin’ is an exception.

The standards of today’s chokbeop boys and this world are completely different.

In the case of an ordinary human being, the age standard of a juvenile boy is no different from that of Korea before being possessed, but people with special abilities in this world receive special treatment rather than a little special treatment.

– A person with this ability is a very special person. The reason why such a special person goes crazy is because the environment around him doesn’t support him. Isn’t it because our society still has different standards for accepting people with special abilities?

According to the same words, people with special abilities are treated relatively ‘lightly’ in being judged by the law until they reach adulthood.

Inflicting or inflicting serious injury on someone.

Unless it’s property damage that destroys someone’s car or house in half.

“Impossible, my country! You are going to arrest a future B-class talent with this kind of fuss? Yes, arrest me~! It’s enough if I emigrate!”

“Damn it….”

Other students, faculty, and even those who came to arrest them are not recklessly approaching them.

What if, after excessive suppression for no reason, they actually go on a rampage to emigrate?

-Someone said that someone had a disposition of a person with special abilities, and that person fled to Japan over there!

-No matter how hard it is, if you are not a heinous criminal, you should guide in Korea, what if you suppress excessive suppression to the point of exile?! Do you want to write poetry?!

Responsibility ultimately falls on the good guys.

So now, no one can recklessly subdue a non-villain against a non-villain.

In other words.

Even if he is a villain who is not enough to execute immediately, he is not a villain legally.

‘If it’s a goblin, I’ll break the earthen pot right away.’

It’s a little awkward to transform because I came out while eating, and I had a party.

“It’s a big deal. That guy’s hair is one of a kind.”

“If you’re just bragging about your suit, there’s not enough grounds for arrest.”

Yoon Yi-sun bit her nails and gnashed her teeth.

“That kind of commotion is honestly not worth the ban. It’s more than normal people drinking and messing around.”

“…because he’s a person with special abilities?”

“Yes. Because he is a person with special abilities. Even if he is put in a situation that is even slightly disadvantageous, he has a tendency to say, ‘Huh? You’re being spoiled?’

I’ve said it many times, but people with special abilities are like glass.

The problem is that these glass-like temperaments do not stay still and cause accidents by walking around on their own in dangerous places and fragile places.

“I’m glad I came.”

“Student Lee Seon, what are you going to do? Are you going out?”

“In times like these, I have to step in.”

Yoon Yi-sun patted her chest lightly and pointed forward.

“Because I’m the student council president.”


The law is against the law Even if Jammin can’t take action against a talented person, the student council is a different story.

“Yuk Ki-bong junior?”

Yoon Yi-sun steps forward.

“Kek, Chairman…?!”

Yuk Ki-bong, who was striking all sorts of poses while spreading his madness, took a step back as soon as he recognized Yun Yi-sun.

“What, what?! What’s wrong with you?! I’m promoting a ‘hero suit’!”

“So what you’re doing is propaganda?”


Yuk Gi-bong took off his helmet.

He was quite a fox-like guy, and though it was a little hard to say things like this to people, he was kind of contemplative.

“I don’t think this is propaganda?”

“Ha…! That’s a legitimate advertisement! What I’m doing now is the same as a truck salesman talking through a loudspeaker that he’s selling suits!”

“Is that the same as this?”

“Yes! That’s right! I’m advertising to people to make money in the future!”

It’s unmatched.

“Really? But I’m sorry about that. I got a report from the student council that I can’t study because of you.”


“No one can say anything about advertising, but wouldn’t it be different if it became ‘noise pollution’?”

“Who says they study on Sunday…!!”

“Don’t say anything carelessly. Among the people with special abilities, there are 3rd graders in high school.”

one of the saddest stories.

Those with special abilities must also take the math ability test.

No matter how much the world has changed, the CSAT will not change, so those with special abilities must take the CSAT under strict surveillance.

Shortcuts don’t work.

The only thing that works is the accumulated study.

“I don’t know because I don’t study on Sunday, but for high school seniors, Sunday is just a day to study without going to school.”

“I don’t know about that! That, and even if it’s noise pollution, I can’t stop! hahahaha, you guys just can’t do that anymore!”

