I Got the Academy Morale Rune 165

I Got the Academy Morale Rune 165

Chapter 165 – All-Out War (1)

Around the time he was receiving a quick lecture about [Training contracts] From Professor Kang Dong-wook.

After about two hours of settling down on Ganghwa Island, the belatedly departed main body personnel finally arrived.
It wasn’t exactly concentrated in Ganghwa Island, but the personnel were dispersed to different branches near Incheon.

It was Professor Tak Won-ho’s judgment at the control tower that the base of the 〈villain 〉 clan would not be established on just one uninhabited island.

‘That’s interesting.’

Watching the operation process unfold in a flash, I couldn’t help but admire it.

[Order of Convergence], Which is said to be a treasure within the academy.
Having the item stolen, and using it as a trap to find the stronghold of 〈 Villain 〉.

This process was not in the original content I saw.

‘There was no Hwang Seong-yeon back then.’

The ‘Academy Raid Operation’, which should have happened exactly one year later.

Hwang Seong-yeon, the vice master, did not participate here.

It was a raid operation involving Cha Soo-yeon, Ji Yoon-jae, and academy spies, and at the time, Park Jin-woo’s awakening and the participation of the main characters prevented the item from being stolen.

For this reason, 〈 Villain 〉 remained intact until the latter half of the play when Park Jin-woo went to attack the ‘City of Excommunicated Wolves’ dungeon.
The only ones caught were the academy branch, but the heads of the clan, Hwang Dong-yeon and Hwang Seong-yeon, did not appear often.

‘So I didn’t even think about catching the villain….’

Completely eradicating the 〈villain〉 clan seemed like a distant future.
In the first place, even my plan for possessing it for the first time was to avoid only 〈 Villain 〉.

But is it because the sequential plan was twisted and the operations failed one after another?

Unexpectedly, 〈 Villain 〉 launched a raid operation that would be too much for them, and as a result, they actually faced a dangerous situation.

〈 Villain 〉 A golden opportunity to wipe out the huge criminal organization.
It happened less than a year after being possessed here.

‘I have to catch it this time.’

I made up my mind.

〈 Villain 〉 is undoubtedly a social evil.

If only those guys were eliminated, there would be no obstacles to continuing the holder life.

“Oh, I have high expectations.”

While I was lost in thought for a moment, I heard a familiar voice next to me.
It was Park Jin-woo, who arrived in Ganghwa Island after joining the main unit.

This guy belongs to the same group as me in the newly formed search team.

“You weren’t interested in this before, were you?”

Suddenly, in the original work, the guy who hadn’t participated in the defense of the academy until Park Yoon-seo, his younger brother, was killed, came to mind and asked.

Then Park Jin-woo snorted.

“What are you talking about? Villains, you messed with our circle. I can’t live with being hurt. You have to give it back as much as you got hit.”

I was rather taken aback by that answer.

“We… Circle?”
“Uh. Why, that’s right.”

This child….
Pretending not to be, were you really serious about 〈 anti-villain 〉?

I looked at Park Jin-woo, who was indifferently checking the equipment, and then looked away.

Not only Park Jin-woo, but also familiar faces gathered nearby.

“… Jaehyun, hello.”
“Oh, are you here? Has your body fully recovered?”
“… Yes. I had a good rest.”
“I’m glad.”

Kang Joo-yeon met again after a day.

And with her arms crossed with both hands, she was with Kim Chae-eun, who sent her sharp eyes for some reason.

“Why don’t you say hello to me?”
“Uh? No, because I saw it now.”
“Something has changed.”
“… What else?”
“I don’t know. But something has changed!”
“… How do I solve it?”
“After the operation, make pasta. With creamy pasta.”
“Was that after all….”

I sighed deeply and turned my head to Moon Ga-eun next to him.

“Hello Gaeun too….”
“What did you say.”
“Why are you again?”
“Huh. Since when did you call me by name? Do as usual.”
“Ha… Why is everyone doing this to me?”

Why does he still look upset?

I scratched my head with a puzzled face.
The women around me couldn’t control my mood every single day.

“Do Jae-hyun.”
“Ah, Chief Kwon.”

It was Kwon Oh-joon who rescued me when I was in danger.

Behind him were team members Yuna Shin, Seongcheol Kim, Dongwook Choi, and Soomi Lee.

Kwon Oh-joon spoke to me with a smile on his face.

“How did you become a team again?”
“Iknow, right. I don’t know if we should all start a clan together.”
Haha. The sound of a big deal. Rather than that, it will be faster for you to enter the judgment of fire.”
“It does.”

The 5 hunting teams became the same party once again.
This is the party that will be in charge of the main unit search.

A team of about 15 people per party consisted of 4 warriors and wizards, 2 assassins, archers and divine people, and 1 special person.

For this reason, our group was assigned 5 teams of 〈 fire referee 〉 hunting, and 〈 anti-villain 〉 me, Kang Joo-yeon, Kim Chae-eun, Moon Ga-eun, and Park Jin-woo were added to make 10 people.
In addition, 1 divine class, 1 archer class, 1 wizard class, and 1 special class were added.

And finally…

“Master. Everyone seems ready.”

I approached a woman in the lead and said.

