I Lost My Memory and Had Too Many S-Class Girlfriends chapter 11

11 - Too many S-class girlfriends (12)

11 – Too many S-class girlfriends (12)


Excellent rain fell.

It was a sudden shower.

I looked up at the dark sky.

As if representing my heart, the night sky was dyed pitch black and only the raindrops were spit out.


The lights flashed.

A bright yellow thunder rumbled.

The rain started pouring in earnest along with blackish dark clouds.

Rainwater seeped into the clothes.

I had no choice but to get hit because I didn’t have an umbrella.

I returned home wet from the rain.

It was dark inside the house.

There was a sad and calm atmosphere.

I hurried my feeble steps and sat down on the sofa.

I felt bad because my clothes soaked with rainwater were damp, but I didn’t want to move because my head was too complicated.

“What is all this about?”

Sitting stupidly on the sofa is only for a moment.

I immediately looked up at the ceiling and muttered bitterly.

And I slowly reflected on the events of the day.

I met three S rank hunters today.

Lee Ji-hyeon, Hunter of the Top 10.

Choi Seo-yoon, the granddaughter of Ilsung Group.

Ganghwa-ryeon, the daughter of former gangsters.

During the months of losing my memory, it seemed that I became lovers with these three people.

I couldn’t figure out how I got into a romantic relationship with them.

I couldn’t believe the situation I was in, to the extent that it was more realistic to think that they lied to me.


I let out a deep sigh and spat out a grumbling curse.

I want you to tell me right now that this is a joke. I couldn’t understand this situation at all. How nice it would be if you used the fact that you lost your memory as an excuse to tell her that you played a prank on her once. I could just laugh and move on now.

But it can’t be.

Lee Ji-hyun, Choi Seo-yoon, Ganghwa-ryun. Because all three were so serious.

“I’m going crazy.”

A romantic relationship with those three?

Does this f*cking make sense?

What can I do in a few months to become a romantic relationship with Lee Ji-hyun, Choi Seo-yoon, and Ganghwa-ryeon?

…… I guess I was a crazy person before I lost my memory.

Aren’t you thinking about the case when the fact that you’re wearing three legs is caught?

I’m not kidding, seriously, your life could be in danger.

No, your life will definitely be in danger.

“… ….”

I touched my forehead in silence.

My thoughts were so complicated that I couldn’t organize my thoughts.

With my body relaxed, I stretched out on the sofa and looked out the window.

The raindrops got thicker before I knew it and hit the windows hard.

Took! Tutuk! Only the sound of heavy raindrops hitting the window rang in my ears.

The sky was gloomy and dark, as if predicting my future.

‘What should I do next?’

In fact, I know the answer.

It’s not a difficult problem at all.

In the first place, it is safe to say that there is only one correct answer.

That would mean breaking up with them all.

If you break up cleanly before you realize that you have three legs, it will all be over.

‘Wouldn’t it be better to break up?’

I don’t think breaking up itself would be difficult.

It’s over if you give them a couple of acceptable reasons and break up.

At most, they’ve been dating for a few months, so there’s no way they’ll have high affection for me.

If you see the opportunity and talk well, you will readily accept the breakup declaration.

It’s okay even if you refuse to break up.

You just need to come up with a reason to break up.

You don’t have to think hard at all.

‘Couldn’t you be holding onto it?’

I had a stupid delusion.

However, she shook her head well and laughed.

Why would they hold on to an E-rank hunter like me?

Thinking about it myself, it was a really embarrassing delusion.

‘Yes. Let’s break up. We’d better break up for each other’s sake.’

To be honest, I was a little disappointed.

However, if there was such a thing as conscience, I had to part with them.

There was nothing good for them if they were lovers with a three-legged guy.

Of course, it would be reasonable to tell them that you have three legs and say goodbye, but… Tsk.

Anyway, did I not feel guilty in the past?

What the hell were you thinking and why did you cross your legs?

At most, I was the same as I was a few months ago. Why?

Due to my personality, there’s no way…….

‘Ah. Head hurts.’

Is it because there was too much work today?

I felt a migraine.

It felt like it would break.

I got up slowly from the couch.

Come to think of it, my clothes are damp and chilly.

I should take a shower soon and change my clothes.

…… Shall we start by looking for clothes to change into?

I trudged on and rummaged through the closet.

It must have been a comfortable indoor suit.

That was the moment I was rummaging through the closet.

‘…… Huh? What?’

The pockets of certain outing clothes are heavy.

Something is in the pocket.

I put my hand in my pocket wondering what it was.

Now then.

“What is it? Why is your phone here?”

A familiar mobile phone has appeared.

I think I forgot to put my cell phone in my street clothes just before I got into an accident.

Have you been forced to go out with the thought that you lost your cell phone and then get into an accident?

I was speechless because it was so absurd.

…… Come to think of it, I think something similar to this has happened before.

You probably lost your wallet then, right?

I once forgot where I put my wallet and searched for it for days.

How dumbfounded I was when it finally came out of the pocket of my street clothes.

‘Everyone…… It also doesn’t turn on. I need to recharge.’

As expected, the cell phone was discharged.

It was a natural result as it had been neglected for a long time.

I put my phone in the charger.

Then I took a change of clothes and a towel and went to the bathroom.

Since your body is damp, let’s take a bath and check your phone.

How much time has passed like that?

