I Just Wanted To Live but I Somehow Became Better Than the Protagonist chapter 3

I Just Wanted To Live but I Somehow Became Better Than the Protagonist 3


Just Want to Live Well but Surpassed the Protagonist – 02 Reversal

Thinking of his future, Ye Yong shivered. He absolutely did not want to become fodder for the protagonist.

Where’s my phone? Smash it again, maybe I can go back. Crossing over is too dangerous.

He searched the entire bed and couldn’t find any trace of a phone.

Wu Xue stood shivering on the side, not daring to make a sound. She didn’t know what was wrong with the young master, but since he hadn’t killed her with a slap, there might still be a chance for life.

Wu Xue’s current mental state was simple: she didn’t want to die, at least not before she found her mother.

Ye Yong, failing to find his phone, calmly thought for a moment. According to common tropes, it should have merged into his body, right?

Thinking so, he silently called out to the system.

‘Where are you, dear?’ A mechanical female voice echoed in his mind.

“Why does it sound like customer service from a certain treasure?” Ye Yong couldn’t help but blurt out.

‘Stinky boy, if you have something to say, say it quickly!’

“Why did it suddenly turn into a female thug?”

‘My person, is there anything I can assist you with?’

From Noble mtl dot com

“A maid?”

‘Kneel down and speak your wish.’

“A queen this time? Everyone else’s system is an emotionless task distributor and lottery machine. Why does my system seem like it has a screw loose?”

After a moment of silence, the mechanical female voice spoke again: ‘Hello.’

“It feels a bit more normal now.”

‘The host does not need to speak out loud; just think the words in your mind.’

‘Is that so?’ Ye Yong tried it out.


‘Can you explain why you went haywire just now?’

‘Because many inexplicable memory fragments were detected in the host, the system hoped to transform into a style that would satisfy the host.’

‘Memory fragments?’ Ye Yong recalled the numerous novels he had read and the many art action films he had watched, indeed encompassing various styles: ‘You’re quite humanized. I think a normal style will do, especially since your emotionless mechanical voice can’t really pull off any other style. Wait, if I talk to you like this, will I be targeted?’

‘Rest assured, the system is an emotionless task distributor and lottery machine; it does not engage in targeting.’

‘Although your voice is mechanical, the way you speak seems intelligent…’

‘What benefit would the system have in targeting the host?’

‘Conversely, what benefit do you have in being nice to me?’

‘The system is a companion system; as the host grows stronger, the system also becomes stronger. So being nice to you is being nice to the system.’

‘Wait a minute. The Emperor of Emperors in the fantasy novel, with possession as a plot point, you wouldn’t…’

Ye Yong felt that it was possible that after he became stronger, the system would possess him, making a wedding dress for someone else.

‘The system is a higher-dimensional existence; there is absolutely no need to possess a physical body.’

‘Then how did you end up bound to me? I was just reading a novel, and my phone slipped and hit my face, are you my phone?’


‘The system was not a phone destined for the host, and its binding to the host was a random event. The system’s full name is “Reverse Fate,” designed to help the host rewrite their predetermined destiny. Crudely put, it could be understood as sabotaging the protagonist to strengthen oneself.’

‘Sabotage, sabotage the protagonist?’

‘Not the sabotage you’re thinking of, but another kind of sabotage.’

‘Sabotage, sabotage…’ Ye Yong repeated, still puzzled.

‘To cause chaos for the protagonist and strengthen oneself, does this explanation satisfy the host?’

‘I’m satisfied, I’m satisfied.’ In truth, Ye Yong wanted to see if the system truly possessed its own thoughts and intelligence. After some probing, he indeed found it to be thoughtful and intelligent. Ye Yong wasn’t sure if this was a good thing, but he had no way to get rid of the system. Besides, without the system, he would likely be sabotaged by the protagonist.

Remembering the vengeful nature of the supreme emperor among emperors, Ye Yong felt a chill throughout his body.

‘So, we are to target the protagonist?’

‘That’s one way to understand it.’

‘What’s in it for you?’

‘It’s programmed.’

‘Who programmed it?’

‘I don’t have the permission to answer.’

‘Is it a secret, or do you not know either?’

The system was silent for a moment: ‘The system doesn’t know either.’