A white uniform and gray hair that fell like snowflakes.
Yoo Eun-seol, an S-class holder who boasts a clean and pure white atmosphere.

She, the strongest in this operation and assigned to the search team’s assassin class, was the party leader of our party.

Yu Eun-seol nodded her head and answered me.

“Okay, then let’s go. Holder Do Jae-hyun is the de facto deputy team leader of this party, so please keep reporting the status and trends of the party members to me.”
“All right.”

After the preparations were completed, our party boarded a boat heading to an uninhabited island.

Unlike Ganghwa Island, there is no special [Warp gate] On the uninhabited island, so we had to move by boat.

Our search island is Gijang Island.
It was the location of the [Order of Convergence] That Professor Kang Dong-wook’s bug was pointing to.


After everyone boarded, the small boat departed for Gijang Island.


There was a tense atmosphere among the party members on board, probably because they were about to fight a huge criminal organization.

Park Jin-woo, who is usually so talkative, was quietly checking his equipment now.
I also slowly looked back at 〈 holder information 〉 and the runes, preparing for the upcoming battle.

“Hey, Jaehyun.”

In the meantime.
Someone grabbed my collar and started talking to me.

Familiar way of speaking and voice.
There is only one person who would call me this way in the first place.

Looking back, it was Lee Soo-mi as expected.

I answered her with a smile on her face.

“Aren’t you saying you’re Mr. Chairman today?”
“… It’s not the mood to joke around.”
“…… ?”

Soumi Lee is the holder right?

She heard something so unexpected from her that she was momentarily taken aback.

There was no unique hum that Soo-mi Lee always adds, and her calm voice and serious tone were unexpected.

‘Come to think of it….’

She hurriedly looked her up and down, wondering if there was anything wrong with her, and her outfit was not like her.

Whether she was doing internal affairs in the clan or going out on field missions, she always wore a revealing nun’s uniform…
The style of the clothes I wore today is very neat.

A nun’s uniform, robe, and staff that covered her entire body.
It’s a costume that can be considered the standard of the Shinseong series, but it felt quite awkward when Soo-mi Lee wore it.

“What are you doing?”
“… It’s not like that. I just have a favor to ask of you.”
“Please? What is it?”

Does her holder have anything to ask of me as she is about her?

Soo-mi Lee looked around her for a while, then bit her lip and said to me.

“Lee Soo-yeon in this operation… No, if you find Cha Soo-yeon. She really wants to kill her with my own hands.”

And her words from her…
It was pretty shocking.

Cha Soo-yeon, the key executive of 〈 Villain 〉.
She wants to kill her with her own hands.

It was a word that could not come out easily without having a serious grudge relationship.

‘Ah, the other day.’

And in an instant, she remembered that Su-mi Lee’s reaction to her after seeing Cha Soo-yeon the other day was unusual.

She fears Cha Soo-yeon but at the same time seems to hate her…
A wave of emotions that I couldn’t believe when I saw her for the first time.

Even at the time of her appearance, I thought she was strange, but hearing her words today…
It was clear that there was something between the two.

And that question was immediately answered by Lee Soo-mi’s next words.

“That woman is my sister.”
“… Yes?”
“Cha Soo-yeon. My name is Sooyeon Lee. The worst psychopath who murdered all but her younger brother in her family 10 years ago. That crazy woman is my sister.”

After hearing the shocking story…
Everything made sense

Soo-mi Lee’s unusual reaction and Su-yeon Cha’s terrible laugh.

It seems that all of them were reunions created by intertwining threads of the past.

Just like our members who joined 〈 Anti-Villain 〉 in order to erase their trauma, Sumi Lee was another victim of 〈 Villain 〉.

“The fact that I made a turning point in the eradication of villains, and the fact that I found Cha Soo-yeon… It was all possible because Jaehyun moved the anti-villain. So I wanted to tell Jaehyun.”

Lee Soo-mi’s words as if she were emptying herself of her past.

I gave him a puzzled look.

Her heart understands a hundred times, but…
There was a part where the murder of a criminal could not simply lead to individual greed.

“Sumi Lee Holder, that… “
“I know. You can’t just kill someone, and Jaehyun doesn’t have that kind of authority. I just wanted to say And if I ever get revenge, I want Jaehyun to tolerate it.”

Silence soon became affirmation.

It was just a declaration of sorts, she had nothing more to add to her words.

Does Soo-mi Lee know that well?
She took a step back, her usual eye smile.

“Huh- Jaehyun is cool when he talks seriously. Anyway, don’t get hurt and do well, we.”

With short words, Lee Su-mi entered her cabin.

I also stood like that for a while.

And soon, looking at the sea, I emptied my complicated mind.

‘This operation… I must succeed.’

It’s not just a fight against organized crime.

An operation on a grand scale, containing many people’s revenge and unspeakable resentment.
An all-out war with 〈 Villain 〉 was approaching.

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  1. Ag Sen Ag Sen says:

    if he does that, might as well say goodbye to the stole item

  2. Su 183 says:

    Can’t he just use wave skill and sink the whole island? Or the earth thing

  3. Su 183 says:

    Starting all out war with 10 ppl and ‘I must succeed ‘ well good luck

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