After taking a bath before I knew it, I turned on my phone while drying my hair with a hair dryer.

The company log popped up while vibrating.

The standby screen was displayed soon.

“…… ?”

What is this?

I blinked my eyes.

Why do I have so many missed calls?

[196 Missed calls.]

[999+ Unread messages.]

I went into Contacts and checked individual lists.

Most of the calls came from them.

Lee Ji-hyun said that he had not been contacted for several weeks.

That means that the time you lose your phone is weeks at most.

A bit much for a few weeks of missed calls.

I hurriedly moved my finger.

[Lee Ji-hyun.]

[12 Missed calls.]

[183 Unconfirmed KakaoTalk cases.]

[Seoyun Choi.]

[5 Missed calls.]

[46 Unconfirmed KakaoTalk cases.]

[Hwaryeon Kang.]

[3 Missed calls.]

[24 Unconfirmed KakaoTalk cases.]

“Not very much.”

Muttered while checking the list of missed calls and messages.

Worrying about not being able to contact you for weeks, text messages from the girls were densely recorded.

Why are you not contacting me, where are you sick, are you partly avoiding things, etc.

It was a content that made me feel various emotions.

‘Then who are the rest of the missed calls? No one would call me like this…… ‘

While I was browsing my contacts.

You clicked on the list of recent missed calls.

Then I couldn’t help but be surprised.

[Yerin Ryu]

[176 Missed calls.]

[Unconfirmed KakaoTalk 999+ cases.]


I was horrified to see a lot of unconfirmed KakaoTalk and missed calls.

Are you going this far because you haven’t been in touch for weeks?

If you don’t answer after calling this much, don’t you give up thinking that the number has been blocked?

Anyway, the lovers Lee Ji-hyeon, Choi Seo-yoon, and Ganghwa-ryun did not send text messages or phone calls to this extent.

But why is Yerin Ryu like this…… ?

I read KakaoTalk slowly.

– Thank you for yesterday. Then enter carefully, sir! See you tomorrow!

– Oh, I can’t seem to reach you. Are you tired? I’ll contact you again in a little while.

– Sir? Are you busy? My phone keeps turning off.

– It’s already been 4 days. If you see it later, please contact me.

– It has been more than 5 days. You’re not intentionally avoiding it, are you? Teacher?

– Sorry. Have I always been too annoying? I’ll be waiting quietly.

– It’s been over a week. The phone is always off. Aren’t you avoiding me? Yes?

What is this?

– Sir. Why don’t you answer my phone? Am I deliberately avoiding it? Really? It’s not. So please contact me.

– I’m sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Please be quiet.

– Did I do something wrong? Weird. Teacher. What’s wrong. If there is something you don’t like, please tell me directly.

– …… It’s been over 2 weeks. Is there anything that upsets me? Please tell me. Yes? Please tell me teacher.

I am out of breath.

I am dumbfounded by the numerous KakaoTalk content.

I was just reading, but for some reason my back felt a little tingly.

– Sir. Teacher.

– I’ve been patient for a really long time. Yes?

– The teacher told me not to come here recklessly. If you don’t answer, I have no choice but to go find you. So please answer me.

– It’s been weeks and you haven’t responded.

– Sir. I’ll see you Rather, look at me and scold me.

…… Are you coming?

Clean up your bewildered mind and read KakaoTalk again.

– Sir. I’m at the bus stop right now. It’s been a while since I’ve been to the teacher’s house, so I’m a little nervous.

– Ah. The bus is here. It’s quite a distance from the teacher’s house, isn’t it?

From noble mtl dot com

– I just arrived. If you walk a little, you will see the teacher’s apartment.

– Ah, it keeps raining. I didn’t bring an umbrella, which is a big deal.

– It’s the mall across from the teacher’s apartment. I see the convenience store I went to with the teacher the other day. The banana-flavored milk you bought there was really good.

– Soon you will enter the entrance of the apartment complex. Ah. I see it over there.

I swallowed dry saliva.

– Sir.

– Building 104. 1102, Right?

– I’ll be there soon. Teacher.

My head is tingling.

Are you really coming?

Oh wait.

What is the date of this?

Maybe not today.

There is a possibility that you have already been there.

I hurriedly checked the date on KakaoTalk.

[Today. 8:35 P.M.]

I checked the wall hanging time.

It was 8:40 now.

I turned my gaze to KakaoTalk again.

– Sir. It’s all here.

– It’s in front of the front door.

[Today. 8:39]

– Sir?

[Today at 8:40]

– Ah…… I saw a text.

– Are you inside?

– Right?


I heard the doorbell at the front door.

…… Someone is standing at the door

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  1. Manchester Black says:

    Okay, it’s true that they lost contact with him, but didn’t they go home in those 15-20 days missing for not answering the phone? Didn’t they say they cared so much? So I don’t see that.

    Okay, he didn’t lose his phone, he forgot where he left it because of amnesia, ok. But didn’t he look for it at home before? He didn’t change his clothes all this time? Didn’t bother to get a new one? Have you been home all that time without going outside, or going to the dungeon? Because he has seen three of them in half a day. Were you unconscious for several days and haven’t noticed? It doesn’t fit the timeline.

  2. Athanatos says:

    That’s pretty scary tbh.

  3. Byul Yi Byul Yi says:


  4. Runboy says:

    Ruuuun boy ruuuuun

  5. caliber says:

    Get fcked lol

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