Yuk Gi-bong pointed in all directions and burst into madness.

“Everyone, everyone has to pay me! If you don’t pay royalties for the design, I’ll file a copyright notice and sue! Ehahahaha!”

It seems that the talking phoenix wasn’t alone in thinking about it.


While Yoon Yi-sun was clearly confronting Yuk Gi-bong, I stepped back from the crowd and looked around.

‘It’s clear that someone on the scene is informing me of the situation.’

There are adults who are like garbage.

There is a person who uses Yuk Gi-bong as a propaganda tool, talking about patent rights and planting false winds by the side saying that he will make a huge amount of money for him.

I don’t think they’re watching from afar with CCTV or something like that.

It’s definitely on the spot.

“…Hello? Ah, Assistant Manager.”

[He said he was going out to eat? Oh my, judging by the sound you hear, it must be the scene?]

“Yes. It’s the scene. Are you watching the news?”

As soon as the hostess answered my phone call, she immediately grasped the situation.

“Can you investigate what happened?”

[I checked it as soon as the news came out, but the real name is not like Gibong Rider. It’s called a ‘powered suit for combat only for those with special abilities’. The official name is…’Sunshade’.]


I immediately turned my head.

[Sunset 24], [Sunset Cafe], [Sunset Spot], [Sunset Telecom], [Sunset PC Room].

Near the plaza, there are all sorts of ‘sunshade’ letters.

Convenience stores, cafes, Chinese restaurants, telecommunications agencies, and Internet cafes, a super-giant dinosaur company stretching its feet, is the ‘Sunshade’.

The same goes for the company that manufactured the Taegeuk watch.

“no way.”

[It’s the tyranny of large corporations. While trying to register the copyright under the name of ‘The Sunlight’, I still put the chief’s suit on among the dozens of designs.]

“Well, I didn’t think a kid would pull aggro in such a wide area.”

When a megacorp is involved, things all fall into place.

When that little boy asks what he believes in and says, ‘There is a shadow behind me!’

‘It’s a bit embarrassing.’

Sunshade is a pure conglomerate that has nothing to do with our organization.

Rather than being pure, they are beings who run all kinds of businesses targeting people with special abilities and use them to scrape all kinds of money.

According to rumors that have flowed in the past, I heard that they are trying to create their own PMC by secretly contacting people with special abilities who have completed compulsory education or those who have graduated from high school.

In fact, in the latter half of the work, it appeared similar to rice cakes.

‘How to do it.’

Should I go for a transformation?

As for the post-transformation situation, I’ve made up a lot of ways to deal with it, but in this situation, the goblin pops up again…

“Kibong Junior, people are agitated. If you continue to make a fuss with that appearance, will people really follow that look and make suits?”


‘Maybe I don’t have to go out.’

Fortunately, Yoon Yi-sun is persuading Yuk Gi-bong with words.

“I think if I were Gibong junior, I think it would be good to leave a deep impression on people by showing a good side with it or defeating a villain.”


“Isn’t that what companies call image making?”

Could it be that Yoon Yi-seon recognized that right away as soon as he saw it?

That there’s a shadow behind it?

‘Or maybe I’m just stabbing him.’

Whether he did it knowingly or not, Ki-bong Yuk is clearly agitated.

“Come on. Junior Yuk Gi-bong. Let’s get rid of the magic and go to the ‘Academy’. Before the police or adults interrogate you, the student council will stand up for Junior Yuk Gi-bong.”

“As for my Gibong rider suit…?”

“…As a student council, I’ll do my best.”

Yoon Yi-seon did the favor.

‘If you refuse the favor, goblins will appear right away. Please refuse.’

No matter how disturbing they are, the student council said they would be their shield.

“Then… First of all, that’s it for today. hehehehe, it’s the student council. Working for student human rights… Huh?”


When things are always going to go well, accidents happen.

“What. How did this…? It’s nonsense. I can’t do this.”

“…What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”


Yuk Gi-bong’s face was distorted like a real goblin.

“The patent was revoked…?! That’s international plagiarism?!”

Note that.

The association, Lee Mae Mang-ryang, is a pan-national organization.


A text has arrived.


“…As expected, Chairman.”

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