He’s somewhat honest. Ye Yong let down his guard a little towards the system.

‘So, how do we sabotage the protagonist?’

‘Steal the protagonist’s opportunities and women.’

‘That straightforward and crude?’



I hope this captures the essence of the original text. If you need any further assistance, feel free to ask!

“What reward do I get after the robbery?”

“You can earn Reversal Points, which can be exchanged for many valuable items, take a look.”

A screen appeared directly in Ye Yong’s mind, and it took him a while to barely make out the items in the shop.

Just like those typical stream novels, all sorts of divine-level techniques and treasures could be exchanged, but the required Reversal Points were astronomically high.

Ye Yong thought about the corners he had cut, no, the nearly several decades he spent to become the Emperor among Immortals. With enough Reversal Points, he could directly exchange for the elixir to become an Immortal Emperor… Just by robbing the corners of opportunity and women?

Ye Yong glanced at Wu Xue, who was still shivering.

Upon Ye Yong’s gaze, Wu Xue stopped shivering, or rather, even her breathing stopped.

“Mom and Dad, your daughter is going to leave first.”

Knowing that he had become ‘Ye Yong’ from the novel, Ye Yong also understood why Wu Xue was so afraid.

In the novel, Ye Yong was outwardly humble and a graceful gentleman, attracting a large following of admirers after joining the sect. But in reality, before joining the sect, Ye Yong’s behavior at home was extremely violent.

After all, he was a genius with a good background. Would a normal person pay attention to the ants on the road? No, they would probably step on them without a second thought. To the likes of Wu Xue, the servants, they were just ants in ‘Ye Yong’s’ eyes.

If Ye Yong remembered correctly, in “Emperor among Emperors,” there was a mention of the reason why Wu Xue became ‘Ye Yong’s’ maid.

Her mother was a warrior who never returned from a mission, and many said they were dead. But Wu Xue stayed at her uncle’s house, a merchant who recently suffered too many business losses. Wu Xue had no martial strength or potential for cultivation, and although she was pretty, beauty couldn’t fill the stomach.

So her unscrupulous uncle sold her to a wealthy family. In fact, because the Ye family offered a high price for servants, Wu Xue’s appearance fetched a good sum. If not, her uncle might have been crazy enough to sell her to a brothel.

Wu Xue had only been in the Ye household for a few days when ‘Ye Yong’s’ mother took a liking to her. ‘Ye Yong’s’ mother doted on him and didn’t want him to develop a habit of killing indiscriminately, which could attract inner demons. So she got him a beautiful maid, hoping it would curb his violent tendencies. How Wu Xue was treated didn’t really matter to her.

After all, they were a prominent family of cultivators, and mortals were dispensable. Besides, Wu Xue was bought with money, and the Ye family had the ultimate say over her life and death, to treat her however they pleased.

Speaking of ‘Ye Yong,’ he was quite peculiar. Faced with the delicate Wu Xue, he didn’t lay a hand on her, but he did strike her. When in a bad mood, he would hit Wu Xue. Why didn’t he lay a hand on her but struck her instead? The reason was simple: ‘Ye Yong’ considered himself superior, thinking Wu Xue beneath him, and any interaction with her would be a loss for him.

Although ‘Ye Yong’ had a bad character, he was also deeply infatuated, devoted only to his fiancée Qin Shimeng. Before joining the sect, he constantly pestered Qin Shimeng.

Qin Shimeng didn’t reciprocate his passion, and when upset, he would take it out on Wu Xue, but Qin Shimeng quite liked Wu Xue. Thus, the more Wu Xue was beaten, the more Qin Shimeng despised ‘Ye Yong,’ creating a vicious cycle.

As for Wu Xue, she dared not express her anger towards ‘Ye Yong.’ Later, she met a man, or more precisely, the remnant soul of a fallen immortal old man by the man’s side, who discovered her potential, allowing her to awaken the divine talent of a Martial God, cultivate into an immortal, and become incredibly powerful.

To say ‘Ye Yong’ has always failed to kill the male lead, there’s also the factor of Wu Xue’s secret interference.

Alas, this Ye Yong is not that ‘Ye Yong’.

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  1. System is not send for him. Then who’s the one originally merge with System?

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